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Chinese celebrating assassination of Shinzo Abe

Learn to read and then understand what you have read.
China invaded TIBET in 1950, which was when Sri Aurobindo predicted that the next attack would be on India.

Which happned during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962

Please don't set such high expectations from the Chinese. They can read. It's just that they can't process what they read.
Learn to read and then understand what you have read.
China invaded TIBET in 1950, which was when Sri Aurobindo predicted that the next attack would be on India.

Which happned during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962
First, Tibet is a Chinese territory for more than 700 years, China liberated Tibet in the 1950 not invasion. Second, China didn't invade India in 1962, Indians invaded China instead and China fought back, that's all. You Indians and Japanese who have ill wishes for China all the time are no secret and it was not surprising for an evil Japanese to make such "predictions" about China.

And don't you lie as you Indians like to, you said in the previous post that the Japanese predicted China will invade India in 1950, now you are saying it was Tibet:

"Sri Aurobindo who had accurately predicted china's invasion of India in 1950".

Do you have mental problem ?
First, Tibet is a Chinese territory for more than 700 years, China liberated Tibet in the 1950 not invasion. Second, China didn't invade India in 1962, Indians invaded China instead and China fought back, that's all. You Indians and Japanese who have ill wishes for China all the time are no secret and it was not surprising for an evil Japanese to make such "predictions" about China.

And don't you lie as you Indians like to, you said in the previous post that the Japanese predicted China will invade India in 1950, now you are saying it was Tibet:

"Sri Aurobindo who had accurately predicted china's invasion of India in 1950".

Do you have mental problem ?

Sri Arobindo was not an "evil" Japanese, he was an "evil" Indian.

The founder of "evil" Auroville. The worlds first moneyless community where people from all over the world are welcome to live and work.

In short, the complete opposite of China.

In simple english it means in 1950m he predicted Chinese invasion of India.
Let me summarize this thread.

Little Indian wakes up - has managed to get access to the internet - searches for bad news from China - finds something - has orgasm - quickly gets onto PDF (as he lives on here) starts a thread.

India - a nation where you can go for a walk and catch people pooping in every other side street - saturated with poverty and internal rampaging in breds - yet the obsession and excitement in finding an article from China is what he lives for? What a pathetic existence.

Like any other nation China has 1.2 billion population with 1.2 billion views and opinions - just because a few decide to find happiness and solitude in someones death is a matter for them. Dont agree with it but their you go - it happens but to launch a new thread in world affairs? Only a little Indian would find this befitting as "world news". Grow up and get a life my dear "little" Indian member....
Millions of indians died from covid, starvation, racial/religious violence etc, no indians care.
But Chinese mocking a dead jp politician, indians are upset. lol

lol. Propaganda vs reality

FACTS. Two years on, less than 1 in 1500 Indians died from COVID19.

Per capita, this is lower than COVID deaths in the US & UK.

Yet India was the only country that was targeted & maligned by the media for its handling of COVID.

This proves India has no free press. lol.

lol. Propaganda vs reality

FACTS. Two years on, less than 1 in 1500 Indians died from COVID19.

Per capita, this is lower than COVID deaths in the US & UK.

Yet India was the only country that was targeted & maligned by the media for its handling of COVID.

This proves India has no free press. lol.

Indians died like insects. Thats why you folks were criticized.
Wonder what kind of sick society do the Chinese have.

Chinese people in the past few decades have endured slaughter, butchery and deaths in massive scale
  • Nanking butchery
  • 20 million death toll during WW2
  • 6 million deaths during civil war
  • 45 million starvation deaths during Great Leap
  • Cannibalism during cultural revolution
In Guangxi, this led to cannibalism, in which mobs -- egged on by local party officials -- went berserk and ate the flesh of hundreds of victims, most of them poor and defenseless. If one former official's estimate is correct, some 10,000 to 20,000 people from Wuxuan County alone must have engaged in cannibalism directed at "class enemies." The exact numbers remain unknown.

