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Arabs angry for Iran-P5+1 talks, 'The Security Council for Fatwas'

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lol so I'm now responsible for a saudis dying are you going to blame me next for the iraq war ? you know why saudis are hit with racism through I respect saudi's maybe you forgot about airplanes flying into buildings and the people coming from a US ally.

Yeah and US government is killing Millions yet no one is thinking of hating the common American why is that??
Yeah and US government is killing Millions yet no one is thinking of hating the common American why is that??

They are your Ally If I'm not mistaken you buy tanks, Fighters, Warships,through I don't blame saudis but you should see how the USA is viewed in the ME , but then again Saudi Arabia trying to influence other countries or meddling in the affairs of others like Russia Chechnya, Pakistani radicialized, meddling in egypt to fund mubarak, in Lebanon wanting to destroy hezbollah ? the list goes on and on Saudi Funded Mosques in Europe Central Asia ?
They are your Ally If I'm not mistaken you buy tanks, Fighters, Warships,through I don't blame saudis but you should see how the USA is viewed in the ME , but then again Saudi Arabia trying to influence other countries or meddling in the affairs of others like Russia Chechnya, Pakistani radicialized, meddling in egypt to fund mubarak, in Lebanon wanting to destroy hezbollah ? the list goes on and on Saudi Funded Mosques in Europe Central Asia ?

What a troll attempt loud and clear. As expected from you nothing new.
How is this trolling I've been watching you on other threads running away from the truth. heres an example.

Outlawing Wahabi Islam in Russia | Spero News

I have been running away?? Maybe you should read what I wrote there or maybe it was too much for you to comprehend?? Thing is NC I know other guys come from a point of view while you have an entirely different purpose. Which is trolling the forum and anyone with half a brain can see that. Really you could at least try to make it look a little bit obvious.
I have been running away?? Maybe you should read what I wrote there or maybe it was too much for you to comprehend?? Thing is NC I know other guys come from a point of view while you have an entirely different purpose. Which is trolling the forum and anyone with half a brain can see that. Really you could at least try to make it look a little bit obvious.
Actually I did all of it in fact read all of it on the UAE Iran thread, I'm trying to have a serious talk with you but you always insult me and call me a troll. no matter how much proof I put it's always fake.
Arabism isn't race in total it's more of culture, your culture my culture is Arabic culture due to the language spoken and heritage written in Arabic, that's all about it.
our life style in egypt are not like saudi or gulf countrys and our history is written in hergolifi and coptic and arabic languge

What a genius, you could have been born a muslim then became a an athiest. have you heard about Christopher hitchens, an athiest with a christan name. A name is nothing but a name.
Also, iam not talking about actual ruling, i am taking about cultural, yes Americans are culturaly English just like Egyptians are culturaly Arab, if you dont believe me ask 90% of Egyptains. Your thinking is the result of English colonization, Egyptain Arab nationalism resulted from that. Learn your own history.
so you think that saying i am egyptian not arabic means i am not a muslim ? no comment
i know my history well and i ask egyptians all the time gulf countrys are the most hated espicealy people who used to work there and got to know the likes of you and if you are a real muslim you would know that
من قال على احد انة مشرك فقد ثبتت على احدهما
our life style in egypt are not like saudi or gulf countrys and our history is written in hergolifi and coptic and arabic languge

so you think that saying i am egyptian not arabic means i am not a muslim ? no comment
i know my history well and i ask egyptians all the time gulf countrys are the most hated espicealy people who used to work there and got to know the likes of you and if you are a real muslim you would know that
من قال على احد انة مشرك فقد ثبتت على احدهما
I didn't say that you are not a Muslim or that you have to be Arsb to be Muslim, but
كاد المريب أن يقول خذوني
Actually I did all of it in fact read all of it on the UAE Iran thread, I'm trying to have a serious talk with you but you always insult me and call me a troll. no matter how much proof I put it's always fake.

This is in line with the typical Arab response as per op. Logic and reason has little to do with their position. I think that is why a nation of 4 million people despite Arab resources runs rings around them
This is in line with the typical Arab response as per op. Logic and reason has little to do with their position. I think that is why a nation of 4 million people despite Arab resources runs rings around them

These people don't have the capacity to argue something without resorting to personal attacks. I don't know if all of them are like this, the Arabs I meet in personal life are not at all like these mentally challenged people. Anyway, I have completely stopped replying to these mentally challenged people's posts
These people don't have the capacity to argue something without resorting to personal attacks. I don't know if all of them are like this, the Arabs I meet in personal life are not at all like these mentally challenged people. Anyway, I have completely stopped replying to these mentally challenged people's posts

Honest mate this morning I got the funny feeling that maybe Mossa was an Iranian deliberately flying an Arab flag to make them look bad:rofl:
Honest mate this morning I got the funny feeling that maybe Mossa was an Iranian deliberately flying an Arab flag to make them look bad:rofl:

LOL, and I get the feeling they might be paid by, ahem, certain 'institutions'...
LOL, and I get the feeling they might be paid by, ahem, certain 'institutions'...

