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How general Bajwa was abusing his position

Your boss gave him an extension. Why was he not found out and sent packing after his 3 years?

Fair post! Ty
All of IKs allies regularly came to him for their pound of flesh. Including Bajwa.
Also IK has been horrible judge of character. He needs to be better at this. Even now, he surrounds himself with snakes.
Ab se koi baap apne bete ka naam Bajwa nahi rakhega.

The amount of hate this guy attracts is unprecedented.
All of IKs allies regularly came to him for their pound of flesh. Including Bajwa.
Also IK has been horrible judge of character. He needs to be better at this. Even now, he surrounds himself with snakes.
My friend, instead of abusing the army, which is all that PTI fanbase does, realize the responsibility that PTI and even others like PML-N, PPP have had in ceding space to the establishment for the sake of political expediency. Read the NRO link I posted above to see the examples of expediency that have come to haunt not only PTI but all of Pakistan.

You folks cannot simply pass the buck to the generals on this charge. They are equally at fault for the mess we find ourselves in but this venting without taking responsibility and then giving Khan sahib a pass just because he is comparatively more honest than NS/AZ etc. does not pass muster. Pakistan needs strong leadership. It requires people who will not take shortcuts because shortcuts mean lying with the establishment. Rest is known to everyone.


But if you’re trying to club Imran Khan together with the Bhuttos, that is unfair.
What is associated with "Niazi"? I am not linking one with the other.
Nobody said this or suggested that people cannot question the army over its abuse of power. It is the way you go about abusing the national institution and then what is worse is the disowning of all of your own/your party's responsibility in enabling the establishment in the abuse of power. If you are a PTI supporter, then do take a look at how you used the military against your own political opponents. Unless your propaganda machinery completely inhibits you from realizing this, the rot was allowed to continue under the PTI government. So why are you going about it as if it is someone else's fault?

I am not sure what we are to take from the link above. Can you provide a direct link to this expose please?

Bro Establishment and specifically army meddling in politics is as old as Pakistan itself. The difference is that social media and Imran Khans rants have resulted in the abuse of power being talked about so openly.

What exactly could PTI do about it?

According some army brats here on PDF, we shouldn't question army leadership for its abuse of power. Questioning this is unpatriotic and lowers the morale of the army.

Well guess what? The long term effect on army's fighting capabilities and the trust nation has in its defenders is deeply compromised if army leadership is allowed to abuse its position and is not held accountable.

We all want a strong army. And army can only be strong if people trust it and army leadership stays out of politics. For now, we don't trust our army leadership as it doesn't want to be held accountable for its misdeeds against its own people.
Gen Raheel must be very angry after this ... memo gate, dawn leaks ....
your boss gave Hussain Haqqani all his trust and extension....how did that go in the past?
Bajwa isn't my boss and I don't think any of the content in that amazing "expose" offers anything beyond the hiring of a lobbying entity on behalf of the GoP (it does not even indicate any direct link with the then CoAS).

So I understand the urge to tie a perceived anti-Pakistani entity like Hussain Haqqani to make the former CoAS look even more evil to PTI base, but I don't see anything massively incriminating here.

Bro Establishment and specifically army meddling in politics is as old as Pakistan itself. The difference is that social media and Imran Khans rants have resulted in the abuse of power being talked about so openly.

What exactly could PTI do about it?
Perhaps should not have relied on the services of a certain Faiz Hameed with requests to his boss on multiple occasions over a 3+ year period? If the establishment is so evil and works against all of Pakistan all of the time (multiple PTI members repeat this mantra ad nauseam), why was this not clear to Khan sahib and coterie? Isn't he on the record for thinking, in his arrogant way, that Gen Musharraf was a ghattiya insaan for what the establishment had done to Pakistan? Yet the moment he got the chance, he got into a marriage of convenience with the then establishment. What gives?

All I am trying to do is shine some light on this holier than thou attitude on display by the PTI bandwagon. Day and night you hear this talk of PTI's righteousness (admittedly I do perceive them to be more honest than PDM etc. and better for Pakistan) and how evil the army and the establishment are, yet no one wants to accept and own up to their party leadership's own involvement and enablement (perhaps bi-directionally) of the establishment.
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Bajwa isn't my boss and I don't think any of the content in that amazing "expose" offers anything beyond the hiring of a lobbying entity on behalf of the GoP (it does not even indicate any direct link with the then CoAS).

