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China & Laos vows to further enhance military relations

Viet clownish losers don't have anything new to say then become bragging historical stuffs into the debate to cover for its speechless!!!

What a shameless losers!!! Your whole country culture and genetic were totally improved from China!!!! Your viets are less purebred than us Khmer Cambodian!!!

I got nothing Vietnamese with the exception of most of the ones that troll this forum but its apparent that they are not well liked like majority of the ASEAN members supporting this forum including Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand. Can't say for Philippines or Indonesia. Its a pattern no?
I got nothing Vietnamese with the exception of most of the ones that troll this forum but its apparent that they are not well liked like majority of the ASEAN members supporting this forum including Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand. Can't say for Philippines or Indonesia. Its a pattern no?

Most Indonesian members on this forum are pro-Chinese as well.
You don't have to say it, you've acted it. You are only friendly inside Vietnam, fortunately everyone else saw through that. Hence you was left out of the joint patrol mission, ASEAN ignored you on your call for unity against China and America returned to curb your hegemonic ambition. Vietnam will just have to accept its fate and grow peacefully with the others. One wrong move will result in international sanctions and your country blown back to stone age :lol:
we're friendly country ,pls don't drag us in notorious evil group with you , I don't say we will be big brother like bad China :lol:

And you can not check our nuclear progress, how how can you know we have wrong move or not ??only one way to know is you must knee down to Uncle Sam and beg for some information :lol:
Anonymous user said:
I got nothing Vietnamese with the exception of most of the ones that troll this forum but its apparent that they are not well liked like majority of the ASEAN members supporting this forum including Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand. Can't say for Philippines or Indonesia. Its a pattern no?
Most of Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand on PDF are Chinese-ASEAN ,and every one know Chinese-ASEAN is evil like mother China too, they support China to control SCS(east sea) that why US have to set up a base in Aussie to watch those evil :coffee:

There's always have lots of China spy in China town.:coffee:
Taiwan general Lo Hsien-che held on China spy charges

Maj Gen Lo Hsien-che was recruited by China in 2004 while he was stationed in Thailand, the defence ministry said....

His arrest follows an investigation launched last year.

Officials said Gen Lo was posted to Thailand between 2002 and 2005, and was promoted to major general after his return to Taiwan.
BBC News - Taiwan general Lo Hsien-che held on China spy charges
What's China spy doing in Thailand ..hummmm, people must check it out.
we're friendly country ,pls don't drag us in notorious evil group with you , I don't say we will be big brother like bad China :lol:

It seems like your neighbours all disagree. Little wonder as to why Vietnam is left out on the Mekong patrol and no one in ASEAN cares about your call for a united stand against China. Perhaps they all know what Vietnam is like. A good for nothing backstabber :lol:

And you can not check our nuclear progress, how how can you know we have wrong move or not ??only one way to know is you must knee down to Uncle Sam and beg for some information :lol:

China does not care whether you have it or not because you have no capability of launching it and even if you do, it will be destroyed. ASEAN would also make a lot of noise and America is clever enough not to provide you with the technology. You would be stuck with low grade uranium instead ;)

Most of Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand on PDF are Chinese-ASEAN ,and every one know Chinese-ASEAN is evil like mother China too, they support China to control SCS(east sea) that why US have to set up a base in Aussie to watch those evil :coffee:

There's always have lots of China spy in China town.:coffee:

BBC News - Taiwan general Lo Hsien-che held on China spy charges
Poor attempt for an counter argument. Is that going to change the fact that nobody likes you? Stick to borrowing money and help us sell weapons, then we will become your friend em.. I mean business partners :lol:
Most of Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand on PDF are Chinese-ASEAN ,and every one know Chinese-ASEAN is evil like mother China too, they support China to control SCS(east sea) that why US have to set up a base in Aussie to watch those evil :coffee:

There's always have lots of China spy in China town.:coffee:

BBC News - Taiwan general Lo Hsien-che held on China spy charges
What's China spy doing in Thailand ..hummmm, people must check it out.

See that's why we don't like you jokers, I can sympathize that Vietnam does not have it easy especially with the territorial disputes they are having. But you assumed that
1. Just because Singapore is made up of majority of Chinese that we definitely will side with China, that's wrong we are Singaporeans and ASEAN interest comes first. We advocate peace because we cannot afford to have violence.
2. Vietnam is not perfect, you have attacked your neighbors in the past and now you want us to believe that you are going it for our own good?

