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Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

You know very well what China dominates. But let me put it in a way that will end your tireless rantings of a delusional yet standard citizen of greater Hindustan.

India has nothing to do with how how great China was,is and will be. second largest economy in the world compared to a not even top five India. Don't talk unless you are in the big leagues yourself.

The entire world acknowledges China's achievements and does not need your insignificant approval despite how much you wish it so.

Your belief in your own importance is greatly overestimated my imbecilic lackey.

the more you try to dominate, the more you will be in news and the more you will be targeted by others. And it goes for every country. Co-existence is the best policy my Friend!!
Oh Man :

JF17 :Empty Weight : 6,586 kg
LCA : Empty Wight : 6,560 kg
LCA is lighter

JF-17 Max. takeoff weight: 12,383 kg
LCA: Max. takeoff weight: 13,200 kg
Carry more fuel and Weapons LCA

JF-17 : G-limit: +8 g / -3 g
LCA : g-limits: +9/−3.5 g[97
More Maneuverable : LCA

JG-17 Internal Fuel Capacity: 2,300 kg
LCA: Internal fuel capacity: 2,458 kg

J-17 : Maximum speed: Mach 1.6
LCA :Maximum speed: Mach 1.8

So where your JF-17 Stands , now you tell me which technology is superior? even then IAF is not satisfied with LCA and want more powerful engine and more weapon and fuel. this we called Superior standard.

Someone can consider 40% pass in exams and someone consider 95% pass in exam and rest fails
LOL at indians. LCA is a failed program whose requirements keep changing and more foreign suppliers are being brought in.

And you want to tell us that LCA statistics have been finalized down to the last decimal point (internal weight: 2,458 kg) :rofl:

Another typical indian LIE to cover up your obvious inferiority! JF-17 is already in service with PAF in massive numbers and block 2 with Chinese indigenous engines are coming soon!

Keep making up LCA stats to delude yourselves, indians. :lol:
LOL at indians. LCA is a failed program whose requirements keep changing and more foreign suppliers are being brought in.

And you want to tell us that LCA statistics have been finalized down to the last decimal point (internal weight: 2,458 kg) :rofl:

Another typical indian LIE to cover up your obvious inferiority! JF-17 is already in service with PAF in massive numbers and block 2 with Chinese indigenous engines are coming soon!

Keep making up LCA stats to delude yourselves, indians. :lol:

Huh! its not a lie dear it is a fact and if we had to lie we had 27 years, we could have inducted a sub-standard plane long back.. but you know that maybe this difference which is not so subtle for China to Ignore..
This is called by making a plane using composite materials , you can't understand things because chinese is still thinks that metallic airframes and think their technology is superior.

---------- Post added at 03:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 PM ----------

How many time we need to tell you COPY is not DEVELOPMENT , COPY take 5 sec and Development takes time..... OK, next time you come up with something , First identify form where you copy that thing.

---------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

Moreover you know China wants Israeli things , but Israeli denied , why u think china want Isreali ACWAS when they can develop its own?

Chinease , IF you provide us we don't built ourself and if you don't we can built it we have technology.... (ACWAS case) :cheers: sometimes you copying trick make everyone laugh when you say we made it
LOL at indian brainwashing. First you try to make things indigenously but you fail miserably like LCA. Then you try to buy import parts but you can't put it together because they dont' work together. Then you have to buy an entire weapon system like Rafale but you fail again because both the West and Russia sell to india at a very high price, and india is very poor!

Look at your MKI. What a joke. You spend so much money on an inferior flanker. Even the Russians didn't go for the canard on their Su-35BM once they saw MKI fail. MKI is so heavy and the avionics are so 1980's. China has a far superior flanker with far superior radar and composites, and our own indigenous WS-10 engine. J-11B entered service in 2010. We already have 100 of them and some are based in Tibet!


Lets not pretend. IN HERE

China is a head of india in self suifficiency by a factor of 5 to 1 AND by at least 10 probably 15 years IN TECHNOLOGY ...

IT OUTSPENDS INDIA BY about 3-1 OVERALL having a GDP of of 3.5 x the size.


RAFALE will bring a level of tech that is unmatched even in china as of yet. ie RBE2 AESA meterore BVR and sepectra EW suites..

IT certainly nothing to be scoffed at.

Add THE ISRAELI INDO equation and RUSSIAN PAK FA programme and india will learn PLENTY over the next 20 years...

CHINA is a head no doubt but israel russian & french tech will keep india in the MIX as will india,d 8% growing GDP
You are the only indian here able to face cold hard reality of the indian situation without deluding yourself like other indian members.

Rafale won't be in service with IAF for another 3 years. China is already deploying J-10B with AESA radar right now. We are still well ahead. On top of that, it is impossible for india, a very poor country (not mocking, just reality), to import large numbers of expensive European weapons to fight against China, which just manufactures its own at home with low costs. india will always be facing at least 4:1 numerical against China.

