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After PAF pilot Shahzazudin, Pajeets have Invented a New Uddin. It is Now Kamaluddin Alleged Son of Hafiz Saeed

These delusional Indians live in their own fool's paradise. Someone needs to tell these rotten scumbags that hafiz Saeed does not have any son with this name. Looks like the brain of these idiot pajeets is stuck at the name 'Uddin' just like every Indian's brain was stuck with the word 'ISI' until a few years ago. Anything happened in India and the first word that every Indian would mindlessly utter was ISI. I think Indians will go back to that word sooner or later.

They get very creative with this garbage propaganda.

The most effective bugaboo invented by BJP/RSS/Shivsena to vote for the BJP is fear of "terrorism" - especially from Pakistan.

Coward and stupid Indians will run to the polling booth, voting in droves, so that BJP will "save" them from Pakistanis.
Muslim men are good at fucking. We **** Hindu women. We consider it charity, as we sympathize with the Hindu woman's sexual life.
That is why millions of Bangladeshi Muslim women work in brothels and dance bars across India to gratify Hindu males; nevertheless, they are paid; no one does it for free.
This guy thinks Chindoo males have lots of sexual prowess. His proof? Little children getting trafficked into India!
For the last 800 years, Muslims on the Indian subcontinent have sold their women in Mugal harems. That is the reason you accepted Islam. Your forefathers were cowards who couldn't stand up to Islamic invaders from Afghanistan, the Arab world, and Central Asia.
For the last 800 years, Muslims on the Indian subcontinent have sold their women in Mugal harems.
unfortunately no one took your bihari dalit into their harems as they wanted beautiful women not pajeetas
so it probably doesnt apply to you as your people dalits are irrelevant, always have been, always will be

But As far as Hindu- muslim shit goes and your larping on somewhat relevant Hindu people even that is not as rosy


Meanwhile Muslims stood up to other Muslims to protect non Muslim women

Dulla Batti a Mughal fuedal chief as the legend goes started a peasant insurgency just because some soldiers disrespected brahmin women of his estate and asked for lagaan

At the peak of his insurgency akbar had to change his capital from feteh pur sikri to lahore in order to control the lands and only shifted it when his insurgency was at it's end in 1599 around the same time as bhattis death

Find me a bihari dalit taking on the most powerful empire of it's time to protect his own forget Muslims and than you can run your mouth as much as you can

If not than - still you're low class Pajeet
I expect nothing but more low class behavior from you
So it doesn't matter
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The name "Fuckruddin" is quite common among Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. It's an Arabic-derived name that means "Pride of the Faith" or "Glory of Islam."
Fuckruddin Ahmed (born 1 May 1940) is a Bangladeshi economist, civil servant, and a former governor of the Bangladesh Bank, the country's central bank.
Fuckruddin Ali Ahmed (13 May 1905 – 11 February 1977) was an Indian lawyer and politician who served as the fifth president of India from 1974 to 1977.

There is an organization in Pakistan called "Hag Do."
Fuckruddin is what your women call me #lovejihad
They get very creative with this garbage propaganda.

The most effective bugaboo invented by BJP/RSS/Shivsena to vote for the BJP is fear of "terrorism" - especially from Pakistan.

Coward and stupid Indians will run to the polling booth, voting in droves, so that BJP will "save" them from Pakistanis.
We are saving Bangladesh from islamic terrorists .
unfortunately no one took your bihari dalit into their harems as they wanted beautiful women not pajeetas
so it probably doesnt apply to you as your people dalits are irrelevant, always have been, always will be

But As far as Hindu- muslim shit goes and your larping on somewhat relevant Hindu people even that is not as rosy
View attachment 957447
View attachment 957448

Meanwhile Muslims stood up to other Muslims to protect non Muslim women

Dulla Batti a Mughal fuedal chief as the legend goes started a peasant insurgency just because some soldiers disrespected brahmin women of his estate and asked for lagaan

At the peak of his insurgency akbar had to change his capital from feteh pur sikri to lahore in order to control the lands and only shifted it when his insurgency was at it's end in 1599 around the same time as bhattis death

Find me a bihari dalit taking on the most powerful empire of it's time to protect his own forget Muslims and than you can run your mouth as much as you can

If not than - still you're low class Pajeet
I expect nothing but more low class behavior from you
So it doesn't matter
Jatt were lower caste of peasants hindus living in northern western part of India , poor peasants were not allowed to sit on chairs or cots in front of upper caste hindus , feeling deprived they joined the invaders first , but even after joining muslim faith their daughters were always abducted by muslim foot soldiers for pleasure . Right from the days of ghaznavi to the day of abdali muslim invading armies looted poor jatt muslim peasants and took their girls for pleasure , no jatt girl found place in royal harem of muslim rulers .

