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Taliban leader orders Sharia law punishments


Mar 21, 2007
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Taliban leader orders Sharia law punishments​


Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada.
Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada is a political and religious leader who is the third Supreme Commander of the Taliban

Taliban leader Haibatullah Akhundzada has ordered Afghan judges to impose punishments for certain crimes that may include public amputations and stoning.

His spokesman said offences such as robbery, kidnapping and sedition must be punished in line with the group's interpretation of Islamic Sharia law.

When in power in the 1990s, the Taliban were condemned for such punishments, which included public executions.
They promised to rule more moderately when they retook power last year.

But since then the militant Islamist group has steadily cracked down on freedoms. Women's rights in particular have been severely restricted.

The Taliban's supreme leader said judges must punish criminals according to Sharia, if the crime committed is a violation of those laws.

The Taliban's spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid tweeted late on Sunday that the "obligatory" command came after Mullah Akhundzada met a group of judges.

"Carefully examine the files of thieves, kidnappers and seditionists," Mujahid quoted Akhundzada as saying.

The exact crimes and punishments have not been defined by the Taliban, but one religious leader in Afghanistan told the BBC that under Sharia law, penalties could include amputations, public lashings and stoning.
The order is the latest evidence the Taliban are taking a tougher line on rights and freedoms.

An Afghan man stands in an amusement park in Kabul, Afghanistan, November 9, 2022
Women were barred from all parks and funfairs in Kabul last week

Last week they banned women from visiting all parks in Kabul, excluding them still further from public life. It has since emerged the ban extends to women in the capital visiting public baths and gyms, although the latter attracted relatively few women.

Entry to parks, baths and gyms was already segregated under Taliban rules on segregating people by gender. The group claims Islamic laws were not being followed.

Levels of violence have fallen across Afghanistan since foreign troops pulled out after 20 years of war, in the face of the Taliban advance in the summer of 2021.

But the group has faced numerous allegations that it is abusing human rights, including of opponents, women and journalists.

It has vowed there will be no brutal repression of women as there was when it was in power from 1996-2001, but half the population face severe curbs on what they can do.

Women are barred from going on longer distance journeys without a male chaperone. Teenage girls have still not returned to school in most of the country, despite Taliban promises to allow them to do so.

While some women still work in sectors such as healthcare and education, most were told not to go to work after the Taliban swept back to power.

In May women were ordered to wear the Islamic face veil in public. A number of women have been beaten for demanding their rights.

Billions of dollars in Afghan assets held abroad are frozen as the international community waits for the Taliban to honour promises still to be met on security, governance and human rights.


Taliban leader orders Sharia law punishments​


Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada.
Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada is a political and religious leader who is the third Supreme Commander of the Taliban

Taliban leader Haibatullah Akhundzada has ordered Afghan judges to impose punishments for certain crimes that may include public amputations and stoning.

His spokesman said offences such as robbery, kidnapping and sedition must be punished in line with the group's interpretation of Islamic Sharia law.

When in power in the 1990s, the Taliban were condemned for such punishments, which included public executions.
They promised to rule more moderately when they retook power last year.

But since then the militant Islamist group has steadily cracked down on freedoms. Women's rights in particular have been severely restricted.

The Taliban's supreme leader said judges must punish criminals according to Sharia, if the crime committed is a violation of those laws.

The Taliban's spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid tweeted late on Sunday that the "obligatory" command came after Mullah Akhundzada met a group of judges.

"Carefully examine the files of thieves, kidnappers and seditionists," Mujahid quoted Akhundzada as saying.

The exact crimes and punishments have not been defined by the Taliban, but one religious leader in Afghanistan told the BBC that under Sharia law, penalties could include amputations, public lashings and stoning.
The order is the latest evidence the Taliban are taking a tougher line on rights and freedoms.

An Afghan man stands in an amusement park in Kabul, Afghanistan, November 9, 2022
Women were barred from all parks and funfairs in Kabul last week

Last week they banned women from visiting all parks in Kabul, excluding them still further from public life. It has since emerged the ban extends to women in the capital visiting public baths and gyms, although the latter attracted relatively few women.

Entry to parks, baths and gyms was already segregated under Taliban rules on segregating people by gender. The group claims Islamic laws were not being followed.

Levels of violence have fallen across Afghanistan since foreign troops pulled out after 20 years of war, in the face of the Taliban advance in the summer of 2021.

But the group has faced numerous allegations that it is abusing human rights, including of opponents, women and journalists.

It has vowed there will be no brutal repression of women as there was when it was in power from 1996-2001, but half the population face severe curbs on what they can do.

Women are barred from going on longer distance journeys without a male chaperone. Teenage girls have still not returned to school in most of the country, despite Taliban promises to allow them to do so.

While some women still work in sectors such as healthcare and education, most were told not to go to work after the Taliban swept back to power.

In May women were ordered to wear the Islamic face veil in public. A number of women have been beaten for demanding their rights.

Billions of dollars in Afghan assets held abroad are frozen as the international community waits for the Taliban to honour promises still to be met on security, governance and human rights.

A leopard can never change its spots.
I don't care about the fact that they want to implement hudud since it's part of sharia but problem with jihadis is that in their zealousness they forget there is a lot of nuance.
For e.g. criteria for hudud is very strict & historically qadis made an effort to make excuses for the person in order to forego the hudud. Do these jihadis understand this? Highly doubtful.
So how will they punish the person or group who opened fire on Pakistani Troops at the border?
They took the life of an innocent man.
Will it be Stoning, beheading, or nothing at all?
So how will they punish the person or group who opened fire on Pakistani Troops at the border?
They took the life of an innocent man.
Will it be Stoning, beheading, or nothing at all?
Don't ask such difficult questions, some members here may have belly aches.
If Shariah is implemented in its true form, All Talibaboon's will be first to get punished lol So I will take this a gimmick or show off. Plus who is the Khalifa ? was there any consensus among the Muslims ? or Afghans ? Kia Chutiya bana rahe ho logo ko.
We should implement our own version of sharia law at the border.
We have the right to forgive, take blood money or kill them.

So let's kill them. It's Death by beheading or a long range snipers rifle or drone strike them.
We have a professional army that has rules of engagement, if Pakistan army wanted, believe me, it's a matter of hours. As the ANA found out during its last misadventure across our border:

We have a professional army that has rules of engagement, if Pakistan army wanted, believe me, it's a matter of hours. As the ANA found out during its last misadventure across our border:

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That's something that upsets me more, We saw what Army is capable of when it comes to teach these idiots a lesson, why tie your hands ? they keep killing our soldiers so why hold back ? go crazy on them once and for all.
What happened to the ANA?
ANA patrol from 203rd Corps thought they could just patrol inside Pakistan border, they were challenged as per norms, they fired on FC Jawans and got wiped out in return, Pakistan seized their Humvee's and equipment. One officer was returned to Afghan side. That was the first and last time ANA tried to test Pakistan's resolve.
Best of luck to them! If they truly implement Sharia, and curb down on many customary/tribal codes governing people's life in Afghanistan---it'd be a massive improvement for most. Although, I am skeptical Taliban will be able to truly separate tribal customs from Shari'ah implementation in Afghanistan. If IEA is successful in creating long-term stability & rule of law under Shari'ah---I'm sure their law and order situation would be far better than ours. Better live under Shari'ah than the techno-feudalism of the medieval era :)

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