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Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

Simple and so true. First it was very hard to believe that he was Pakistanie, know it seems that the government is squabbling amongst themselves and the lower in power are saying it. Know the country (Pakistan) is waiting for the big hanchos to say it. Do you expect them? I highly doubt it, it would be shameful for them after all is said and done in last few months.

They will rather disgrace themselves before blarring out anything. Why do you think Kasab parents and the town is under seige? No one here can answer that question. When there channel GEO did find the answer for this questions, it became a traitor Channel.

It wont be shameful for them at all - thats just the Indian in you trying to make a situation shameful to castigate Pakistan in some way, even when it atempts to cooperate.

Pakistan's position has been that without India sharing evidence and cooperating with Pakistan in the investigation (allowing interrogations of Kasab etc.) it is not possible to establish the identity of Kasab.

That does not mean he could not be Pakistani, but that Pakistan cannot just take India's word and media reports as proof of this. Now that evidence has been shared, its a different story, but we'll see.
So what ?is this making 0.16 billion pakistani into terrorists ?is this giving india right to start a war with Pakistan?US shouldn't be responsible for pursuing Taliban into Pakistan?Taliban killed 5000 americans in 9.11,so it give US right to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq? Dalai-s*** group killed 18 innocent people in China last year ,so what ,we should start a war with India? Only american and indian have the right to live?India have enough Indian terrorists in your homeland, you should find a way to keep this from happening agian instead of starting a war。since you indian are so loving US,you should learn some experience from them,Stop acting like how you are good at winning a war
Interview on CNN IBN with Dawn correspondent:

New Delhi: Heads have begun to roll in Pakistan as soon as certain quarters have begun to publicly accept a blatantly obvious fact that the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks were of Pakistani origin.

Pakistan's National Security Adviser Mahmud Ali Durrani who had confirmed that Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone terrorist arrested in the November 26 Mumbai terror attacks, is a Pakistani national, in his interview to CNN-IBN on Wednesday has been sacked by his country's Prime Minister.

Mubashir Zaidi, Dawn News Correspondent spoke to CNN-IBN on the issue.

"Well, the reason given is that he issued a statement regarding Kasab's nationality without consulting the Prime Minister and the relevant quarters. That is the allegation that is being levelled. But certainly, that is the reason that he spoke to you (CNN-IBN) perhaps and to the press and leaked this information about Ajmal Kasab," said Zaidi.

Durrani had only stated the obvious but is paying the price in a closeted society where speaking the mind can be punishable if it embarrasses the authorities.

"Well, yes they are now confirming, the Foreign Office has told journalists that they are now confirming that Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani national. But what's happened was that the Dawn News reported earlier that Pakistan had done some preliminary investigations in which it has been established that Kasab is a Pakistani national, a resident of Faridkot and a son of Amir Kasab and his wife Noor Elahi. That is more or less what was there in the confessional statement of Kasab that was handed over to the Pakistani High Commission. So that account the Pakistani investigating agencies have corroborated to the fact that has been mentioned in the letter of Ajmal Kasab," Zaidi added.

Why was the Pakistani National Security Adviser fired if the official revelations match with Kasab's confessional statement/letter that Kasab is a Pakistani from Faridkot, anyway?

"Well, primarily, because has spoken to CNN-IBN and he has confirmed that Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani. But before that when the foreign office denied our (Dawn News's) story, the foreign office was no where in the picture. Our report said that an investigation report has been submitted to the Interior Ministry and to the Prime Minister's Secretariat by the Law enforcement agencies who have established that Kasab is a Pakistani. In that scenario, the Foreign Office was nowhere and they were caught by surprise. People approached them and they initially denied the reports saying that they cannot tell anything about the investigations as they continue, but then they started verifying where this leak has come from or where ever the story has come from. They were told by the Interior Ministry that yes, such a report existed and that it has received a report and the Prime Minister's Office as well."

Is this acceptance of Kasab's nationality not a turnaround for Pakistan?

"They have been saying that they are investigating and the confusion actually arose because there was no record of Ajmal Kasab in the national database which is maintained by the national database authority which is NADRA. So that created confusion but there were stories appearing in The Dawn and some other newspapers that parents of Kasab had recognised the photograph of Ajmal Kasab published in the newspapers. But then the internal and foreign media thronged Faridkot, the residence village of Ajmal Kasab. The residents of the village reacted and there were Law enforcement agency officials who stopped media from probing and covering the matter. That is also the time that they started investigating the matter on their own. The report has still not been made public although the admission has come. But after we (Dawn News) broke the story, the report was quietly submitted to the Interior Ministry with a copy to the Prime MInister, saying that in the initial investigations it has been established that Kasab is a Pakistani national," Zaidi added.

Pakistan's Information Minister Sherry Rehman had also earlier admitted Kasab could be Pakistani, then why is Durrani being singled out for punishment?

