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Does Pakistan have an Afghan strategy?


Sep 18, 2011
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Does Pakistan have an Afghanistan strategy? Is it still a carry-over from the cold war era policy embedded in the desire for using Afghanistan as a strategic backyard in case of a conflict with India? Can the Pakistani military decouple its Afghanistan strategy (if there is any) from the perceived Indo-Afghan-American nexus that this establishment views as inimical to Pakistan's interests? And will Pakistan ever take into account the criticism that flows from its alleged nexus with certain shades of "good Taliban"?

These questions - critical of an army that is already stretched out, particularly on the western border, spread out in parts of embattled Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Tribal Areas, and dealing with an insurgency in Balochistan - are being asked inside and outside Pakistan. The international community is closely watching the role of Pakistan Army.

Financially, for the military itself, engagement in Balochistan as well as in FATA has turned out to be an extremely expensive affair. The roughly four billion dollars the US now owes Pakistan for the 140,000 plus deployment in FATA is a case in point. It has spent this money on the US request but is still waiting for reimbursement.

A series of discussions with senior military officials clearly suggests that the past romance with the idea of "strategic depth" has made way to greater realism. Most of officials, also in the ministry of foreign affairs, are reconciled with the fact that Afghanistan will remain under the gaze of the US-led NATO and virtually in the control of the non-Pashtun dominated security establishment for a long time to come. This "nightmarish" prospect simply works against the obsolete idea of placing or desiring a "friendly" government in Kabul. And the increasing collaborative framework among New Delhi, Kabul and the USA serves as another almost immovable stumbling block against any plans Pakistan Army may have for Afghanistan.

It is no revelation, nor a coincidence that all three nations share concerns against the Pakistani security establishment for having been either in cahoots or in working relations with several non-state actors; for India, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba alias Jamaatud Dawa and Jaish-e-Mohammad are the Pakistani military's first line of defence. For Kabul and Washington, the so-called Quetta shura and the Haqqani Network , which are striving to end the "foreign occupation" of Afghanistan, are the "veritable arms" of Pakistani security establishment.

India, Kabul and the USA are convinced that such groups constitute an essential part of the instruments that Pakistan Army has deployed to pursue its foreign policy objectives. As a consequence, there is ever greater unity among the three countries on the issue of countering Pakistan for its "abetment of terrorist forces operating on the western and eastern borders."

Pakistani Army as well as elements within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still appear to be in a reactionary mode. Without charting a clearly defined way for Pakistan, they all say in unison that "without knowing what the Americans want in Afghanistan and in the region, we cannot devise and spell out our policy." They still maintain, and in this case legitimately, that for Pakistan, Afghanistan is a long-term reality and it cannot frame its policy in the "endgame context."

This appears to be a faulty approach as predicating our own policy on external factors thus far has taken us nowhere. It cannot be helpful in future either. Unless the Pakistani security establishment is clear itself and abandons foreign policy instruments that serve as the basic ingredient of discord in its relations with India, Afghanistan, and the United States, it will not be able to pursue even well-intended objectives in Afghanistan.

Pakistan's Afghanistan policy, or the military's strategy for that country to be precise, still seems to be pegged to the American endgame in Afghanistan as well as to future political set up in Kabul.

Given the broader US policy matrix, one can safely assume that even the United States will not think of a conclusive "endgame" in Afghanistan. Nor can it afford to think of exiting from the country lock stock and barrel
American and Indian presence in Afghanistan is now almost a constant.
So is Pakistan's interest in Afghanistan because of the geographical proximity. Pakistan's security establishment shall have to factor that in when thinking of its engagement with Kabul. Washington and Kabul shall also have to accord recognition to this Pakistani interest. This might create a middle ground for all the four countries to hammer out a mutually acceptable collaborative framework, which could also help remove mutual mistrust.

But, in the words of Carolyn Brooks, a political analyst and a former insider, "If the US et al would stop badgering Pakistan about the Haqqani Network, I am sure that Pakistan would gladly give him up. But unfortunately the US knows nothing of face saving. Pakistan is still upset about the NATO incident last November and the unfortunate deaths of the Pakistani troops."

Brooks, in a reference to the Pakistani security establishment's reactive bent of mind, also says that "Pakistan needs to find a way to come into more of a Western way of thinking if it wants to continue to receive money from the west."