Note: subject 2 is experiencing level 1 "Delusional Projection" showcasing psychosis tendency in an attempt to blockout what he considers negative input endangering his "Selective Paraonia" which is stemming from the collective "Nation" level 2 projection psychological self defense mechanism .
Lets not allow some misguided deviants to derail this thread. Their intentions are to stop us from discussing the issues at hand. This article clearly shows that Arabs are the ones that are responsible for a lot of the problems in our neighbourhood.

The Security Council for Fatwas

This is not a joke or an example of sarcasm; rather this is to commiserate with the recent statement issued by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that there are signals from Tehran that the Iranians are prepared to bring positive ideas to the table regarding their nuclear program, pointing to an Iranian fatwa prohibiting the country from possessing nuclear weapons. Therefore, so long as Iran is taking fatwas into account with regards to its policies, perhaps it would be better if we established a Security Council for fatwas!

Over the past 3 decades, since the Khomeinist revolution, Iran has been prepared to utilize religion, sectarianism and even the Palestinian Cause, as playing cards in order to infiltrate our region, as well as to divide Arab states from within; Tehran is doing this today in Iraq and Yemen, whilst it previously did this in Lebanon via Hezbollah, and this is not to mention the role it played in dividing the Palestinians. Therefore if Tehran is prepared to do all this in the name of religion and sectarianism, how can we trust the statements made by the Iranian Supreme Guide that there is a fatwa against nuclear arms? If they want to convince us that religion should serve as a source of trust in Iran, why has Tehran created strife, conflict and division in “friendly and sisterly” Islamic states? If religion truly were the guarantor of Iran’s behavior, why did Tehran sponsor the terrorist Imad Mughniyah? Why did Iran sponsor and engage with the terrorist Al Qaeda organization? Tehran has sponsored and engaged with Sunni and Shiite terrorists alike, over the past decades, and these are the same terrorists whose hands are stained with the blood of the innocent, via terrorist suicide operations, and others; so after all this, how can we trust Tehran, simply on the basis of a religious fatwa? How can we invoke a fatwa issued from a regime that does not hesitate to deal with terrorists, whether Sunni or Shiite? This is truly absurd!

The problem with the Obama administration is that it wants to pursue policies that may be acceptable to the day-dreaming cultural elite, but not to regimes that are full of cunning and deceit, like the Iranian regime, whose primary objectives do not include development, openness, humanitarian values, the well-being of its citizens, or even religious tolerance; rather all that the Iranian regime – and the ideology behind it – cares about is expansion and infiltrating other countries, for sectarian motives. Since the world is ruled by international laws and conventions, as well as interests, it is absurd to talk about an Iranian fatwa when negotiating with Tehran, for countries – like individuals – have reputations and histories that cannot be ignored, therefore the reputation of a bad country, like the reputation of a bad individual, is not based on statements or fatwas, but rather past deeds! Therefore, when US Secretary of State Clinton talks about the Iranian fatwa, we can be certain that she has not heard about Iranian taqqiya [the practice of precautionary dissimulation emphasized in Shiite Islam whereby adherents may conceal their religion when under threat]! Tehran has a history of failing to comply by its pledges and agreements, and the best example here is the visit paid by the Iranian President [Mahmoud Ahmadinejad] to the Emirati Abu Musa Island that is under occupation by Iran, for despite all the Iranian – Emirati agreements regarding a truce to precede negotiations and dialogue, Tehran failed to respect its pledge; therefore if the president of the country fails to abide by his word, how can we believe the country itself will abide by this fatwa?

In reality, the claim that we can rely on a fatwa that prohibits the possession of nuclear weapons, reminds us of the famous Arab proverb: “the thief was asked to swear [his innocence], and he swore [falsely] and said “yes, this is the way out [of the predicament]!” If this fatwa is one of the merits of dialogue with Iran, then by God we are truly facing a disaster in the region!

The more i read these articles,the more i believe they are Iran's worst enemies.Just look how angry the author is that he is writing such a bs.
Note: subject 2 is experiencing level 1 "Delusional Projection" showcasing psychosis tendency in an attempt to blockout what he considers negative input endangering his "Selective Paraonia" which is stemming from the collective "Nation" level 2 projection psychological self defense mechanism .

Have you ever wondered the possibility of Subject 'M' experiencing "level 1 "Delusional Projection" showcasing psychosis tendency in an attempt to blockout what he considers negative input endangering his "Selective Paraonia" which is stemming from the collective "Nation" level 2 projection psychological self defense mechanism"? :woot:
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