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South China Sea issue China will no longer be patient

How can the government brainwash us when we can access youtube, facebook any time??? But what's happening in China when people have to access fake twitter, facebook and youtube ????

I want to tell you, yes you are right in terms of the internet censor, but it's our internal affair, every rulling party sometimes will have to restrict citizens freedom for the broader interests of the country. i don't believe in absolute freedom which never existed.
yes our rulling party has lots of flaws, some of which are extremely severe, but afterall it's our internal affair. in face of the provocation or challenge from outside, the vast majority of chinese's stance is crystal clear we chinese will do everything possible to preventing China being bullied by other country.
talking about bullying, what do you wanna say to US invasion of Iraq and libiya. aren't they bulying? where is your sanity? why don't your jump on board and claim who is bullying whom? hypocrite!
no US or Russian ppl will give their life for protecting your country. wake up........
Below is a interesting article for my Chinese friends to read.

Int’l magazine to make correction of U-shaped map

VietNamNet Bridge – The editorial board of the Italian-based Journal of Waste Management, has said to publish a correction in which the Chinese map used for an article in the April 2011 issue, is wrong in the upcoming issue.


On April 19, 2011, this magazine published an article by Chinese scientists (Jun Tai, Weiqian, Zhang, Yue Che and Di Feng) entitled “Municipal solid waste source-separated collection in China: A comparative analysis”.

In this article, Chinese authors used an illustration photo which depicts the U-shaped line that China uses to claim its sovereignty over the East Sea. It is serious that this is the first time the U-shaped line was published in a scientific magazine. The article mentions some Chinese cities in the testing areas but the authors intentionally added the U-shaped line below in the illustration photo.

Chinese scientists’ move was strongly protested by Vietnamese scientists.

Dr. To Van Truong, former head of the Southern Vietnam Institute for Irrigation Planning, told VietNamNet: “According to my foreign colleagues, this journal has published many articles, including Chinese maps, by Chinese scientists; but this is the first time a map includes the U-shaped line”.

“This is China’s intentional move to gradually materialize the U-shaped line,” he said.

“This is a worldwide reputed journal on solid waste, so Vietnam needs to strongly protest China’s move,” he added.

Many Vietnamese and overseas Vietnamese scientists have emailed the editorial board of the Journal of Waste Management asking them make corrections to the map with the illegal U-shaped line.

Prof. Pham Quang Tuan from Australia is among many scientists who have emailed Prof. Raffaello Cossu (Padua University – Italy), the chief editor of the Journal of Waste Management to report the case.

Prof. Tuan’s email clearly wrote: “China’s claim of sovereignty over the waters inside the U-shaped line is unilateral and not based on any international law. This claim is strongly protested by all countries in the region”.

“If your editorial board sees the map of the South China Sea (East Sea), including the mainland, you will understand why the U-shaped line is illegal. This line overlaps the 100 nautical mile waters of other countries while the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) confirms clearly that nations have sovereignty over the exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles from their coast.

Even when China is one side that claims sovereignty over the Truong Sa (Spratly) and Hoang Sa (Paracel) islands, this U-shaped line has no ground. In fact, under the UNCLOS, small uninhabited islands like Paracel or Spratly Islands only have 12 nautical mile waters, not an exclusive economic zone”.

Prof. Tuan pointed out that in recent years; China has used this line to provoke in order to appropriate most of the natural resources in the East Sea. In the latest cases, Chinese ships cut cables of Vietnamese seismic survey ships in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone.

The Journal of Waste Management is a reputed scientific magazine of the International Waste Working Group, based in Padova, Italy.

Thao Lam
VietNamNet - Int
I 'm really contemptuous of you for your words, aren't your feel ashame? you bet your country's future on others. if china eventually got destroyed, you ,the ignitor, will be first flattened by whatever means.

