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Baba ramdev arrested....supporters attacked

i beleive the congress party is just bogus and has some lunatic in it ....lol even some Pakistani agent in them like digvijay sing ... this person call baba randev as "wo ramdev bahut badmash hai" aur osama as "osama ji ki atma ko shanti mile "
One one hand ladies are having their spinal cords snapped with Lathi blows in a brutal attack on a peaceful democratic meeting. The only crime they committed was asking that money looted from the poor should be returned. On the other hand people are celebrating the government brutality.

It is not a new phenomena that the police has behaved like this. They have behaved that way irrespective of who is in control. Saying so, I am not justifying the atrocities against women. But, the shield around baba was preplanned and done to create a scene. I have seen the baba instructing his people to create a women shield around him if thing like this happens. So the women were part of the fraud design. They have to face what they planned for.

Police did not need any excuse to beat sleeping women to a pulp.

Police in any way has to answer for the excess. But, it is ridiculous to paint this event as something India is witnessing for the first time. It happens every day in one or other part of the country.
The difference is the allegation was dealt swiftly; the minister concerned was shown the door.

Stop lying.

The individual concerned was the ambassador to the UK. For his role in the scam, Nehru rewarded him with a cabinet post. He was an even bigger disaster in his role as the defense minister, when the Chinese decided to give Nehru a tight slap. The people of India paid the price, as always.
Muslim and Christians, even fundamentalist ones ,..only like secular(Pseudo/fake) Hindus ,...it may sound harsh but its unpleasant truth.

They bother when RSS is takes up communal agenda , may be rightfully so.

But they also bother when RSS takes up everyman's agenda like corruption , now as you see they don't hate RSS agenda , but basically hate RSS because its talk overtly about Hindu religion and indian culture .

India probably only country where minorities expect majority give up their own identity and culture for secular western identity. very Sad.

In this regard, Muslims are bigger hypocrite than Christians , since Muslims, wherever in majority always demand sharia law ,but prefer a secular set up when they are in minority.
Muslim and Christians, even fundamentalist ones ,..only like secular(Pseudo/fake) Hindus ,...it may sound harsh but its unpleasant truth.

Please don't generalize. The Congress would like people to fall into that trap.

There are Muslims and Christians who are quite happy to identify with Indic culture. Here is an interesting article by Dr Rafiq Zakaria:

What's Muslim about Kalam?

Author: Dr Rafiq Zakaria
Publication: The Asian Age
Date: June 19, 2002

Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, who will be our next President, is by all accounts a great scientist; his contribution to India's defence is of the highest order; he is rightly called the Missile Man; every Indian feels proud of him; he is in every respect a Bharat Ratna. But because he was born a Muslim and bears a Muslim name, he should not be put in the same category as the two former Muslim Presidents, Dr Zakir Husain and Mr Fakruddin Ali Ahmed. Both of them were as great a patriot and Indian to the core as Dr Kalam. But they were also Muslims in the real sense of the word; they believed in the tenets of the Quran and faithfully followed the traditions of the Prophet. They worked for the uplift of the Muslims as much as for the progress of India. They were ardent followers of Gandhiji and had sacrificed for the cause of India's freedom. They opposed Jinnah's Two-Nation theory and were close associates of Maulana Azad. They had full faith in India's composite culture and never hesitated to be a part of her ancient heritage.

Withal, they were also deeply involved in the hopes and aspirations of Indian Muslims; they engaged themselves actively in the emancipation of their community. Dr Zakir Husain built up the Jamia Millia Islamia and was for some time the vice-chancellor of the Aligarh Muslim University. Similarly Mr Fakruddin Ali Ahmad always took up the cause of the Muslims, both in Assam and in the rest of the country.

I am afraid, Dr Kalam has kept himself completely away from Muslims; he refused to mix with them and even when invited to participate in their nationalistic activities, he politely declined. As chairman of the All-India Khilafat Committee I requested him to be the chief guest at the mammoth Prophet's birthday celebrations in Mumbai, which is attended by more than ten lakh Muslims every year, but he refused. This was, in fact, started by Gandhiji in the wake of the Khilafat and the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1921 to promote Hindu-Muslim unity. It has been attended by most of our national leaders both during the Freedom Struggle and after Independence, even Prime Ministers and other highest dignitaries have graced the occasion by their participation. Likewise, Dr Ishaq Jamkhanwala, president of Anjuman-i-Islam, which was founded by the third Congress president, Mr Justice Badruddin Tyabjee, tells me that his invitation to Dr Kalam to visit the Anjuman to deliver the famous Seerut lecture to pay homage to the Prophet was turned down by him. He has hardly shown any interest in the affairs of the Muslim nor has he had any affiliation with the practices and conventions of Islam. He was one of the founder trustees with me of Maulana Azad Educational Foundation, floated by Government of India for promoting and aiding education among the Muslims; but Dr Kalam showed no interest in its work.

Dr Kalam feels much more at home with the Hindus. His Hindu friends, with whom he has spent a good deal of his life, have testified to the fact that he is far more attracted to Hinduism than Islam; I find nothing wrong with it. But for God's sake, don't describe him as a Muslim President and take credit for having obliged the Muslims for giving them this great honour. K. Rama Rao, former director of Defence Research and Development Laboratories (DRDL) writes: "I have known him for more than three decades, but find him the same, from the simple and unassuming fellow who shared a room with me in 1954 to the one who became my boss in the '80s. He would stay up late at night, eat vegetarian food and never show any signs of being a Muslim. I have not seen him offering prayers during namaz nor fast during Ramzan." Likewise R. Aravamudan, former director ISRO's Satellite Centre, Bangalore: "We lived in Indira Bhavan Lodge in Thiruvananthapuram. People there called him Kalam Iyer because he moved around with Brahmins and had similar eating habit. The only non-vegetarian food he ate occasionally was egg masala along with Kerala parottas. He would not talk much about his parents or siblings."

