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US pressure ignored, Pakistan and Iran strike barter trade deal


Apr 25, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: Shrugging off pressure from the United States which has imposed harsher sanctions on Tehran, Pakistan and Iran have signed a barter trade agreement – a key feature of which is export of one million tons of wheat to Iran at $300 per ton.
The two neighbouring countries struck the deal during visit of a Pakistani delegation to Iran last month.
“We have signed an accord with Iran for export of one million tons of wheat,” a senior official of the Ministry of Food Security and Research told The Express Tribune.
He said an Iranian team would arrive in Pakistan soon to examine the quality of wheat and after that exports would kick off.
“The two countries have set criteria and the Iranian team will conduct tests to check the quality of wheat before shipment.” In exchange, Pakistan will import fertiliser from Iran.
Pakistan has a surplus wheat stock of 1.5 million tons and even after export of one million tons, 500,000 will still be in surplus.
Iran will pay $300 per ton, the average price of wheat in the international market in July. However, Pakistan will pay for fertiliser the price prevailing at the time of shipment.
At present, the price of urea in the international market stands at $399 per ton, the latest rate quoted by the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP), which is tasked with importing urea to meet its shortage in the country. In the domestic market, the urea price was Rs1,659 per 50kg bag.
When approached, Ministry of Food Security and Research Secretary Ahmad Bakhsh Lehri confirmed that Pakistan and Iran had struck the deal for wheat export. He also said “we will buy fertiliser in exchange.”
Suspension or very low supply of gas to fertiliser plants has widened the gap between demand and supply of urea in the country, prompting the government to aggressively import the commodity, which is vital for cultivating crops.
In addition to the import of fertiliser from Iran under barter trade, the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the cabinet – the highest economic decision-making body – has permitted import of 300,000 tons of urea from other sources. The Ministry of Industries had expressed the desire to import 600,000 tons.
The government will have to bear a huge subsidy of Rs1.77 billion on 300,000 tons of imported urea according to current market prices, a further burden on the finance ministry which is reeling from lack of finances.
lol its 300 million not 3 billion...:D

Yes the BARTER trade is very good In international market the price of 1 ton of wheat is 300$ so its i million tons = 300 million$, in exchange we need fertilizer, the demand of fertilizer is 6 lakh tons = 0.6million and the price of fertilizer is 399$, so that will cost us $240 millions But if we trade with Iran wheat=fertilizer, Then we will have 60 million dollars savings. Our govt had also given additional green light for importing 3 lakhs tons of urea from other sources if the Iran-Pakistan Barter thrade had not taken place which would have put extra burden of $120 millions on finance ministry.:pakistan:

Till USA obey the orders of israel specially zionist lobbies in us congress, banks etc etc america never can be safer hate will
increase more and more against Americans when one day america will be no more because of jews who divide and rule same as they
started propaganda wars after 911 to increase hate between Christianity and islam so little israel get winner- idiot bush started
this useless wars from Iraq to afghanistan syria jordan yemen sham libya etc etc OIL HUNGER but never tooked notice of human abuse in Burma, Palestine
every body know the reality of 911 inside job,american precious tax payer money is waisted and own army is killed in wars along allies while
4 billion dollars are sucked by Israel each year single israeli can never die for USA same taliban who are killed now by usa drones
previously helped USA in russian afghan war previously they were called mujahideen now taliban BEFORE USa USED THEM NOW KILLING THEM Y?
in reward they attack Bomb suicide attacks civilians in neighboring countries as they dont have acess technology to hit back usa
real tali-bans are only fighting for their soverignity fighting for their right in afghanistan as usa have illegaly occupied
their land similar american s will do if some one occupy their lands from Washington till other states all other kind of thalibans e:g Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan and other militia organizations such as Lashkar-e-Islam. The Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e- TTpunjabi etc etc are just bunch of gangsters criminals fully trained by active participation of Indian raw- us cia- khaad- israel mossad -bnd
German -mivd dutch undercover black water agents obeying orders of their lord USA mehran base kamra etc Karachi?balochistan?tribel belt of kpk? etc etc since last 9 years all part of this evil desires of western powers after loosing war in afghanistan same as they did after Iraq war but
doing paid job for bomb blasts suicide attacks on civilians and forces creating instability mostly in Pakistan to blame its nuclear assets not safe raw CIA mossad provided dollars to some part of establishment and most of there corrupt
leaders like general musharraf who now a days enjoying that dollars in usa many other politicians leaders of past and present involved similar these kind of tali bans create problems inside iran china etc which are second degree targets of USA:whistle: as Indian ocean oil supply is important for USA so that is their second important mission
stop killing civilians and forces in Pakistan including usa,nato and talibans too, usa army and nato dont know even what are the reall hidden
secret motives of this war they just think we are patriot and they are enemies but they yet
don't know there real enemies and what for they doing this useless job if muslim leaders stop their lust for wine and sex and stop the interference of these evil powers on their soil and finished their accounts in western banks and get united not far when they will achieve their real goals and no devil powers will illegally occupy their lands and use their resources and in reward will not bomb them with their own money occupied from their oil treasures reserves sooner there economy will collapse but Muslim leaders are dumb sleeping this is not time of slogans and shouting but survival only depend on Economy Unity and Technology its stigma and shock for USA and Israel may b India too Pakistan good terms with china Russia Iran etc Leave others in peace live yourself in peace GOD BLESS whole WORLD from such parasites so earth become paradise.
So means 1 Million ton wheat will give us 3Billion USD coooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

