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Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan?

The extremists on both sides are an anathema and embarrassment to Islam.
In order to be a Muslim one must believe in Allah and his final messenger (Mohammed PBUH). Then once you are a Muslim you must believe in what allah has revealed. Ahmadis believe Mirza (their prophet) is a new prophet which mean they have disbelieved in what allah has revealed thus are not Muslims.
I have a doubt .. Knowledgeale members may have answers .. If almighty God wanted that no person should come between him and his people , why through a messenger ? Why not directly ?why this contradiction ?
I have a doubt .. Knowledgeale members may have answers .. If almighty God wanted that no person should come between him and his people , why through a messenger ? Why not directly ?why this contradiction ?

If you believe in Abrahamic religion you will know that the Devil challenged God that he can lead his creations astray. God accepted his challenge and told him that on the last day he will throw Satan into hell along with all those who followed his path. God then declared that he will send messengers from among his creations to show them the true path and that if they still choose to follow Satan they will have a place with him in Hell. The point was that no one on the last day can claim that they were never shown the path as in the Quran God says I have sent messengers to all the people. If God himself would show himself to the whole world no one would dare stray from his path.

I guess if this can be considered proselytizing then Mods can delete this.
I have a doubt .. Knowledgeale members may have answers .. If almighty God wanted that no person should come between him and his people , why through a messenger ? Why not directly ?why this contradiction ?

First you must understand the concept of why god created humans. Angels are PERFECT creatures of god who obey him and have no free will where as us Humans were created with free will and can chose our own destiny. God will not display himself to the humans on earth because we are here being tested by allah. If we pass this test then the reward in after life will be so great and ever lasting and only then we will have the ability to see him. So a short answer to your question "why not directly?" then the purpose for the creation of Humans will end right their and we will no longer be creatures with free will.

If you believe in Abrahamic religion you will know that the Devil challenged God that he can lead his creations astray. God accepted his challenge and told him that on the last day he will throw Satan into hell along with all those who followed his path. God then declared that he will send messengers from among his creations to show them the true path and that if they still choose to follow Satan they will have a place with him in Hell. The point was that no one on the last day can claim that they were never shown the path as in the Quran God says I have sent messengers to all the people. If God himself would show himself to the whole world no one would dare stray from his path.

I guess if this can be considered proselytizing then Mods can delete this.

this is a good answer to a question asked by a member and you are not forcing him.
If you believe in Abrahamic religion you will know that the Devil challenged God that he can lead his creations astray. God accepted his challenge and told him that on the last day he will throw Satan into hell along with all those who followed his path. God then declared that he will send messengers from among his creations to show them the true path and that if they still choose to follow Satan they will have a place with him in Hell. The point was that no one on the last day can claim that they were never shown the path as in the Quran God says I have sent messengers to all the people. If God himself would show himself to the whole world no one would dare stray from his path.......

1) If you have not specialized in Islamic Theology, I strongly suggest you refrain from misguiding others about Islam. The first two bolded parts are almost tantamount to blasphemy.

2) As for the 3rd bolded part, why did God not throw "the devil" into hell right at the very instant he disobeyed God? That would have finished the problem right then and there. And "the devil" wouldn't be around to mislead, confuse, misguide and tempt people into sin. And so it would not have been necessary for God to keep sending prophets and messengers as no one would go astray.

3) For the underlined part, why doesn't he? If God shows himself directly and no one dared to stray from his path, would that not be a much, much better situation than we have now with prophets, messengers, imams, ulema, walis, pirs, mowlas etcetera?

Clearly, things are not quite as simple as you state. These things require considerable time to understand and require deep reflection. Serious study at a good Dar-ul-Uloom is required.....
1) If you have not specialized in Islamic Theology, I strongly suggest you refrain from misguiding others about Islam. The first two bolded parts are almost tantamount to blasphemy.

2) As for the 3rd bolded part, why did God not throw "the devil" into hell right at the very instant he disobeyed God? That would have finished the problem right then and there. And "the devil" wouldn't be around to mislead, confuse, misguide and tempt people into sin. And so it would not have been necessary for God to keep sending prophets and messengers as no one would go astray.

3) For the underlined part, why doesn't he? If God shows himself directly and no one dared to stray from his path, would that not be a much, much better situation than we have now with prophets, messengers, imams, ulema, walis, pirs, mowlas etcetera?

Clearly, things are not quite as simple as you state. These things require considerable time to understand and require deep reflection. Serious study at a good Dar-ul-Uloom is required.....

Surat Al-Hijr 15:36- He said,"My Lord, then reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected."

15:37- [ Allah ] said, "So indeed, you are of those reprieved

15:38- Until the Day of the time well-known."

15:39- [Iblees] said, "My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all

15:40- Except, among them, Your chosen servants."