"Well, that is exactly what we are asking the government that the Information Minister had confirmed the same thing earlier, the Foreign Office (Mohammad Sadiq) acceptance came later. But we are told that to control the damage on the breach, they want to make the scapegoat of some one or the other. We are told that the goof up had taken place and the decision was to be taken by the Prime Minister and he was not aware that the Interior Ministry's report is lying on his table," said Zaidi.

Spoke too soon on Kasab, Pak NSA chief Durrani sacked


As I said earlier - nothing malicious, just confusion over when these conclusions would have been made public.
Whats with all these apologies, have we completely lost our mind?:

Apology is not a sign of weakness but Gr8ness..!!! We have to think like that..!!! The very reason many people had accussed of india killing its own people for sake of war.. and many other unwarrented and hate filled comments was really unwarrented for.. and once one know the truth.. There is nothing wrong in admitting that one's comments was a mistake..and apologise for the same..!!! I respect Mr.Imran Khan.. And the way he Stood up for what he believed..!!!

Whats next, should we smoke pot, hold hands and sing happy songs together?? :crazy:
Kasaab is a non state actor, a terrorist who gave up his rights to b called a muslim or a Pakistani the moment he commited this horrific crime in Mumbai.
Let India deal with him, torture or even hang him because thats what he deserves!

Hey every non state actors do have a state..!!! And if there is fodder only then a plant can grow..!!! So we need to remove that fodder..!!! That should be our next aim.. so that meaningfull dialog can be done without the cloud of mistrust over the two countries....!!!! Pakistan have to be strong enough to take on these terrorists head on and make this place a better place for the people of both countries..!!!

But there's no need to apologise for a criminal.

Did India apologise for the killings of Malegaon or the innocent cricket fan guy who came back wrapped in a bodybag? :disagree:
I didnt exactly get the apology part of malegaon.. Apology to pakistan or apology to the people..!!!! we have put the perpetrators behind the bars.. even though he was an army officer..!!! and every vicitim of terror have being paid appropirate compensation.. But nothing can compensate these victims excpet for the punishment of the culprits..!!! And i am not aware of the cricket fan guy... it would be helpful if you could throw some light on that.. to get my perspective right..!!!!
It wont be shameful for them at all - thats just the Indian in you trying to make a situation shameful to castigate Pakistan in some way, even when it atempts to cooperate.

You keep mentioning that Pakistan is cooperating, but realistically when you see and hear conflicting messages from the coliation gov't, what would you expect. One day you hear that JUD has been dismatled, and the leader is under house arrest and next day he is not.

The truth the matter is Pakistan did not like any finger pointing by India, and because of that grudge they wanted to hide Kasab's identity as much as possible. How can a country not have any account of a citizen especially if he has lived there for last 20 years. There are physically address, schools he went to, previous jobs he had, and tax returns if it is possible, and even close family members and associates. It was erased from the database instantly, and a grand statement was made, we have no records of this man. If you call this cooperation then granted.
"“Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani. Further investigations are under way,” Information Minister Sherry Rehman said in a brief conversation with Daily Times."

Sherry Rehman is very busy.

Sending text messages, talking to the BBC and Daily Times, saying exactly the same words each time. :enjoy:

Truth does not need the words to be changed each time.

Being stubborn and refusing to accept the reality doesn't make the truth into falsehood.

You have been proven wrong. Accept that and apologize. That would be the honorable thing to do.
If the GoP has investigated and confirmed it, then there should be no question over his identity now.

The arguments against Kasab being Pakistani were primarily the result of an Indian media gone haywire, with contradicting stories and sources all over.

With the Indian government refusing to share evidence and going on the blame game and beating war drums and making unreasonable demands, it was to be expected that Pakistanis would view the whole affair with suspicion.

All this acrimony could have been avoided had the GoI and Indian media acted a bit more responsibly.

Actually the GoP bloody well knew he was a Pakistani within 48 hours of that attacks. The village was swarming with ISI agents and his parents were in custody. They have admitted Ajmal's identity only after intense international pressure. GoP tried to cover it up for as long as they could but eventually they realized how ridiculous they were looking to the rest of the world.

