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Pakistanis Fed up with Army/ISI putting Politicians in Power & Removing Them


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
Pakistanis Fed up with Army / ISI putting Politicians in Power & Removing Them and then Caging TV Media Journalists in Pakistan

Pakistanis 220 million not about Imran khan but generally fed with Pakistan Army role in stagnating Economy and putting curbs in different Pakistan institutions !

Pakistanis Fed up with Army / ISI putting Politicians in Power & Removing Them and then Caging TV Media Journalists in Pakistan

Pakistanis 220 million not about Imran khan but generally fed with Pakistan Army role in stagnating Economy and putting curbs in different Pakistan institutions !

Lol army fanboyz here won't like it.
-him and Hamid gul created IJI to counter BB
lol who is talking, better stfu

Yes Agree its the ISI General speaking, which is laughable as every Pakistani now knows, but what he is saying to an Indian channel is : Pakistanis 220 million not talking abt Imran khan but generally fed with Pakistan Army role in stagnating Economy and putting curbs in different Pakistan institutions like Media, Judiciary, parliament, and every other power role in Pakistan! So fed up now!
Pakistan is not fed up of Army or ISI as long as they do their duty. They are tired of high ranking individuals in Uniform using crooks politicians as a leverage and in return bestowing them with favors.

Nobody cares what army or ISI do as long as objectives is to serve the state instead of Individual Egos and corruption.
Pakistan is not fed up of Army or ISI as long as they do their duty. They are tired of high ranking individuals in Uniform using crooks politicians as a leverage and in return bestowing them with favors.

Nobody cares what army or ISI do as long as objectives is to serve the state instead of Individual Egos and corruption.

Army/ISI have been supporting corrupt politicians because they get a share of the pie. Plus they
are easily controllable or blackmailed.
Army/ISI have been supporting corrupt politicians because they get a share of the pie. Plus they
are easily controllable or blackmailed.
There are ex ISI officers who work for different high net worth individuals, they use their links to do everything that is not possible for average wealth citizen. i.e bypassing customs at port of entry for luxury items. Getting inside information from govt databases on people and so on.
Why is he talking to an Indian journalist about problems in Pakistan?

These idiots need to get their head checked.

During their careers, they tamper around the political landscape like it’s their wives boobies, and then have the gall to act all self righteous. This is what happens when an institution operates with 0 accountability.

Kaha se aaye hai ye log bhai.

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