  • Deaths from multiple pandemics - SARS, Covid, Asian Flu, Hong Kong flu etc
Hong Kong flu
1957–1958 influenza pandemic

  • Deaths from man made environmental disaster
1975 Banqiao Dam failure

The dam collapse created the third-deadliest flood in history which affected a total population of 10.15 million and inundated around 30 cities and counties of 12,000 square kilometers (or 3 million acres), with an estimated death toll ranging from 26,000 to 240,000

At one point of time average Chinese had a lower survival rate than stray dogs on subcontinent streets


All the above has created a culture where humans and human life is trivial and Chinese are stuck complete state of carpediem

Belief is life is limited, never know when tomorrow death may occur from organ extraction, low social credit score, so better get any perverted pleasure before untimely death

Hence, as a coping mechanism Chinese celebrate and derive pleasure from death,misery, suffering and humiliation.
One may find this a perverted mix between masochism and schadenfreude
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Burhan wani was a terrorist who was killed in a firefight while attempting to kill Indian policemen with automatic rifles.

But it was pakistan who celebrated his death.


Are you seriously comparing the Ex-Prime Minister of Japan with a self proclaimed terrorist ?
Hi, do not derail the discussion we are discussing the assignation of Abe Shinzo. Stay on point please.
Chinese people in the past few decades have endured slaughter, butchery and deaths in massive scale
  • Nanking butchery
  • 20 million death toll during WW2
  • 6 million deaths during civil war
  • 45 million starvation deaths during Great Leap
  • Cannibalism during cultural revolution

  • Deaths from multiple pandemics - SARS, Covid, Asian Flu, Hong Kong flu etc
Hong Kong flu
1957–1958 influenza pandemic

  • Deaths from man made environmental disaster
1975 Banqiao Dam failure

At one point of time average Chinese had a lower survival rate than stray dogs on subcontinent streets

View attachment 860936

All the above has created a culture where humans and human life is trivial and Chinese are stuck complete state of carpediem

Belief is life is limited, never know when tomorrow death may occur from organ extraction, low social credit score, so better get any perverted pleasure before untimely death

Hence, as a coping mechanism Chinese celebrate and derive pleasure from death,misery, suffering and humiliation.
One may find this a perverted mix between masochism and schadenfreude
Sad. But explains a lot.
Perhaps the historic mistreatment of the Chinese at the hands of the Japanese Imperial Army is the reason for this outpouring of emotion in China.

It all began in 1931 when Japan, seeking to increase the size of its empire and exploit China’s vast natural resources, invaded and occupied the province of Manchuria.

Six years later, judging its occupation a success, Japan mounted a full-scale invasion of China, a move that sparked a full blown war that would leave 20 million Chinese people dead. (Some estimates have put the figure as high as 50 million, but humanity will likely never know the exact extent of Japan’s barbarity.)

During the war, Japan also invaded a number of other parts of Asia, including Malaya, Burma, Indochina, the Philippines and the Dutch West Indies. In those invasions, the Japanese killed an additional 8.6 million people.

‘Comfort women’ (read: forced prostitution)​


Japan’s military applied the euphemism “comfort women” to describe women of conquered countries who were forced into sexual slavery and raped by Japanese soldiers. Historian Yoshiaki Yoshimi found incontrovertible evidence that the Japanese built about 2,000 “comfort stations” around Asia where Japanese soldiers could rape native women. These 2,000 rape centers held as many as 200,000 women from Korea, the Philippines and other countries.

Mass rape and murder

After the Japanese captured the Chinese city of Nanjing in December 1937, they perpetrated one of the worst massacres of the 20th century (and there’s some stiff competition for that).

Originally Moriyasu Murase, 村瀬守保 - Derivative work of a photograph taken by Moriyasu Murase 村瀨守保写真集·私の從軍中国戰線 [ Bodies of victims along the Qinhuai River, out of Nanjing's west gate during the Nanking Massacre]

In Nanjing, Japanese troops “let loose like the hordes of Genghis Khan,” writes British historian Edward Russell. Soldiers rampaged the streets, murdering anyone they saw. Russell found burial statistics indicating more than 150,000 people were buried in mass graves, most with their hands tied behind their backs. He estimated 200,000 had died; later estimates range to more than 300,000 in a period of just 6 weeks.

Chinese civilians being buried alive by Japanese soldiers [Source: First published in: A Faithful Record of Atrocity of Japanese Troops, 1938 最早发表在]

The violence appalled even Nazi Germany, still a few years away from committing its own holocaust. The German embassy in China wrote to Berlin that the “atrocities and criminal acts of an entire army” amounted to “bestial machinery.”

