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BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

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Yeah,, but is it even from the actual base

Or is it a old Afghan base
This is Mianwali, in fact stands have also been geolocated. The last frame of the soldiers being dead is questionable as there is no way to confirm that other than PAF/ISPR statement or further evidence comes out.
The way I look at it , this is just a expedited retirement of F-7

Our Airforce was keen on flying these old birds till 2040 , so in a way it is good that few of the F-7 are retired early

The empty bunkers will be best suited for JF17-Block III's or may be even J10C

The Air refueler was a concern however it seems that is safe
and of course precious life of any Officers on duty
the ppl at the helm of military affairs have their eyes off the ball....similarly the ppl down the chain of command don't give a rats a$s....
It is giving the opertunity to our enemies to run a muck.....
We as a country are stirring down the barrel n are in for a beating from our not enemy very very soon
The way I look at it , this is just a expedited retirement of F-7

Our Airforce was keen on flying these old birds till 2040 , so in a way it is good that few of the F-7 are retired early

The empty bunkers will be best suited for JF17-Block III's or may be even J10C
personnel killed are irreplaceable though.
Yes that is 100% true , that is of course responsibility of the Most Senior Person in charge of Airport security , they will likely face court Marshal, in a normal functioning Military /Airforce

The prime role for Senior Officer is to ensure the Base is secure, what ever their Rank may be

Big question is will the Airforce/Army, evaluate the short coming of the performances of People in order to secure a key Military Air base

Last few years Pakistan inducted
  • Multiple JF17-Block III squadron(s)
  • Inducted J10C squadron(s)
  • Not forgetting 50 UAV

So loosing 3 F-7 is not that drastic loss
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They’re Khawarij.
They blanket takfir and kill Muslims.
But it’s also the states fault. The state was flirting with secularism leaving people to the mercy of random Mullahs.
Military might alone won’t win this war.
This is a war of ideologies.
To win this war Pakistan needs to counter their ideologies on religious level, increase development and employment in the areas, and military operations only when needed.

Your 100% correct but I highly doubt Pakistani politicians, generals, policy makers will understand this. Pakistan for 20 years didn't counter this ideology. This same ideology was promoted by the same Pakistani military through billions of riyal fundings. Do you think our military doesn't have people following this ideology? The military instead of destroying this ideology is trying to win these groups over so they can be again used as state assets, many still consider them as mujahdeens. The strategy is not working because other secret agencies can offer more than what Pakistan can, our own PM called us begger nation. Pakistan will soon promote secularism/lgbtq #### to counter this, The Saudis are doing the same. Saudis may get away with it but Pakistan will fall in to more traps.
Mianwali is basically a fighter conversion base n it primarily houses twin seat f7p.....with a large portion of the base housing decommissioned ac like the Chinese copy of mig 15/17.....ft5 etc
Time to put more J10C and JF17-Block III in M.M.Alam Airbase, Together with WZ-10

No need to fall in love for Mirage or F-7PG , Pakistan must look beyond these older planes
This is what happens when you grow snakes(terrorists) in your own backyard to use as political tools against your own population and neighnouring countries, and then those snakes get out of control and ... then you decide to grow more snakes thinking you can control the "new batch".

Pakistan Army/ISI has grown these terrorist groups, nutured them, provided funding and political support and security support to these groups on the belief they hold political value and can be controlled and used "when desired" ...

You can't control them and you end up with today and what has cursed Pakistan for the last 40 flipping years .....

The root cause of this issue is the Pakistan Army's and ISI's habit of grow an alphabet soup of 3 character terrorist groups in Pakistan to control the local population and use as tools for political gains ...

Not just Pakistan but look in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Mali etc. Similar projects took place in those states. Pakistan only fault is they should have created a pro Pakistani group to counter the terrorist organisations but instead joined the West and Saudis to sponsor terrorism and then ended up getting bit whilst the West and Saudis didn't allow the terrorist groups to develop in their own nations. Look at India, they didn't allow any major group to operate and have their own Hindu nationalist groups ready to attack any anti India militant group, noone would dare to rebel because they would be slaughtered, maddrassas demolished, mullahs arrested.

This is Mianwali, in fact stands have also been geolocated. The last frame of the soldiers being dead is questionable as there is no way to confirm that other than PAF/ISPR statement or further evidence comes out.

What I'm saying to you, is significant damage causes significant smoke, fire, plumes and evidence

It's looks more calm sunny with a bunch of dead terrorists

Thus I'm inclined to believe they were stopped before they could do any significant damage
The big masla with military corps like DSG is the fact that they are commanded by officers who are chala hua kartoos dead enders who have been passed over for promotion due to their loosy service or have been rehired retired officers.
officers from the dg to the lowest rank who are past their use by date n now are their primarily due to eco reasons.
All in all sad state of affairs
Not just Pakistan but look in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Mali etc. Similar projects took place in those states. Pakistan only fault is they should have created a pro Pakistani group to counter the terrorist organisations but instead joined the West and Saudis to sponsor terrorism and then ended up getting bit whilst the West and Saudis didn't allow the terrorist groups to develop in their own nations. Look at India, they didn't allow any major group to operate and have their own Hindu nationalist groups ready to attack any anti India militant group, noone would dare to rebel because they would be slaughtered, maddrassas demolished, mullahs arrested.

It's because they are afghans

We have a problem with millions of these Afghans in the country

Unless you get them out Pakistan will never have peace we need to get rid of the afghanis QUICKLY

Not give them years to piss about
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