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Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria

There has been mistakes where NATO has bombed civilians. But they don't do it on purpose and they admit their mistakes. They don't lie and tell fairy tales like the Syrian government.

LOL this is best you can do? just make up BS that suits you? this is how your head is working?
They are though. They are being randomlly attacked by the Army so they arm themselves to proetct themselves. This has already been said. Learn to read.

you should learn to read. Millions of Syrians live normal way no one attacking them and they are not going to attack anyone. you dont get it? so why should they go "defend" themself by attacking the army as you suggest? are they insane?
He wont answer you Alpery. He can't otherwise his fairy tale will become undone.

That's why he won't respond to me anymore because i debunked his claims and he has no response. If he responds it will undo is fairy tale.
Whats going on in Syria is a dirty international game of geopolitics.

Iran wants to maintain a strong link to Hezbollah in Lebanon through Syria.

Russia wants to maintain an ally in ME and have a navel base in the Mediterranean.

Hezbollah knows that who controls Syria also controls Lebanon.

Israel wants an obedient weak dog near its borders.

US after the Iraq war wanted to invade Syria, but Israel said no. So, they are not intervening because they would like to see Syria first weakened by civil war.

Iraq obviously, also want a Shia government in Syria.

These counties are effectively trying to save the Syrian government by ethnically cleansing the Sunnis.
It wont happen. The revolution will succeed.
Syrians declared" WE BOW TO NO ONE BUT GOD".:guns:
So you are saying that the 10,000 + Syrians peaceflly protesting in that video are all "terrorists" and "insurgents" LOL :rofl:

Man you are very brain washed.

It's got nothing to do with "the West" the whole world is against the Syrian Government, not just "western countries" That's another trick brain washed Syrian government supporters try to do, say it's the "wests" fault.

Stop supporting your government that is slaughtering your own brothers. You are as bad as the Syrian Government is of you try to defend their actions.

The west was never on Syrian side, since 1982 :rofl: Syrian dont give a crap about the west, we are used to your terrorism, i mean democracy.
Where a population is Christian and Shia, only Sunni minority are targeted, you cannot call Assad as a good leader.
Out of these minority against him, over thousands have been ruthlessly tortured and murdered. I don't get it, why are you licking his boots?
A whole family was killed Aalmo'amory family, that name doesnt exist anymore in Syria, thanks to the "freedom" fighters.
And guess what? that family is an alawite.
You people need to be quiet, even american government is saying there are terrorists. Plus the AL report said there are terrorists which you never hear about in the media anymore, why?



i answred you before on a different thread, how can you have CLEAN AND FAIR election in this chaos? who will run against Alasad? can you name me one popular candidate ? for god sake bro think out side the box. plus this right here explains the elections in a different way, the SYRIAN WAY.
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Good ,this will make Nato think twice before imposing a Libya style "no fly zone".
You people need to be quiet, even american government is saying there are terrorists. Plus the AL report said there are terrorists which you never hear about in the media anymore, why?



i answred you before on a different thread, how can you have CLEAN AND FAIR election in this chaos? who will run against Alasad? can you name me one popular candidate ? for god sake bro think out side the box. plus this right here explains the elections in a different way, the SYRIAN WAY.
of course , by international observers ..you know it well...but I hope you have piece of brain..what I said?
"one year ago" that as Assab has promised to Erdogan..Assab liar.

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