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Remembering Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Yeah and we all know where your Jihad finally led you. It led you to lose 4 wars and you dont even have your own sovereignty. Living off of aid from the US. And supporting all those extremists.

Gosh do Indians make a point at being daft or what............

Firstly, learn the meaning of the word Jihad, then come and talk to me about it, as Muslims were not the only ones to do it, Hindus and Sikhs did a Jihad also........... for your info, it means to strive and struggle for something........ and again, PLEASE STICK TO THE TOPIC.........GANDHI
But the thing we remember him for, are his principles. And his adherence to them. He could have had a comfortable life elsewhere, given the fact that he was educated, but he chose to come down to India, bear the enormous burden of an entire nation looking upto him, while steadfastly holding on to his principles and leading by example. He got beat down, called racist names by the Brits, sent to jail. While never raising a finger against the very people that beat him down. All for what? For freedom. Not just for him, but for an entire nation. That is what he is known for, and that is why we respect him.

So let the man rest in peace. And let us not make him turn in his grave.

Show some fuckin respect. He fought for you too.
You are asking right thing from wrong people.

People who don't have an iota of resolve that guys has for non-violence and truth are judging him.

We should have a simulation campaign where one can simulate India in 2012 if Gandhiji is taken out of equation, what would be present India.
Pakistanis are just burning with hate and jealousy coz no one outside Pakistan knows about Jinnah. Even if they do, he is not portrayed in a good light. on the other hand, Gandhi is synonyms with non-violence, humanity and freedom.
Gandhi actively participated in the Zulu wars as a soldier for the British.......... he was a murderer with blood on his hands........ lets not get microscopical here shall we......

Your twisting of facts is very much in the macroscopic realm.

Here is the reality of what he did in the war. He ran a volunteer ambulance service. He wasn't a soldier with blood on his hands:

In 1906, the British declared war against the Zulu kingdom in Natal, Gandhi encouraged the British to recruit Indians.[citation needed] He argued that Indians should support the war efforts in order to legitimise their claims to full citizenship.[citation needed] The British accepted Gandhi's offer to let a detachment of 20 Indians volunteer as a stretcher-bearer corps to treat wounded British soldiers. This corps was commanded by Gandhi and operated for less than two months.[34] The experience taught him it was hopeless to directly challenge the overwhelming military power of the British army—he decided it could only be resisted in non-violent fashion by the pure of heart.[35]
Firstly, learn the meaning of the word Jihad, then come and talk to me about it, as Muslims were not the only ones to do it, Hindus and Sikhs did a Jihad also........... for your info, it means to strive and struggle for something........ and again, PLEASE STICK TO THE TOPIC.........GANDHI

Yeah we all know about your holy wars. :lol: Strive and struggle for something you never got to have is what I meant to convey. Mostly I was of the opinion that Jihad is for Freedom. I hope you dont wage Jihad to pass an exam in school. Well, maybe you should have. If you did you'd know better :lol:

Twisting facts, are we?

Thats how it works. Thats what they are taught over there. Twisted history.
Oh please.......... Gandhi is only seen by the side the Indians wish to see him, and many people I met in the West also saw him in the light he was portrayed by Indians and the like, however his true character and life has never been told properly or taught to people as it would put any civilised person to shame........ racist/fascist and many other labels would be a common title for Gandhi (and before the gauntlet of minions here decide to question that last part, I would be happy to bring forward quotes from his own memoirs) ......... this sort of thread should not be opened and I believe it is against forum rules also

Oh please........ muhammad is only seen by the side the muslims wish to see him, and many people I met in the muslim world saw him in the light he was portrayed by Muslims and the like, however his true character and life has never been told properly or taught to people as it would put any civilized person to shame........racist/facist and many other labels would be a common title for muhammad(and before the gauntlet of minions here decide to question that last part, I would be happy to bring forward quotes from various sources) ......... this sort of thread should not be opened and I believe it is against forum rules also.
Gandhi is no doubt a good man and was able to mobilise Indians leading to the Independence. But at the same time the stark reality is he is the "Father of pseudosecularism" as he supported Khilafat movement while ignoring malabar massacre and his legacy was being followed by Nehru and his descendents.
Your twisting of facts is very much in the macroscopic realm.

