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Save Taliban or save Pakistan



New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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In an email message sent to media, TTP, an umbrella militant group, said it had received “an exclusive intelligence report” about the offensive in North Waziristan from its “sources” in army headquarters.
TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan outlined details about the regiments and units and the possible commander for the campaign, said to be launched on August 26 for one month.
Although this statement was largely ignored by the Pakistani media and our intellectuals but it’s not possible for me to overlook this claim from the Taliban spokesman. For the first time, they have claimed that they are getting highly sensitive intelligence reports from “ their sources “ in GHQ . It would seem that they have all the knowledge about the operational strategy and duration for the planned Army operation in North Waziristan.
I am seeing this statement from Taliban in reference of recent attacks on military installations in Pakistan. These attacks were carried out by well trained Jihadis who were very well equipped with the inside information of our military bases.
How can these Taliban commanders who are hiding somewhere in North and South Waziristan can plan and conduct the raids on our military bases in the heart of Pakistan. The attacks from Taliban on Army Headquarters in Rawalpindi, Mehran Base in Karachi, Kamra Base in Attock and Wah Cantt have all the hallmarks of an inside job. We could have a debate on how strong or weak their penetration and links are in the ranks of armed forces but these events have proved their inside connections. These are not hit and run operations from the Taliban but they are hit the security apparatus and challenge the state writ style operations.
What happened to journalist Saleem Shahzad who was working on the report about active Al-Qaeda cells in the ranks of Pakistan Navy? His story in Asia Times covered the wave of attacks on Navy buses in Karachi and then an extra ordinary attack on Mehran Base.
“ Al-Qaeda carried out the brazen attack on PNS Mehran naval air station in Karachi on May 22 after talks failed between the navy and al-Qaeda over the release of naval officials arrested on suspicion of al-Qaeda links, an Asia Times Online investigation reveals ”.
Saleem Shahzad got threats from the alleged powerful intelligence agency officials to stop his investigation or face dangerous consequences. The denial from him resulted in his abduction, severe torture and death. Pakistani Nation is still waiting for the findings of the commission formed to investigate the journalist’s death.
Pakistan Army court martialled of a senior Army officer recently on the charges of having ties with banned Islamic organization “ Hizb ul Tahrir”. The charges were that Brigadier Ali Khan and his companions were planning to topple the present military leadership and replace them with the one towing extremist agenda. This is what the world heard from the ISPR spokesperson ( Athar Abbas ) and not from Ehsanullah Ehsan, the Taliban spokesman.
Who could forget the important speech of MQM leader Mr. Altaf Hussain last year in which he shared the disturbing realities and facts with the Pakistani Nation that various parts of Pakistan Army and ISI are infected with cancer.
“If some people in the army and military are hand in glove with the Taliban, then they should be dealt with. We have to eliminate the problem without forgetting the sacrifices rendered by them,” The Daily Times quoted Altaf, as saying.
The security establishment of Pakistan has been using these extremist organizations as their hidden weapon to promote their agenda in neighboring countries. Our generals have been trying to find strategic depth in Afghanistan, India and Central Asia but in the process are losing their depth and control on Pakistan. The creators of Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Sipah-e-Sahaba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi never thought about the implications of these terror outfits on Pakistani soil.
Now here they are in full control and command, they are attacking Shia community and other minorities in Pakistan at their choice of time and place. Our Federal Minister for Interior Rehman Malik can only suspend the mobile service in major cities to halt any attack on Eid processions. This is called a desperate step from the very desperate and failing administration.
The face of extremism in Pakistan changed into the phase of terrorism within no time. If our security apparatus and intelligence agencies are crossing their limits in Balochistan then why can they not start a fresh crackdown on the real enemies of Pakistan like Taliban, Haqqani network and other terror linked organizations. North and South Waziristan are a part of Pakistan and killers of thousands of innocent Pakistanis should not be allowed to take shelter in these areas at any cost.
General Kayani should take immediate steps and action to trace the links and sympathizers of Taliban in Armed forces of Pakistan before it gets too late.
Save Taliban or Save Pakistan !!

Save Taliban or save Pakistan | The News Tribe Blogs
my brother which is Squadron Leader in air force told me 3 months ago that in Pakistan air force intelligence agencies have captured 64 persons in the link with Taliban and terrorist and all they are officers and soldiers
my brother which is Squadron Leader in air force told me 3 months ago that in Pakistan air force intelligence agencies have captured 64 persons in the link with Taliban and terrorist and all they are officers and soldiers
truth , a bitter truth , most of us have soft corner for talibans and same is fact about our armed forces ,
in reality we need to save PAKISTAN from both the taliban and america
Truth is something in middle...

A drama started by US, which lead in attacking Afghanistan. A drama started by others which lead to pakistani militant insurgency. Now A drama is going to be started soon.. let see what happens now .... But for sure Allah will save Pakistan even this time...

