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which one of these is the deadliest? (in your opinion)

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Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
1. Sikh
2. Gorkha
3. Dogra
4. Kumaoni
5. Jat
6. Rajput
7. Yadav
8. Punjabis
9. Pashtuns
10. Marathas

in my opinion i think its a tie between Sikhs and Gorkhas but i would like to know what are your opinions? and if the martial race you think is the best is not on here please mention so :yahoo:
All are gallant warriors in their own right . Deadliest is a really subjective term . Depends on Morale, Training , Equipment , Personal courage ...and many other things.

We can only get one topic for any sort of meaningful discussions i.e History and all have a long history of bravery on the battlefield.
exactly, good leadership and soldiers with courage, i never understood why ppl think some races are stronger than others.
That s true history has repeated again and again. The thread starter never cared to mention so many other people who have proved to be deadliest. When ur existence is threatened even a chicken turns deadly......
the sikhs were defeated by the purbia ( UP and bihari ) soldiers of the british army during the anglo-sikh wars .

later the sikhs took revenge by helping the british crush the revolt by the purbia troops in the 1857 mutiny .

in both cases the victors were led by british officers .

so it is quality of leadership that counts .
Cant say who is deadlier but Gorkhas are most fearsome..Argentina faced them and ran off..
Race has nothing to do with war fighting capability.

Race perhaps not but upbringing can if you spend half your life using a kukri and being raised in a warior ethos.

Spot on! And it's the quality of leadership that counts

If it was just leadership then the Gurkha's with British officers would be no different from any other regiment with british officers ;)

Mind you if i had to come up against either a Gurkha or a Sikh i would want a 2 mile start a Tac-50 and air support.

I always thought the Japanese tactic of shoting the officers stupid, if i shot the Gurkha i could surrender to the english if i shoot the officer no chance of surendering to the Gurkha.
dnt u guys over rate gurkhas n sikhs too much? specially the gurkhas?if it was by strenght thn what d they posses? they r short n not muscular!
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