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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

@ Double Master: Every one knows about the past history of certain rulers. Every one knows what other religious people can do in arab nations.

Dont glorify arab nations.
Yes, They claim that they dont allow certain things.
Some of you claim good and do different.

Which Ruler You are talking about?
What a stupid and utterly idiotic post. How does this einstein make it through the day without hurting himself must be the 8th wonder of the world.

Lord have mercy

Disprove any of it? If you failed to see how everyone jumped on him after he already tried to made friends with the West and paid billions in damages for Lockerbie it's not my fault.
I for one am not so naive to think armies invade just on the pretext of saving human lives and rights and similar crap the media rages on. Put up or shut up.
Mr Stevens had held two previous posts in Libya, as deputy chief of the US mission between 2007 and 2009 and then as envoy to the Transitional National Council (TNC) during the Libyan uprising in 2011, according to the US state department.

It may be noted that All US ambassadors involved in Previous CIA operations to overturn government met similar Fate...

May be this man Knew too much

Remeber....US ambassador was killed with General Zia , and this ambassador was stationed in Pakistan through out the Afghan war...

Soon!! Its a gung-ho country and its pride is hurt. And its president has said 'justice will be done', they are going to kill a few hundred.

A few Hundred?
YOu must be Joking...

This man Nurtured Libyan Rebellion TNC,and the same People are now in Government..No chance they could Hurt him...

In an article in a state department publication, Mr Stevens described arriving in Benghazi in April 2011 in a Greek cargo ship to make contact with the TNC.

Mr Stevens and his team facilitated "non-lethal military assistance" to the TNC, the article said.

In diplomatic cables leaked by the Wikileaks site, Mr Stevens had earlier described Col Muammar Gaddafi as "notoriously mercurial" and wrote that he could be an "engaging and charming interlocutor".

A speaker of Arabic and French, Mr Stevens had also been posted elsewhere in the region during his career, including Jerusalem, Damascus and Cairo.

He had worked in several posts in Washington, including at the state department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs.

Born and raised in northern California, Mr Stevens had been an international trade lawyer in Washington DC before joining the US Foreign Service in 1991.
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As you sow, so shall you reap.

USA's push for free middle east is finally bearing fruit. Go ahead USA ... Heil USA
US is going to deploy drones and war ships of Libya coast, a bad news for people who committed this barbaric act, I Hope the terrorists who committed this act are killed in a drone strike soon.

He himself was one of the terrorists and barbarians; who knows how many people were killed by the actions of this 'Diplomat covered CIA agent'.

Every terrorist to met his fate - finally he met his own.

Still there is a bit of time left for USA to abandon its evil deeds or soon it will be too late for them. The US Government should realize that 'Live and Let Live' and peace are the voices of this free world. Let people of this world to live as they want themselves, do not interfere in their religion and culture. Imposing unwarranted agendas by any means, either by force or by UN resolutions will be counter productive and definitely blow back.

Free world is taking shape on its own. USA was not, is not and will never be able to forge it for its own evil desires. Let the free world take its shape.
Protesting and rioting are occuring in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Sudan, Tunisia and Morocco as of now.
In USA making Movies seems to be more important than Peace and stability and American Interests Abroad...
In USA making Movies seems to be more important than Peace and stability and American Interests Abroad...

You know its part of that freedom of speech, freedom of expression, liberty,equality package. But once you mention holocaust, all that package is shoved aside because you cant offend jews by mentioning an incident. But you can offend muslims all the time by making caricatures of their prophet, mocking their beliefs, looking down on them with derision and if that does not work, invade, occupy their countries and demonize them as originators of 'terrorism' and 'extremism'.

But they end by saying 'Islam is a great religion, 'We are not at war with Islam' blah blah blah..
Protests against the film, titled Innocence of Muslims, are growing throughout the Middle East and North Africa, two days after four Americans, including ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed in an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi.

In Egypt, president Mohamed Morsi condemned the film but called for calm as angry protesters throwing stones and bottles clashed with security outside the US embassy in Cairo.

In Kuwait, about 500 demonstrators gathered near the US embassy waving a black Al Qaeda flag.

Demonstrations were also reported in countries including Tunisia, Yemen, Lebanon, Gaza, Morocco, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Bangladesh and Mauritania.

In Pakistan, authorities blocked access to the Innocence of Muslims trailer on YouTube while tightening security around US diplomatic missions.

Anti-US protests spread across the Middle East - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Not amusing anymore, is it?

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