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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

yea well done Iran
very impressive

down with the McDonnald
by the way McDonald with only one "n"
Mission and Vision

i remember when i was a kid i was going to KFC in Iran before revolution with my dad
now we have our own fast foods ... and there are not bad at all and better quality than mcdonald for sure
Iran releases video of downed U.S. spy drone

If this is true, that Iran jammed the drone's communications system and took over it, then Israel and USA are in for a rude shock!
Actually Hezbollah is messing with communications of Israeli drones for a long time already. They intercepted video image and tried to jam controls. Strange that US did not consider this option.
could someone please explain about its color ? it appears a little bit odd to me .....
Looks like skeptics never die. Why is it so hard to accept the truth?

Iranians have been saying the truth from day one. These pictures prove they have developed a new kind of technology in air defense field. A technology making it possible to take over the drones.

Some observations:

1- Drone is painted in light desert color. Most probably because it was being used during the day which explains lighter color against a bright sky line and also that fighters flying above it would have difficulty spotting it against a desert background. This means the drone was being used to make high resolution photos and videos in day light in addition to other sensors on board.

2- The drone is actually stealth, since the shape is almost a copy of B-2 and there are not much metal visible. All composite plastics. The other thing to note is the drones' assembly which seems to be modular maybe for ease of transportation to battle fields a far. Most probably wings come off completely and there would be three main sections when they transport it into and out of Afghanistan aboard a C-130 perhaps.

3- Iranians have probably removed all thing inside it before filming it. Engine, electronics, landing gear, everything. It is probably just the hull there. Nothing more and is empty inside. This could have been done to learn more or for security reasons because they wanted to find out if there were explosive charges inside this. The job must have been done by bomb disposal units in addition to aeronautical engineers. That is why they are not showing engine outlet and undercarriage since there is nothing much there and every thing has been removed including sensors. Iran is known to keep anything of value in pieces in different corners of country far away from each other to minimize effect of an air strike.

4- Drone is in exceptional shape except for a few dents which are repairable. If properly fitted and repaired it can probably fly again. This goes to show, it never crashed and probably landed in a proper airport. Implications are clear. Iranians were right when they were saying they had hacked it and had control over it. This was probably the work of a super virus in retaliation for Stuxnet. Welcome to the age of cyber warfare.

5- Iran should not divulge any technical info whatsoever, what they have shown is already too much. Iran should exchange this technology with technology and not with money since Iran already has money. They should exchange the technology in this drone with S-400 technology, anti-ship missiles technology and some high tech radars technology from Russia. Not less. Iran should receive technology so that they can build those things for themselves and not depend on Russia for the supply. It is actually worth more. In any case drone should stay in Iran and any reverse engineering by Russians should happen in Iran along with Iranian engineers.

6- Iran should report this incident to UN for official purposes and protest against violation of its sovereign air space. Regardless of the outcome, Iran will have the moral superiority.
could someone please explain about its color ? it appears a little bit odd to me .....
Seems there are two diffeent color schemes:


and silver-grey:

Also video and pics are bad quality and made it look more yellow. After autocolors in photoshop it looks very similar to first pic:

could someone please explain about its color ? it appears a little bit odd to me .....

Color doesnt look right shape doesnt look right but the biggie a RQ-170 is 26 meters across unless the guys in the picture are 5 meters tall that aint an RQ-170.

The yanks say they lost one the Iranians say thay have one fine but that anit it, more likley they have a pile of parts sold to them by an enteprising taliban after it crashed in Afghanistan and the week delay was so they could make a mock up for propganda er i mean Press TY
Color doesnt look right shape doesnt look right but the biggie a RQ-170 is 26 meters across unless the guys in the picture are 5 meters tall that aint an RQ-170.

The yanks say they lost one the Iranians say thay have one fine but that anit it, more likley they have a pile of parts sold to them by an enteprising taliban after it crashed in Afghanistan and the week delay was so they could make a mock up for propganda er i mean Press TY
What an idoiotic post - Learn to read US officials have admitted the pictures are authentic.Guess your ego is not allowing you to admit it or maybe you know more then US Defense Officials.
Official Confirms Authenticity Of Iranian TV Images Showing Lost U.S. Drone | Fox News
Color doesnt look right shape doesnt look right but the biggie a RQ-170 is 26 meters across unless the guys in the picture are 5 meters tall that aint an RQ-170.

The yanks say they lost one the Iranians say thay have one fine but that anit it, more likley they have a pile of parts sold to them by an enteprising taliban after it crashed in Afghanistan and the week delay was so they could make a mock up for propganda er i mean Press TY

The owners say the pictures are authentic. The captors say it is authentic. No body cares about the troll here.
5- Iran should not divulge any technical info whatsoever, what they have shown is already too much. Iran should exchange this technology with technology and not with money since Iran already has money. They should exchange the technology in this drone with S-400 technology, anti-ship missiles technology and some high tech radars technology from Russia. Not less. Iran should receive technology so that they can build those things for themselves and not depend on Russia for the supply. It is actually worth more. In any case drone should stay in Iran and any reverse engineering by Russians should happen in Iran along with Iranian engineers.
i guess it will.
it could be as well a deal with USA not to work with chinese for exemple, a secret deal. everything is possible...
but we should focus on our own tech development. sadly our region is not working much "together" but for sure china is not a good strategy to work with for this matter. they are too much individualist and only matter for them is themselves. (i don't mean people of China but their policy)
6- Iran should report this incident to UN for official purposes and protest against violation of its sovereign air space. Regardless of the outcome, Iran will have the moral superiority.
USA can say it was the drone which had some technical problem and it was not programmed to go Iran ;)

anyway we'll never know if it is version of gambit (technical problem, landing then) or a jam.. a jam to gave the drone to land
i am not expert but again i had to work for something related to the black boxes: i know the programmation of it in bank system. the black box reacts with the wave "attack" .. it is programmed to have this or this reaction considering what the sensors say....

but yeah what is important: Iran having the drone. Quite impressive.
this vassanti troll is so pathetic
his entire existence is centred around Iran.

If somebody track his posts, you would see the pattern. The guy is a mental case. You have everybody admitting that the footage is authentic, from experts to the owners, and he comes here throwing up over his keyboard as usual. If the title of the thread has Iran in it, he will show up to troll like an idiot. How much do you guys wanna bet that he`s not from New Z? Probably an immigrant there with a chip on his shoulder towards Iran.
this vassanti troll is so pathetic
his entire existence is centred around Iran.

If somebody track his posts, you would see the pattern. The guy is a mental case. You have everybody admitting that the footage is authentic, from experts to the owners, and he comes here throwing up over his keyboard as usual. If the title of the thread has Iran in it, he will show up to troll like an idiot. How much do you guys wanna bet that he`s not from New Z? Probably an immigrant there with a chip on his shoulder towards Iran.
Could be an Indian you know how they kiss A$$ of Americans here - They even defend America more then India (Case in point Jayatl and few other members).
On a side note Obama will be roasted by Republicans now for not authorizing the US Armed Forces to destroy or recover the drone.

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