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China forced abortion photo sparks outrage

在大陸大部份違規生育的大多數是窮人, 大陸做有錢人比西方要低調很多, 因為對手是共產黨. 窮人違規生育絕對比富人多十倍以上. 反而美國歐洲資本主義有錢人人最惡, 有錢可大玩法律手段, 甚至控制政府政策 :tdown:
the cental government has stept in, to investigate the forceful abortion```

forceful abortion of long pregnance is forbitted in China even with one-child policy, which may people dont know, especially those ignorant China bashers

While this is disgusting and any sane minded person would agree that it is disgusting - I would like to ask a question to the Chinese posters here -

If the one-child policy is so stringent - what happens if a woman is pregnant with twins or triplets? Does the Govt. let the parent keep both/all the children?
if its the first birth, no matter whether its twins or triplets or even more you can have it all````but i am surpurised to hear such question```

as a father going to be```it really disgusts me`!! This policy has to change```because China now has developed to the stage where the modern life style restricts the number of kids couples are going to have.. in fact those cities like Shanghai, Beijing, guangzhou has very low birth rate (much lower than world average)
forceful abortion of long pregnance is forbitted in China even with one-child policy, which may people dont know, especially those ignorant China bashers
That is funny...

China apologizes, suspends officials in forced abortion case - CBS News
Among the cases were several women who said they were forced to have abortions within days of their due dates.
Even if it is illegal, the reason why the officials in this particular case did what they did is because such force abortions have become normal in China under this one-child policy.
在大陸大部份違規生育的大多數是窮人, 大陸做有錢人比西方要低調很多, 因為對手是共產黨. 窮人違規生育絕對比富人多十倍以上. 反而美國歐洲資本主義有錢人人最惡, 有錢可大玩法律手段, 甚至控制政府政策 :tdown:

Because the the poor have no social welfare.
Why is everyone so outraged? This is Communist China, human rights and freedom don't exist.

You will eat what you are told to eat, read what you are told to read, think what you are told to think and abort your child when you are told to abort it.
Why is everyone so outraged? This is Communist China, human rights and freedom don't exist.

You will eat what you are told to eat, read what you are told to read, think what you are told to think and abort your child when you are told to abort it.

Typical Shabi.
It sounds real amusing when the Indians call it 'Disgusting' who themselves have customs of burning women alive if his husband died of some reasons and have separate nurseries for the widows which are scuttled from their society. :lol: way to go Indians.
It sounds real amusing when the Indians call it 'Disgusting' who themselves have customs of burning women alive if his husband died of some reasons and have separate nurseries for the widows which are scuttled from their society. :lol: way to go Indians.

I am sure you just landed just today from about 300 year back..
Obviously this has outraged people in China just as much and they are taking action

China forced abortion photo leads to suspension of officials | News | National Post

BEIJING — China suspended three officials and apologized to a woman who was forced to undergo an abortion seven months into her pregnancy in a case that sparked an uproar after graphic photos of the mother and her dead baby were circulated online.

The moves appeared to be aimed at allaying public anger over a case that has triggered renewed criticism of China’s widely hated one-child limit. Designed to control the country’s exploding population, the policy has led to often violently imposed forced abortions and sterilizations as local authorities pursue birth quotas set by Beijing.

Feng Jianmei, 23, was beaten by officials and forced to abort the baby at seven months on June 2 because her family could not afford a 40,000 yuan (US$6,300) fine for having a second child, Chinese media reported this week.

Today, I am here on behalf of the municipal government to see you and express our sincere apology to you. I hope to get your understanding
Photos of Feng lying on a hospital bed with the blood-covered baby, reportedly stillborn after a chemical injection killed it, were posted online and went viral, prompting a public outpouring of sympathy and outrage.

A commentary posted on the official website China.org.cn said the forced abortion “is society’s shame.” Another said the case exposed the lack of humanity in some administrative officials.

The government of Ankang city, where Feng lives in northwest China’s Shaanxi province, said a deputy mayor visited Feng and her husband in the hospital, apologized to them and said officials would be suspended amid an investigation.

“Today, I am here on behalf of the municipal government to see you and express our sincere apology to you. I hope to get your understanding,” Deputy Mayor Du Shouping said, according to a statement on the city government’s website Friday.

Jonathan Kay on Chen Guangcheng, China’s one-child policy, and abortion’s slippery slope
Feng and her husband could not immediately be reached Friday. A relative who answered Feng’s cellphone said the couple were in talks with city officials.

The official Xinhua News Agency said three officials would be relieved of their duties: two top local family planning officials and the head of the township government.