By one estimate, 20,000 women were raped. “So that we will not have any problems on our hands,” one company commander told his men, “either pay them money or kill them in some obscure place after you have finished.”

As Japan met resistance in conquering China, the Nanjing blueprint was applied to the whole country. Surveying the aftermath of the war in 1945, researcher Gavan McCormack described a landscape of torched villages, “people-reducing kilns” (which the Japanese called renjiro) and mass graves, or “ten thousand people pits” (bajinkō).

Mistreatment of POWs​

[Japanese bayonet practice against a dead Chinese prisoner near Tianjin.]

Japanese military leaders who were later defendants at the War Crimes Tribunals argued that Japan had not been bound by the 1929 Geneva Convention, which it had signed but never ratified. But Japan was bound by Fourth Hague Convention of 1907, which stated that POWs remained “under the protection and principles of the laws of nations as they resulted from the usages of civilized peoples, the laws of humanity, and the dictate of public conscience.”

Japan forced POWs to endure 130-mile death marches and forced labor on war-related projects. They were denied adequate food, water and medical care. They were beheaded, or used as targets for rifle and machine gun practice.

Japan treated its POWs even worse than the Nazis: After the war, tribunals found that Japan had interned some 350,000 prisoners of war. An estimated 27% of Allied POWs died in captivity, compared to a mere 4% of POWs who died in German and Italian captivity.



Witnesses and official documents confirm many cases of Japanese soldiers eating the corpses of prisoners and enemies they’d killed in battle. Records show that Japanese soldiers ate Australian soldiers and local civilians in New Guinea. A downed American pilot watched as the same fate befall a fellow airman. Witnesses said the Japanese soldiers sometimes washed down the meat with sake. In recounting evidence of cannibalism, historian Toshiyuki Tanaka wrote that it was not engaged in because supplies were scarce, as the Allies had concluded, but was used as a power projection tool.

The Japanese would kill prisoners and then “eat the flesh” from their bodies, according to one Indian Army officer. “The liver, muscles from the buttocks, thighs, legs, and arms would be cut off and cooked,” the officer, Captain Pirzai, told Australia’s Courier-Mail in 1945.

Medical and biological warfare​

In a macabre practice that would later be committed by Nazi doctors, Japanese Army Unit 731 conducted experiments on thousands of Chinese and Russian prisoners of war. They exposed subjects to cholera, plague, hemorrhagic fever, typhoid and syphilis. They removed their organs and drilled holes in their heads. Prisoners were sprayed with salt water to induce frostbite in subzero temperatures and then hit with hammers — all in the name of science.

“No matter what was done, anything was permissible so long as it was “for the country” or for the “good of society,” write Japanese historians Tsuneishi Keiichi and Tomizo Asano in their 1982 book, “Suicide of Two Physicians.”

Werner Gruhl, author of “Imperial Japan’s World War Two,” estimates the Japanese killed 250,000 Chinese by biological experimentation and biological warfare.


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my sympathies with the indians. they lost one of their daddies. :undecided:
Japan has invaded Korea and China, and neither half of Korea or China like them, since they kidnapped women to be raped by their army, burned cities and generally wrecked havoc out of pure imperialism
Wonder what kind of sick society do the Chinese have.

Deal with it. Everyone has the freedom to do as they like. Was Abe a daddy of Hindustan? Why are you so concerned?

Let me summarize this thread.

Little Indian wakes up - has managed to get access to the internet - searches for bad news from China - finds something - has orgasm - quickly gets onto PDF (as he lives on here) starts a thread.

India - a nation where you can go for a walk and catch people pooping in every other side street - saturated with poverty and internal rampaging in breds - yet the obsession and excitement in finding an article from China is what he lives for? What a pathetic existence.

Like any other nation China has 1.2 billion population with 1.2 billion views and opinions - just because a few decide to find happiness and solitude in someones death is a matter for them. Dont agree with it but their you go - it happens but to launch a new thread in world affairs? Only a little Indian would find this befitting as "world news". Grow up and get a life my dear "little" Indian member....

Have you noticed how Indian women are queuing up for Pakistani male artists in foreign lands? On YT Indian women review Pakistani songs and even dance on our tunes. LOL let these frustrated cockroaches open their threads on PDF. We are winning the bigger war.
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