Don't be upset brother. I've been hearing claims of China collapsing, obliterating, getting divided into small chunks, getting overrun by foreign powers, and getting overrun by aliens and zombies for at least a decade. Tell you the truth I am only concerned about the last possibility with 2012 looming in our horizon.
I want to tell you, yes you are right in terms of the internet censor, but it's our internal affair, every rulling party sometimes will have to restrict citizens freedom for the broader interests of the country. i don't believe in absolute freedom which never existed.
yes our rulling party has lots of flaws, some of which are extremely severe, but afterall it's our internal affair. in face of the provocation or challenge from outside, the vast majority of chinese's stance is crystal clear we chinese will do everything possible to preventing China being bullied by other country.
talking about bullying, what do you wanna say to US invasion of Iraq and libiya. aren't they bulying? where is your sanity? why don't your jump on board and claim who is bullying whom? hypocrite!
no US or Russian ppl will give their life for protecting your country. wake up........

you are 100% right if you can find 1 thing true on internet you will find 99 fabricated and misguded mis and disinformation.china is a clver country and what ever it does benfits its people
The Philippiines has done the right thing.

Philippines to report China to U.N. over incursions

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) will submit a report to the United Nations regarding Chinese forces' incursions into Philippine territory in the disputed Spratly islands, a Malacañang official said Thursday.

The report is now being prepared by the DFA, according to Secretary Ricky Carandang of the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office.

"It shouldn't take too long before that's submitted to United Nations," he said in an interview with reporters.

Carandang said the Philippines will submit a separate report to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

"Many of our ASEAN member countries, our friends in ASEAN, are aware on the different incidents that have been happening, just like we are aware of the different incidents that have been happening with China and Vietnam," he added.

"Vietnam is aware of the incidents that have been happening with China and the Philippines. And this is being communicated to our ASEAN neighbors," he said.

Former House Speaker Jose de Venecia has proposed to the Aquino administration the shelving of sovereignty issues in favor of joint exploration of the Spratly Islands area with other claimant countries.

De Venecia said the proposal, which he has discussed with leaders of China and Vietnam, involves the declaration of an open seas policy and the demilitarization of the area with the pullout of military garrisons.

Carandang, however, said the Palace still wants to see a way for resources in the disputed areas to be jointly explored and exploited by the different claimants.

He stressed that President Benigno Aquino III has been reaching out to ASEAN members regarding the Spratlys row.

"In the previous ASEAN Summit and the bilaterals that President Aquino has been having with ASEAN countries, he has been explaining our position on Kalayaan Islands and Reed Bank to the other ASEAN countries. They have pledged their support," Carandang said.

"But we still need to bring everybody together on ultimately some kind of, kumbaga, 'ground rules.' How will we address these issues in a way that’s acceptable to all parties? So, we have been actually, over the last several months, engaging our ASEAN partners in trying to come up with a common position on the issues of the South China Sea," he said.

Abs.cbn news

VietNamNet - Philippines to report China to U.N. over incursions | Philippines to report China to U.N. over incursions
Let's read some onthers' opinions about the South China Sea.

the only reason for singapore to release that announcement is because china is not strong enough. there are some other bigger gangs standing by them.
they have formed unified alliance in terms of containing china, especially military force. but this kind of alliance is fragile. and is more diplomatic pose. the bigger gang will desert those hanging out with him as long as they feel you worthless
LOL, you are ignorant, you can search for the next and see how the relationship between Cambodia and China, do not deceive ourselves
Do you have Special relationship with Cambodia, or they hate your Massacre, so they only want the Special with Vietnam ??
If %80 for the South China Sea belongs to China, then why Mccain wants the US help Southeast Asian countries build up naval defenses to counter “aggressive” Chinese actions in the South China Sea ?????

U.S. Must Help Asean Countries Build South China Sea Defenses, McCain Says

The U.S. must help Southeast Asian countries build up naval defenses to counter “aggressive” Chinese actions in the South China Sea, Senator John McCain said in a speech.


U.S. Senator John McCain. Photographer: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images

The U.S. should aid the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations to “build up their maritime defense and detection capabilities to develop and deploy basic systems such as early- warning radar and coastal security vessels,” he said, according to a transcript of a speech yesterday to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Tensions in the disputed waters have increased over the past month as the Philippines and Vietnam said Chinese ships had harassed their oil and gas survey vessels. Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), Talisman Energy Inc. (TLM), Forum Energy Plc (FEP) and Vietnam Oil & Gas Group, known as PetroVietnam, have operations in areas of the South China Sea claimed by China.

