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Muslims in indian army


Jan 10, 2009
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Muslims in Army : Hiding what`s well-known

The reason for the Muslim under-representation in the Indian army, or the Sikh over-representation, is something that lies partly in history, and its public disclosure would harm nobody.

There’s something surreal about India’s debate on Muslim under-representation in the Indian army. If the defence minister says the army has done no head-count of its Muslims, how did the army give an exact Muslim figure of 29,093 last month? The figure is backed by a retired lieutenant-general who says the Muslims are 2 per cent.

Whatever the exact percentage, a huge Muslim under-representation in our army is a fact. So is a huge Sikh over-representation. See the contrast. Sikhs form 1.86 per cent of India’s population but number around 8 per cent in the Indian army. Muslims form 13 per cent of India’s population but are 2 per cent in the army. Why should this truth about Muslim under-representation be suppressed? Or that of Sikh over-representation? But an irrational love of secrecy causes Indian rulers to hide information whose public disclosure would harm nobody.
Just as Muslims are under-represented in the army, so are the Bengalis, Biharis, Oriyas, south Indians or Gujaratis. And just as Sikhs are over-represented, so are the Jats, Dogras, Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gurkhas, Marathas, Pathans and Punjabis.

The reason for this disparity lies in history. The Indian army’s recruitment pattern was set 150 years ago by India’s 1857 uprising. Traumatised by the rebellion, the British army adopted a recruitment policy that punished the groups which rebelled and rewarded the ones that stayed loyal. Because Muslims of Awadh, Bihar and West Bengal led the uprising, the British army stopped hiring soldiers from these areas.

Also blacklisted from these places were high-caste Hindus whose regiments in Bengal had also mutinied. In contrast, the British raised the recruitment of castes that had stood by the British to put down the uprising. These castes were the Sikhs, the Jats, Dogras, Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gurkhas, Marathas, Pathans, plus Punjabis, both Hindus and Muslims. Honoured as martial races, they received preferential treatment in army recruitment for the next 90 years. Like any institution, the Indian army’s a prisoner of the past.

Even today, it favours enlisting men from the martial races. Their over-representation in the Indian army is huge. Figures bear this out. Of 2.87 lakh jawans hired by the army in the last three years, a disproportionate 44,471 came from three “martial” states, Punjab, Haryana, and the mountain state of Uttaranchal. So these states which account for 5 per cent of India’s population provided 15 per cent of India’s army jawans.

In contrast, the fewest recruits came from “non-martial” West Bengal, Bihar and Gujarat. These three states account for 30 per cent of India’s population, but they provided only 14 per cent of army jawans in this three-year period. So the Indian army has not only a religion-based disparity in recruitment, but also one based on caste and region. A glimpse of this discrimination was provided by a press release issued by a defence office in Jammu five years ago. Seeking recruits for the Indian army, the press release said: “No vacancies for Muslims and tradesmen.” Meaning that martial Dogras were welcome to apply, but not Hindu business castes like the Baniyas and the Khatris.

About the Muslim under-representation in the Indian army, the reasons are three. One was Partition. Before Independence, Muslims were around 25 per cent of the Indian army and 25 per cent of undivided India. But when India broke up and Muslim soldiers were asked to choose between India and Pakistan, they joined Pakistan en masse. So Muslim numbers in the Indian army dropped so drastically that they were only 2 per cent in 1953, according to India’s then minister of state for defence. Jawaharlal Nehru himself expressed concern that “hardly any Muslims” were left in the army. And Muslim numbers never really picked up in the last 60 years for a well-known reason.

India’s military establishment hesitates to hire Muslims as soldiers because it suspects Muslim loyalty to India. This discrimination is a natural outcome of India and Pakistan’s bitter hostility over 60 years. In similar situations, the same thing happens all over the world. The Israeli army doesn’t trust its Arab soldiers in jobs related to defence security. The Buddhist Sinhalese army under-recruits its Hindu Tamils lest their sympathies lie with the Tamil Tigers. After 9/11, US army recruiters would probably screen a Muslim American volunteer more thoroughly than a Christian American. Thanks to our four wars with Pakistan, the same anti-Muslim animus works here in army recruitment.

Proof of it lies in an enormous mass of documentary and other evidence which expresses distrust of Muslims. Otherwise, why does India have separate regiments for the Sikhs, Jats, Dogras, Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Mahars, the Nagas, even the Gurkhas, but not a single Muslim regiment? This is tragic but it’s a truth which shouldn’t be suppressed. It should be acknowledged and dealt with.

Events have consequences. Muslim under-recruitment in the Indian army is a consequence of Partition. India and Pakistan’s hostility is seen in both countries in Hindu versus Muslim terms. So it’s natural for India’s Hindu army establishment to distrust a Muslim who wants to join as a soldier.