The Pakistani economy is in doldrums. The impact will be visible in a few years as the population increases and unemployment rises. Pakistan cannot afford a perennial state of conflict with the US or even India. If it does, that means economic disaster. And the disaster will be even more pressing for the military establishment itself. Unless it wants to turn the country into another Afghanistan, Sudan or Somalia, the army and its supporters in the civilian government will have to get into a proactive, economy-oriented policy framework.

Comment: Does Pakistan have an Afghan strategy? by Imtiaz Gul

I seriously cannot figure out Pakistan's Afghanistan strategy - as the article says its more reactionary, International countries are not leaving Afghanistan in a hurry - even after 2014.
Pakistan only got Taliban (off course the good one!!) in their camp.. their only hope of survival in Afghanistan lies with them..
Its destructive strategy Muslim killing Muslim. :tdown:

Who is to gain from it??

In the bigger games of strategies, humans/emotions/religion don't count..

That's a negative strategy if you ask me..

TBH, their desire to be powerful in that region can not be seriously fulfilled by any other mean!!
In the game of strategies humans don't count..

That's a green on green...for a decade Afg population have seen growth and seen the world's concern and goodwill for them, how will they react to this negative strategy?
In the game of strategies humans don't count..

Strategies are for gain what will pak gain from it??????

A unstable and poor Afghanistan??

But it will be very dangerous for pakistan they need a developing and stable Afghanistan.
That's a green on green...for a decade Afg population have seen growth and seen the world's concern and goodwill for them, how will they react to this negative strategy?

Off course, the common people will see it negatively and don't get me wrong I am not saying it's gonna happen. All I mean is that the strategic backyard they are looking for can only be achieved if they somehow bring Taliban again to power.. But again that;s probably what they want does not mean it's gonna happen..
Off course, the common people will see it negatively and don't get me wrong I am not saying it's gonna happen. All I mean is that the strategic backyard they are looking for can only be achieved if they somehow bring Taliban again to power.. But again that;s probably what they want does not mean it's gonna happen..

A series of discussions with senior military officials clearly suggests that the past romance with the idea of "strategic depth" has made way to greater realism. Most of officials, also in the ministry of foreign affairs, are reconciled with the fact that Afghanistan will remain under the gaze of the US-led NATO and virtually in the control of the non-Pashtun dominated security establishment for a long time to come. This "nightmarish" prospect simply works against the obsolete idea of placing or desiring a "friendly" government in Kabul. And the increasing collaborative framework among New Delhi, Kabul and the USA serves as another almost immovable stumbling block against any plans Pakistan Army may have for Afghanistan.

Even the higher up's pretty well know the folly of this and know that this will not happen - too much attention has been diverted towards Afg and any such takeover attempt will be contradictory to the supporters - Pakistan needs an alternative strategy now which is more in line with everybody else's or they will get isolated.
Zardari's recent offer of supporting the Afghan forces with money and training was a positive step towards an alternative strategy.
Strategies are for gain what will pak gain from it??????

A unstable and poor Afghanistan??

But it will be very dangerous for pakistan they need a developing and stable Afghanistan.

I do agree with you that after messing Afghanistan up so badly, people should only wish Development to them.. But the desire for a strategic backyard in Afghanistan is going to be a big driving force for Pakistan and hence their support for Taliban..
This thread is a perfect example of Indian Mutual Mental Masturbation...****** Internet Hindus.
Kindly read your signature. It clearly states and point out lack of education and mannerism.

Post according to title, rather than ranting. coz your no. of thanks received explains how you got it...bashing India.

No one needs your one-liner

Give counter argument to thread GTHO.
This thread is a perfect example of Indian Mutual Mental Masturbation...****** Internet Hindus.

calm down buddy!! And some of us so called Internet Hindus are real Hindus as well so we do exist in real world too..
could Pk formulate a new strategy by supporting the northern alliance who BTW enjoy support from US, Russia, India and probably China and all the NATO countries. This will entail Pakistan giving up on its support to the Afg Taliban but this alternative strategy might prove beneficial to Pakistan and to Afg as well.
I do agree with you that after messing Afghanistan up so badly, people should only wish Development to them.. But the desire for a strategic backyard in Afghanistan is going to be a big driving force for Pakistan and hence their support for Taliban..

But supporting the taliban all alone is not going to bring them to power, what it will do is create a civil war kind of scenario in Afg. Pakistan alone supporting the taliban when most big powers in the world oppose them does not make sense and is bad strategy.
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