McCain, an Arizona Republican and ranking member of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, said “the aggressive behavior of China and the unsubstantiated territorial claims that it seeks to advance” are “exacerbating tensions” in the waters.

“China has always committed to resolving the South China Sea issue through bilateral negotiations,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters in Beijing today. “China does what it says. China has been working to constructively solve the South China Sea issues in a peaceful manner.”

‘Bad Example’

Vietnam and China conducted a two-day joint patrol of the countries’ delineated maritime border in the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam News reported, citing Vietnam’s Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff Colonel Nguyen Van Kiem. The 11th joint patrol between the countries began June 19 and included two vessels from each navy, the paper said.

An unsigned editorial in the Chinese state-owned Global Times today said Vietnam “has been gaining the most benefits from undersea natural gas and oil exploitation” and is “setting a bad example in Southeast Asia.”

“If Vietnam continues to provoke China in this region, China will first deal with it with maritime police forces, and if necessary, strike back with naval forces,” the editorial said, adding that China would also take back islands occupied by Vietnam. “If Vietnam wants to start a war, China has the confidence to destroy invading Vietnam battleships, despite possible objections from the international community.”

McCain called on President Barack Obama’s administration to clarify the U.S. position on territorial claims and “what actions we are prepared to take to support our policies and partners.”

‘Decisive Role’

“The events now unfolding in the South China Sea will play a decisive role in shaping the development of the Asia-Pacific region in this century,” he said.

Senators Jim Webb, a Virginia Democrat and a former Secretary of the Navy, and James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, submitted a resolution on June 13 condemning what they described as “the use of force” by Chinese vessels.

The U.S., which has patrolled Asia-Pacific waters since World War II, has defense treaties with the Philippines and Thailand, and guarantees Taiwan’s security. The U.S. Navy has said it will conduct joint training exercises with both the Philippines and Vietnam over the next two months.

World War II Vessel

The U.S. sold a 378-foot Coast Guard vessel equipped with a helicopter launching pad and missile system to the Philippines earlier this year that will be its largest naval vessel when delivered in August, according to a May 12 statement by the Philippine Navy. The BRP Rajah Humabon, currently the biggest Philippines vessel, was built in 1943 and used by the U.S. against German submarines in World War II.

Chinese ships have rammed survey vessels operated by PetroVietnam twice in the past month, according to Vietnam’s foreign ministry, with one incident occurring in an area where Calgary-based Talisman Energy planned a seismic program this year. China has disputed that version of events, saying it’s committed to maintaining peace in the seas.

The personnel in the China Marine Surveillance force will rise to 15,000 by 2020 from 9,000 now, the China Daily reported June 17, citing an unidentified official with the agency. The number of surveillance vessels operated by the CMS will increase from 260 to 350, the report said.

In addition to the CMS, China has four other civilian maritime forces, including a fishery protection fleet that has grown by an average of 100 vessels a year since 2005, according to a report last year by China Daily.

To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel Ten Kate in Bangkok at dtenkate@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Peter Hirschberg at phirschberg@bloomberg.net

U.S. Must Help Asean Countries Build South China Sea Defenses, McCain Says - Bloomberg
If %80 for the South China Sea belongs to China, then why Mccain wants the US help Southeast Asian countries build up naval defenses to counter “aggressive” Chinese actions in the South China Sea ?????
it seems you tend to see US as your step father, then why did you at that time fight against US, just simply declare Vietnam is another state of US. it will be better off.
US is a flip-flopper, everything they do every words they say will be in their own interests? are you really believing in US?if yes, then joint them become part of it.
You guys are just making an excuse. Why?? Because people have brain to differentiate between the good and bad, they can tell what is right or wrong;therefore, they're allowed to access any information. If the information is wrong, then they will condemn against it . Adults are not babies and they're not supposed to be treated like babies. If the Chinese government treats their citizens like babies then the problem is the Chinese people do not know which information is good or bad, or because the goverment wants to prevent them from something ????

