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Islamophobia Run Wild


Sep 15, 2009
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I watched the disgraceful Islamophobic rantings on the BBC and Sky News last night in mounting disbelief. Security correspondent and security expert vied with each other to tell us that the dreadful attacks in Norway were the work of al-Qaida. One extraordinary American, introduced as from a Centre for Combating Extremism, explained that these Norwegian jihadists had international links and plans to attack London and the New York subway. Norway was a target, we were repeatedly told, because of its NATO membership.

There was at least six solid hours of this poisonous bullshit. I did not pick up on one single person who said that this probably was not Islamic terrorism – despite the glaringly obvious fact that the atrocity had a Norwegian domestic political agenda, being an attack on the Prime Minister’s office, and on a youth camp of the governing party. The internet was buzzing for hours with the news that the attacker on Utoya Island was blonde, without the broadcast media mentioning it. The American security expert I mention above had that base covered – he had obviously seen those reports, but did not mention them. However he said that jihadist groups had probably recruited European looking operatives to carry out the attacks, because they were aware that security services “consciously or unconsciously operated racial profiling.”

This morning Al Jazeera and Russia Today were carrying the news that the attacker was Anders Breivik – and even a picture of him – while the BBC and Sky still were not, and while they had stopped the blatant Islamophobic ranting, had still not admitted it was not an Islamic militant attack.

I would love to believe that this incident would cause the media to reassess the value of the numerous “security experts” whose companies, institutes, funding, profile and standards of living have been spectacularly boosted by the “War on Terror”. But I doubt it.

All terrorism is terrible. Islamic extremist terrorism is terrible. But not all terrorism is Islamic extremist. To presume it is, is just as valid as to assume that any shooting in the UK is carried out by a black person. If the BBC reacted to the next news of a shooting or stabbing, by six hours about crime in the black community, when it turned out the perpetrators are white, there would rightly be outrage. This is no different.


The mainstream media and those “Security experts” are now struggling to cover up and justify their blatant Islamophobia. The New York Times was right at the forefront of the Islamophobic ranting, attributing the bombing to a non-existent Jihadist group and then being quoted all across the airwaves as the authority for that attribution. It has now published this amazing self-justificatory bullshit:

Norway has about 550 soldiers and three medevac helicopters in northern Afghanistan, a Norwegian defense official said. The government has indicated that it will continue to support the operations as long as the alliance needs partners on the ground.

Terrorism specialists said that even if the authorities ultimately ruled out Islamic terrorism as the cause of Friday’s assaults, other kinds of groups or individuals were mimicking Al Qaeda’s brutality and multiple attacks.

“If it does turn out to be someone with more political motivations, it shows these groups are learning from what they see from Al Qaeda,” said Brian Fishman, a counterterrorism researcher at the New America Foundation in Washington. “One lesson I take away from this is that attacks, especially in the West, are going to move to automatic weapons.”

All the mainstream media are rushing to take down their crazed Islamophobic rantings from their websites this morning – the BBC did it just twenty minutes ago, and had a short period in consequence when they had nothing up on Norway. I expect newspaper sites will be doing the same. Print editions, of course, do not have that ability.

Mainstream media – all the hate and lies they can peddle. What would really be an interesting public inquiry, would be the links between “security” and “defence” correspondents and the security services whose propaganda they spread. I should love to know what security service briefings were behind yesterday’s Islamophobic lies.

Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Islamophobia Run Wild
islamophobia is wrong....but any one wonder why they are there in the first place.......why no jewophobia...no christianophobia...no hinduphobia...no sikhophobia....
islamophobia is wrong....but any one wonder why they are there in the first place.......why no jewophobia...no christianophobia...no hinduphobia...no sikhophobia....


the second part of your post negates what you say right at the beginning

why dont you just spell it out - rather than asking others to "wonder"?

the second part of your post negates what you say right at the beginning

why dont you just spell it out - rather than asking others to "wonder"?

yes ....i will justify my post.......

i said wrong because i think it is wrong to vilify a community for the practise of some members of it.......

my second part tell though the practise is in itself wrong....its the basic human nature and you cant really blame the other people as well.....they think this is a threat to their way of life and hence they do what they do.....if the some members of the former party had not done the wrong things...why wuld the others discriminate on the basis of relgiion ?......that is why i asked why is there no phobia of other religions and only islam.....

both parties are at fault here.....but to varying proportions......this is not a case of black and white.......why do i have to spell out something you already know.....
The news coverage of the Norway mass-killings was fact-free conjecture
Let's be absolutely clear, it wasn't experts speculating, it was guessers guessing – and they were terrible

I went to bed in a terrible world and awoke inside a worse one. At the time of writing, details of the Norwegian atrocity are still emerging, although the identity of the perpetrator has now been confirmed and his motivation seems increasingly clear: a far-right anti-Muslim extremist who despised the ruling party.