5th generation fighter is even worse for india. China's J-20 is already far superior to Russia's half-stealthy T-50. Compare the non-stealthy underside of the T-50 against the silky smooth one of the J-20 and F-22. But so many indian members here dance like monkeys thinking Russia is their hero when in fact Russians are taking indian money like fooling a little child!!

In 2011, our GDP was 5x that of india!!! We are actually 30+ years ahead of india in technology.
5th generation fighter is even worse for india. China's J-20 is already far superior to Russia's half-stealthy T-50. Compare the non-stealthy underside of the T-50 against the silky smooth one of the J-20 and F-22.

I don't know about the rest of your points but here's what I noticed.

Dielectrics such as glass and pure plastic are usually transparent to EM waves in the absence of macroscopic material flaws like pores, while conductors are reflective. That is because EM waves induce surface plasmon waves in the free electrons of a conductor which then reradiate the radiation, but in dielectrics the valence electrons are confined, cannot absorb the EM energy (for glass, at visible wavelengths, but apparently also at radio too), and instead allow it to pass through.

A conductor behaves in the OPPOSITE way of what you said; it would not allow the RF waves to pass through. How would we make a conducting that a pilot can actually see through? coat the canopy with conductor thinner than the "skin depth" so it would be conductive but still be transparent in visible wavelengths, and perhaps reflective in RF.
The words 'conductor' and 'conductivity' are not to be confined to electrical conductivity. Else by your argument ground penetrating radar would not work. Are electrons in atoms of dirt being transferred from one to another to effect radar detection?
LOL at indians. LCA is a failed program whose requirements keep changing and more foreign suppliers are being brought in.

And you want to tell us that LCA statistics have been finalized down to the last decimal point (internal weight: 2,458 kg) :rofl:

Another typical indian LIE to cover up your obvious inferiority! JF-17 is already in service with PAF in massive numbers and block 2 with Chinese indigenous engines are coming soon!

Keep making up LCA stats to delude yourselves, indians. :lol:

Chinese live in dreams and self -roomed denials, well for your knowledge , LCA LSP (Limited Serial Production) Plane already made and its already achieved and Flying , i don't know if you able to understand what is LSP actually means.

LSP :p:roduction aircraft for further enhancement. Whatever you made in so called Block-II will be already achieved by our Block-I and our block-II is will far ahead of your block -II.

By the way how many JF-17 you have made till now?
LOL at indian brainwashing. First you try to make things indigenously but you fail miserably like LCA. Then you try to buy import parts but you can't put it together because they dont' work together. Then you have to buy an entire weapon system like Rafale but you fail again because both the West and Russia sell to india at a very high price, and india is very poor!

Look at your MKI. What a joke. You spend so much money on an inferior flanker. Even the Russians didn't go for the canard on their Su-35BM once they saw MKI fail. MKI is so heavy and the avionics are so 1980's. China has a far superior flanker with far superior radar and composites, and our own indigenous WS-10 engine. J-11B entered service in 2010. We already have 100 of them and some are based in Tibet!


You are the only indian here able to face cold hard reality of the indian situation without deluding yourself like other indian members.

Rafale won't be in service with IAF for another 3 years. China is already deploying J-10B with AESA radar right now. We are still well ahead. On top of that, it is impossible for india, a very poor country (not mocking, just reality), to import large numbers of expensive European weapons to fight against China, which just manufactures its own at home with low costs. india will always be facing at least 4:1 numerical against China.

5th generation fighter is even worse for india. China's J-20 is already far superior to Russia's half-stealthy T-50. Compare the non-stealthy underside of the T-50 against the silky smooth one of the J-20 and F-22. But so many indian members here dance like monkeys thinking Russia is their hero when in fact Russians are taking indian money like fooling a little child!!

In 2011, our GDP was 5x that of india!!! We are actually 30+ years ahead of india in technology.

where did u come up with all this junk?

maybe you should change your name from sinochallenged to mentallychallenged
LOL at indian brainwashing. First you try to make things indigenously but you fail miserably like LCA. Then you try to buy import parts but you can't put it together because they dont' work together. Then you have to buy an entire weapon system like Rafale but you fail again because both the West and Russia sell to india at a very high price, and india is very poor!

Look at your MKI. What a joke. You spend so much money on an inferior flanker. Even the Russians didn't go for the canard on their Su-35BM once they saw MKI fail. MKI is so heavy and the avionics are so 1980's. China has a far superior flanker with far superior radar and composites, and our own indigenous WS-10 engine. J-11B entered service in 2010. We already have 100 of them and some are based in Tibet!


You are the only indian here able to face cold hard reality of the indian situation without deluding yourself like other indian members.

Rafale won't be in service with IAF for another 3 years. China is already deploying J-10B with AESA radar right now. We are still well ahead. On top of that, it is impossible for india, a very poor country (not mocking, just reality), to import large numbers of expensive European weapons to fight against China, which just manufactures its own at home with low costs. india will always be facing at least 4:1 numerical against China.

