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Debate with a muslim woman

Hmmmm 1 question which women loses to muslim women as both women are muslims

It was a misspelling of "woman" as "women". Thus, it should read "A woman loses the debate with a muslim woman". Unless you consider the debate a tie, this statement is trivially true.

On topic: I certainly think there are security related arguments for regulating all face coverings (including ski masks, burqas, etc.) on all genders in public. However, the French law was motivated by religious bigotry and should rightly be opposed... This is one of those issues where I can proudly say that the United States has a much better policy than Europe.
nobody forces women to wear burqa, they have choice that they make on their own, these all countries brag about democracy but they are worse than dictatorship, you cant ban something that you do or wear for your religion, tomorrow they are gonna ban sikhs from wearing turbans.
What a stupid thread title. Should have mentioned about burqa debate instead.
Forcing it is a bit too harsh to say, most of the time its more of a cultural value expectation to wear a Burqa, therefore having no connection at all with Islamic principles. Out of all the Muslim countries, Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan are the top most recognized/known places where you see women with full worn Burqas. In Afghanistan and tribal areas of Pakistan, women have to wear Burqa at all times because of cultural beliefs/codes (Pashtunwale). Although it isn't part of the main principles of Pashtunwale, "pardah" or covering of women in front of men is very crucial.

BTW, great debate.
Lol Elliot Spitzer.

Saw this long time, Mona got f**ed by Egyptian army during Egyptian revolution... She was on o'reilly or hannity couple of months ago crying crocodile tears and how a brave female journalist she is and entire world should feel sorry for her....lmao wonder if this morbidly obese and obnoxious guerilla is also amongst others detained in Egypt.
Human faces are the unique identifiers of a human personality (in a social environment). A face covering creates a diminshed/repressed human being. Covering the face is not Natural, hence, totally Un-Islamic. It is the basic right of a human being to identify themselves with their unique identifiers rather than being classed as veiled nobodies.
I support banning burkha and niqab all over the world...
I did not see the video....But again...freedom to live independently will be the upltimate winner always...That is the reason why people with Burkha goes to live in USA and UK to enjoy the freedom??? Did you see at any point of time any one from USA/UK countries come to countries who are religious Muslim countries to for living their life for ever in a majority way????....

I feel every one knows the answer...We can argue countless times in presenting women with Burkha from head to toe..or with women with Bikini in sea beach..But fact is every ones loves freedom....Some people has choice to enjoy it and some people dont have a choice physically and socially to make any choice to enjoy the freedom...Then they take different means to justify it...
we need more sisters going on TV and telling these sexist westerners to stop pretending to speak on their behalf.
The most sexist thing these people do is pretend to represent Muslim women.
The people who are against burkha should remember that Islam doesnot force women to wear burkha it depends on their own choice !
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