Those points plus most of the Vietnamese posters are full of BullSh*t, none of the below can have any proof backing them. Not only that the best argument you can come up with is US bombing Singapore or installing a pro Vietnamese government both of which makes no sense to a intelligent person because there is no justification. Any country that disagrees with you seems to be a potential bombing targer for the US who will hand power over to you :rofl: I ask you does that make any sense?? LOL

Vietnam is a developing country with a powerful military no doubt, but its no as powerful as you claim. Currently you guys are a puppet for Russia and US which is why no ASEAN country will trust your intentions.

THE BULLSH*T LIST Feel free to add more people :blah:

No offence but I have tried reasoning with so many Vietnamese I have given up, usually the bold claims always include
1. Controlling ASEAN
2. Takeover of Singapore & Malaysia & Thailand etc (Any country that does not see the Vietnam way or is controlled by Chinese)
3. Control of the Malacca straits (my favorite)

And this is always obtained by the super weapons Vietnam has in development which includes.
1. Nuclear weapons in development
2. CBU 55 in storage from 40 years ago
3. Possible Star Wars program from USA
4. Secret microwave weapon technology from Russia
5. Fearsome scud missiles to terrorize those in ASEAN not agreeing into submission

Plus made possible because of
1. Huge Loans from Russia at no cost
2. US passing power in ASEAN to Vietnam
3. US & India etc providing Nuclear weapons to Vietnam thru Nuclear Power program
It seems like your neighbours all disagree. Little wonder as to why Vietnam is left out on the Mekong patrol and no one in ASEAN cares about your call for a united stand against China. Perhaps they all know what Vietnam is like. A good for nothing backstabber :lol:
you have Mekong patrol bcz your poor Chinese got killed and you don't want another accident happen, nothing special , and we're so busy with timber bussiness , we don't have free time to save China @$$ in ASEAN, that's all:coffee:
Obambam said:
China does not care whether you have it or not because you have no capability of launching it and even if you do, it will be destroyed. ASEAN would also make a lot of noise and America is clever enough not to provide you with the technology. You would be stuck with low grade uranium instead
Heheh, as I said Russia-US can help us in nuclear test , and you can not do anything to stop it :coffee:
Anonymous user said:
See that's why we don't like you jokers, I can sympathize that Vietnam does not have it easy especially with the territorial disputes they are having. But you assumed that
1. Just because Singapore is made up of majority of Chinese that we definitely will side with China, that's wrong we are Singaporeans and ASEAN interest comes first. We advocate peace because we cannot afford to have violence.
2. Vietnam is not perfect, you have attacked your neighbors in the past and now you want us to believe that you are going it for our own good?

Those points plus most of the Vietnamese posters are full of BullSh*t, none of the below can have any proof backing them. Not only that the best argument you can come up with is US bombing Singapore or installing a pro Vietnamese government both of which makes no sense to a intelligent person because there is no justification. Any country that disagrees with you seems to be a potential bombing targer for the US who will hand power over to you I ask you does that make any sense?? LOL

Vietnam is a developing country with a powerful military no doubt, but its no as powerful as you claim. Currently you guys are a puppet for Russia and US which is why no ASEAN country will trust your intentions.
1. Sorry, US doesn't trust sub-Chinese nations like you and Taiwan , that why US set up the base in Aussie and willing to barbecue you with Napalm and CUB-55 in near future :coffee:

2.We attack them bcz Chinese-Khmer Pol Pot and Chinese-VNese Iengsary attacked us first , and we attacked Thailan bcz Thai royal-another Chinese descendant tried to help those cold blodd evil.

We just simply killed evil and bring back peace in ASEAN for the benefit of ASEAN people:coffee:
1. Sorry, US doesn't trust sub-Chinese nations like you and Taiwan , that why US set up the base in Aussie and willing to barbecue you with Napalm and CUB-55 in near future :coffee:

Haha yet another meaningless unsubstantiated claim. Not surprised :D

and we attacked Thailan bcz Thai royal-another Chinese descendant tried to help those cold blodd evil.