Presumably he wanted to make a name for himself, which is why I won't identify him. His name deserves to be forgotten. Discarded. Deleted. Labels like "madman", "monster", or "maniac" won't do, either. There's a perverse glorification in terms like that. If the media's going to call him anything, it should call him pathetic; a nothing.

On Friday night's news, they were calling him something else. He was a suspected terror cell with probable links to al-Qaida. Countless security experts queued up to tell me so. This has all the hallmarks of an al-Qaida attack, they said. Watching at home, my gut feeling was that that didn't add up. Why Norway? And why was it aimed so specifically at one political party? But hey, they're the experts. They're sitting there behind a caption with the word "EXPERT" on it. Every few minutes the anchor would ask, "What kind of picture is emerging?" or "What sense are you getting of who might be responsible?" and every few minutes they explained this was "almost certainly" the work of a highly-organised Islamist cell.

In the aftermath of the initial bombing, they proceeded to wrestle with the one key question: why do Muslims hate Norway? Luckily, the experts were on hand to expertly share their expert solutions to plug this apparent plot hole in the ongoing news narrative.

Why do Muslims hate Norway? There had to be a reason.

Norway was targeted because of its role in Afghanistan. Norway was targeted because Norwegian authorities had recently charged an extremist Muslim cleric. Norway was targeted because one of its newspapers had reprinted the controversial Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

Norway was targeted because, compared to the US and UK, it is a "soft target" – in other words, they targeted it because no one expected them to.

When it became apparent that a shooting was under way on Utoya island, the security experts upgraded their appraisal. This was no longer a Bali-style al-Qaida bombing, but a Mumbai-style al-Qaida massacre. On and on went the conjecture, on television, and in online newspapers, including this one. Meanwhile, on Twitter, word was quickly spreading that, according to eyewitnesses, the shooter on the island was a blond man who spoke Norwegian. At this point I decided my initial gut reservations about al-Qaida had probably been well founded. But who was I to contradict the security experts? A blond Norwegian gunman doesn't fit the traditional profile, they said, so maybe we'll need to reassess . . . but let's not forget that al-Qaida have been making efforts to actively recruit "native" extremists: white folk who don't arouse suspicion. So it's probably still the Muslims.

Soon, the front page of Saturday's Sun was rolling off the presses. "Al-Qaeda" Massacre: NORWAY'S 9/11 – the weasel quotes around the phrase "Al Qaeda" deemed sufficient to protect the paper from charges of jumping to conclusions.

By the time I went to bed, it had become clear to anyone within glancing distance of the internet that this had more in common with the 1995 Oklahoma bombing or the 1999 London nail-bombing campaign than the more recent horrors of al-Qaida.

While I slept, the bodycount continued to rise, reaching catastrophic proportions by the morning. The next morning I switched on the news and the al-Qaida talk had been largely dispensed with, and the pundits were now experts on far-right extremism, as though they'd been on a course and qualified for a diploma overnight.

Some remained scarily defiant in the face of the new unfolding reality. On Saturday morning I saw a Fox News anchor tell former US diplomat John Bolton that Norwegian police were saying this appeared to be an Oklahoma-style attack, then ask him how that squared with his earlier assessment that al-Qaida were involved. He was sceptical. It was still too early to leap to conclusions, he said. We should wait for all the facts before rushing to judgment. In other words: assume it's the Muslims until it starts to look like it isn't – at which point, continue to assume it's them anyway.

If anyone reading this runs a news channel, please, don't clog the airwaves with fact-free conjecture unless you're going to replace the word "expert" with "guesser" and the word "speculate" with "guess", so it'll be absolutely clear that when the anchor asks the expert to speculate, they're actually just asking a guesser to guess. Also, choose better guessers. Your guessers were terrible, like toddlers hypothesising how a helicopter works. I don't know anything about international terrorism, but even I outguessed them.

As more information regarding the identity of the terrorist responsible for the massacre comes to light, articles attempting to explain his motives are starting to appear online. And beneath them are comments from readers, largely expressing outrage and horror. But there are a disturbing number that start, "What this lunatic did was awful, but . . ."

These "but" commenters then go on to discuss immigration, often with reference to a shaky Muslim-baiting story they've half-remembered from the press. So despite this being a story about an anti-Muslim extremist killing Norwegians who weren't Muslim, they've managed to find a way to keep the finger of blame pointing at the Muslims, thereby following a narrative lead they've been fed for years, from the overall depiction of terrorism as an almost exclusively Islamic pursuit, outlined by "security experts" quick to see al-Qaida tentacles everywhere, to the fabricated tabloid fairytales about "Muslim-only loos" or local councils "banning Christmas".