somebody failed elementary math lol

Don't you think this could harm Pakistan's relations with United States?


wtf is US doing for you that's so ******* amazing???? They're sending drones. Economic activity between Iran and Pakistan could potentially bring your bordering provinces a lot of prosperity. Afghanistan's richest city and the only city with 24/7 electricity and paved roads is Herat and they're doing a lot of trade with Iran. America's future is the same as the USSR. Don't go down with the ship.
somebody failed elementary math lol


wtf is US doing for you that's so ******* amazing???? They're sending drones. Economic activity between Iran and Pakistan could potentially bring your bordering provinces a lot of prosperity. Afghanistan's richest city and the only city with 24/7 electricity and paved roads is Herat and they're doing a lot of trade with Iran. America's future is the same as the USSR. Don't go down with the ship.

Well, I partially agree, yes in an ideal situation, having trade agreements with Iran would certainly help the economy BUT pissing off an ally like United States isn't wise... yes their economy is struggling, yes they will not be a super power forever but United States imports the highest share of Pakistan's exports, see below please:

Exports - partners
US 14.3%, UAE 7.7%, Afghanistan 7.6%, China 7.6%, Germany 5%, UK 4.1% (2011)

this is based on the CIA factbook (Exports Profile of Pakistan)
Is a trade agreement with Iran worth it? I would say absolutely no, Loosing 14 % of our exports for the sake of a dead economy like Iran's economy isn't wise at all.
Well, I partially agree, yes in an ideal situation, having trade agreements with Iran would certainly help the economy BUT pissing off an ally like United States isn't wise... yes their economy is struggling, yes they will not be a super power forever but United States imports the highest share of Pakistan's exports, see below please:

Exports - partners
US 14.3%, UAE 7.7%, Afghanistan 7.6%, China 7.6%, Germany 5%, UK 4.1% (2011)

this is based on the CIA factbook (Exports Profile of Pakistan)
Is a trade agreement with Iran worth it? I would say absolutely no, Loosing 14 % of our exports for the sake of a dead economy like Iran's economy isn't wise at all.

hmm... dead economy? Is that why we've had a better growth than saudi arabia for the past 14 years, the country that exports 4-5 times more oil than us every day??? We produce 1.6 million commercial and non-commercial automobiles a year. Our steel, cement etc... production are the highest in the region (cept for Turkey). The only reason our exports aren't higher than Turkey is that we simply can't sell anything to the West, that's it. Even at these circumstances, our non-oil exports are still higher than pakistan. Our electricity production is almost ten times that of Pakistan and your pop'n is 3 times higher than us. 14 percent of your exports equates to what? 1.4 billion dollars???? Iran and Iraq do ten to 20 times that in trade even under sanctions. Iran and Afghanistan probably do more trade than that lol



You clearly know nothing about business. Every single country on earth needs to do trade with its neighboring countries. Trade with neighbors are almost always the biggest source of income for semi-developed and developed economies. Your income from the US is puny!! 14 percent of exports is like 2 billion dollars a year (assuming your exports are 24 billion dollars). That's nothing. You could sell 10 times that to Iran if our relations weren't hindered by the Americans. Iran could import at least 1 billion dollars in wheat alone every year from Pakistan (assuming you have that much surplus).
Don't you think this could harm Pakistan's relations with United States?

is there any relation left between america and pakistan?

are we slave of america that what he will tell we will do that??

our intrests are diffrents we are muslims we will do what is good for us
is there any relation left between america and pakistan?

are we slave of america that what he will tell we will do that??

our intrests are diffrents we are muslims we will do what is good for us

Well, the President, COAS and Foreign Minister will be visiting USA soon for a reason.

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