"And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah."
In an email message sent to media, TTP, an umbrella militant group, said it had received “an exclusive intelligence report” about the offensive in North Waziristan from its “sources” in army headquarters.
TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan outlined details about the regiments and units and the possible commander for the campaign, said to be launched on August 26 for one month.
Although this statement was largely ignored by the Pakistani media and our intellectuals but it’s not possible for me to overlook this claim from the Taliban spokesman. For the first time, they have claimed that they are getting highly sensitive intelligence reports from “ their sources “ in GHQ . It would seem that they have all the knowledge about the operational strategy and duration for the planned Army operation in North Waziristan.
I am seeing this statement from Taliban in reference of recent attacks on military installations in Pakistan. These attacks were carried out by well trained Jihadis who were very well equipped with the inside information of our military bases.
How can these Taliban commanders who are hiding somewhere in North and South Waziristan can plan and conduct the raids on our military bases in the heart of Pakistan. The attacks from Taliban on Army Headquarters in Rawalpindi, Mehran Base in Karachi, Kamra Base in Attock and Wah Cantt have all the hallmarks of an inside job. We could have a debate on how strong or weak their penetration and links are in the ranks of armed forces but these events have proved their inside connections. These are not hit and run operations from the Taliban but they are hit the security apparatus and challenge the state writ style operations.
What happened to journalist Saleem Shahzad who was working on the report about active Al-Qaeda cells in the ranks of Pakistan Navy? His story in Asia Times covered the wave of attacks on Navy buses in Karachi and then an extra ordinary attack on Mehran Base.
“ Al-Qaeda carried out the brazen attack on PNS Mehran naval air station in Karachi on May 22 after talks failed between the navy and al-Qaeda over the release of naval officials arrested on suspicion of al-Qaeda links, an Asia Times Online investigation reveals ”.
Saleem Shahzad got threats from the alleged powerful intelligence agency officials to stop his investigation or face dangerous consequences. The denial from him resulted in his abduction, severe torture and death. Pakistani Nation is still waiting for the findings of the commission formed to investigate the journalist’s death.
Pakistan Army court martialled of a senior Army officer recently on the charges of having ties with banned Islamic organization “ Hizb ul Tahrir”. The charges were that Brigadier Ali Khan and his companions were planning to topple the present military leadership and replace them with the one towing extremist agenda. This is what the world heard from the ISPR spokesperson ( Athar Abbas ) and not from Ehsanullah Ehsan, the Taliban spokesman.
Who could forget the important speech of MQM leader Mr. Altaf Hussain last year in which he shared the disturbing realities and facts with the Pakistani Nation that various parts of Pakistan Army and ISI are infected with cancer.
“If some people in the army and military are hand in glove with the Taliban, then they should be dealt with. We have to eliminate the problem without forgetting the sacrifices rendered by them,” The Daily Times quoted Altaf, as saying.
The security establishment of Pakistan has been using these extremist organizations as their hidden weapon to promote their agenda in neighboring countries. Our generals have been trying to find strategic depth in Afghanistan, India and Central Asia but in the process are losing their depth and control on Pakistan. The creators of Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Sipah-e-Sahaba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi never thought about the implications of these terror outfits on Pakistani soil.
Now here they are in full control and command, they are attacking Shia community and other minorities in Pakistan at their choice of time and place. Our Federal Minister for Interior Rehman Malik can only suspend the mobile service in major cities to halt any attack on Eid processions. This is called a desperate step from the very desperate and failing administration.
The face of extremism in Pakistan changed into the phase of terrorism within no time. If our security apparatus and intelligence agencies are crossing their limits in Balochistan then why can they not start a fresh crackdown on the real enemies of Pakistan like Taliban, Haqqani network and other terror linked organizations. North and South Waziristan are a part of Pakistan and killers of thousands of innocent Pakistanis should not be allowed to take shelter in these areas at any cost.
General Kayani should take immediate steps and action to trace the links and sympathizers of Taliban in Armed forces of Pakistan before it gets too late.
Save Taliban or Save Pakistan !!

Save Taliban or save Pakistan | The News Tribe Blogs
somebody teach this to IK
Regret to say that Wahhabis lead by Taliban, JI, JUI; bigot Hamid Gul, SSP, Jamaat Dawa etc. is on the march. Aim of Deobandi/Wahhabi parties is to destroy Pakistan and put in place a Dark Age Islamic Emirate headed by uneducated bigot on the style of Mulla Omer is nearing success.

Old people like me and a few more, who have experienced the heaven that Pakistan was and the hell that now she has become; can do little else except shedding tears on the dream that has turns sour. Anything else would result in a repeat of Salman Taseer killing with Taliban lovers making a hero of the murdrer! The fact that Pakistan society is steeped in religious bigotry is the bitter truth.

My generation will soon die off and the new generation will have to face the music. However if most of my countrymen continue to have soft spot for the murdering Taliban and the extremists, so be it. I quote below an article by Ayaz Amir that aptly describes feelings of a lot of liberals.

