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Asia Cup: ACC rejects BCB's final over plea

look, this Awami league lives on anti-pakistan sentiment.... They do not want to have good relation with pakistan. But please do not accuse Bangladeshis for it. Accusing Bangladeshis is like accusing iraqi people for Saddam's crime.... i can understand pakistan's sentiment here... After those Bhai Bhai thing, it is normal that they are hurt.... But pakistan should deal it in a matured way! Bad relation between Pakistan and Bangladesh will only benefit our enemies...

Let me make it more clear. When you guys said Pak-bangla bhai bhai, or we pakistanis supporting bangladeshis in fb cricket pages , everything was shared by many popular bangla facebook pages, blogs. My facebook wall page was full of pakistan praising...

which is a very rare thing. ( believe me praising pakistan openly on Fb is very dangerous thing for Bangladeshis, there are always 2-3 so called patriotic Awmlg supporter to reply harshly , most common reply is '' rajakar Go back to your original land pakistan'' )

so those people who are pro ummah, normally avoid commenting positive about pakistan while Awamileague propagates anti pak propaganda successfully on social media! This is why most of Bangladeshi pages are full of anti pakistan comments though they( pak haters) are clear minority. It gives you people false impression about Bangladeshi mentality. I believe this public forum where anonymous Bangladeshis post freely reflects true image.

ok now during Pak Bangla final and immediately after it Pro ummah people got a rare chance to show common people that Pakistanis are different and brotherly people which shut awami Bstards, this time they had no reply.

And then after this cheema mahmudullah bcb problem, pakistanis started to bad mouth us, making fun of Mushfiq's tears which helped Awami league bastards and pro india Hindus to share posts like - 'true face of pakistanis revealed'

Thank you for your expression, we appreciate it. We felt like it is same backstabbing regarding 1971 tragic similarly.
Thank you for your expression, we appreciate it. We felt like it is same backstabbing regarding 1971 tragic similarly.
I'd correct you here that there was no backstabbing done to us in 1971 but done by us. AL should have been transferred power, they had won
I'd correct you here that there was no backstabbing done to us in 1971 but done by us. AL should have been transferred power, they had won
It was neither us nor them but it was these corrupt power hungry politicians who did everything just to remain in power

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