We're in a frightening place. Guesswork won't lead us to safety.
The news coverage of the Norway mass-killings was fact-free conjecture | Charlie Brooker | Comment is free | The Guardian

Don't you know about antisemitism in Europe. The largest systematic murder of Jews took place there. So did the Jews in Europe actually do something that deserved it?

Xenophobia is the illogical fear of the unknown and it occurs every where. Especially if there are people making this a money making enterprise like some "experts" and "commentators" have become, tapping into this fear in an economic downturn like we have in the US and Europe today. But this phenomenon happens in the Arab world, in Pakistan and India and other parts of the world. Economic prosperity or at least equitable wealth distribution is a fundamental factor that helps having a tolerant society.

It is important to realise that these are usually a small extremist and vocal groups who have a warped sense of reality. For example, OBL and his supporters have illogical hate of the west and those who "support" them. But the overwhelming majority of the people everywhere are not extremists.

Is it any surprise that those killed by Al Qaeda are 90%+ muslims. Because what they think is these Muslims are responsible for the west or more specifically the US dominating their "land" and "culture". Just like this right wing extremist felt that "liberal" Norwegians are becoming a tool in destroying his "land" and "culture". And he ended up killing pretty much Norwegians although there may be immigrants and even Muslims among the dead.

In most western countries, people don't differentiate between Hindus, Sikhs and Arabs when they commit hate crimes. In fact, the Sikh community has often suffered a lot of hate crimes because of this. Even Hindus have been killed assuming that they are Arabs or Muslims in the US.
Blinded Muslim pleads to save his attacker's life | The Australian
Mistaken for Muslims, Sikhs hit by hate crimes - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com
At this point in time there is no use of differentiating which community should be or should not be hated. All communities should unite to stop the hate. Jews, muslims, sikhs, hindus form minorities in the west and its important that they join hands with other people to stop the hate.

Just like Muslims in Muslim majority countries should join hands to protect minorities in their country like Christians and Muslims in Egypt and other places. In fact, they should provide a better example than even the west by better providing freedom to practice their religion and protecting minority religious faiths.
islamophobia is wrong....but any one wonder why they are there in the first place.......why no jewophobia...no christianophobia...no hinduphobia...no sikhophobia....
That is already rampant. After that is CIA-phobia.
I noticed that it is acceptable to be anti-Semitic and anti-christian on this forum, but islam is off limits!

The reason people were so quick to assume it was an islamic group that did the bombings was because muslims have been behind all the attacks in europe in the past.
Ghetto mentality and not ready to assimilate well in adopted countries by muslims is one of the reason for Islamophobia. Take the example of UK.
I noticed that it is acceptable to be anti-Semitic and anti-christian on this forum, but islam is off limits!

The reason people were so quick to assume it was an islamic group that did the bombings was because muslims have been behind all the attacks in europe in the past.

lol one more expert with knowledage from ??? For ur kind information Muslims are only behind 0.4% attacks. Go and search for facts before open ur dirty mouth

Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 99.6% that Aren’t

Europol releases an annual study of terrorism; the results do not support claims that "(nearly) all Muslims are terrorists"

Islamophobes have been popularizing the claim that “not all Muslims are terrorists, but (nearly) all terrorists are Muslims.” Despite this idea becoming axiomatic in some circles, it is quite simply not factual. In my previous article entitled “All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t”, I used official FBI records to show that only 6% of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil from 1980 to 2005 were carried out by Islamic extremists. The remaining 94% were from other groups (42% from Latinos, 24% from extreme left wing groups, 7% from extremist Jews, 5% from communists, and 16% from all other groups).

But what about across the pond? The data gathered by Europol strengthens my argument even further. (hat tip: Koppe) Europol publishes an annual report entitled EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report. On their official website, you can access the reports from 2007, 2008, and 2009. (If anyone can find the reports from earlier than that, please let me know so we can include those as well.)

The results are stark, and prove decisively that not all terrorists are Muslims. In fact, a whopping 99.6% of terrorist attacks in Europe were by non-Muslim groups; a good 84.8% of attacks were from separatist groups completely unrelated to Islam. Leftist groups accounted for over sixteen times as much terrorism as radical Islamic groups. Only a measly 0.4% of terrorist attacks from 2007 to 2009 could be attributed to extremist Muslims.

Here are the official tables provided in the reports…

Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 99.6% that Aren't | loonwatch.com
I noticed that it is acceptable to be anti-Semitic and anti-christian on this forum, but islam is off limits!

The reason people were so quick to assume it was an islamic group that did the bombings was because muslims have been behind all the attacks in europe in the past.

I am sure there are plenty of places on the internet where you can vent your spleen being anti islamic ... And if you really had been following this forum there are plenty of people on this forum (including Pakistanis) who do make a anti Islamic comment now and then

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