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Pak Army Lt.Col Abducted and Reportedly Martyred by BLA in Balochistan

I am really sad today. When this sort of incidents use to happen previously, everyone use to express solidarity including going to ISPR twitter. Now, Except for a few voices here and there, there is a silence ! No one cares ! Twitter handles which use to talk about such events now are only talking about Army's interference.

Sad that if Pakistan army can't defend it's own soldiers how can it defend the people? Corrupt people are letting down Pakistan army and the defense of Pakistan. Action is the need of the hour to fight the enemies within and beyond.
Sad that if Pakistan army can't defend it's own soldiers how can it defend the people? Corrupt people are letting down Pakistan army and the defense of Pakistan. Action is the need of the hour to fight the enemies within and beyond.

Why didn't both of you opportunists point out the role of Baluchistan Police who are happily sitting at homes taking salaries and protecting citizens from the safety of their homes, during the time when BLA was policing the road ?

Would be more costly though, but I would personally like one such QRF to be IN AIR in all cities, that way we can further cut the time required for the helicopters to be pulled out, cold start etc....

This way, several more minutes can be saved and much more speedy response be guaranteed.
Why didn't both of you opportunists point out the role of Baluchistan Police who are happily sitting at homes taking salaries and protecting citizens from the safety of their homes, during the time when BLA was policing the road ?
how about blaming incompetent balochistan police on coreuption thats supported and protected by our beloved Alpha mafia!

you should also ask how about numerous Army "chungi" where they facilitate smuggling but cant catch terrorists?
More Baluch dissidents who are fighting against the Army need to be politically engaged and only those who are directly supported by RAW need to be eliminated, rest of the ferraris, people who fled to mountains needed to be engaged.

The more high handedness will result in more BLA like recruits and support. How we dealt with PTM can be replicated?.

But for this a strong political will is needed, PTI with Maulana Shinwari and Baloch religious group can help.
More Baluch dissidents who are fighting against the Army need to be politically engaged and only those who are directly supported by RAW need to be eliminated, rest of the ferraris, people who fled to mountains needed to be engaged.

The more high handedness will result in more BLA like recruits and support. How we dealt with PTM can be replicated?.

But for this a strong political will is needed, PTI with Maulana Shinwari and Baloch religious group can help.

People just have no clue at all what the past few months have done to the Integrity of Pakistan as a nation. The Military has been caught red handed with its PANTS down !! All of a sudden everyone knows the real problem of this Country has always been the Military's continuous interference in the affairs of People !! The assassination of sitting PMs like Bhutto and Benazir and countless others !

The very foundations have been shaken badly !! And due to which Baluch and Pushtoons feel hugely marginalized and victimized by the Military. The people of KPK and Baluchistan have NOT FORGOTTEN what happened to them during the war on terror, WoT. And this is about to get worse in these areas. I feel that all this will lead to Independence movements in these two provinces !! The military has really messed up this country really badly ! They were responsible for formation of Bangladesh, and now they are responsible for great unrest leading to independence of these two provinces !
BHai sab DHA quetta ka lia khidmaat da raha tha na ka mulk ka lia. Just because there is a Col attached to his name does not turn it into a sacrifice. His demise is unfortunate but on another note, after, all the bending why is Pakistan, particularly the army still facing attacks from Indian-sponsored terrorists? This just shows no matter how much our establishment tries to please, in the end, they will still treat you like an enemy and kill you whenever they get the chance. Just look at the way Muslims are treated in India.
I hope common sense prevails within the army ranks and they do something about whats going on, otherwise na ghar ka rahin ga na ghat ka or leaders in ka be politicians ki tara bhag jain ga retirement hota he.
Another valuable life lost, and people with a supposedly promising future taking up arms against the state.

For the life of me I can't put my finger on what the issue really is.


Naah that isn't it...
Do you want another "Operation Searchlight"? Lots of the newly-woke types have had a sudden realization lambasting the military for what it did in East Pakistan. There too, the military was goaded into action by the public after external entities aided the separatists to wage a war against the state of Pakistan. Now we have members like you claiming "yet there is nothing concrete that is being done." So you can't have your cake it and eat it too. Seen this trick playing out in 1971, then again after the Lal Masjid raid. Once the action is taken, the uniform is left to fend for the sins of the collective nation specially by the types I am about to describe below.

*This part is not directed at you or a specific individual and I am being civil here*

We know where this supposedly "constructive" criticism goes. Nowhere exactly! Been around and seen a whole bunch of these posts in the past few months. Many here are hypocrites of the highest order pointing fingers at everyone but themselves. The awfully misplaced self-righteousness demonstrated here is the most sickening thing. Hiding behind a keyboard and cursing those in uniform. I can guarantee that not one of these chaps has the decency or the guts, forget the courtesy, to stand in the face of someone in uniform and curse them for all the ills afflicting this country. Because they know deep-down that their frustrations are on account of the political misfortune of a specific political party whose failures, shortfalls can now only be explained through deflection.