5th generation fighter is even worse for india. China's J-20 is already far superior to Russia's half-stealthy T-50. Compare the non-stealthy underside of the T-50 against the silky smooth one of the J-20 and F-22. But so many indian members here dance like monkeys thinking Russia is their hero when in fact Russians are taking indian money like fooling a little child!!

In 2011, our GDP was 5x that of india!!! We are actually 30+ years ahead of india in technology.

Well if your not able to understand the canard importance what can Indian do, you only made a copy of SU-27 thats why do not know the importance of canard ,

Su-30MKI aerodynamic configuration is an unstable longitudinal triplane. The canard increases the aircraft lifting ability and deflects automatically to allow high angle-of-attack (AoA) flights allowing it to perform Pugachev's Cobra. , which is not possible in SU-27 got it ;) The integral aerodynamic configuration combined with thrust vectoring results in extremely capable maneuverability, taking off and landing characteristics. This high agility allows rapid deployment of weapons in any direction as desired by the crew. The canard notably assists in controlling the aircraft at large angles-of-attack and bringing it to a level flight condition.. Indian team designed the Canard so India having the copy right of that design thats why Russia didn't use those design. Every country respect each other copy Right other then China which believe in copy design. Now tell me out of how many planes you made are not based on Other plane design???

Weight : It all depends on T/W ratio , don't ask me what it is......

I don't know what to say the person who says SUN RISES FROM the WEST because MY GOVT SAYS, SU-MKI Avionics if most deadliest package of Indian/ Israeli and French best technology incorporated you find anywhere in the World.

N.Korea recent Leader banned mobile in N.Korea reason what id N.Korean people came to know that world is far more ahead then them and other people live easy life and not the life like N.Korean do. You won't find nay petrol pump in N.Korea why? because their is not car they can afford. Similarly you also lived in self denial that other do not make things.

Regarding China having a AESA , well friend first Learn what is AESA is then tell the world you have AESA ......... by 2012 onwards SU-30 MKI will gong to have Russian AESA radar's much ahead you even think of having AESA.
Avoinc is of 1980's :help:

Thats why your all other plane which you copy having canard ;) lol........ your latest plane having canard......
Regarding WS-10 : The WS-10 project had it roots in the earlier WS-6 turbofan, which was abandoned at the start of the 1980s.Development of the WS-10 started in 1987 by Shenyang Aeroengine Research Institute (606 Institute) of the China Aviation Industry Corporation and was based upon the core of CFM International CFM56 engines imported from the United States in 1982. This core itself deriving from the F16's GE F101 engines. The original WS-10 was found to lack the performance needed for modern jet-powered fighters and was never used to power an aircraft.

According to an interview publicised in January 2007 with J-10 pilot Li Cunbao (李存宝), the J-10 had not yet been equipped with the domestic WS-10 engine, because although the WS-10 could match the performance of its Russian counterpart (the AL-31), there was a serious drawback; the WS-10 took longer to "spool up", i.e. there was a delay in reaching the same thrust output as the Russian engine.

On 2 April 2009, the director of AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China) Lin Zuoming (林左鸣), stated that there were problems with the quality control procedures on the WS-10A production line, meaning the Taihang turbofan was still of unsatisfactory quality. He said that solving these problems would be a key step.The Chinese engines have been lasting 30 hours at a time vs 400 for the Russian originals.

Original will remain original
^LOL at the indian "begger" deluding himself! Everybody including Russia is laughing at india's inferiority complex. It's so easy to fool indians for their money.

Do you know what stealth really means? Stealth can be achieved though various means and various factor play for making the stealth.
Material etc.

you are saying nearly covering the Engine form below make plane stealth lol , how you composite materials which India is already mastered are know to be is Radar absorbing property. means it reflect less, which can be used in lCA...... got it.
The Tejas is a complete failure. If it was a success, they would have built the follow-up plane and not purchased an expensive foreign fighter like:

F-22 => F-35
J-10 => J-20
Seawolf => Virginia
Su-30 => T-50

Also ToT is a big joke for India. Name one that worked.

You are comparing the Tejas to the SU-30 and T-50? Seriously? I am not even going to mention the F-22 :lol:

ToT? Well, it is working pretty well for their MKIs.
SINO List of countries by past and future GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

sinoCHALLENGE LATEST GDP FIGS show india china no more than 3.5 times NOTHING LIKE your claim of 5 times

infact I CAN GURANTEE it will neva get wider than it is TODAY china aging population means you will slow down next few years.

50% of PLAAF is JUNK even today

f7 j8 jh7 WOULD BE BLOWN TO PEICES by su30mki mirage2000 & rafale

j20 being betterbetter than PAK FA lets wait and c you have 2 tech demonstrators.

sino challenge

YOU chinease have done awesome job. with GDP and FOREX

but india is a poweerful regional player with very good growth and REMAIN a potentially dangerous opponent

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