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Jinnah had a dream, and we failed him

Jinnah had a dream, and we failed him


The ideology of Pakistan was the fight for the rights of minorities - not to be an Islamic state.

Hopes were high when Jinnah presided over the Constituent Assembly in 1947 and declared without doubt that freedom of religion was to be respected. It was his wish to lift up the economic and politically deprived Muslims from their backwardness that led to the support of many non-Muslim minority activists as well, notably Christians. In a time where major Muslim political groupings allied themselves with the Indian National Congress, the Christians in their legislation secured Jinnah the desired support the All India Muslim League needed.

His close friends and those amongst the founding fathers of Pakistan also belonged to minority groups. The first Law Minister Jogendra Nath Mandal is a Hindu from Bengal; his secretary and later the Chief Justice of Pakistan Alvin Robert Cornelius belonged to the Catholic Church. The long time, highly admired Foreign Minister Mr Muhammad Zafrullah Khan belonged to the Ahmadi sect. In addition, Jinnah himself belonged to the Shia denomination and many of the top leaders of the Pakistan movement were from the Shia, Ismaili and Ahmadi camps.

Mandal and Zafrullah Khan became quite disillusioned after Jinnah’s death when the Constituent Assembly went to declare the newborn country an Islamic state, limiting its leadership only to be preserved for Muslims. Both, and especially Mandal, became quite vocal in advocating the need for a secular nation, which is what Jinnah had meant it to be. Their voice fell to deaf ears, Mandal was pushed aside and had to leave his ministry. His resignation letter paints a gloomy picture of how violence against Hindus was neglected and the authorities failed to catch the culprits.

Each nation suffers from religious, ethnic and communal violence. But handled properly, the culprits are caught and punished. Authorities make examples of such wrongdoers and reduce the risk of such acts taking place again. But when the state fails to bring justice and punishment through its legislation, and the judiciary which acquits three in four cases of sectarian terrorism, then there is little hope for help.

Why should Pakistani Christians, who are as proud of this country and are involved as bravely in its struggle for freedom, economy and defense suffer here for the deeds of what the US is doing in Iraq or Afghanistan? Why should our Hindu community, an entrepreneur’s class who pay their taxes just as any other, suffer because Hindu extremists in India preach hatred and indulge in communal violence? And should it even be mentioned how badly mistreated the Ahmadi’s are on our soil.

Christians and Hindus both make up about 2.5 million individuals each. The latter, although, has for the last three decades fled the country with an average of 10 families moving to India each month. Imagine our own family members being harassed, kidnapped for ransom, raped or converted by force. It is of national disgrace that our federal and provincial authorities fail to realise and accept that such occurrences are frequent.

Merely allocating mandatory seats in the parliament or involving one or two names representing minorities on the electoral list does not provide security or safety to our religious minorities. Our brave civil society and the local neighbourhoods’, who do care, can do nothing when all these factors are against them.

Those behind these gruesome acts are not unknown. The most militant of them are these days touring the country under the banner of the Difa-e-Pakistan Council, together with several political parties. Its militant members, the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the Jamaatud Daawa all have an ugly record of several thousand innocent Pakistani civilian lives. They have openly embraced the Taliban and denounced the military operations taking place to curb terrorism caused by such fascist groups. Most importantly, this group fails to condemn violence on minorities in the country. And if they do address this issue, they blame it on ‘foreign elements’.

What can the Pakistani minorities expect when the politicians, who on one hand promise to safeguard minorities, on the other stand alongside those who are capable of killing at point blank and inciting violence? These political parties are not unknown and their members are not ignorant with regards to these basic facts.

The reality is that, when deciding between a rally, which is given media attention, even if it spews hatred, and to protect minorities, our dear leaders reject the latter. And if they occasionally do say, as Nawaz Sharif so boldly said that, Ahmadis are our brethren as well, then all hell breaks loose from the self-declared protectors of this ‘citadel of Islam’.

And then we have the silent media, more specifically TV shows and news channels.

How often do they report that women are converted to Islam by force?

It does not help for those defenders of faith, to recite the verses of Quran, preaching tolerance or freedom of religion, when the ground realities are quite the opposite. The fact is that our minorities fear for their lives, their faith and their children’s safety. Imagine living such a life!

Pakistan is, sadly, ranked amongst the worst states for minorities to reside in; the others being Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Congo-Kinshasa. The UN Minority Rights Group (MRG) publishes a yearly report of dreadful statistics about incidents that have occurred during the year in Pakistan relating to violence against minorities.

There are many theories on what the ideology of Pakistan is; the most popular theory, which was quite unknown as long as Jinnah was alive, is that the country was created and destined to be an Islamic state. The ground reality, although that was the driving force, behind the Pakistan movement was the fight for the rights of minorities.

Jinnah believed in Hindu-Muslim unity, but was disaffected when the Nehru dominated camp in the Indian National Congress refused to agree on separate electorates for minorities. One thing led to the other, and we had an outcome which divided the subcontinent.

