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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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But sir then you are asking for things to change. Which is not good. You are all talk and still will not realize that because of you this country will first repeal the blasphemy law in a few years and then if you guys continue down the path you are will stop being called Islamic republic in the next 10 years. You just cant stop loosing. Come back to this post in a few years and then we can see who will enforce what. Again your interpretation of the quran is different than mine. You keep calling mine wrong and expect me to agree with yours. Believe me, some of us will not walk down the bus quietly, we will take this country back and give proper rights to every man woman and child.
Sir those orders which are clear in Quran and Sunnah will never change and those orders on which are not clear from Quran and Sunnah on those topic Ijtihad will take place and it can change with time Sir Pakistan will remain Islamic Republic for ever no body can change it Sir no body has balls to do it

Sorry to hear you sound like an assulted soul by some mulla .

Yeh the kind of fundo attitude you are showing in your comments. BTW Liberal Fundos are as much bafoons as conservatives imposing their criteria of seeing beauty of a woman, call it nudity of whatever that does NOT matter. and if i have EVER had a wife well hmmmmm i wont mind what she wears :P
Sir Hijab is order of ALLAH and Man has responsibility of his wife and if your wife is breaking order of ALLAH you will be questioned on the day of Judgement
Sir Hijab is order of ALLAH and Man has responsibility of his wife and if your wife is breaking order of ALLAH you will be questioned on the day of Judgement

Allah will question men also for staring at other women outside, Allah will also question men for using drugs, for going to porns and so on, So hmm ok let include one more question.

If my wife breaks my head isnt it better to allow kuch vee pa lo mera sar na khao
Allah will question men also for staring at other women outside, Allah will also question men for using drugs, for going to porns and so on, So hmm ok let include one more question.

If my wife breaks my head isnt it better to allow kuch vee pa lo mera sar na khao
Sir Hijab is order of ALLAH don't act as hypocrite who want to follow only those orders of ALLAH which will suit you ALLAH will also question those women who don't wear Hijab and also their close Male Relatives for not asking them to wear it Mr follow Islam completely Mr
This I call mockery..Let me look back at why I said you were talking out of context

I hope all this was pure curiosity...

Interestingly every religious book (Q*r*n in particular) says that it is very simple, written for everybody, easy to understand, has no other meaning that will be understood by everybody and those who will try to explain and twist its meaning are representative of Satan, But in every religion the so called scholars try to manipulate its meaning and gives lengthy, twisted meaning of a simple paragraph, and we are told that they are true follower of god so we should trust them. This is the irony of religious world. Every religion says that god is one and they preach only peace, but once you follow their beautiful thoughts, they start you dictating, ‘ no no, do it this way, prey like this , behave like this, and everybody who don’t prey are behave as we are telling, is anti god and should be killed.
Sir those orders which are clear in Quran and Sunnah will never change and those orders on which are not clear from Quran and Sunnah on those topic Ijtihad will take place and it can change with time Sir Pakistan will remain Islamic Republic for ever no body can change it Sir no body has balls to do it

Sir Hijab is order of ALLAH and Man has responsibility of his wife and if your wife is breaking order of ALLAH you will be questioned on the day of Judgement

Follow world events and you will see the balls in your face everyday. Your religion is that of "fasad and Fitna" you fail everwhere, in this world and definitely in the next as Islam wipes you people who spread lies and propaganda.
Sir Hijab is order of ALLAH don't act as hypocrite who want to follow only those orders of ALLAH which will suit you ALLAH will also question those women who don't wear Hijab and also their close Male Relatives for not asking them to wear it Mr follow Islam completely Mr

