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After 20 years, R&AW upgrades to super spy jets

Okay bro you said that now prove it :P

So all the Pakistani saying that they had better economy than India, before the WOT and India only got ahead is because of Pakistan involvement in WOT is lie then?? Are you calling your own brothers liars?

Pakistan once had the same development rate as South Korea and was considered to be on the same footing, but you guys shot yourself in the foot, now you blame others for your own misery.

On Topic: Are these planes specifically for RAW or are other agencies allowed to borrow them?
On Topic: Are these planes specifically for RAW or are other agencies allowed to borrow them?
Borrow planes ??? Most unlikely. RAW operations is something you never know
Data: Data is also for other agencies. May be just for other agencies as RAW is not involved in physical counter measures :D
no u are beating around the bush i said prove that pakistan has no industry and no private sector to compete with around the world :P

Really then why does it didn't ask the EU to take own the restriction the Pakistani clothing industry, it was not till India asked the EU was the it taken off. Why has Pakistan not developed a motor industry, you can't even win against Bangladesh for the garment industry business. What other industry is there? No mineral exports, even though you continually post on how great the mineral reserves are. You have to rely on China for you defense equipment, yet you call India out for buying weapons.
no u are beating around the bush i said prove that pakistan has no industry and no private sector to compete with around the world :P
Generally it's wise versa. How can anyone prove the non existance ??? I think existance has to be proved and not non existance
Still there are lists on wiki for industrial development. Help yourself. Or just get any Chinese friend he will tell you about your industries
Borrow planes ??? Most unlikely. RAW operations is something you never know
Data: Data is also for other agencies. May be just for other agencies as RAW is not involved in physical counter measures :D

Well yeah but I would think that RAW would at least allow other agencies to at least take part in the operation.
First I,m a Christian, second so you can't achieve what India has yet you still can't compare to it. What have you guys achieved a country filled with terrorists, daily drone strikes bombing and what not. You can't even protect your own country from foreign countries bombing you out in the open with all the proofs.

Even after getting the independence at the same time you had better economy and had the backing of the US, yet where did you get? Nowhere. You guys have no industry, no private sector capable of competing in international market yet you laugh at other. And when someone pulls on your record you pull your all weather friend to save you face.

If it bothers the world how our country is running then so be it. Your views won't effect me or my countrymen. No industry? Our people are still living without it. Your economy will be at 3% growth rate, lower than Pakistan's. Sooner or later we will better off. In fact, i will argue that it is better to be in current condition then to become an Indian slave to the world. What is the worst case scenario?... Just to remind you, we're still on the map.

Protect our own country? The Drone attacks and the OBL raid was a deal with Pakistani leaders. No Western attack can happen without our approval. What we do or how we deal with them has nothing to do with you. Why don't you talk about India? You have failed to confront us in Afghanistan and in the Tribal Areas. You have failed to get all of Kashmir....

You talk about private sectors....
I tell you your IT city of Banglore and other cities that have been outsourced have no chance of surviving if foreign companies decide to opt out any second. Your relations with the U.S regarding Iran came out of the blue and this is just one example of your catch me if you can system.
If it bothers the world how our country is running then so be it. Your views won't effect me or my countrymen. No industry? Our people are still living without it. Your economy will be at 3% growth rate, lower than Pakistan's. Sooner or later we will better off. In fact, i will argue that it is better to be in current condition then to become an Indian slave to the world. Just to remind you, we're still on the map.

Protect our own country? The Drone attacks and the OBL raid was a deal with Pakistani leaders. No Western attack can happen without our approval. What we do or how we deal with them has nothing to do with you. Why don't you talk about India? You have failed to confront us in Afghanistan and in the Tribal Areas. You have failed to get all of Kashmir.

You talk about private sectors....
I tell you your IT city of Banglore and other cities that have been outsourced have no chance of surviving if foreign companies decide to opt out any second. Your relations with the U.S regarding Iran came out of the blue and this is just one example of your catch me if you can system.

:rofl: Thats why OBL was living a block away from the Pakistani military academy. Says so much about your country.

