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Kemal belonged to a sect if Turks who were quite recent converts to Islam, from being a Jew before.

Maybe that's why it was so easy for him to abolish Islam??
Kemal belonged to a sect if Turks who were quite recent converts to Islam, from being a Jew before.

Maybe that's why it was so easy for him to abolish Islam??

only jew here is you! from london town!

He(Ataturk) proved that Muslims have enough strength to have the world hear themselves, with founding Turkish Republic. With his death, the Muslim world lost his greatest hero. Although a hero like Ataturk standing in front of them as a source of inspiration, will Indian Muslims be agree to their current position?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

why was the last ottoman caliph expelled to France when turkey became a republic?

Ataturk fired all of them..
155 member of the Ottoman Dynasty was expelled from Turkey with together the law (No. 431) of the abolition of Caliphate in 3 March 1924.
Last Caliph Abdulmejid Effendi was expelled "immediately", Ottoman Princes by "24 hours" and other all family by "10 days"..
Family members went to different countries (U.S., Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon)
The entry ban to Turkey of the Ottoman Dynasty removed for woman members in 1952 and man members in 1974..
only jew here is you! from london town!

He(Ataturk) proved that Muslims have enough strength to have the world hear themselves, with founding Turkish Republic. With his death, the Muslim world lost his greatest hero. Although a hero like Ataturk standing in front of them as a source of inspiration, will Indian Muslims be agree to their current position?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah


quaid e azam just appreciated kemal like he appreciated other people, not that he was inspired by yours, kemal has nothing to do with present turkey let alone 'muslim world' if that was the case many muslim countries would have followed your so called holy kemal
Kemal belonged to a sect if Turks who were quite recent converts to Islam, from being a Jew before.

Maybe that's why it was so easy for him to abolish Islam??


Mustafa Kemal was born in Salonika.. And Salonika city has the largest Jewish population of Ottoman Land..
And we don't have the family tree of Mustafa Kemal.. Even no one knows his grandfather in real..!!!
Archives about him are closed and will not open !!! :)
Ottoman Empire was falling apart the wars with Russia and the defeat in the balkans hit a psychological for the turks and not to mention losing Egypt, jumping into ww1 didn't help and the society was backwards in the end the turks themselves were the destroyer of their empire.
quaid e azam just appreciated kemal like he appreciated other people, not that he was inspired by yours, kemal has nothing to do with present turkey let alone 'muslim world' if that was the case many muslim countries would have followed your so called holy kemal

holy kemal? :lol:

then educate yourself and learn some manner and appreciation from quaid e azam!!!
holy kemal? :lol:

then educate yourself and learn some manner and appreciation from quaid e azam!!!

yes kemal is as holier to kemalists as the god, kemalists have been kicked hard enough not to see the daylight of politics again, remaining kemalist army is also under control now
If turkey wants a new ottoman empire then should try to form a EU like Middle East Union, also Turks will need get in control of Mecca, there can be no new ottoman empire without Turks controlling mecca, it's very unlikely it will happen.

Mustafa Kemal was born in Salonika.. And Salonika city has the largest Jewish population of Ottoman Land..
And we don't have the family tree of Mustafa Kemal.. Even no one knows his grandfather in real..!!!
Archives about him are closed and will not open !!! :)

I thought You are a Turk and you Know some Turkish! :lol:

I know you hate to hear about truth

Atatürk'ün Peygamber Efendimize Duyduğu Hayranlık
Atatürk'ün Kuran-ı Kerim'e duyduğu derin sevgi ve saygısı, İslam dininin en saf şekliyle yaşanmasına olan inancı onun dindar yönünü her dönemde ortaya çıkarmıştır. Her zaman gerçek din ile batıl inançlarla dolu gericiliği net biçimde ayıran Atatürk, birçok konuşmasında, samimi ve içten bir şekilde Allah'tan, İslam'dan, Kuran'dan saygı ve bağlılıkla bahsetmiştir. Hz. Peygamberimizi övmüş ve Türk Milleti'ne, gerçek dine sarılmayı ve daha dindar olmayı tavsiye etmiş. Allah'a yönelmede Hz. Muhammed'i rehber göstermiştir:

"Bütün dünyanın Müslümanları Allah'ın son peygamberi Hz. Muhammed'in gösterdiği yolu takip etmeli ve verdiği talimatları tam olarak tatbik etmeli. Tüm Müslümanlar Hz. Muhammed'i örnek almalı ve kendisi gibi hareket etmeli; İslamiyet'in hükümlerini olduğu gibi yerine getirmeli. Zira ancak bu şekilde insanlar kurtulabilir ve kalkınabilirler." (Atatürk, Nedim Senbai, A.Ü. Dil, Tarih, Coğrafya Yay., s. 102, 1979)

Hz. Muhammed'i överek O'nu kendisine örnek alan Atatürk, Hz. Muhammed'in peygamberliğine kesin olarak iman etmişti. Hz. Muhammed'e duyduğu hayranlığı ve O'nun peygamberliğini heyecanla anlattığı bir sırada yanında bulunan M. Şemseddin Günaltay, Ata'nın o anki halini şöyle anlatmıştır:

"... Atatürk'ün denizlerden renk alıp renk veren gözleri, masanın üzerinde serili haritaya dikildi ve beni kolumdan tutarak masanın başına çekip parmağını bir noktaya dikti. Bu, kendi elleriyle çizdikleri bir askeri harita idi ve Hz. Muhammed'in büyük Bedir Cengi'ni adım adım gösteriyordu. Hz. Muhammed'e ve O'nun peygamberliğine kadar, büyük askeri dehasına hayran olan eşsiz Sakarya Galibi, Bedir Galibi'ni göklere çıkarırken, "O'nun Hak Peygamber olduğundan şüphe edenler, şu haritaya baksınlar ve Bedir destanını okusunlar" diye heyecanlandı.

Ata'nın son sözü şu olmuştu:

- Hz. Muhammed'in bir avuç imanlı Müslümanla mahşer gibi kalabalık ve alabildiğine zengin Kureyş ordusuna karşı Bedir meydan muharebesinde kazandığı zafer, fani insanların karı değildir, O'nun Peygamberliğinin en kuvvetli delili işte bu savaştır. (Atatürk ve Din Eğitimi, Ahmet Gürbaş, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, s.28)

Atatürk"ün Hz. Muhammed'e duyulacak sevgiyi tarif ettiği sözleri ise şöyledir:

"Büyük bir inkılap yaratan Hazreti Muhammed'e karşı beslenilen sevgi, ancak onun ortaya koyduğu fikirleri, esasları korumakla tecelli edebilir
Ottoman Empire was falling apart the wars with Russia and the defeat in the balkans hit a psychological for the turks and not to mention losing Egypt, jumping into ww1 didn't help and the society was backwards in the end the turks themselves were the destroyer of their empire.
yes kemal is as holier to kemalists as the god, kemalists have been kicked hard enough not to see the daylight of politics again, remaining kemalist army is also under control now

so tell me how Gazi Mustafa Kemal is related with them ( SoB) and their wrong doings who used the name of Gazi Mustafa Kemal and exploited my country!
Ottoman Empire was falling apart the wars with Russia and the defeat in the balkans hit a psychological for the turks and not to mention losing Egypt, jumping into ww1 didn't help and the society was backwards in the end the turks themselves were the destroyer of their empire.

Ottoman is long gone! 1923 worry about Turkish Republic :lol:

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