So I understand the urge to tie a perceived anti-Pakistani entity like Hussain Haqqani to make the former CoAS look even more evil to PTI base, but I don't see anything massively incriminating here.

and neither is Imran mine so please stop insinuating. for the rest of your post there seems a lot of circumstantial evidence, time will tell, its not about optics or about "PTI base" it seems like you are fixated with PTI. there are many like me who are not PTI supporters but will call out wrongdoings anywhere and everywhere
Gen Raheel must be very angry after this ... memo gate, dawn leaks ....
"There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests." ~William Clay

and neither is Imran mine so please stop insinuating. for the rest of your post there seems a lot of circumstantial evidence, time will tell, its not about optics or about "PTI base" it seems like you are fixated with PTI. there are many like me who are not PTI supporters but will call out wrongdoings anywhere and everywhere
Ok so if you will call out wrongdoings then do it fairly. I openly agree that governance, politics is no place for the military. Yet, those on the other side insist that they have done nothing wrong and all of it is the fault of the establishment. Owning up is needed on all sides if Pakistan is to be bettered.
and neither is Imran mine so please stop insinuating. for the rest of your post there seems a lot of circumstantial evidence, time will tell, its not about optics or about "PTI base" it seems like you are fixated with PTI. there are many like me who are not PTI supporters but will call out wrongdoings anywhere and everywhere
These army guys are so fixated with PTI. I'm not PTI either. But these guys just can't digest criticism. Well, if you don't want to countered, get out of politics and this business of preaching the nation and do your job for which nation pays you.
"There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests." ~William Clay

Ok so if you will call out wrongdoings then do it fairly. I openly agree that governance, politics is no place for the military. Yet, those on the other side insist that they have done nothing wrong and all of it is the fault of the establishment. Owning up is needed on all sides if Pakistan is to be bettered.

there is a difference between mismanagement or poor performance with PTI compared to downright corruption, cronyism and criminal behaviour on an industrial scale unparalleled anywhere in the world........when you distinguish between the two people may take you a little more seriously.

Tarring every anti establishment or anti corruption member here as a "youthian" or an "insafian" with the same brush comes across as disingenuous and an insult to patriotic pakistanis here
there is a difference between mismanagement or poor performance with PTI compared to downright corruption, cronyism and criminal behaviour on an industrial scale unparalleled anywhere in the world........when you distinguish between the two people may take you a little more seriously.

Tarring every anti establishment or anti corruption member here as a "youthian" or an "insafian" with the same brush comes across as disingenuous and an insult to patriotic pakistanis here
I have not mentioned "mismanagement" or "poor performance" as the reasons for my critique eventhough this has been the reason for other governments being shown the door in the past so PTI is no exception to this rule (I am also not stating that it is the Army's role to show anyone the door, it is patently not!). It was the use of establishment's assets, contacts etc. for political expediency by the PTI (and others in the past) which is what I have pointed out as hypocrisy and double-standards. So when people abuse the military, why are we giving a pass to our politicians for conveniently using the very same establishment when it made sense for them and then later on getting their base to turn its guns on the same establishment (which is the case now)?

Please look up the above links that I have pasted for examples of how PTI too has used the same establishment that it abuses now.

Also, don't generalize my posts with those of others. I have not labeled a single person here "youthian" etc. I don't do that because prior to this mess, all of these members were respected by me for being my fellow Pakistanis and that remains the case to this day. Where I have had to call out the PTI base, I have called them out by their party name simply because my issue is not with PTI or its politics so I don't get down to petty insults here or elsewhere.
Please note that I believe that I could easily support PTI for its initial 5 years plus another 5 year term. This is my personal view because I am not anti-PTI.

However, what bothers me is that since it did not go the PTI's way, everyone except its own base and specially the nation's establishment is anti-national, traitors, out to destroy Pakistan etc. etc. Each day more elaborate, spiced up charges are trumped up in the PTI-verse and new lines of attack are given to people to attack others who may not entirely agree with their worldview (e.g. boot-polishers, army brats, etc. etc.). Further examples of this, Moeed Pirzada's latest that Bajwa went slow on CPEC to hurt Pakistan and that Bajwa and the Army contracted Hussain Haqqani directly to please their American masters etc. is the sort of hogwash which is spread and lapped up by the PTI base as gospel.

So this sense of being wronged, aggrieved has to have some bounds.
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