15:41- [ Allah ] said, "This is a path [of return] to Me [that is] straight.

15:42- Indeed, My servants - no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators.

15:43- And indeed, Hell is the promised place for them all.

I would not have spoken had I not had the knowledge. I have read the Quran this is the proof by verse. I would like everyone to take note that he accused me of blasphemy when his own knowledge was not on par.

This is the mentality of Salafists they throw around the word Blasphemy like it is a joke, jailing hundreds of people in Pakistan. If he had accused me in Pakistan I would be in jail right now! Everyone take note.
I think this question is very pointless, as to why he would send Messengers and not himself.

Firstly, Look at Hinduism, who believe God came himself, idols have been "manufactured" and worshipped each revered and prayed to in masses by people, despite the Vedas making mention that God has no image.

Secondly, this question is like asking Why pray 5 times a day, why not 10, or 1 or 2 or even why keep a beard, why not a goatee, moustache........... point is, it is the commandment and will of Allah (SWT).

Thirdly, I relate to the story of Moses - "And when Moses arrived at Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said, "My Lord, show me [Yourself] that I may look at You." [ Allah ] said, "You will not see Me, but look at the mountain; if it should remain in place, then you will see Me." But when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He rendered it level, and Moses fell unconscious. And when he awoke, he said, "Exalted are You! I have repented to You, and I am the first of the believers." (7:143)

Humans are limited in its abilities, hence why we cannot go to and breath in space, underwater, bear boiling heat, or extreme cold why, because we are physically limited and mentally in our abilities.
I think this question is very pointless, as to why he would send Messengers and not himself.

Firstly, Look at Hinduism, who believe God came himself, idols have been "manufactured" and worshipped each revered and prayed to in masses by people, despite the Vedas making mention that God has no image.

Secondly, this question is like asking Why pray 5 times a day, why not 10, or 1 or 2 or even why keep a beard, why not a goatee, moustache........... point is, it is the commandment and will of Allah (SWT).

Thirdly, I relate to the story of Moses - "And when Moses arrived at Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said, "My Lord, show me [Yourself] that I may look at You." [ Allah ] said, "You will not see Me, but look at the mountain; if it should remain in place, then you will see Me." But when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He rendered it level, and Moses fell unconscious. And when he awoke, he said, "Exalted are You! I have repented to You, and I am the first of the believers." (7:143)

Humans are limited in its abilities, hence why we cannot go to and breath in space, underwater, bear boiling heat, or extreme cold why, because we are physically limited and mentally in our abilities.

Don't bring Hinduism into your topic.
Well Shias have top spot in our govts same can not be said about Indian Muslims
Well Shias have top spot in our govts same can not be said about Indian Muslims

current vice president Hamid Ansari. Prominent Indian bureaucrats and diplomats include Abid Hussain and Asaf Ali. Zafar Saifullah was Cabinet Secretary of the Government of India from 1993 to 1994 Salman Haidar was Indian Foreign Secretary from 1995 to 1997 and Deputy Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations. Influential Muslim politicians in India include Sheikh Abdullah, Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar Abdullah (the current Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir), Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, Sikander Bakht, A R Antulay, C. H. Mohammed Koya, A.B.A. Ghani Khan Choudhury, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Salman Khurshid, Saifuddin Soz, E. Ahamed, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Syed Shahnawaz Hussain and Asaduddin Owaisi.

Former president Abdul Kalam (father of India's nuclear program) etc. :wave:
Don't bring Hinduism into your topic.

Then by that account, dont bring India into the topic and go away and leave this thread to Muslims of Pakistan by that note as well., per below

current vice president Hamid Ansari. Prominent Indian bureaucrats and diplomats include Abid Hussain and Asaf Ali. Zafar Saifullah was Cabinet Secretary of the Government of India from 1993 to 1994 Salman Haidar was Indian Foreign Secretary from 1995 to 1997 and Deputy Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations. Influential Muslim politicians in India include Sheikh Abdullah, Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar Abdullah (the current Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir), Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, Sikander Bakht, A R Antulay, C. H. Mohammed Koya, A.B.A. Ghani Khan Choudhury, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Salman Khurshid, Saifuddin Soz, E. Ahamed, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Syed Shahnawaz Hussain and Asaduddin Owaisi.

Former president Abdul Kalam (father of India's nuclear program) etc. :wave:
I have a doubt .. Knowledgeale members may have answers .. If almighty God wanted that no person should come between him and his people , why through a messenger ? Why not directly ?why this contradiction ?
thats because it ne'er happn'd
Then by that account, dont bring India into the topic and go away and leave this thread to Muslims of Pakistan by that note as well., per below

I brought it up because your own countrymen brought India into the topic. Besides Hinduism doesn't = India. There are other large Hindu populated countries such as Nepal, Fiji, Guyana, Mauritius etc.
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