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US orders Iran to dismantle Atomic Plant

For Iranian brothers who want to know Indian capabilities I put a thread up here some time ago. But for ease of reference I will put it here so you can see what India is about and if it has the capability to assist US with Iran in any way with nukes plant.

Not all sections are relevant but please ignore those.


if there are zillion reason to eascape india then there would be 1 trillion zillion reason to escape pakistan like country:lol:
no doubt why pakistanis runs to other countries and show patriotism there :rofl: and they have more immigration rate..

and where ever pakistnais goes and live..other local country men starts to leave those areas:rofl:
as i said earlier,military option is final and do it.
Troll comes again.
Don't worry,if they attack us,first we will nuke your home,then we will fight our war.
Your IQ is no more than spice,I've heard Indians have very good spice,super hot ones.:tup:
as i said earlier,military option is final and do it.

well , for military action there is a simple problem .
in all west and east arsenal there is no weapon short of a nuclear weapon that is capable of penetrating Iran 60000psi concrete . (for information normal concrete is 5000 psi and US 13 ton bunker-buster can penetrate up to 80m in it but the same bunker-buster when challenged with 10000psi concrete only could penetrate less than 10m)
Troll comes again.
Don't worry,if they attack us,first we will nuke your home,then we will fight our war.
Your IQ is no more than spice,I've heard Indians have very good spice,super hot ones.:tup:


your loud mouthing problem is hard to forget :rofl:
well , for military action there is a simple problem .
in all west and east arsenal there is no weapon short of a nuclear weapon that is capable of penetrating Iran 60000psi concrete . (for information normal concrete is 5000 psi and US 13 ton bunker-buster can penetrate up to 80m in it but the same bunker-buster when challenged with 10000psi concrete only could penetrate less than 10m)

i m not advocating only for air strike :P
time for action.iran should do a preemptive strike on DIMMONA israel nukes plant before israel can do anything.this will break the back bone of US NATO and wont be able to take action as israel will surrounded by arab states who want to settle the score with israel and when israel loses the nukes then arabs wont hesitate

well ,there is the problem that we don't like to initiate wars and also attacking Dimona is serve nothing but itself ,it can be used as a threat for retaliation to make enemy think twice before doing something foolish .
i m not advocating only for air strike :P

well we are looking for their soldiers to put their foot on Iranian soil . don't forget our snipers have guns that can penetrate a Humvee armor from 3.5km away . and we have enough man-pad to show them what happened to Russia in Afghanistan first hand .
oh and don't forget western countries believe we teach Iraqis and Afghans fighter how to make IED's and also it's a well known secret that we are Hezbollah teacher.

and more importantly don't forget about the price of the oil
well ,there is the problem that we don't like to initiate wars and also attacking Dimona is serve nothing but itself ,it can be used as a threat for retaliation to make enemy think twice before doing something foolish .

I agree Iran should continue in its peaceful march no matter what is done to provoke it. It should only respond with force if it is attacked
well we are looking for their soldiers to put their foot on Iranian soil . don't forget our snipers have guns that can penetrate a Humvee armor from 3.5km away . and we have enough man-pad to show them what happened to Russia in Afghanistan first hand .
oh and don't forget western countries believe we teach Iraqis and Afghans fighter how to make IED's and also it's a well known secret that we are Hezbollah teacher.

and more importantly don't forget about the price of the oil

good ...:P


enough for rag tag military of iran :P
is US emperor of the world or something..we order you to do this, we order you to do that..well lets face it..why dont you pay attention to controlling your own homeless, starving and bankrupt Americans Mr Obama?

good ...:P


enough for rag tag military of iran :P

Ironic to see Indians who could not stop singing India-Iran bhai bhai and their centuries old shared culture are now taking sides with the colonials who are obviously coming to steal Iranian oil!
Ironic to see Indians who could not stop singing India-Iran bhai bhai and their centuries old shared culture are now taking sides with the colonials who are obviously coming to steal Iranian oil!

i am with relation with iran but not in favour of another nuke state :no:
so some body have to prevent it and this present regime of iran is pro problems

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