Drones attack killing your citizen is not a big deal then why do you guys post news about it and call out US to stop the attacks??

India is already training Afghani forces, you couldn't do anything about it. India is already investing in mineral reserves in Afghanistan.

As for the IT industry, at least we got one and it doing much better than any industry you guys have.
no u are beating around the bush i said prove that pakistan has no industry and no private sector to compete with around the world :P
Does Pakistan have a decent automobile manufacturing company that could compete in world market? Comparing with India on these fronts would be futile as Pakistan even today heavily relies on inputs. Apart from being a decent enough producer of agro products there is nothing in terms of billion dollar pvt company that you can be proud. Wake up Pakistani citizens, unless you dont remove these retarded and selfish politicians your country is going nowhere.

Forget pvt sector Pakistan cant even produce a decent loco of its own or through a collaborative effort. Dont provide Risalpur as an example its just an assembly yard, and cant be claimed as a Locomotive producing yard. My intention is not to show Pakistani industries in bad light. But industries can only grow in an amicable environment and not with violence and political meddling all around. Please note I dont wish to get on a confrontative mode and neither am I interested in projecting India as a superpower. I can still highlight that states like Orissa and chattisgarh are far less developed probably even worst than some of the pakistani areas. But the point is we learn to thrive and inspite of such abject poverty we have our own space programme which helps in almost every civilian area ranging from telecom, Agriculture, Weather and of course remote sensing and helping hugely in Urban planning. Every Indian citizen recognizes the poverty and unaffordability of basic healthcare,education in India but at the same time looks at the positive side of "India growing" picture and. Unless you don't recognize the shining examples you would never realise how much you have progressed.
India's military regime is a fail.

Who buys Jets all the time? Clearly we are seeing how 'weak' these people are. True engagement against enemies lies on the ground, and not in the air. Lol we are seeing a face of a female that cannot become a man.

Dude , don't cry just because you can't afford to buy these weapons like we can. It's your economy that is a fail , not the indian military regime. If your economy wasn't such a fail , you would be buying these weapons , probably even more weapons than us.
Good morning :D
Hope you have woke up and had your prayers :D
India's milletry regime - hahahaha see your own avatar and then talk about milletry regime. Or call Parvez he can guide you
Who buys jets all the time ??? - India - nobody give us milletry aid so we have to buy them
Clearly seeing how weak these people are - Good for you. Keep it that way
Enemies lie on ground - they "lie" :-)D) or lay low ground cuz something is in air
Face of female that wishes to become a man - why disrespect for women in general ??? still that face is better than any of your country leaders at the moment who are begging USA to stop the drone stricks. Too much for omnipotent men of Pak :D

You have it wrong mate. Its your morning and my night...
LOL I stopped reading after you thought i have Pervez Musharraf on my avatar. Educate yourself before talking. This was General Ayub Khan....
Dude , don't cry just because you can't afford to buy these weapons like we can. It's your economy that is a fail , not the indian military regime. If your economy wasn't such a fail , you would be buying these weapons , probably even more weapons than us.

You had top notch weapons in the past. Why would i cry? After all you have failed to use your weapons to get our Kashmir.

guess you missed this while making this lame attempt to back track your earlier MCP post :)

BSF women personnel gun down Pakistani intruder in Punjab

It was deleted in page 3. No need to keep pulling my leg, i copied it over here.:D
You had top notch weapons in the past. Why would i cry? After all you have failed to use your weapons to get our Kashmir.

India never attack Pakistan ... its Pakistan always shows aggression then face humiliation
If its your Kashmir, why dont you take back the part that we have ??? Oh! I forgot.. You did try Kargil (trying to copy India's siachen mission) but failed :lol:

Why should we when local Kashmiris hate you by their bottom of heart and will not last with you much longer?
No need to argue what happened. What i know and you know is that 40-50% of other Kashmir is not won by India.
You had top notch weapons in the past. Why would i cry? After all you have failed to use your weapons to get our Kashmir.

Most retarded statement ever. You just can't randomly attack another country and take land away because the rest of the world would stand up to you.
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