But one expert said the officials are unlikely to be seriously punished for a problem that has existed for three decades, and that is usually a result of orders carried out to meet the central government’s population quotas.

“They’re just pulling a trick to deal with the public. It’s just a pretense,” said Liang Zhongtang, a demography expert at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. “I think this case will end up being ignored and forgotten like similar cases were in the past. Things have always been like this. Nobody will be fired.”

China legalized abortion in the 1950s, but it didn’t become common until the government began enforcing a one-child limit to stem population growth.

The correct way to deal with the case would have been for local officials to allow her to deliver the baby first, and then mete out punishment according to regulations
From fewer than 5 million abortions a year before 1979, the numbers jumped to 8.7 million in 1981, a year after the one-child policy was launched. It peaked in 1983 at 14.4 million before coming down as China relaxed the policy to allow rural couples a second child if their first was a girl.

Xinhua said Feng was not legally entitled to a second child under China’s one-child limit because she did not have a rural household registration, but added that late-term abortions are prohibited due to the risk of causing physical injury to the mother.

“The correct way to deal with the case would have been for local officials to allow her to deliver the baby first, and then mete out punishment according to regulations,” the agency quoted an anonymous provincial family planning official as saying.

Abuses by family planning officials are often a target for popular frustration, especially amid a growing sense among better-off Chinese that the government has no right to dictate how many children people should have.

One reason that activist Chen Guangcheng enjoys a wider appeal within China than many other activists is that he and his wife documented complaints about forced abortions and sterilizations in the city that oversees his village. Among the cases were several women who said they were forced to have abortions within days of their due dates.

The couple’s efforts angered local leaders. Chen was jailed and later placed under illegal house arrest, from which he fled six weeks ago in a daring escape. He is now living in New York with his wife and two young children.

The government says the one-child policy has prevented an additional 400 million births in the world’s most populous country of 1.3 billion.

Critics of the controls point out that it leads to a dangerously imbalanced sex ratio. Families abort girls out of a traditional preference for male heirs.

Idiots are everywhere, even though the law does not force you into abortions there may be some local people with their own agendas to force something.

How come no one has started up a business over this? This is quite similar to not having the means to pay for a medical fee. In the US the doctors would treat you no matter what, since they have a financial system of recovery and collections backing them up. What they do is, they set up a payment plan. If the woman here could not pay the fine, set her up on a payment plan with interest, banks can do the backing, the government gets its full funds immediately and the bank deals with collecting money further.

It sounds real amusing when the Indians call it 'Disgusting' who themselves have customs of burning women alive if his husband died of some reasons and have separate nurseries for the widows which are scuttled from their society. :lol: way to go Indians.
are you in your 320's age, the practice was long gone before that time. so buzz off :wave:
Why is everyone so outraged? This is Communist China, human rights and freedom don't exist.

You will eat what you are told to eat, read what you are told to read, think what you are told to think and abort your child when you are told to abort it.
for d1mwit like you will neve know the whole picture of China.

the forced abortion sparked outrage in China, ordinary citizens, figured people, CCTV commentators are fiercely condemning the outrage. the central government has stepped in to investigate those officials and hospital staffs who are involved.

but I guess all of these are confined to those low-life China bashers' stupid believes (you are the typical one)
Why is everyone so outraged? This is Communist China, human rights and freedom don't exist.

You will eat what you are told to eat, read what you are told to read, think what you are told to think and abort your child when you are told to abort it.

Its a total shame that despite Australia's proximity and imense trade relationship with China, the populace is still so ignorant and spout such nonsense.
Child, go learn about China, or even better go there and see for yourself how things really are.
No country has perfect human rights record and not so long ago white Australians effectively decreed that aboriginal children must be raised by white parents and the indiginous had no choice but to comply. Look up the 'stolen generation'.
for d1mwit like you will neve know the whole picture of China.

the forced abortion sparked outrage in China, ordinary citizens, figured people, CCTV commentators are fiercely condemning the outrage. the central government has stepped in to investigate those officials and hospital staffs who are involved.

but I guess all of these are confined to those low-life China bashers' stupid believes (you are the typical one)

As i said, and as gambit pointed out, forced abortions are extremely common in China. I'm not sure why Chinese citizens would be outraged at this particular case unless they aren't aware that it is common due to media censorship.
As i said, and as gambit pointed out, forced abortions are extremely common in China. I'm not sure why Chinese citizens would be outraged at this particular case unless they aren't aware that it is common due to media censorship.
one-child policy is a law, all laws must be respected or you will be punished! go to india if u don't like one-child policy but india is overcrowding, unemploymen is 10 % and food inflation is over 10 % (too many people in india, not enough food supply):tdown:
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