I have provided a few informations for you guy to read them just in case you guys can't access them in China. Chinese people keep calling Vietnam a thieft, but with the rest of the countries, Vietnam aren't .

you are 100% right if you can find 1 thing true on internet you will find 99 fabricated and misguded mis and disinformation.china is a clver country and what ever it does benfits its people
Stop making all that up. Did I already say that I wanted to show you guys the opinions of other countries regarding about the South China Sea ???

First was Singapore, then the Philippines, now the U.S. Because all you guys can do are talk and more talk, so I want you guys to see and hear other's opinions about the South China Sea beside just Vietnam and China. Fair enough????

More to come.

it seems you tend to see US as your step father, then why did you at that time fight against US, just simply declare Vietnam is another state of US. it will be better off.
US is a flip-flopper, everything they do every words they say will be in their own interests? are you really believing in US?if yes, then joint them become part of it.
china won't resort to using military force to resolve this dispute.
Indonesia turn.

Indonesia:China’s claim to sovereignty over almost all the sea “clearly lacks international legal basis” and “encroaches [on] the legitimate interest of the global community.”

IT IS interesting to learn that Indonesia’s government last month, through its mission at the United Nations, wrote to a UN commission (“on the limits of the continental shelf”), contesting China’s position on the South China Sea. Attention has been drawn to the letter by an excellent article (behind a pay barrier) by Michael Richardson in Singapore's Straits Times. The letter argues that China’s claim to sovereignty over almost all the sea “clearly lacks international legal basis” and “encroaches [on] the legitimate interest of the global community.”

The letter was sent before the row over the sea flared up again at the ASEAN Regional Forum in Hanoi later in July. It is rare these days for any South-East Asian country publicly to challenge China, much as the region’s diplomats privately fret about the recent muscularity of Chinese diplomacy.

Indonesia's intervention now suggests three things. The first is that this is an issue where it feels it has a role to play. That is partly because—unlike Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam (as well as China and Taiwan)—it has no claim of its own on any of the sea's islands [see correction below], and so can present itself as an honest broker.

Also, as an archipelagic country, Indonesia has long been interested in the law of the sea. Hasjim Djalal, a veteran Indonesian diplomat and legal expert, chaired the International Seabed Authority, and tried long and hard to set up a mechanism for tackling the South China Sea—some of his writings on the topic can be seen at a useful online archive. (Mr Hasjim is the father of Dino Patti Djalal, who is Indonesia’s ambassador-designate to the United States, having been spokesman and an important kitchen-cabinet member of the president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono).

But the second lesson of Indonesia’s letter is to show just how worried the region is by China’s approach. One of Mr Hasjim’s goals was to make China confirm that its interest in the South China Sea was of a different and lower order from, for example, its dispute with Taiwan. In fact, the exact reverse has happened. In talks with America, China has elevated its claim over the sea to a “core national interest”, ie, just like Taiwan (not to mention Tibet).

Mr Richardson’s article has some numbers that help explain why. China’s internationally recognised “Exclusive Economic Zone” (EEZ) at sea is just 880,000 sq km (340,000 square miles). In the South China Sea, it claims an area four times as big.

The third implication of the letter may be that—at long last—Indonesia is beginning to show a bit of assertiveness in its own diplomacy. Under the long Suharto dictatorship, the regional giant exercised its de facto leadership of ASEAN by stealth. Now it seems, tentatively, to be flexing a few muscles of its own.

Indonesia and the South China Sea: Indonesia wades in | The Economist
And no countries in the South East Asia including Vietnam will stand there so each of them will be robbed and killed by China. Don't you agree ??? If you will die neither way, why not fight back?? Vietnamese people have gone through this so many times so we know what to do .

china won't resort to using military force to resolve this dispute.
And no countries in the South East Asia including Vietnam will stand there so each of them will be robbed and killed by China. Don't you agree ??? If you will die neither way, why not fight back?? Vietnamese people have gone through this so many times so we know what to do .

apparently you didn't comprehend anything i wrote.

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