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Israeli tourists killed in bus explosion in Bulgaria

So moron you are saying its OK to put a bomb in bus full of civilians just because one guy in that bus served in IDF and might commit some act that terrorists did not like?

Read again.

I have written several times that it is NOT OK.

What I am saying is that this is similar to a drone strike, or killing Iranian scientists in their family car, or blowing up a car with "suspected militants" killing other passengers alongwith.

Yeah, killing people on vacation......

Look up the history of Mossad operations. They don't check if their target is on vacation or not.

Of course, the hypocrisy is that you guys will congratulate Mossad on a job well done.

I am consistent in that I decry ALL extrajudicial killings by all sides.
Read again.

I have written several times that it is NOT OK.

What I am saying is that this is similar to a drone strike, or killing Iranian scientists in their family car, or blowing up a car with "suspected militants" killing other passengers alongwith.
If someone was blowing a crowded bus just because there was one scientist or suspected militant that would be a similar case. But I dont see this happening.

IDF VLOG: Strikes Aborted to Protect Civilians - Lt. Barak Raz - 11 Jan. 2009 - YouTube

Here Israel diverts already fired missiles in order to avoid killing civilians.
Look up the history of Mossad operations. They don't check if their target is on vacation or not.

Of course, the hypocrisy is that you guys will congratulate Mossad on a job well done.

I am consistent in that I decry ALL extrajudicial killings by all sides.

You dont want to see the difference between a single target kill and a rampage to kill as many as possible.
Civilians are killed everyday is Syria, Afghanistan and even North Western Pakistan, and frankly, I don't care if Israelis die. Why are Israelis more important than others? They're not.

Oh and don't worry, Jews have been kicked out of every single country and soon you will be kicked out of Palestine when The US leaves your back. (I don't hate Jews btw, just Israelis.)
I learned that people that use WIKIPEDIA as a reference are idiots. You know that you can put almost anything in Wiki, right ? Now where are those cookies ? :rofl:

ahh u learned n now u can pronounce words good.............
Ignorance is a bliss, When God wants to punish an idiot, He teaches them a few words
and then..... idiot can ask more questions than ten wise men can answer.

n u dont wana be spanked?

These Islamist scum murdered 5 Israeli civilians and not a single active soldier. You have no idea what you are talking about and you spout your ignorance as if it were the truth. A pregnant woman was murdered as well, was the baby a soldier as well?

By your logic Israel should go after every single Muslim in the world since you are all soldiers of Islam. Fortunately for you, Israel follows logic and not dementia.


The 6th murder victim was a Muslim bus driver. I'm sure you all take joy in his death as well.

1.) This is not a personal attack, but rather an observation. He is a radical, plain and simple.

2.)lol, unarmed civilians boarding a bus on vacation is military now :rofl: i bet they had IED's in backpacks, right?

3.) The driver was Bolgarian Muslim, father of two, but i guess he is just collateral no, main thing is the zionist army got blown up, huh.

No wonder u have not found peace even after so much eforts and money u are as stubborn as a 5 yr old child(a mentaly handycap)

go back blind men n read my posts i had made it clear children below age are the real victams rip-only to them.

The 6th murder victim was collateral damage.....

tell me if those other who died had not served in military? were they not trained to kill?

what guarantee can u give me that they were not on a mission or did not take part in any? (and yes the dubai murder's were also tourist)

acording to ur logic all nazis are also tourist(just because they r not living in Germany)?
This is sad to to see discussion on drone strikes in topic of civilians killed.

Drone attacks are an entirely different subject, that are carried out in a warzone, which is theoratically part of Pakistan but practically is under militants control, and the main target of drones are war hardened militants for whom sending soldiers to fight is just a waste of precious lives. Since the US carries out the attacks 'inside' Pakistan, this makes it controversial and since we dont like US or any of thing their goverment does, so it makes even more unpopular.

This attack is to my knowledge an indiscriminate attack whose target were merely any civilians, thus qualifies to be called a terrorist attack, whoever did, regardless of the nationalities of those died. So just like any terrorist attack, it is condemable in strongest terms, not just mild criticism like 'I dont agree with this' or so.
This is sad to to see discussion on drone strikes in topic of civilians killed.

Drone attacks are an entirely different subject, that are carried out in a warzone, which is theoratically part of Pakistan but practically is under militants control, and the main target of drones are war hardened militants for whom sending soldiers to fight is just a waste of precious lives. Since the US carries out the attacks 'inside' Pakistan, this makes it controversial and since we dont like US or any of thing their goverment does, so it makes even more unpopular.