The main essence is that Pakistan was created to protect the minorities of India. And hence, the ideology of Pakistan is to protect its minorities in order to prove its existence. Our mere existence on the map is not to be the eternal enemy of India, or to have influence in Kabul, it is merely to protect our minorities. If they are well, all is well. If they are threatened, then we have failed. And at our current standing, we have failed Jinnah and Pakistan miserably.

At the end of the day, in one way or another, we are all minorities. If it is not religion, then ethnicities divides us, and if not that, then language, culture, tribe, cast and creed is always there. But when anyone of our countrymen, no matter what religion they have, travels to a foreign country, they are only known as Pakistani. We need to realise that being Pakistani, in its essence means equality.

This post was first published here.

Read more by Usman here. Follow him on twitter @UsmanBaghi.

Jinnah had a dream, and we failed him – The Express Tribune Blog
First of all as a Muslim we only have to know what ALLAH and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW have told us and what are there orders when it comes to how we should run our state and we are allowed to follow only those leaders who follow and implement Quran and Sunnah and history tells us Quran and Sunnah have given best rights to minorities and even for several centuries Jews remained under Muslims and were provided with full security and in Pakistan Minorities can't be targeted just because they are not Muslims only when if the attack Islam or Muslims than they can be arrested and punished and that to by state not by people on their own
First of all as a Muslim we only have to know what ALLAH and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW have told us and what are there orders when it comes to how we should run our state and we are allowed to follow only those leaders who follow and implement Quran and Sunnah and history tells us Quran and Sunnah have given best rights to minorities and even for several centuries Jews remained under Muslims and were provided with full security and in Pakistan Minorities can't be targeted just because they are not Muslims only when if the attack Islam or Muslims than they can be arrested and punished and that to by state not by people on their own

I am amazed at the knowledge of history (or lack thereof) in this post. Good luck.
I am amazed at the knowledge of history (or lack thereof) in this post. Good luck.
Sir you need to read History again Sir Jews for Hundred of years under Muslims and they lived in peace
Sir you need to read History again Sir Jews for Hundred of years under Muslims and they lived in peace
Jews lived in peace..what about this ? What about other "minorites" under Muslim rulers ? They too lived peacefully ? Coming to present times, are minorities not targeted in Pakistan for being minorities ?

Dude you need to come to this world from an alternate universe where everything is green. Of all religions, Islam is by far the most intolerant of minorities and that is a fact. Your holy book may say anything, but what matter is the actions on ground.
Jews lived in peace..what about this ? What about other "minorites" under Muslim rulers ? They too lived peacefully ? Coming to present times, are minorities not targeted in Pakistan for being minorities ?

Dude you need to come to this world from an alternate universe where everything is green. Islam is by far the most intolerant of minorities and that is a fact. Your holy book may say anything, but what matter is the actions on ground.

Looks like you need to look at your own country for history against minorities, minority boy.
Jews lived in peace..what about this ? What about other "minorites" under Muslim rulers ? They too lived peacefully ? Coming to present times, are minorities not targeted in Pakistan for being minorities ?

Dude you need to come to this world from an alternate universe where everything is green. Of all religions, Islam is by far the most intolerant of minorities and that is a fact. Your holy book may say anything, but what matter is the actions on ground.
Yes Sir most lived peacefully yes they were some cases but mostly they enjoyed peace and freedom to practise their religion and Indians should not tell us what we need to do with minorities but what Indians need to do is control abuses on Minorities taking place in India
In Prophet Muhammad SAWs time we had a peaceful relation with Jews, only when the Jews started invading our lands, then we only fought back. Remember when Islamic forces controlled Jerusalem? Jews were living happily there.
Looks like you need to look at your own country for history against minorities, minority boy.

But weren't we talking about the glorious peaceful history of minorities under Islam...why bring in on offtopic ? Ran out of points already ?

Yes Sir most lived peacefully yes they were some cases but mostly they enjoyed peace and freedom to practise their religion and Indians should not tell us what we need to do with minorities but what Indians need to do is control abuses on Minorities taking place in India

Again werent we talking about state of minorities under Islam..why bring in India into the topic ?

So "no violence against Jews" already got chnaged to "mostly no violence" ? How about Tamerlane's carnage of Hindus in Delhi..? How about the Arab conquest of Persia and the genocide of Zorastrians...? How about Mahmud Ghazni's actions ? how about Aurangazeb's fanatic zeal against the Sikh gurus..? All these and still you claim Islam is the greatest peaceful religions and is comfy about minorities..?

