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Can Imran come to power without 2/3 majority?



New Recruit

Aug 14, 2006
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Hi and salam,
Guys i have one simple question in my mind and i would be very thankful if someone could help me in getting its answer. I was just recently analyzing 272 different seats of national assembly and I came to the conclusion that it would be very difficult for imran to gain 2/3 majority out of 272 seats but he would get around 45 to 50% of seat. If imran does manage to get 50% of seats and does not form alliance with any otehr party in that case all other parties combined together would also not be able to form 2/3 majority. What happens under such scenario, who gets the government under such scenario.
If Imran Khan doesn't come to power then just give Pakistan to the Pakistani military for all of eternity. The democracy of Zardari, Benazir, and Nawaz have ruined Pakistan and its only getting worse.
When I see responses like above, I always think Imran should not assume power EVEN IF PTI is elected with more than 2/3 majority.

He should adopt Sonia Gandhi approach, where he stays party head and rallies support, shapes political doctrine,
and let a more shrewd administrator run the government.

remember governance and politics are two different chapters altogether, and Imran will fail if he tries governance.
^^^when i see responses like above...i have to admire the great pakistani capabillty of ALWAYS complicating matters...and coming up with hypothetical problems and never with a viable practical solution.
If George Bush can run USA anybody can run any country..but its time pakistan tries a new face that looks far more promosing than any other and thats IK.
It's likely if PPP or PML-N get elected again, there will be a coup and the Army will probably replace PPP/PML-N with PTI.
^^^when i see responses like above...i have to admire the great pakistani capabillty of ALWAYS complicating matters...and coming up with hypothetical problems and never with a viable practical solution.
If George Bush can run USA anybody can run any country..but its time pakistan tries a new face that looks far more promosing than any other and thats IK.
You're forgetting that George Bush and Obama have left the US in such a debt that it is unlikely that they will EVER be able to pay it
yeah we dont want a war mongerer like bush or a promise breaker like obama especially obama.... if not imran khan then the people will also support the military coup for a long time until things really stabilized i for one want imran khan but i also support army coup if imran doesnot win |:p:P:p:P
I think the most likely scenario will be imran khan will make an alliance with nawaz sharif.
He just needs half of the seats plus one, in NA to become PM and also will be able to make new laws. With 2/3 majority as per Pakistan constitution he will have super majority allowing him to change the constitution. It has happened only once during democratic rule in Pakistan and that is when Nawaz became PM with 2/3 majority in 1997. With 2/3 majority, Imran Khan is going to become the king of Pakistan for 5 years. Absolute control over everything. Even the courts since he can change constitution.

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