Fakhruddin also is an actual name. He was president.
Fuckru was name of son of Bahadur shah Jafar last mughal of Delhi .
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Jatt were lower caste of peasants hindus living in northern western part of India , poor peasants were not allowed to sit on chairs or cots in front of upper caste hindus , feeling deprived they joined the invaders first , but even after joining muslim faith their daughters were always abducted by muslim foot soldiers for pleasure . Right from the days of ghaznavi to the day of abdali muslim invading armies looted poor jatt muslim peasants and took their girls for pleasure , no jatt girl found place in royal harem of muslim rulers .
they opposed them and at times allied with them
I.E they were relevant unlike you low Gagentic dalits especially the Hindu Gagentic who were lowest of the low with nothing to show for in the last 1000 years


did Gagentic Hindus do anything against Muslim mughals?
Muslims of these tribes did with limited means at first
Later served in the mughal empire as generals, prime Ministers, Wazir, governors as mughals were an Indian Muslim empire


What did Gagentics Hindus do against timur lane?
Muslims of these tribes did, hell Muslim peasantry with nothing but farm tools engaged world conquering timur in gurrella warfare

My ancestral clan's chief of the time died defending lahore from timur as the governor of lahore at the time
His brother raised an Army and attacked timur lane once again as revenge

What did Gagentic Hindus do against timur? Nothing, didn't defend nothing, didn't raise an army to take revenge

Forget what they did- were they even in charge of any part of their own territory at the time to defend it in the first place?
How can such irrelevant people even shit talk us with a straight face?


What did Gagentic Hindus do against British?
Were they raising a force of 20-30,000 people on their own trying to fight the British empire?

Were the Gagentic hindus driving British Forces out of the regions they were a religious minority in like the coward Muslims?

My clan, some of us call ourselves Jutts and almost all of us are Muslims

Find me a Gagentic Hindu with equal martial traditions in the last 1000 years
If yes than bad mouth us all day long idc

"Khokhar" itself is of Persian origin and means "bloodthirsty"

"In 1204-1205, the Khokhars revolted under their leader and conquered and plundered Multan, Lahore and blocked the strategic roads between Punjab and Ghazni"
"Ghazi Malik founded the Tughlaq Dynasty in Delhi by a rebellion with the support of the Khokhar tribes who were placed as advance-guards of the army- crown was placed on his head by the tribal chief"
"Khizr Khan a Khokhar chieftain who travelled to Samarkand and profited from the contacts he made with the Timurid society- founder of the Syed dynasty of Delhi sultanate"

Find me Gagentic hindus like that before calling Muslims cowards

You on the other hand Hindus of Bihar, UP, MP gangentic regions were ruled by random nobody drunkard Muslim nawab's down to the village level for 1000 years

Unlike the independent minded Muslim clans who had at times independent rule, semi independent rule even under some of the most powerful Muslim empires in the world

I can hear shit from literally anyone but you

as you people have nothing worth talking shit about
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How insecure must a person be to save tweets from 2018 , 2020 and produce them on a moments notice
This guy @hatehs is a nut case blind Hindu hater.
His entire existence revolves around hating Hindus.

Sadly, he represents what Paksiatn is becoming gradually. Same hatred that he spews against Hindus, is ingrained in other Muslims who hate others and kill each other everyday in his lovely paradise.

Look at bomb blasts. 65 killed in a couple of days. Who is causing them? Mullahs like @hatehs carry put suicide blasts in the hope of something with number 72.
While our nut case here will keep creating threads in the hope of something similar in India.
I can feel his exasperation and helplessness.
That is why millions of Bangladeshi Muslim women work in brothels and dance bars across India to gratify Hindu males; nevertheless, they are paid; no one does it for free.

Hindus kill their girls during infancy, so there is a lack of women, and hence sex, in Hindu society. Which necessitates kidnapping and trafficking foreign girls, as proven by the link you posted. There is a very powerful Indian trafficking network operating in BD, as Indians can enter BD easily and illegally.

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