A I said please come back to mother earth from whatever parallel universe you are living in..
the base of 2 nation theory which says Hindus and Muslims are two different nations and can't live together is wrong to begin with.
we always lived together and we'll continue to live together.
Muslims lived in India for centuries.
they are still living in India - quite peacefully as compared to the Muslim nation made out of India i.e. Pakistan - and continue to grow.
moreover- at the time of partition - many Muslims chose to remain in India (breaking Jinnah's dream). those Muslims clearly denied this baseless and senseless theory.
on the contrary- the creation of Bangladesh proved that the Muslims can't live with Muslims (Jinnah's dream broke again)- but they are living with Hindus in India and growing.
the base of 2 nation theory which says Hindus and Muslims are two different nations and can't live together is wrong to begin with.
we always lived together and we'll continue to live together.
Muslims lived in India for centuries.
they are still living in India - quite peacefully as compared to the Muslim nation made out of India i.e. Pakistan - and continue to grow.
moreover- at the time of partition - many Muslims chose to remain in India (breaking Jinnah's dream). those Muslims clearly denied this baseless and senseless theory.
on the contrary- the creation of Bangladesh proved that the Muslims can't live with Muslims (Jinnah's dream broke again)- but they are living with Hindus in India and growing.

Pakistanis don't care about Bangladeshis or Indians.

We have our Pakistan that we always dreamed of. We have:

P = Punjab
A = Afghania (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA)
K = Kashmir ( Azad Kashmir & Gilgit-Baltistan)
I = Indus Valley
S = Sindh
N = BalochisTAN

No one in Pakistan wants to be part of hindustan/bangladesh. Bangladesh is surrounded by hindustan on all sides and is far away from Pakistan. It was a ridiculous idea to make Bangladesh part of Pakistan. And its a useless small piece of land with no geographical value that has the same population number as entire Pakistan. It didn't merge with hindustan so two nation theory still stands.

And anythings better than being under hindu rule.

Pakistan today is a Nuclear Power. Our founding fathers would have never imagined that.


By the way, most of India's Muslims live in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar which is poorer than Africa.

BBC News - 'More poor' in India than Africa

And you can have them, thank GOD they didn't come to Pakistan.
the base of 2 nation theory which says Hindus and Muslims are two different nations and can't live together is wrong to begin with.
we always lived together and we'll continue to live together.
Muslims lived in India for centuries.
they are still living in India - quite peacefully as compared to the Muslim nation made out of India i.e. Pakistan - and continue to grow.
moreover- at the time of partition - many Muslims chose to remain in India (breaking Jinnah's dream). those Muslims clearly denied this baseless and senseless theory.
on the contrary- the creation of Bangladesh proved that the Muslims can't live with Muslims (Jinnah's dream broke again)- but they are living with Hindus in India and growing.
Sir two nation theory is the biggest fact in the world Sir not just in South Asia and sir many shudars also don't want to live with brahmins and Bangladesh became a separate state but not part of India so two nation theory still exists Hindus and Muslims are completely opposite to each other and can't live together
Pakistanis don't care about Bangladeshis or Indians.

We have our Pakistan that we always dreamed of. We have:

P = Punjab
A = Afghania (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
K = Kashmir ( Azad Kashmir & Gilgit-Baltistan)
I = Indus Valley
S = Sindh
N = Balochistan
i've already answered in many of my posts about this clueless alphabetical theory that you guys keep on coming up with. the pakistan you made back in 47 does not exist from 71. and that's a fact.

No one in Pakistan wants to be part of hindustan/bangladesh. Bangladesh is surrounded by hindustan on all sides and is far away from Pakistan. It was a ridiculous idea to make Bangladesh part of Pakistan. And its a useless small piece of land with no geographical value that has the same population as entire Pakistan. It didn't merge with hindustan to two nation theory still stands.
just because Bengali Muslims couldn't live with you- you call it a useless small piece of land? don't talk like a loser now.
And anythings better than being under hindu rule.
there is no Hindu rule in India. its always Indian rule in India irrespective of religion. you may not understand it but its okay.
Pakistan today is a Nuclear Power. Our founding fathers would have never imagined that.

you know- this one thing that i hate about India. i hate India having nuclear bombs. i hope someday we all agree for their destruction.
Sir two nation theory is the biggest fact in the world Sir not just in South Asia and sir many shudars also don't want to live with brahmins and Bangladesh became a separate state but not part of India so two nation theory still exists Hindus and Muslims are completely opposite to each other and can't live together

Two nation theory exists from Pakistan's point of view, it does not exist from India's point of view. Whatever happened in 1947 is history & both nations have moved on. India has moved on the basis os everyone being one nation & Pakistan has moved on in the direction of its philosophy.

Those who believed in the 2 nation theory have had their chance to make their own history & many who left India for Pakistan (east/west) chose to do so. The ones who stayed must be accepted as those who do not subscribe to that theory & there we must leave it. The 2NT is not an absolute, one way or the other. How we look at it depends on where we look at it from.
Sir two nation theory is the biggest fact in the world Sir not just in South Asia and sir many shudars also don't want to live with brahmins and Bangladesh became a separate state but not part of India so two nation theory still exists Hindus and Muslims are completely opposite to each other and can't live together

but Muslims and Hindus living together in India. we always lived together and still living together. Indian Muslims are more successful than anyone in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan combined. so you're wrong again.
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