This prejudice itself discourages qualified Muslim youths from applying, which drives down Muslim numbers even more. Another reason for Muslim under-recruitment is the relatively poor education of Muslims. When they try to enlist as soldiers, they are simply out-competed by better-educated Sikh, Hindu, and Christian youths. So Muslim leaders are quite right that Muslim under-recruitment in the army deprives the community of a good, life-long source of employment. It’s a sad situation not so easy to correct.

In life, however, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. The under-representation of Muslims and other caste or regional groups benefits the over-represented ones. The composition of the Indian army is totally askew numbers-wise. West Bengal’s population is eight times that of Uttaranchal. But Uttaranchal provided almost the same number of army recruits as West Bengal last year. Compare a “martial” Punjab with a non-martial Gujarat. Punjab’s population is half that of Gujarat. But it provided four times as many people to the Indian army as Gujarat. The Indian army hired far more recruits in Rajasthan than in Tamil Nadu though Tamil Nadu’s population is higher. Essentially, the Indian army is dominated numbers-wise by Sikhs and Hindi-speaking Hindus of north India. The current status quo suits them perfectly.

Arvind Kala / New Delhi March 04, 2006, Business Standard

Business Standard ::
the link you provided does not lead to this article, it leads to the home page. Do provide the exact link!
this is from a blog! why did u show the link to business standard when the real article was this? Even the lame guy who posted this onto the blog has not shown the real link on business standard! lame!

:cheers: you need a break dude, date for that article in business standard is given. Now you want me to provide the hard copy of that issue? ;)

here i found the original one for your satisfaction

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Look, Muslims not being marginalized in the Army, There are others too, as this article points out. And its not Marginalization per se! The world has come to such a stage that anyone can come to any conclusion without any proof and deem it an article!

And Yes some Psychos do mistrust the Muslims and their Loyalty to India. Case closed.
may be its lack of oppertunity or lack of trust or opression of minority what ever be the case the truth is : muslim number in indian army doesnt match to the the percentage of their participation in other cases:
such as : entertain ment: bollywood : there are khan's everywhere
cricket: yusuf pathan, jaheer khan , irfan pathan etc
president : mr . apj kalam
industrialist: wipro and cipla

The Indian Army is a traditional force and many battalions are organized on the basis of regions and caste. Thus we have the Sikh regiment, the Marathas, the Gorkhas etc. But this does not apply at the officer level. It is undoubtedly true that the number of Muslims in the Army is less than their proportion in the population. This is a historical legacy as the recruitment of Muslims in the armed forces in pre-Independence India was concentrated in Punjab, North West Frontier and Balochistan, all part of Pakistan today.

A similar argument can be also made on the basis of region. The states of Orissa or Gujarat or even Andhra Pradesh are not represented in proportion to their population. To assume any bias on this basis is to see evil where none exists
may be its lack of oppertunity or lack of trust or opression of minority what ever be the case the truth is : muslim number in indian army doesnt match to the the percentage of their participation in other cases:
such as : entertain ment: bollywood : there are khan's everywhere
cricket: yusuf pathan, jaheer khan , irfan pathan etc
president : mr . apj kalam
industrialist: wipro and cipla

The Indian Army is a traditional force and many battalions are organized on the basis of regions and caste. Thus we have the Sikh regiment, the Marathas, the Gorkhas etc. But this does not apply at the officer level. It is undoubtedly true that the number of Muslims in the Army is less than their proportion in the population. This is a historical legacy as the recruitment of Muslims in the armed forces in pre-Independence India was concentrated in Punjab, North West Frontier and Balochistan, all part of Pakistan today.

A similar argument can be also made on the basis of region. The states of Orissa or Gujarat or even Andhra Pradesh are not represented in proportion to their population. To assume any bias on this basis is to see evil where none exists

Muslims are not bothered whether they had a Muslim President or Minister, Or Khans in the industry,what they wanted was the removal of economic disparities and social inequality.

Can you mock the facts by stating few persons out of 150 Muslims?? Absolutely not.

If you need more facts , here they are

--> In the Lok Sabha which consists of 544 members, for instance, according to the population of Muslims they should have 83 members; but in every election their number has steadily declined. Today it stands at only 17. Likewise, in the Rajya Sabha which consists of 250 members, where because of indirect election, political parties could easily redress the imbalance; the Muslims' share is far below their population strength. Their number today is 11.

-->The number of Muslims in government services is steadily declining; hardly one or two secretaries in the Centre or States, there is no chief secretary in any state, one high court judge or so in some states; no chief justice in any state. The number of district judges and magistrates don't exceed even two percent of the total; .

-->In public sector undertakings, out of 481 directors, only 6 are Muslims- no chairman, no managing director.

-->In IB and RAW Muslims are debarred.

--> Muslims having government jobs is just 4.9 percent. Muslims constitute just 3.2 percent of those in India's elite civil service corps.
(The situation is worse in states with large Muslim populations. For example, in West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Assam, where Muslims form 25.2 percent, 18.5 percent and 30.9 percent of the population, respectively, their share of government jobs is 4.7 percent, 7.5 percent, and 10.9 percent, respectively.)

