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Arabs angry for Iran-P5+1 talks, 'The Security Council for Fatwas'

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Guys, some of you ( i am not gonna give names ) need to chill out..For Gods sake please dont turn everything into Arabs versus Iranians..I am writing this as a sympathizer of both Iranians and Arabs..You are all great people and great nations..Please?
oops !

God bless me from the ban ... !

soheil calm down ! ok ! ... Breath

I wasn't going to say such historical facts. But I had to, since some of you uses such language. Anyway, yes...calm down... and breath fresh air. Do you now how to do meditation or relaxation?:pop:
Yeah i know what you meant.Mosa also did it in another page.It's disgusting.
But it's not a shame.

Shame is being slaves,Puppets (yes we Iranians wee everything from slave/master window)

در این محمل دشنام ناموس به کار آید

به به

I wasn't going to say such historical facts. But I had to, since some of you uses such language. Anyway, yes...calm down... and breath fresh air. Do you now how to do meditation or relaxation?:pop:

KONY 2012

به جهنم
Guys, some of you ( i am not gonna give names ) need to chill out..For Gods sake please dont turn everything into Arabs versus Iranians..I am writing this as a sympathizer of both Iranians and Arabs..You are all great people and great nations..Please?

BP we are in the same boat as you but I must say I made a private initiative and I private messaged a pro Saudi member this morning and said we should encourage dialogue and peace between Arabs and Iranians. I was so shocked at his response he said and even now I feel sick he said I not only will not assist you but want to burn all Iranians. i feel very sad to see one Muslim say this about another
And i thought i told you what your ancestors were (If you know who i mean :tup:).

Aw stop talking rubbish if anyone is a slave today its Arabs who Zionists have made into slaves we need to free our Arab Muslim brothers. They have got Stockholm syndrome

In psychology, Stockholm Syndrome is an apparently paradoxical psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness

Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iranians look at everything in the world with (master vs slaves) eyes. I hope it has nothing to do with when Arabs took 40,000 first class Iranian people as slaves and bought them in slavery markets 1400 years ago.

For trolling and talking nonsense in this thread.

You guys ruin every thread with trolling.
Guys... chill out! I think all of us have Imams and religions. This is not allowed here but I have many things to say regarding that but I won't. Just avoid that...;)
Who talked religion?from what part of my sentence you understood i'm talking religion?Genius
I know what you are following by playing this.
Who talked religion?from what part of my sentence you understood i'm talking religion?Genius
I know what you are following by playing this.

Believe me, if I replied to your previous post, I don't think you would be sane anymore, but I abstained in respect to this forum.:cool:
Believe me, if I replied to your previous post, I don't think you would be sane anymore, but I abstained in respect to this forum.:cool:
Oh seriously?I don't get ignorance serious.reply and get banned.
So when i talk about you history,you think i'm talking religion?That's a bad obsession.

Anyway,i have nothing else to say,so either stick to topic by not trolling or leave it.very simple.
For trolling and talking nonsense in this thread.

You guys ruin every thread with trolling.

that's what happens when you have lost the plot which this guy had a long time ago

Believe me, if I replied to your previous post, I don't think you would be sane anymore, but I abstained in respect to this forum.:cool:

Your lack of intellectual capacity shines like a beacon on a dark night. I have yet to see you add anything of any substance on any thread
All these type of articles are to raise hostility in Moslem states. Hey brothers what's wrong with you? You are in a Pakistani forum and you every time forget the famous Pakistani poem:

Az khabe geran, khabe geran, khabe geran khiz!
All these type of articles are to raise hostility in Moslem states. Hey brothers what's wrong with you? You are in a Pakistani forum and you every time forget the famous Pakistani poem:

Az khabe geran, khabe geran, khabe geran khiz!

Now thats the spirit..Thats what we need..I salute you my friend and welcome to PDF :):pdf:
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