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Pakistan needs an indigenous social theory to prevent the ideological influences of neighboring countries

Muhammad Saftain Anjum

Mar 8, 2021
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@Mirzali Khan has highlighted that Pakistan can face severe social crisis as we have Afghanistan with its sharia law established at Eastern border and secular India at it's western border with huge culture influence due to its media and film industry.

Pakistanis will certainly be influenced by these two ideologies.
I have noticed that Pakistanis accept foreign influence very rapidly.
Do din Turkish drama chla dia,sari awam Ertugral ban gae thi
After pondering over this for some time,I concluded that we lack a national social theory of our own.

Iranians have Shia version of Islam
Chinese have their own Communism
Western people have their own unique social theory.
This keeps them away from foreign cultural influences.

While we lack such a package at national level.
we need to devise a theory and then promote that at national level.
This will give a sound basis for the existence of Pakistan,a social package crystal clear, understandable for a common man and path for our journey.

A theory like
"Neo -Modernism"

Neo-Modernism means the development of nation on scientific grounds and also upholding the moral standards set by Islam.
Women should be assigned particular science fields in which they are psychologically good at

Similarly,Men should be assigned other science fields
This will prevent mixing of men and women,thus both men and women are educated scientifically,while the cultural(or you can say Islamic) values are also remained preserved.

Zakat system should be copied as such from Islam. this is the best system in my opinion.
Presidential democratic system should be created.
Freedom of speech, Justice, preservence of culture of every ethnic group,,etc.

A distinct name "Neo -Modernism" will become a part of Pakistan's identity and in next 30-50 years, Pakistan will have solid civilizational roots distinct from every other nation on Earth.
@Mirzali Khan has highlighted that Pakistan can face severe social crisis as we have Afghanistan with its sharia law established at Eastern border and secular India at it's western border with huge culture influence due to its media and film industry.

Pakistanis will certainly be influenced by these two ideologies.
I have noticed that Pakistanis accept foreign influence very rapidly.
Do din Turkish drama chla dia,sari awam Ertugral ban gae thi
After pondering over this for some time,I concluded that we lack a national social theory of our own.

Iranians have Shia version of Islam
Chinese have their own Communism
Western people have their own unique social theory.
This keeps them away from foreign cultural influences.

While we lack such a package at national level.
we need to devise a theory and then promote that at national level.
This will give a sound basis for the existence of Pakistan,a social package crystal clear, understandable for a common man and path for our journey.

A theory like
"Neo -Modernism"

Neo-Modernism means the development of nation on scientific grounds and also upholding the moral standards set by Islam.
Women should be assigned particular science fields in which they are psychologically good at

Similarly,Men should be assigned other science fields
This will prevent mixing of men and women,thus both men and women are educated scientifically,while the cultural(or you can say Islamic) values are also remained preserved.

Zakat system should be copied as such from Islam. this is the best system in my opinion.
Presidential democratic system should be created.
Freedom of speech, Justice, preservence of culture of every ethnic group,,etc.

A distinct name "Neo -Modernism" will become a part of Pakistan's identity and in next 30-50 years, Pakistan will have solid civilizational roots distinct from every other nation on Earth.

Truth is the country itself isn't interested in setting a civic nationalist theory.

Its better for Pakistanis to be influenced by other ideologies so people can be more divided.
Most elegant solution to solve all headaches, if consistently practiced for a couple of generations.
That’s the most favorite hobby of Pakistan as much as they go all hypocrite about hating it.

So if you take that away then what is left is the other unspoken aspect of mixing men with men in Pakistan. Considering the recent AIDS outbreak - it definitely has popularity
We cannot allow India to falsify the history of South Asia. They are trying to cover up the history of Islam in South Asia and describe Islam in South Asia as a complete foreign invasion. Pakistan should have its own historical research center. Disprove Indian lies with evidence.
Pakistani textbooks should also raise awareness about real South Asian Islamic history. India cannot be allowed to continue brainwashing on this issue.
Some issues are only suitable for discussion in Pakistani universities!
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We cannot allow India to falsify the history of South Asia. They are trying to cover up the history of Islam in South Asia and describe Islam in South Asia as a complete foreign invasion. Pakistan should have its own historical research center. Disprove Indian lies with evidence.
Unfortunately I have been saying such things for a while myself, not just in Islamic aspect but our indegenous history is being denied entirely by India (although some aspects are linked with northern India) and they're falsifying and revising even their own. Naturally due to their larger country, economic dominance, industry dominance, they can better propogate it. But Pakistan is still not a small country to go unheard. And once the people have a clear goal it will be combatable.

And sadly there is no one to officially counter such narrative in Pakistan - All these problems root back to the single problem of having an incredibly weak national government, incredibly inept and incompetent government. It is making people careless, lowering their morale, losing hope. Strong foundation, strong government does the opposite, it makes people want to be perfect in every domain, focus at everything meticulously. The few that are attempting to tackle it are very low level individuals.

We need an institutional revival in every domain, which will increase focus in this areas as well.