--> In the private sector, including the top business and industrial houses of Tatas and Birlas, it was found that Muslim employment come to 8.16 percent.

-->Grant of Bank Loans
In terms of intending borrowers, the Muslims numbered 9.41 percent, but the actual disbursement of loans to them came to 3.73 percent.
Muslims are not bothered whether they had a Muslim President or Minister, Or Khans in the industry,what they wanted was the removal of economic disparities and social inequality.

Can you mock the facts by stating few persons out of 150 Muslims?? Absolutely not.

If you need more facts , here they are

--> In the Lok Sabha which consists of 544 members, for instance, according to the population of Muslims they should have 83 members; but in every election their number has steadily declined. Today it stands at only 17. Likewise, in the Rajya Sabha which consists of 250 members, where because of indirect election, political parties could easily redress the imbalance; the Muslims' share is far below their population strength. Their number today is 11.

-->The number of Muslims in government services is steadily declining; hardly one or two secretaries in the Centre or States, there is no chief secretary in any state, one high court judge or so in some states; no chief justice in any state. The number of district judges and magistrates don't exceed even two percent of the total; .

-->In public sector undertakings, out of 481 directors, only 6 are Muslims- no chairman, no managing director.

-->In IB and RAW Muslims are debarred.

--> Muslims having government jobs is just 4.9 percent. Muslims constitute just 3.2 percent of those in India's elite civil service corps.
(The situation is worse in states with large Muslim populations. For example, in West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Assam, where Muslims form 25.2 percent, 18.5 percent and 30.9 percent of the population, respectively, their share of government jobs is 4.7 percent, 7.5 percent, and 10.9 percent, respectively.)

--> In the private sector, including the top business and industrial houses of Tatas and Birlas, it was found that Muslim employment come to 8.16 percent.

-->Grant of Bank Loans
In terms of intending borrowers, the Muslims numbered 9.41 percent, but the actual disbursement of loans to them came to 3.73 percent.

Recognizing a problem is the first stage to eliminate the problem. whatever you have quoted is outcome of Sachar committee report. If there was deliberate attempt to marginalise muslims, there would not have been a Sachar committee.
Look If the Indian Muslims are laggin back its because they have let themselves become marginalised! You cannot discount movie stars who came up from Nothing, Because the Cinema Industry is the Hardest place to Rule! And Muslim starts Ruling the worlds Biggest Cinema Industry is No Joke! Why do you just pull facts which suit you and ignore the others? Would the Khans have reached where they are if the so called Marginalisation was as big as you are making it out to be??

I do agree there is Discrimination at places, But I for one havent come across any, But I feel there is a long way to go for Indian Muslims. They must come out into the open and start facing challenges and not just Rely on the OBC mentality!

Look at the Jews, they are so small in number, but can any Muslim country where Muslims are not Discriminated again compete with them? NO, why is that?? Ponder Over A Lot!
Recognizing a problem is the first stage to eliminate the problem. whatever you have quoted is outcome of Sachar committee report. If there was deliberate attempt to marginalise muslims, there would not have been a Sachar committee.

Did their (Sachar committee or other committees) suggestions ever implemented????
Did their (Sachar committee or other committees) suggestions ever implemented????

In a "historic" move to give a better deal to Muslims, the Centre on Friday said guidelines have been issued to improve their share in government jobs while a high-level committee has been set up to remove "anomalies" in their representation in Lok Sabha and state Assemblies.....
Sachar follow-up: Government unveils steps
Look If the Indian Muslims are laggin back its because they have let themselves become marginalised! You cannot discount movie stars who came up from Nothing, Because the Cinema Industry is the Hardest place to Rule! And Muslim starts Ruling the worlds Biggest Cinema Industry is No Joke! Why do you just pull facts which suit you and ignore the others? Would the Khans have reached where they are if the so called Marginalisation was as big as you are making it out to be??

I do agree there is Discrimination at places, But I for one havent come across any, But I feel there is a long way to go for Indian Muslims. They must come out into the open and start facing challenges and not just Rely on the OBC mentality!

Look at the Jews, they are so small in number, but can any Muslim country where Muslims are not Discriminated again compete with them? NO, why is that?? Ponder Over A Lot!

Boy don't play with the words, Deny the facts provided above otherwise no need to divert the thread.
New Delhi: In a move that goes a long way in mainstreaming Madrasa students across the country and help clear their way to higher education, the Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry is all set to grant madrasa certificates equivalence to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). ............

Madrasa certificates will now be CBSE equivalent
In a "historic" move to give a better deal to Muslims, the Centre on Friday said guidelines have been issued to improve their share in government jobs while a high-level committee has been set up to remove "anomalies" in their representation in Lok Sabha and state Assemblies.....
Sachar follow-up: Government unveils steps

A committee again.....:rofl::rofl::rofl:
so another committee will be formed to discuss previous committee's findings..Its like giving lollipop to Muslim voters.....And you no what elections are close........ :cheesy::cheesy:

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