All the cursing, obscene posts under the garb of "I am only criticizing the generals, not the rank and file" is crass nonsense of the highest order and the ones involved in it know this only too well. What is worse is to see it on threads where our own brothers and kin are losing their very lives in the service of this country. I don't care what your defense is, anyone putting shade on this is a degenerate of the highest order.
This is the wrong thread to argue these points but it's absolutely ridiculous.
Why didn't both of you opportunists point out the role of Baluchistan Police who are happily sitting at homes taking salaries and protecting citizens from the safety of their homes, during the time when BLA was policing the road ?


The first step in resolving any problem is to identify and accept a problem
Tell you what, why not put your idea in to practise, why don’t you send troops from Sind & punjab to waziristan, put them on duties for stop and search and see how your experiment went.
Americans were bending Afghan women inside their houses while their men where zip-tied outside their mud hut, laying face down in the dirt for 20 years. Often getting punched, if they try to raise their head.

That’s how house searches were done.
The first step in resolving any problem is to identify and accept a problem
The main problem is Allowing Some of the Azad Markists Sympathisers in the Govt Jobs via quota. And some idiots have told them that in a Pushtoon and Seraiki dominated province they will somehow Free it via Force. Without the external Support and Large scale weapons infiltrated by the Hostile Agencies they can't achieve shit. And then their is a policy of Pakistan to do the same to the Adversary if it is Crossing the red line means activating similar Operations in the Adversary backyard. At the peak of RAW operations in 2006 to 2010 we activated their backside in Assam and forced them to Draw down the aggressive support to the Terrorists operating from Iran and Afghanistan.
The main problem is Allowing Some of the Azad Markists Sympathisers in the Govt Jobs via quota. And some idiots have told them that in a Pushtoon and Seraiki dominated province they will somehow Free it via Force. Without the external Support and Large scale weapons infiltrated by the Hostile Agencies they can't achieve shit. And then their is a policy of Pakistan to do the same to the Adversary if it is Crossing the red line means activating similar Operations in the Adversary backyard. At the peak of RAW operations in 2006 to 2010 we activated their backside in Assam and forced them to Draw down the aggressive support to the Terrorists operating from Iran and Afghanistan.
Should have been proactive instead of reactive. Fight the threats before it is at your door step, or in case of Pakistan already burnt the house. People like modi, Yogi Adityanath and Hassina, should not be in the office.
Now these Small groups are only used by them to hurt Pakistan more then achieving any strategic advantage or east Pakistan like outcome. The fact that their proxies are hiding in the mountains is the answer to their Handlers that their Trained terrorists are on the run unlike 2006 when they were moving freely in the Big cities of Baluchistan.
Description in this tweet is bothersome for me [IF the abduction site is correctly pointed out in the tweet's map].
Perps were stopping cars [in an apparently not so deserted area] and probably searching very specifically for the intended target in the stretch of road in yellow rectangle.
May mean that they had strong intel who was travelling and possibly even description of vehicle etc.

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As per tweet above, they were stopping vehicles, so probably they knew what they were looking for.

And what change are you referring to, to QRF model?
@Signalian sir wo Kharotabad aur Pishin camp waley harmkhor loag ko flit karney Ka waqat a chuka hai.

Agreed, ISAF had a counter action team set up on similar grounds out of bastion IIRC.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani forces, backed by helicopters, killed at least nine separatists after an outlawed group abducted and executed an army officer, government and security officials said Friday.

The military and local authorities confirmed Thursday that up to 15 militants disguised as police killed Col. Laeeq Mirza after abducting him Tuesday when he was traveling with his family from the town of Ziarat, 100 kilometers (60 miles) northeast of Quetta, the capital of Balochistan.

The military did not share any updates about the operation on Friday.

Mirza was heading to a tourist resort when members of the outlawed Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), designated a “terrorist” group by the United States in 2019, halted his vehicle on a highway and seized him.

The group later claimed that it executed Mirza — but let his family members live because they were not involved in crimes against them.

Local government officials confirmed that the attackers freed the colonel’s family members.

According to two security officials, the insurgents were surrounded near the area of Harnai and Manga dam, where an exchange of fire was still continuing. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

But the military said the colonel’s civilian cousin — Umar Javed, who was traveling with him — was also abducted and remains in captivity.

The military said in a statement it was trying to find and rescue the hostage.

The killing of the colonel has drawn widespread condemnation in Pakistan. President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif have vowed that those linked to the incident will be traced, arrested and punished.

For years, Pakistan’s southwestern Balochistan province has seen a low-level insurgency by the BLA and other separatist groups demanding independence from the central government in Islamabad. Although the government says it has quelled the insurgency, violence in the province has persisted.

In February, separatist insurgents attacked two military facilities in Balochistan, killing at least nine soldiers. In the subsequent exchange of fire, troops killed all 20 assailants in the hours-long firefights and follow-up operations.

A female suicide bomber from BLA in April targeted a vehicle carrying Chinese teachers inside a university campus in the port city of Karachi, killing three Chinese nationals and their Pakistani driver. Since then, Pakistan has arrested or killed dozens of members of the group in multiple raids in Balochistan.

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