This country needs a revolutionary like Mao or something
They are trying to cover up the history of Islam in South Asia and describe Islam in South Asia as a complete foreign invasion. Pakistan should have its own historical research center
Pakistan does have its own version, and it simply consists of celebration of invasions and invaders (Qasim et al) for "introducing" Islam, and denigration of local rulers (Raja Dahir et al) who resisted Muslim invasions. Even a focus on Sufi saints, the real introducers of Islam according to alternate theories, would result in more of the same, since most of these saints were also foreigners.
Lol....governments shouldnt have any role in influencing the ideology of people.
Thats just a nicer way to say brainwashing and leads you down a slippery slope.
Not everyone has the same outlook on the country and its history...accept that.
Our government mandated textbooks already spread enough lies to promote a certain ideology.
Truth is the country itself isn't interested in setting a civic nationalist theory.

Its better for Pakistanis to be influenced by other ideologies so people can be more divided.

Pakistan is one of the more ethnically and linguistically diverse nations on the planet. Divided into ethnic/linguistic based provinces (by large) as well. Numerous sects as well although the overwhelming sect is Sunni Islam but that sect in Pakistan has 5+ distinctive flavors and all of them are competing for influence. Islam practiced as in KPK or Balochistan is very distinct form rural Punjab or Sindh.

Then you have the Muhajir community and the entire "controversy" in regards to Urdu as a national language (alongside English).

The thing that is/was supposedly the glue that held/holds Pakistan together (Islam) has proven not to be enough.

If not for the military stronghold of Pakistan since 1947 and the adversary (India) narrative and the Muslim vs majority Hindu (South Asia) divide/narrative that gave birth to Pakistan and India, would Pakistan in its current form even stick together? I have my doubts.

The question is what makes Pakistan, Pakistan and what makes Pakistanis, Pakistanis? Everyone has their own interpretations aside from the distinct geography and cultures (plural) that make up Pakistan. The rhetoric and aims of the political parties also tell this story for good and bad.

The harsh fact of the matter and ground reality is, that Pakistan is a complex and most importantly NEW country (1947) whose age is younger than many (most) of our grandparents and many users parents here. It thus takes time to develop a unified identity that is able to withstand most crises and which does more positives than harm.

So to answer your question, this strong fundament (identity) will be developed naturally. You cannot force this process otherwise it becomes artificial as in other countries that I won't mention in this post.
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Lol....governments shouldnt have any role in influencing the ideology of people.
Thats just a nicer way to say brainwashing and leads you down a slippery slope.
Not everyone has the same outlook on the country and its history...accept that.
Our government mandated textbooks already spread enough lies to promote a certain ideology.
No, it's either your own government influences your ideology, or another government which will almost certainly be used for hostile manipulative purposes.

So yes, it is infinite times better that it is your own. And it is also for your own good, to build a strong healthy identity, promote nationalism and pursuing national interests.

Otherwise you'll be a lost gay liberal like yourself, or like others, blowing yourself up in some public area, and then youll cry muh extremism:rofl:
75 saal baad bhi ye waley sawal puchtey sharam ani chahiey sab ko.

Warr gai wai Ideology.

Basically Such discussions are not to discuss anything mew. In reality People cannot wrap there mind around the fact that what they were told throigh endless propaganda as absolute truth and solution to all oir problems have produced no result. And hence people try to Rebrand the same crap and claim "Okay now i understand the real true interpretation. Every one else is wrong. We failed because we failed to understand.... and so on"

Do same thing and expect different results. Goodluck.

For once make Hardwork and Honesty as your ideology. May be results will be different
I understand where the OP is coming from.
In Pakistan there are only two ideologies, the Islamic system by the religious groups; and a white system worship by the brown sahib.

I would love an alternate system by the secular side that uses its own thinking rather than a cut and paste of Westernism.
pik any system but throw out te bank print your own currency and barter international.
Pakistan’s ideology should be islam.
Pakistan should implement Sharaih as much as it can while keeping the present world in mind and take advantages of modern technology and of Shariah and, combine it to make a modern Islamic system that serves as an example for the world.
Taliban hasn’t implemented proper shariah yet in Afghanistan. They also have implemented so non Islamic laws influenced by culture.
Pakistan should be an example in the world of being the most Islamic country following Shariah while being the most progressive and modern country. Islam doesn’t prevent you from advancing. Just stay within Islamic limits. Don’t act like west and measure you liberty by the size of women’s skirts.
Stay true to your religions, culture and values.
We cannot allow India to falsify the history of South Asia. They are trying to cover up the history of Islam in South Asia and describe Islam in South Asia as a complete foreign invasion. Pakistan should have its own historical research center. Disprove Indian lies with evidence.
Pakistani textbooks should also raise awareness about real South Asian Islamic history. India cannot be allowed to continue brainwashing on this issue.
Some issues are only suitable for discussion in Pakistani universities!

I agree. In fact Pakistanis were never "Indian" or "South Asian". This brain washed history is due to brief British colonialism which systematically changed our demographics and language. The world must know that we are a unique multi-cultural country and our land looks nothing like India. We border South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East and our origins begin with the Indus Valley civilization and then with Islamic empires from Ummayad caliphate to successive Persian dynasties where a lot of people can trace their ethnicities, religions, sects and cultures.
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