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China Tastes RAW Deal In Tibet


Hui are mainly Han Chinese believing in Islam!

Hui are mainly Han Chinese believing in Islam!

Again, you twist the reality in the typical CCP manner to deflect from the truth.

In Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region, where about 10 percent of the Hui of China reside, the Hui have a distinct ethnic identity from that of the Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and Kyrgyz, who are Turkic peoples.

The Hui Chinese have diverse origins. Some in the southeast coast are descended from Arab and Persian Muslim traders who settled in China and gradually intermarried and assimilated into the surrounding population keeping only their distinctive religion. A totally different explanation is available for the Mandarin Chinese-speaking Yunnan and Northern Huis, whose ethnogenesis might be a result of the convergence of large number of Mongol, Turkic or other Central Asian settlers in these regions who formed the dominant stratum in the Mongol Yuan Dynasty. However, even Cantonese Muslims, of the southeastern coast, typically resemble northern Asians much more so than their typical Cantonese neighbours.

Time that you, as a Chinese, understand China itself, before treading ground where Angels fear to tread! ;) :)

Surprising you know so little of China!
Again, you twist the reality in the typical CCP manner to deflect from the truth.

In Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region, where about 10 percent of the Hui of China reside, the Hui have a distinct ethnic identity from that of the Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and Kyrgyz, who are Turkic peoples.

The Hui Chinese have diverse origins. Some in the southeast coast are descended from Arab and Persian Muslim traders who settled in China and gradually intermarried and assimilated into the surrounding population keeping only their distinctive religion. A totally different explanation is available for the Mandarin Chinese-speaking Yunnan and Northern Huis, whose ethnogenesis might be a result of the convergence of large number of Mongol, Turkic or other Central Asian settlers in these regions who formed the dominant stratum in the Mongol Yuan Dynasty. However, even Cantonese Muslims, of the southeastern coast, typically resemble northern Asians much more so than their typical Cantonese neighbours.

Time that you, as a Chinese, understand China itself, before treading ground where Angels fear to tread! ;) :)

Surprising you know so little of China!

What a joke again!

Are you or wiki who define who is Hui?

Only minor part of Hui is arabic or turkic or other origin. The definition of Hui is based on religion! This is a unique classification for Hui, which is different from the other 55 ethnics.

Should your imperialistic dream come true, and China were ruled by your Empire of Pan-India-and-Plus, you might have a slim chance to define what is Hui...
i do think india's goverment should not permit dalai lama to do anti-china moverment in india's territory.
What a joke again!

Are you or wiki who define who is Hui?

Only minor part of Hui is arabic or turkic or other origin. The definition of Hui is based on religion! This is a unique classification for Hui, which is different from the other 55 ethnics.

Should your imperialistic dream come true, and China were ruled by your Empire of Pan-India-and-Plus, you might have a slim chance to define what is Hui...

Are Uighurs Hui?

Do let me know where I am wrong and with links please and not your CCP falsehood and imaginary crap!

You are impressing no one with your CCP crap!

Reality cannot be hidden, except to those who have been made moronic by their Govt!
1. There was no Hui nationality beyond territory of China, because Hui’s ancestors were various races such as Arabian, Persian, and Jews, etc.. Those foreigners came to in China more than 1000 years ago and later. Hui is formed with China.
2. Hui started to form a distinct group of people during Yuan Dynasty. Due to being in higher social rank, huge amount of Han converted to Islam and called themselves Huihui. (You can see Yuan’s racial discrimination was different from Indian Caste System.)
3. Hui established itself as a nationality during Ming and especially Qing. Those people were distinguished with Uygur Muslims because latter was not as mixed/assimilated with the rest of the country.
4. Many high rank officials of POC did not advocate Hui as a nationality because Hui had been intermarried with Mongolian and Han, etc., Chinese for more than thousand years; and many of them are Han after all. Some others, instead, preferred calling all Muslim in China Hui. This of course included Uygur. Wherefore, some people estimated there were 15million Hui or more.
5. PROC re-confirm the existence of Hui, if you believe you belong to Hui.

"元代,这些穆斯林被归入色目人等级,高于汉人和南人。于是大量纯血统的汉族也为此而皈依伊斯兰教,自称世代是回回。回回是元代对穆斯林的通称。回回人之后朝代则不完全等于中、西亚来的穆斯林,一些其他种族一旦皈依了伊斯兰也被归属回回人,如钦察,康里,阿兰,犹太人,吉普赛、,占城人等。至明代则通称伊斯兰教为回教,称其教徒为回回人。清代至民国初年凡信仰伊斯兰教的民族统称回或回回。而回族主要源自于13世纪初叶,大量因战乱、贸易等因素,被迫迁来中国的中亚人、波斯人和阿拉伯人,而后与当地汉族人、维吾尔人、蒙古人及阿儿浑人融合,形成了现今的回回民族,把汉语作为母语的穆斯林。1949年,中华人民共和国成立后,各地方民族确定了自己的族称,回回不再指中国全部的穆斯林,而演变成了回族的通俗称呼..." 回族 - Wikipedia

BTW, the English translation in Wiki of Hui is horrible.

Other links (all in Chinese):

Social and generic study:



Generic study:

If anyone wants to talk Hui futher, please open another thread: this thread is about RAW's vicious pawn in Tibet.

If someone, such as a hidden RAW agent, is also managing the risk of extending RAW's activities in Hui Chinese region or beyond (if he/she is thinking even bigger), probably a new thread is also advisable.
what utter tripe.

Who believes the Communists?

They are capable of making people call day as night!
what utter tripe.

Who believes the Communists?

They are capable of making people call day as night!

a good question, however, it is not communist but just you who is making people call day as night.

Kindly request you to avoid getting personal.
Kill the messege not the messenger.


Kindly request you to avoid getting personal.
Kill the messege not the messenger.


thank you , i will do, but you should warn salim he has no rights to slander a country more and more, and it is unsuitable to say something defiant.:pdf:
Again kill the messege, debate and prove him wrong without violating forum rules which we've set to create a friendly environment for civilised debates.
do you mean kill what message? but i think there is no message unsuitable now.

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