Dr Kalam never reads the Quran but every morning he goes through the Gita and is enchanted by it. He is sincerely devoted to Krishna. He recites the Hindu mantras on every occasion. Namaz does not appeal him nor has he ever fasted in the month of Ramzan. He is a strict vegetarian and a life-long brahmachari. His roots are really in Hinduism and he enjoys all the sacred Hindu scriptures. Hence the credit for his elevation, in communal terms, should go to the Hindus; to give it to the Muslims would be wrong. In fact Dr Kalam himself would be happy if he is not described as a Muslim President and his name is not linked with Dr Zakir Husain and Mr Fakruddin Ali Ahmad.

This does not mean that he is not a good man or inferior to the two Muslim Presidents; I am only objecting to the appellation. He is in fact most worthy to be President. He is great in the true sense, and his simplicity, humility and honesty will add lustre to the highest office of our country. I wish him all the best; may God, of whatever denomination Dr Kalam believes in, be with him.

I can speculate your position on nationalist issues and organisations especially if your name is Ejaz or "Zeeshan".

You have not let me down.

And you show everyone exactly the kind of guy you are. And I don't need to speculate. Your prejudices are not just political, couldn't resist bringing in religion, could you?
Muslim and Christians, even fundamentalist ones ,..only like secular(Pseudo/fake) Hindus ,...it may sound harsh but its unpleasant truth.

They bother when RSS is takes up communal agenda , may be rightfully so.

But they also bother when RSS takes up everyman's agenda like corruption , now as you see they don't hate RSS agenda , but basically hate RSS because its talk overtly about Hindu religion and indian culture .

India probably only country where minorities expect majority give up their own identity and culture for secular western identity. very Sad.

In this regard, Muslims are bigger hypocrite than Christians , since Muslims, wherever in majority always demand sharia law ,but prefer a secular set up when they are in minority.
what a pathetic level of thinking ........:hitwall::hitwall:
people like you need to be exiled from the country

to all my indian muslim and christian brothers ..i myself apologise for comments made by the above mentioned nutjob poster...:bad:
Please don't generalize.

There are Muslims and Christians who are quite happy to identify with Indic culture. Here is an interesting article by Dr Rafiq Zakaria:

This is the problem ,you don't accept reality.

What i stated is the reality . And let me make it clear i don't think its wrong on the part of Muslims and Christians to prefer secularity.

My point is that you should take into account this inherent attitude of the minorities while assessing their sentiments and not remain in denial.

Anyways minorities may have equal rights in this country , but Hindus have bigger responsibleness when comes to preserver and protect India and its unique identity.
yaa in India.. u only be consider secular when u talk in favor of muslims.. but if u take the side of RSS and BJP u are damm communal... This is the criteria in our country
Muslim and Christians, even fundamentalist ones ,..only like secular(Pseudo/fake) Hindus ,...it may sound harsh but its unpleasant truth.

They bother when RSS is takes up communal agenda , may be rightfully so.

But they also bother when RSS takes up everyman's agenda like corruption , now as you see they don't hate RSS agenda , but basically hate RSS because its talk overtly about Hindu religion and indian culture .

India probably only country where minorities expect majority give up their own identity and culture for secular western identity. very Sad.

In this regard, Muslims are bigger hypocrite than Christians , since Muslims, wherever in majority always demand sharia law ,but prefer a secular set up when they are in minority.

Thank God,
99% of Hindus don't think like you.
This is the problem ,you don't accept reality.

My point is that you should take into account this inherent attitude of the minorities while assessing their sentiments and not remain in denial.

What I am saying is that we should think in terms of individuals, not in terms of majority and minority. When someone says that somebody is a minority and is therefore in a different category, they are already admitting defeat. Read the article about Abdul Kalam, it is interesting.
yaa in India.. u only be consider secular when u talk in favor of muslims.. but if u take the side of RSS and BJP u are damm communal... This is the criteria in our country

Nowadays if you even slogans like "Bharat mata ki jai " and " Bande maataram" ,some socalled secular obviously self appointed protector of minority feelings cringe heavily with discomfort .
yaa in India.. u only be consider secular when u talk in favor of muslims.. but if u take the side of RSS and BJP u are damm communal... This is the criteria in our country

Its so.
If BJP & RSS is so popular why couldn't win even 8 seats out of total 800 seats contested in recent assembly elections.
So they wanted an issue to keep them alive and divert the attention from recent defeats. So all these Baba's Drama.
Wasn't his Fast Fixed and made a fool of his 10 crore followers (as calimed by him)
Stop lying.

The individual concerned was the ambassador to the UK. For his role in the scam, Nehru rewarded him with a cabinet post. He was an even bigger disaster in his role as the defense minister, when the Chinese decided to give Nehru a tight slap. The people of India paid the price, as always.

Thanks for showing me my fault.

I accept, I committed a blunder while defending this. I was in little haste.

But, that charge was of not following procedure. I don't think there was any monetary implication in this deal. At least, there was no report of that. this particular deal happened in 1948. I think the Kashmir problem would have the reason behind the hasty decision.

This guy was inducted into cabinet after the clearance from agencies.

If you point this matter out, you should also point out the swiftness of action in sale of shares to LIC case. Actually, I was pointing this incident while trying to answer your question.

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