We just simply killed evil and bring back peace in ASEAN for the benefit of ASEAN people:coffee:

You don't even know how the Chinese/Malays and Indonesian communities work together in this region lol, also we already have peace in this part of the region. Its you that don't lol

You are one narrow minded person :rofl:
Haha yet another meaningless unsubstantiated claim. Not surprised :D

Heheh, meaningless or not won't help you to remove US base in Aussie to watch over your @$$ :P

And you don't know Thai royal-another Chinese descendant ??
The present Thai royal family, the Chakri Dynastry, was founded by King Rama I who himself was partly Chinese. His predecessor, King Taksin of Thonburi dynastry, was the son of Chinese immigrant from Guangdong Province and was born with a Chinese name.
Thai Chinese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's why they helped those Chinese-Khmer and Chinese-VNese cold blood evil :coffee:
Anonymous user said:
You don't even know how the Chinese/Malays and Indonesian communities work together in this region lol, also we already have peace in this part of the region. Its you that don't lol
But we know how Napalm and CBU-55 work, it can destroy your tiny country in few minutes dude,so learn VNese like Cambodian and Laotian now before too late :lol:
Heheh, meaningless or not won't help you to remove US base in Aussie to watch over your @$$ :P

And you don't know Thai royal-another Chinese descendant ??
Thai Chinese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's why they helped those Chinese-Khmer and Chinese-VNese cold blood evil :coffee:

But we know how Napalm and CBU-55 work, it can destroy your tiny country in few minutes dude,so learn VNese like Cambodian and Laotian now before too late :lol:

Hahahahahaha you're a funny little man :rofl:

Sometimes I really think you're a little short on the frontal lobe but you make for a good laugh hahahahahahaha

Learn Vietnamese? Why not? I due to go to HCM next month to meet a developer that we're financing. They promise to show me a good time there lol, speaking VN will help me communicate with the local beauties hahaha.

Have a good day.
you have Mekong patrol bcz your poor Chinese got killed and you don't want another accident happen, nothing special , and we're so busy with timber bussiness , we don't have free time to save China @$$ in ASEAN, that's all:coffee:
Heheh, as I said Russia-US can help us in nuclear test , and you can not do anything to stop it :coffee:

1. Sorry, US doesn't trust sub-Chinese nations like you and Taiwan , that why US set up the base in Aussie and willing to barbecue you with Napalm and CUB-55 in near future :coffee:

2.We attack them bcz Chinese-Khmer Pol Pot and Chinese-VNese Iengsary attacked us first , and we attacked Thailan bcz Thai royal-another Chinese descendant tried to help those cold blodd evil.

We just simply killed evil and bring back peace in ASEAN for the benefit of ASEAN people:coffee:
just look at your own ghetto country where millions fleeing to other countries like China, Thailand, Malay and others, but talking about for the 'benefit of ASEAN people' lol```your incompetent vietcon cant even manage your own little $h1t whole, how funny and brainwashed you can be?
Vietnam need to understand it's place then to make threats like destroy our country... if Vietnam want to be destroy so badly then I said: bring it on, we shall see who has the large strike range when our airforce has experience deploying as far away as Qatar. Vietnam doesn't even have fighters that can reach us.

(no offense to progressive vietnamese)
Vietnam need to understand it's place then to make threats like destroy our country... if Vietnam want to be destroy so badly then I said: bring it on, we shall see who has the large strike range when our airforce has experience deploying as far away as Qatar. Vietnam doesn't even have fighters that can reach us.

(no offense to progressive vietnamese)

Dude, US air force is far superior than your air force , and US dare not use her F-117 to help Thailand to counter VN during 80s, so no need to boast about your military power here :coffee:

btw: our Ballistic missle Scud-D can reach to Singapore , but we won't attack you, US or terrorist will do it :coffee:
Its nice to hear that China has good relations with most of her neighbors.

I hope Pakistan too can have military cooperation with Laos.

Why isn't Laos in SCO?
US setting up base in Aussie because their current base are within range of DF21. Your Vietcong government is insane, you have invaded other peaceful ASEAN nations in the past, yet you somehow expect everyone to all stick their neck out against China.

Most of ASEAN enjoy much better relationship with China than Vietnam and have been cool to their disputes. Is just India who never got backstabbed by the Vietcong want to join the morass, and of course the crumbling empire of United States, using you as a pawn on her grand chess board.
Haha yet another meaningless unsubstantiated claim. Not surprised :D


You don't even know how the Chinese/Malays and Indonesian communities work together in this region lol, also we already have peace in this part of the region. Its you that don't lol

You are one narrow minded person :rofl:

What do you think about UMNO policy to the immigrant chinese ?

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