Zaravan let those individuals answer the questions. You are only responsible for your own actions so its better one should start improving oneself instead of speaking on behalf of others in personal choices and deeds.
Follow world events and you will see the balls in your face everyday. Your religion is that of "fasad and Fitna" you fail everwhere, in this world and definitely in the next as Islam wipes you people who spread lies and propaganda.
Sir Islam is growing fastest in the world American got their *** kicked in Afghanistan by those people who don't have proper shoes to wear and Muslims economies are also getting better in majority countries except few what the hell are you talking about ? events American and European Economies are facing most troubles and you are talking about events HAHAHA

Zaravan let those individuals answer the questions. You are only responsible for your own actions so its better one should start improving oneself instead of speaking on behalf of others in personal choices and deeds.
No Sir Quran and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW has ordered Muslims to preach Good and forbid evil and where ever they can stop the evil by force they should do it
No Sir Quran and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW has ordered Muslims to preach Good and forbid evil and where ever they can stop the evil by force they should do it

:angry: and how can a bad sinful Muslim preach good unlress he cleansed himself of all evil ??

Do you consider yourself prefect for preaching others?
Sir read Quran you will get all of your answers Mr ALLAH created this world and yes he knows everything but he has given you a choice you choose your own way in choosing your way he doesn't force you to choose Mr and what is the need of judgement day, many cruel don't get punishment in this life those who have disobeyed his orders many many times don't get punishment in this world and they will get punished in the day of judgement and the ultimate punishment and reward for those who followed Islam

Sir that is why the earth and humans were created ALLAH said he will sent his message and people will have to follow it and those who will not follow the message will face the punishment and and those who will will get reward simple as that

Do you see the fallacy in what you are saying ??
:angry: and how can a bad sinful Muslim preach good unlress he cleansed himself of all evil ??

Do you consider yourself prefect for preaching others?
This shows How ignorant you are when it comes to Islam Sir complete ignorant you really need to study Islam Sir no human except PROPHETS is perfect but you still have try your best to avoid evils yourself and also stop others from doing evils in fact HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW said even if you are involved in a sin you should stop others from doing that sin in this way one day you will also stop doing that sin Mr before talking on this forum go read some Islamic Books Man :hitwall:

Do you see the fallacy in what you are saying ??
Sir the choice I was talking about was of choosing an evil path or a good path if you will choose the path he told you you will get reward and if you will choose the other path you will get punished their is no contradiction in it Mr
Zarvan are you saying that on judgment day a man is judged on what he did or did not do as well as the added responsibility for his wife?

Does that mean that Muslim women are judged by proxy?
This shows How ignorant you are when it comes to Islam Sir complete ignorant you really need to study Islam Sir no human except PROPHETS is perfect but you still have try your best to avoid evils yourself and also stop others from doing evils in fact HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW said even if you are involved in a sin you should stop others from doing that sin in this way one day you will also stop doing that sin Mr before talking on this forum go read some Islamic Books Man :hitwall:

For preaching others one must be a good Muslim who is improved enough in matters of what he is trying to forced on others, idont consider you one of those hence you are just imposing your rigid views on others.

As far as Islamic books are concerned i dont need to read them i have studied Quran along with Understanding and i found that Allah is more merciful and wherever there is mention of punishment for wrongdoings there is a way out to correct these as well and getting reward.

Besides for personal ibadat there is NO punishment in this world whereas anything that is done to harm the Society is frobidden by Allah and there are strict punishment for those actions in this world and thats all. Quran beautifiully described very clearly everything. I dont need any self-styled mulla with hina painted beared to force something down my throat
Zarvan are you saying that on judgment day a man is judged on what he did or did not do as well as the added responsibility for his wife?

Does that mean that Muslim women are judged by proxy?

No Sir Husband is considered the head of the house in Islam and therefore he has the responsibility of those who are under him including his wife and children and he has to provide them with basic needs and also teach them Islam and make sure they follow orders of Islam and also stop them from evils
Sir the choice I was talking about was of choosing an evil path or a good path if you will choose the path he told you you will get reward and if you will choose the other path you will get punished their is no contradiction in it Mr

When and where will we get the reward and punishment ??
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