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PM lands in Afghanistan, 'Welcome to your second home', says Karzai

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Why don't we just let Afghans and Afghan Government to decide if they want Indian help or not. The day Afghan President says, its time to leave, we don't need any more of your assistance, we ll pack our bag and leave!

Begane ki shaadi me Abdullah diwana:lol:

when kashmiris say, leave, we will leave ;)
Oh please. The Indian-backed Northern Alliance was just a barbaric and ruthless as the Taliban. The latter just got the international focus, because they succeeded and got in power. As for humanitarian work, Pakistan is doing the same -- to the tune of $500 million -- in the healthcare and infrastructure sectors, but it doesn't get as much press in the pro-India NATO environment.

$500 million compensation is too less considering the havoc and destruction Pakistan-supported Taliban caused in the country.
Isn't this what Karzai said once (despite his deep hatred for Pakistan):

India a friend but Pak a conjoined twin, says Karzai

India a friend but Pak a conjoined twin, says Karzai - Express India

Feel free to live in your fantasy world though.

Dont HARP on old news ... keep yourself updated on a regular basis. This is a strict advise and the best way to stop trolling.

The fact of the matter is Pakistan and Afghanistan share a love-hate relationship. Thats only because of such a long porous border. We don't love Afghanistan and vice versa yet we have to be their neighbors without any choice.
$500 million compensation is too less considering the havoc and destruction Pakistan-supported Taliban caused in the country.

Once again, the India-backed Northern Alliance were no saints. They did their share of 'havoc and destruction'.
It was since first AFghan war and still continues and everyone including you had a role.

ahhh dead yeh after killing of thousands of Sri Lankans with active support of India for these killings. and NO you had NO role in its end.

dont jump up to get credit for something which you dint.

It was you and only you responsible for the establishment of Jihadi Camps in AF via Taliban.

As far as LTTE is concerned , Iam not denying that India had a role in its formation but after they became a Frankenstein Monster and took a life of its own. Many Indian soldiers were martyred fighting the LTTE in the late 80s. In the end India played a major role ending it by blocking the Palk Strait, effectively blocking LTTE's supply route with South India, and passing intelligence to SL about LTTE movements. Many Tamil groups were actually pressing for Indian Military intervension, but the Indian Govt chose to look the other way when Srilankan Army crushed LTTE. Without Indian blessing victory against LTTE was close to impossible.
The Taliban-Northern Alliance war was a proxy war between Pakistan and India. It's one of those open secrets.

The weird part is that, after the Soviet withdrawal, Northern Alliance first approached Pakistan, but were rebuffed, and then they went to India. Pakistan could have helped negotiate peace between the various groups. Opportunity lost.

It was more like a proxy war with Pakistan and Iran as the main players. India played only a supporting role. Other countries on the Pakistani side were the Saudis and the US. While Iran along with India Russia and the Central Asian states backed the Northern Alliance

So to correct some common myths
(1) Northern Alliance was supported predominantly by China and the Central Asian states with support from India in terms of medical teams e.t.c.

(2) Afghanistan has historically had good ties with India, Pashtuns included. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan or Badshah Khan is even today a revered figure in India for his non-violent struggle for freedom. A person who was so revered by even the Taliban and other militants in Afghanistan that when he was taken to Jalalabad for his funeral and to be buried there, all militant groups adhered to a ceasefire for 3 days out of respect. The rule of Taliban for the 6-8 years there was an anomaly in Afghan history and will most likely stay that way. Even Taliban commanders are sending feelers to reconcile with India and one of the reasons why PM Singh has mentioned about India's approval for integrating Taliban under the Afghan govt. reconciliation scheme.
India is not that innocent. It tried to install a stooge government with the Northern Alliance, who were beaten by the pro-Pakistan Taliban. That's when NATO stepped in to install a pro-India government in Afghanistan.

It would be ideal if Afghanistan could remain independent and not let itself be used by India or Pakistan, but that is something for the Afghans themselves to achieve. It cannot be imposed from outside.

NATO stepped in for different reasons and it installed pro-Western, pro-democracy, anti-militia government. Now the same government also happened to be pro-India, pro-China, pro-Russia, pretty much pro everyone (except Pakistan) who wants to come and do business in Afghanistan and help Afghanistan stand on its own feet. Yes agreed India is no saint and is not doing charity work in Afghanistan. India is just taking advantage of the conducive environment in the country and in return is helping in the development of the country in whatever way it can.

Given what Pakistan did with Afghanistan after the Soviets retreated do you really blame the Afghans for siding with India? Even now Pakistan is not helping the Afghans in getting rid of this violent menace, instead it is still hoping that one day NATO forces will leave and Taliban can come back to power. Pakistan messed up in Afghanistan, the sooner Pakistan realizes that the better it is for Afghan-Pak relationship. Besides I don't see why Afghan government can't be both pro-India and pro-Pakistan at the same time. Just my 2 cents.
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