This attack is to my knowledge an indiscriminate attack whose target were merely any civilians, thus qualifies to be called a terrorist attack, whoever did, regardless of the nationalities of those died. So just like any terrorist attack, it is condemable in strongest terms, not just mild criticism like 'I dont agree with this' or so.

No it is not .That is not active war zone but rather made active by the Uncle Sam. And plz stop beleiving in what BBC and CNN told you .Have you seen the pic of the drone victims they are children , women , men who have nothing to with terrorism but they are killed just coz our ******* govt dont give a **** abt their life.................. These bastards are nothing less than american bastards.........

as far as Israeli are concerned i feel sad for them coz they are were very very unlucky that they were choosen by Mossad as a scrape goat to point the finger once again towards Iran.
Whole of India, Europe, USA and half of Asia stands with Israel here in this tough moment!
There There i dont blame u 90% of american population things they are part of the Europe
Americans shaky on geography - US news - Education - NBCNews.com
I dont blame u for ur dumbness come ill show u where Palestine is:-

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This land is far far away 4m ur house dont wory Daddy will show u.

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


See u learned something today now be a good boy n have some milk and cookies and then go to bed or else Daddy will spank u.
See: Debunking the Map that Lies

"See u learned something today now be a good boy n have some milk and cookies and then go to bed or else Daddy will spank u."
Bulgarian authorities release artist’s sketch of man said to have helped Burgas terrorist

Bomber reported to have told tourists from Holland that his mother was Dutch and his father Iranian

By ASHER ZEIGER and TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF July 20, 2012, 9:56 pm 0


Artist's sketch of man said to have helped Burgas bomber (photo credit: Channel 2 screen capture

ulgarian authorities on Friday released an artist’s sketch of a man believed to have helped the bomber who blew up a bus full of Israeli tourists in Burgas on Wednesday, killing five Israelis and the Bulgarian bus driver.

Bulgarian officials have been quoted in the past two days as saying the suicide bomber was not Bulgarian, but had some local assistance.

The five Israeli fatalities were buried Friday. Seventeen injured Israelis were still in hospital on Friday night.

Bulgarian officials were quoted on Friday as saying they were very close to identifying the bomber, who arrived in the area about five days before the attack, at the local Sarafovo Airport.

The Bulgarian authorities on Thursday released a video clip, filmed on airport security cameras, of the alleged bomber walking around in the airport terminal just before the attack.

Bulgarian prosecutors said the attacker had short hair, not the long hair seen in the security video footage captured of him at the airport. A witness said he appeared to be wearing a wig.

The same man, according to eyewitnesses quoted on Israel’s Channel 2 news, had been seen speaking to tourists at local beaches in the days before the attack.

According to one eyewitness report, the man got talking to a group of tourists from Holland, and told them that his mother was Dutch and his father was Iranian.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has blamed Hezbollah for carrying out the attack, under the direction of Iran, and pledged a forceful response.

The Bulgarian authorities are being assisted in investigating the blast by teams now in Burgas from Israel’s Mossad external intelligence agency, Shin Bet domestic security agency, and Israel Police, Israeli media reported on Friday.

The Bulgarian news agency Sofia reported Wednesday that the bomber was carrying an American passport and Michigan driver’s license, both believed to be forgeries.

Sofia also reported that the Bulgarian Interior Ministry managed to recover the fingerprints of the bomber, which they submitted to the FBI in the United States and the international police organization Interpol. The FBI and CIA joined Israeli and Bulgarian officials in investigating the attack.

Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov told Sofia that DNA tests were being run to determine the identity of the Caucasian man, who the minister described as casually dressed with nothing suspicious about his appearance to set him apart from the crowd of people at the airport.

The ministry did not indicate how the police came to the conclusion that the man caught on airport security cameras in the clip was the suicide bomber.

On Thursday, Bulgarian news reports had claimed the Burgas bomber was identified as Mehdi Ghezali, but the reports were not confirmed by officials and were denied by some official sources.
No it is not .That is not active war zone but rather made active by the Uncle Sam. And plz stop beleiving in what BBC and CNN told you .Have you seen the pic of the drone victims they are children , women , men who have nothing to with terrorism but they are killed just coz our ******* govt dont give a **** abt their life.................. These bastards are nothing less than american bastards.........

as far as Israeli are concerned i feel sad for them coz they are were very very unlucky that they were choosen by Mossad as a scrape goat to point the finger once again towards Iran.

Let it be.

The ignorant will believe whatever the media tells them. If the West does something, it must be Good. Because the global media says so.
Whole of India, Europe, USA and half of Asia stands with Israel here in this tough moment!
Tough moment? Ours die in larger numbers every day. I'm sure many more die in car accidents in Israel every month. Of course killing without right is wrong and condemnable, but it's hardly tough on a country.

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