Here is the reality of what he did in the war. He ran a volunteer ambulance service. He wasn't a soldier with blood on his hands:

In 1906, the British declared war against the Zulu kingdom in Natal, Gandhi encouraged the British to recruit Indians.[citation needed] He argued that Indians should support the war efforts in order to legitimise their claims to full citizenship.[citation needed] The British accepted Gandhi's offer to let a detachment of 20 Indians volunteer as a stretcher-bearer corps to treat wounded British soldiers. This corps was commanded by Gandhi and operated for less than two months.[34] The experience taught him it was hopeless to directly challenge the overwhelming military power of the British army—he decided it could only be resisted in non-violent fashion by the pure of heart.[35]

Pathetic...........if your going to copy and paste wikipedia then at least add the link here as well.....

anyway, There wasn’t a war that Gandhi did not support. He was Sergeant Major in the British Army & won a medal for his combat service. The truth behind the mask. Behold Sergeant Major Gandhi who supported the British in the Boer war, against the Zulu rebellion. Behold the man of peace who worked to stratify the South African society. Gandhi extended the life of British Empire by helping UK wars Gandhi’s letter to his friend Hitler. MAN OF PEACE............ riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

Not to mention the fact that the man of peace is the one who actively recruited for the British Indian soldiers to fight WW1...........

From his own memoirs, he refers to black people as Kaffirs, slang for Nigger and refused to live net to one. Compares them to a step above animals.......... champion,,,,,,,yes yes yes, a champion of inequality and barbarism.........

Oh please........ muhammad is only seen by the side the muslims wish to see him, and many people I met in the muslim world saw him in the light he was portrayed by Muslims and the like, however his true character and life has never been told properly or taught to people as it would put any civilized person to shame........racist/facist and many other labels would be a common title for muhammad(and before the gauntlet of minions here decide to question that last part, I would be happy to bring forward quotes from various sources) ......... this sort of thread should not be opened and I believe it is against forum rules also.

Please start a new thread and we can discuss it happily there. Everything to do with Islam and Hinduism/Sikhism hey....... what do you say?...........

Whilst here, lets discuss Gandhi, not religion......... a very quick bandwagon Indian like jumping onto for Islam bashing when the facts are pointed out and no answers to be given, Indians jump on the Islam card, very well, start a new thread and I will happily discuss the concerns you have about our beloved Prophet there........ go on..............
After being trained by Dr.Booth in ambulance work and being declared medically fit Mr.Gandhi applied for service in the front which was rejected by the then government.Then Bishop of natal was approached by MKG after few days his appeal was granted. He was working under protection of Red Cross and was not supposed to go near firing line.During these days his corps was marching 20/25 odd miles bearing wounded soldiers on stretcher.
So getting military cross for combatant service is a genuinely funny subject for him now:P
Please start a new thread and we can discuss it happily there. Everything to do with Islam and Hinduism/Sikhism hey....... what do you say?...........

Whilst here, lets discuss Gandhi, not religion......... a very quick bandwagon Indian like jumping onto for Islam bashing when the facts are pointed out and no answers to be given, Indians jump on the Islam card, very well, start a new thread and I will happily discuss the concerns you have about our beloved Prophet there........ go on..............

India has more muslims than pakistan.. need we say more :woot:
CHUTIA ... Biggest one... Cause of this chutia.. India is still suffering from muslim cancer...

F*&% OFF!
Bloody sang parivar, british boot licker. Look at what your ideological cousins in our west have "achived".
Two parties opposed non cooperation and supported partition, and now they are dying by the hands of 'Western agents' not knowing who founded their country. Your dick swinging facist bullsh*t isnt impressing anyone.

Muslim cancer?? how many muslims do you even know on a personal level? None i bet. I grew up with muslims and they are better persons and more patriotic that any rss chadiwala.

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