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RAW and MOSSAD Secret Link........


Jun 3, 2006
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Thirty-five years ago, in September 1968, when the Research and Analysis Wing was founded with Rameshwar Nath Kao at its helm, then prime minister Indira Gandhi asked him to cultivate Israel's Mossad. She believed relations between the two intelligence agencies was necessary to monitor developments that could threaten India and Israel.

The efficient spymaster he was, Kao established a clandestine relationship with Mossad. In the 1950s, New Delhi had permitted Tel Aviv to establish a consulate in Mumbai. But full-fledged diplomatic relations with Israel were discouraged because India supported the Palestinian cause; having an Israeli embassy in New Delhi, various governments believed, would rupture its relations with the Arab world.

This was where the RAW-Mossad liaison came in. Among the threats the two external intelligence agencies identified were the military relationship between Pakistan and China and North Korea, especially after then Pakistan foreign minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto visited Pyongyang in 1971 to establish a military relationship with North Korea.

Again, Israel was worried by reports that Pakistani army officers were training Libyans and Iranians to handle Chinese and North Korean military equipment.

RAW-Mossad relations were a secret till Morarji Desai became prime minister in 1977. RAW officials had alerted him about the Zia-ul Haq regime's plans to acquire nuclear capability. While French assistance to Pakistan for a plutonium reprocessing plant was well known, the uranium enrichment plant at Kahuta was a secret. After the French stopped helping Islamabad under pressure from the Carter administration, Pakistan was determined to keep the Kahuta plant a secret. Islamabad did not want Washington to prevent its commissioning.

RAW agents were shocked when Desai called Zia and told the Pakistani military dictator: 'General, I know what you are up to in Kahuta. RAW has got me all the details.' The prime minister's indiscretion threatened to expose RAW sources.

The unfortunate revelation came about the same time that General Moshe Dayan, hero of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, was secretly visiting Kathmandu for a meeting with Indian representatives. Islamabad believed Dayan's visit was connected with a joint operation by Indian and Israeli intelligence agencies to end Pakistan's nuclear programme.

Apprehensive about an Indo-Israeli air strike on Kahuta, surface-to-air missiles were mounted around the uranium enrichment plant. These fears grew after the Israeli bombardment of Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981.

Zia decided Islamabad needed to reassure Israel that it had nothing to fear from Pakistan's nuclear plans. Intermediaries -- Americans close to Israel -- established the initial contacts between Islamabad and Tel Aviv. Israel was confidant the US would not allow Pakistan's nuclear capability to threaten Israel. That is why Israeli experts do not mention the threat from Pakistan when they refer to the need for pre-emptive strikes against Iraq, Iran and Libya's nuclear schemes.

In 1985, Israel,India and US Planned to attack Pakistan Nuclear Facility at that time Benazir was PM of Pakistan,ISI knew Their native Plan so in return Benazir Informed india that Pakistan is going to destroy Indians Main Nuclear facility And soon after she asked PAF To Establish Base in Muzaffarabad and attack Indians Main Nuclear Arsenal if Pakistan is attacked.........
After this INDIA withdrew from this plan and Israel was asked the same offer so it did same thing as india did and US told Pakistan that it was not involved in this Crisis.............


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This news isnt a revelation. All RAW master terrorists have to do a mandatory training stint at Israel's MOSSAD and ShinBet facilities.

I do believe that Israel has nothing to fear from Pakistan. The only mistrust caused between the two countries can be attributed to these indieeans who never miss a chance to harm Pakistan.
Thanks for deleting my post Munir, while I still the post I replied to, good, non biased work.
MOSSAD is extending a lot of help to RAW in Kashmir . Disinformation is the key for RAW with which to fight its wars.

Since you are so conversant with RAW and India, could it be that you are a "mole" pretending to be a Pakistani?
I think you guys must decide whether we (Indians) are with the NAZI or withthe Zionists. For obvious reasons we can't be with both, right?

Just kiddin' .. nothin personal!!:cheers:

Since you are so conversant with RAW and India, could it be that you are a "mole" pretending to be a Pakistani?

Sir ji dont bring mole controversy here the indian parliament had been heated on the subject ;) ;)

Srirangan said:
I think you guys must decide whether we (Indians) are with the NAZI or withthe Zionists. For obvious reasons we can't be with both, right?

Srir you are back ?? Wasny he banned at PFF??????????????????:what1:
No Jana, he was not banned at the PFF.

You seem to have mixed up your facts.

In so far as moles are concerned, I could give you a whole discourse! ;)

Personally, I would not be surprised if Jaswant Singh is correct.

Much that you all may dislike the US, the reach of the US is far and wide.
Sir ji dont bring mole controversy here the indian parliament had been heated on the subject
Anybody can be a mole.. I can be an ISI agent pretending to be a pro-India person .. you could be a CIA operative in NWFP .. hmm .. isn't the owner of this site an amreeekan .. eheheh
Jana, i think he was banned on DT ,PakDef and PDF as well as on here. The character posts his little gems of wisdom on WAB religiously.
Yep, I was banned from most Pakistani owned forums.. They didn't like me.. I guess I made them feel insecure.. :P
ISI dosnt have a bad taste :P we dont employ moles we only employ tigers :wink:
Hmm.. I guess ISI don't want to employ humans... :P :D

Anyhow .. I think we should get back to topic .. or else the mods will *ahem*
Hmm.. I guess ISI don't want to employ humans

For dealing human we employ human ;)

while dealing dogs ahem :P :D

Yep, I was banned from most Pakistani owned forums.. They didn't like me.. I guess I made them feel insecure

:what1: WAB is Pakistani forum ????

Salim said:
Some people collect and preserve other people's gems!

Yeh we had to put a basket for some of these two gem distributor and gem collecter.
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