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What stops USA from occupying Pakistan?



New Recruit

Apr 2, 2011
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In absence of puppets like Musharraf and Zardari, what will stop USA from occupying Pakistan?
Strange question.

Why would USA or for that matter any other nation want to occupy another ? Those days of physical occupation are over. The last gent who tried to do this found himself on the business end of a hangmans noose in Iraq.

Political & Economic pressure works better and has lasting effects and is non intrusive too.
Thats a laughable mentality...how can you even think of your country being occupied ?? Moreover as thrid eye said...USA would npt be interested in occupying your country...at max..they will use your resources for their own interest..which i guess they are already doing.
Q. What is stopping US from occupying Pakistan?

A. Nuclear weapons.

Q . What is stopping US from occupying Pakistan?

A . US does not need to, its ends are being without physical occupation.
Q . What is stopping US from occupying Pakistan?

A . US does not need to, its ends are being without physical occupation.

Pakistan and the US's relations are strained. You can predict more than a follow-out happening, especially when US troops will withdraw from Afghanistan.
In absence of puppets like Musharraf and Zardari, what will stop USA from occupying Pakistan?
Do you think there is any other kind of occupation left. What to blame a Government or a General, all are in the same boat and in the same mood. We have become a living farce as a Nation, and lo and behold don't speak loud. You will wake the Pillars of the State from a deep slumber!!
US stooges in the government will be ousted shortly.
Q. What is stopping US from occupying Pakistan?

A. Nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons can not stop US from attacking Pakistan. In fact US is already bombing parts of Pakistan using drones, and nukes are nowhere in sight.

Pakistan can not deliver its nukes on US soil, Pakistan doesn't have the missiles, submarines, or even long range bombers to do the job. So even in a full scale war, Pakistan will fight the war on its own soil. It can not drop a single bomb on US soil. So US is least bothered about nukes. In fact it will first of all take out the nukes in such a conflict even before someone realizes that a war is about to break out.
War fatigue.

Were US-Pakistan relations at the turn of the century the same as what they are now, I have no doubt that Pakistan would have been occupied.
Indians, you guys are really making me laugh. North Korea's nuclear weapons cannot reach the US, so why hasn't the US occupied them?

It's really a no brainer.
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