This cover-up fiasco proves that the Laskar/Jamaat terrorist group is an extension of the Pakistani state.
So what ?is this making 0.16 billion pakistani into terrorists ?is this giving india right to start a war with Pakistan?US shouldn't be responsible for pursuing Taliban into Pakistan?Taliban killed 5000 americans in 9.11,so it give US right to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq? Dalai-s*** group killed 18 innocent people in China last year ,so what ,we should start a war with India? Only american and indian have the right to live?India have enough Indian terrorists in your homeland, you should find a way to keep this from happening agian instead of starting a war。since you indian are so loving US,you should learn some experience from them,Stop acting like how you are good at winning a war

well if you kill someone or plan the killing you cannot decide how the response of the other party might be. In some case it might be more than necessary in some case less. Either way cant choose what happens next once the step is taken.

as for the tibetians after 1 million of them being killed by the hans it might be natural response. why didnt you get similarly angry when the tibetians were killed all these years by the ccp? what if ccp was mostly tibetian and did the same to the hans? would you show the same "understanding"?
well if you kill someone or plan the killing you cannot decide how the response of the other party might be. In some case it might be more than necessary in some case less. Either way cant choose what happens next once the step is taken.

as for the tibetians after 1 million of them being killed by the hans it might be natural response. why didnt you get similarly angry when the tibetians were killed all these years by the ccp? what if ccp was mostly tibetian and did the same to the hans? would you show the same "understanding"?

since you concocted news like this,what about the 10million indian being kill by icp every year,and D .Kumar stole over 5000 kidneies over the last 10 years
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Why was Gillan opposed here?

If Kasab is indeed Pakistani, and India finally shared evidence to corroborate whatever Pakistani investigations into his identity brought up, then it shoudl have been announced.

I have to side with Zardari on the issue of confirming Kasab's identity - the longer we sat on it, the less sincere in tackling terrorism and solving the case we woudl seem

However, if Durrani did indeed issue any statement without consulting Gillani, the PM is within his rights to terminate him.
I agree, the whole problem that Pakistan had was not that whether Kasab is a Pakistani or not, it was that whether or not due process would be followed in any such declaration. We got India to finally submit to our demand for providing evidence directly to us and not going through FBI, China, Saudia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, UK, UN, Interpol... Have I missed anyone in the list of their dhindora peeting society?

But this apparent tussle between the PM and President makes me wonder if the evidence was there or not and if this is another one of those bending over backwards by the civilian government to avoid any conflict with India. Anyway we voted these clowns in, so we have to put up with it.

Kasab is a Pakistani... Now what? Now India has to provide us evidence that JuD is infact LeT in disguise.
I'd go on TV claiming to be Atal Vajpayee's lost chiwawa if someone would pay me $100 million. Anyone?

Two tasks...
First task
Run naked in the streets of you city. I should see the news in Geo.:cheesy:
This is for confirmation.

After this you can collect the advance of $50 mil

Then do the chiwawa thing and then collect the rest.:flame:
Truth does not need the words to be changed each time.

Being stubborn and refusing to accept the reality doesn't make the truth into falsehood.

You have been proven wrong. Accept that and apologize. That would be the honorable thing to do.

LOL. You way overestimate the meaning of this whole situation to me, to get an apology let alone demand one!! !!

If the world claimed the stars were made out of cheese I would not believe it.

You don't seem to follow I don't mind if Kasab is Pakistani. It makes no difference to the situation. It's the hands that guided him that you need to prove.

But there's too many inconsistencies, least of all Kasab speaking Hindi, for him to be a Pakistani from Faridkot.

My conclusion: I doubt Kasab is Pakistani.

If it is confirmed over the coming days, no big deal. However, it's best to wait. You yourself know the fiasco you personally created on here with your claims of admission by Nawaz Sharif. You're welcome to apologize for this, of course.
Two tasks...
First task
Run naked in the streets of you city. I should see the news in Geo.:cheesy:
This is for confirmation.

After this you can collect the advance of $50 mil

Then do the chiwawa thing and then collect the rest.:flame:

Alright, deal, I shall oblige this fantasy. Deposit the money (100 mill - i prefer gold bullion as the price of $$ has gone down) somewhere I can get my hands on it, then contact Geo. I sure will oblige :coffee:
So.. the best evidence India could give in a months to Pakistan is to actually tell that Ajmal Kasab was once a resident of Pakistan?

Also, Pakistani people need evidence by the GOVERNMENT of Pakistan that he was indeed Pakistani. I dont trust it. :P
But one thing is very strange:-- I will say some thing is wrong
that When Bombay attack was carried out.Indian media shows only two guys and one of them was Ajmal Kasab and later it was he was presented Pakistani.Then again and again that picture was on the all media.
This picture was in everybody mind due to excessive coverage.After Bombay drama was finished,it was claimed that one person is capture alive and then he is nominated as Pakistani.

Please don't Propogate..!!! And please note that no country would allow a drama of TERRORISM, which can hamper their potential toursim and economy and FDI's. It was the loop hole in our security and defence and Inetligence system this happend to our country people..!!! However that cannot take away the responsiblity of the ELEMENTS in paksitan for this carnage..!!!! The GPS,The guns, phone calls during the carnage.. all these cannot be ignored..!!! However your country also have to prove that it will walk the talk.. and it is a safe place to do business in..!!! That is exactly what your ISI chief too have said..!!! So i guess we should stop propogating.. and take constructive steps to eradicate the menace of terrorism..

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