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Why Manmohan’s strategy on Pak terror will never work !

^^^ It's far more simple than that.

The guy Hafiz is very publicly visible and regularly attends rallies and gives public speeches.

Just give a few lakh rupees to a poor Pakistani criminal and give him a gun.

How difficult could it possibly be?

One man alone can do it.

and what will that get India...?? There are a million and one Hafiz Saeeds in Pakistan to take his place.. Such declared terrorists living in open view in side Pakistan are worth their weight in gold to India.. Just the same way capturing Kasab alive and keeping him that way is beneficial to India..
and what will that get India...?? There are a million and one Hafiz Saeeds in Pakistan to take his place.. Such declared terrorists living in open view in side Pakistan are worth their weight in gold to India.. Just the same way capturing Kasab alive and keeping him that way is beneficial to India..

By that reasoning America should not have killed Osama.

We should also not have captured Kasab and in fact let him kill a few hundred more until he ran out of bullets and then go back to the land of the pure.

This Hafeez guy and his ilk are terrorist mastermind.

Not every Tom, Dick and Harry is a mastermind.

There's a reason why police etc. like to kill terrorist masterminds.

Besides, what signal are we giving them?

That we are open to attack and they are free to attack us and kill our friends and families at will.

Quite a message we are sending to the terrorist, aren't we?
If u became victim of terrorism , and unluckily didn't die and lost your legs or one hand , what would you do then ??

I would kill someone in the Govt.

The suitcase just appeared at the High Court and exploded. Just like that.

...thinking straight.

I think now it is not pakaistan ... it is some other country which want a indo-pak annihilation war by destabilizing India ... Don't ignore new Anglo-american empire ... they never want the rise of other country ... they always want to keep their supremacy over world .....
By that reasoning America should not have killed Osama.

We should also not have captured Kasab and in fact let him kill a few hundred more until he ran out of bullets and then go back to the land of the pure.

This Hafeez guy and his ilk are terrorist mastermind.

Not every Tom, Dick and Harry is a mastermind.

There's a reason why police etc. like to kill terrorist masterminds.

A little difference in the 2 situations.. America killed Osama since it was Osama who was the real enemy and not Afghanistan or Pakistan

In our case, its the state of Pakistan and not an individual called Hafiz Saeed who is the real enemy..
A little difference in the 2 situations.. America killed Osama since it was Osama who was the real enemy and not Afghanistan or Pakistan

In our case, its the state of Pakistan and not an individual called Hafiz Saeed who is the real enemy..

You're missing the woods for the trees. 'nuff said.
Surprisingly.. what most war-mongerer's also ignore.. is that the very same people who butchered thousands of Indians before..
are now Butchering Pakistani's.
As if their wish has been answered without even an iota of investment.
They wanted to see Pakistani women and children killed.. they are getting their wish.
Surprisingly.. what most war-mongerer's also ignore.. is that the very same people who butchered thousands of Indians before..
are now Butchering Pakistani's.

Are you sure that it's the Indians who have made that distinction and not Pakistanis?

Who brought the 'Good Taliban, Bad Taliban' to the fore?

Those who attack Afghans and Indians are good and those who attack Pakistanis are bad.

Who brought that deranged reasoning into existence?

Who was the one that ventured into Afghanistan in search of strategic depth?

This is a very common Pakistanis line of reasoning that those Afghan taliban who are vital to so-called Pakistani intyests in A'stan are good and those who attack Pakistanis are not.

Who has been sheltering the Haqqanis saving them as a trump card in the end game?

Where does this sacrosanct Pakistani attitude go when it comes to sheltering mass murderers of Indians, people like Hafiz Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

As if their wish has been answered without even an iota of investment.
They wanted to see Pakistani women and children killed.. they are getting their wish.

It's not a wish. Please don't make that preposterous accusation.

We have been suffering from Pakistani induced terrorism for the past 20-25 years and so have been the Afghans.

We have seen enough pain and deaths in the past 25 years to know what it feels like to be a victim of terrorism.

It's just that now the chicken have come home to roost and hence, you are having a taste of your own medicine.

It's good when talibs seize power in Afghanistan but its bad when they try to seize power in Pakistan.

Who made that distinction?

It's just that you expected have a saanp in your asteen and you thought it would not bite you.

Unfortunately for you, the saanp remains a saanp. Forever ready to bite a hand.

Earlier is used to be India, and even today it is.

Now it is Pakistan too.


In fact, as a sidenote, I'm pretty sure you guys have still not realised that you are playing fire. A fire which will ultimately one day burn your own home.

The realisation seems to have crept into some sections of the Pakistani society but they remain marginal.

The almighty Pakistani Army, the controller of all strings in Pakistan is still the same old organisation without an iota of change in its policies.
You see santro, that's been the sole difference between our two countries.

India supported LTTE and one day paid the price and realised its mistake.

Pakistanis supported Aghan taliban and terrorists like Hafiz Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim, paid the price and continue to do so and have still not realised their folly.

...and as long as you don't, it won't stop.
@Sparrow......thand rakho bhai....

Just stop dude....seriously...-.-
Surprisingly.. what most war-mongerer's also ignore.. is that the very same people who butchered thousands of Indians before..
are now Butchering Pakistani's.
As if their wish has been answered without even an iota of investment.
They wanted to see Pakistani women and children killed.. they are getting their wish.

There are very few war mongers in India even they do it because of the continues propagation of terrorism into India by pakistan. Believe me even they don't want even a single pakistani women or pakistani child to die. War mongers in India only wat terror trainers, facilitators targeted not women and children as they are not enemy and when pakistani women and pakistani kids haven't done anything against India why they will feel happy for?????
Relax Guys - This article make it sound like we Pakistanis are all evil and plotting something against India every second.We on the other end of the border are humans too.War will be devastating for both sides and this kind of issue can be resolved through mutual peaceful (give and take) talks only.
What war-mongerers never foresee.. is the consequences.
They see things only from a viewpoint that seems assumes a optimistic outlook for their nation.

Surprisingly.. what most war-mongerer's also ignore.. is that the very same people who butchered thousands of Indians before..
are now Butchering Pakistani's.
As if their wish has been answered without even an iota of investment.
They wanted to see Pakistani women and children killed.. they are getting their wish.

A pity that it doesn't open the eyes of many in your country.War mongering is a national past time in Pakistan. Even now, quite a few of your crazies keep discussing Ghazwa -e Hind as if such stupid ideas have any moral resonance in today's world. Your country is paying the price for its past mistakes yet somehow unable to see it as a mistake since they still seem to support some groups anyways.

I agree with the article's viewpoint. i do not believe that peace can be achieved by talking, that will happen only with the eroding of the Pakistani state causing the attention of the favoured militant groups to turn inwards. We will always feel the blowback from Pakistani groups well into the immediate future. There is quite simply no getting away from that. Even if Pakistan faces near implosion, there will still be strikes against India as a means to divert attention & somehow unify the country against the hated enemy. If groups like LeT & JeM are ostensible out of control of the Pakistani establishment, how will a peace deal with the Pakistani government guarantee an end to attacks from the likes of them ? A peace deal with more open borders can only happen when the Pakistani state has full control over all its areas. If that is not available as a prerequisite, no peace deal can ever hope to take off.
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