Returning to the kingdom of moral decay

Ayaz Amir
Friday, October 05, 2012
From Print Edition

Islamabad diary

Mr Majid Nizami, foremost champion of that nebulous concept celebrated as the ideology of Pakistan – and therefore my favourite ideologue – for all his renown is a modest and self-effacing man. On any normal working day his photograph in his own newspaper does not appear above six or eight times, front-page and back-page. Columns lauding his priceless services to the nation are usually not more than one or two – every day of course.

Years ago when Syed Ghous Ali Shah was chief minister Sindh, at a function in Islamabad dedicated to the music and culture of Sindh, with the CM present in all his glory, the then Sindh culture secretary, the very active and articulate Hamid Akhund, spoke effusively of Shah Sahib’s services, not quite saying it but almost implying that Shah Sahib was the best thing to have happened to Sindh since Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, if not Muhammad bin Qasim. Writing later about the function, where the music was wonderful, I said that Mr Akhund must have taken Shah Sahib’s name at least 20 times.

A few days later I received a letter from Mr Akhund saying that he had personally gone through the audio recording of the entire function and he could say with authority that he had mentioned Shah Sahib’s name only 7 times.

Punjab University vice chancellor, Dr Mujahid Kamran, has earned the nation’s gratitude by awarding an honorary PhD to Mr Nizami for his services to journalism. The ideology-of-Pakistan school is strong in Lahore and the Punjab University is one of its strongest bastions. It is only proper that the University should honour one of its very own.

The Punjab University’s major claim to fame has little to do with anything as mundane as scholarship. It has more to do with something far more momentous: for years on end being the leading breeding ground of what can only be called ‘danda-bardar’ or stick-wielding Islam, the version of the faith propagated and defended with singular zeal by the student adherents of the Jamaat-i-Islami....the ‘danda’ their favourite weapon, decorated suitably with nails when the occasion so demands.

Woe to anyone who challenged this dominance. The left was in disarray or had been crushed. And when Gen Zia became the Republic’s supreme pontiff – complete with oily smile, the full display of teeth and the unsmiling eyes, a frightening contrast – the Jamaat’s student wing was given full rein, its officially-sanctioned mandate the stamping out of anti-Zia dissent from colleges and campuses, especially in the months leading to Bhutto’s hanging. In this it brilliantly succeeded. The PPP’s student wing, the PSO, was no match for it.

In the retrospect of memory even the stick-wielding brand of the faith in full cry in those bygone days seems so benign compared to the Kalashnikov variety of the faith which is the living reality today. From one thing to another: who says we have not progressed in any department of life? The death of reason: a day in the Republic’s life should be devoted to this.

Malik Ishaq – foolish the man who will cross him, or be on his wrong side – is the self-proclaimed scourge of all heretics from the true line of the Sunni faith. His achievements in this field, the trophies he may have gathered, I dare not name. He is now emerging as a political leader in South Punjab. Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi of the Ahle-Sunnat Wal Jamaat – the reinvented version of the old Sipah-e-Sahaba, scourge likewise of all deviators from the one and only path of the true Islam as seen and interpreted by the Maulana and his followers – is also emerging as a political force.

The old Sipah-e-Sahaba began as a Jhang-based organisation (hence the evocative term Jhangvi). But the influence of its later incarnation, Ahle-Sunnat Wal Jamaat, is spreading far and wide, much beyond the confines of a single district. Now these groups have their sights set on electoral politics.

And there is Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, commander-in-chief of jihad and war against the forces of evil. Time was when his Lashkar-i-Tayyaba kept to the shadows, engaged in a life-and-death struggle along remote hills and valleys in distant Kashmir. Now in the avatar of the Jamaat-ud-Dawah it is stepping to the fore and assuming a larger profile. In the marches organised recently by the Defence of Pakistan Council – with which, let it be stated for the record, the ISI has not the slightest connection – most of the muscle and money were from Hafiz Saeed’s organisation. Welcome to the emerging Pakistan.

And I am crying about the closure of YouTube. Hasn’t the point been made and in the wake of the righteous blasphemy riots hasn’t our faith been reaffirmed? And the point having been made, and made forcefully by our collective fervour, cannot permission be granted to return to the kingdom of moral decay as represented by YouTube? So many blows we have struck for the integrity of the faith but the ban has lasted for too long and I am feeling the pinch, as would so many others, about the absence of song and dance so readily available when the kingdom of moral decay was just a click away.

One thing I find hard to understand. We protested against that third-rate film, and rightly so. But even as the agitation across the enraged world of Islam was at its height, horrid cartoons, premeditated blasphemy, were carried by a French weekly newspaper. Not a word from the Ummah, the great brotherhood of Islam. Then more provocation in a Spanish newspaper...and again not a word, not a squeak of protest, no rallies, the Defence of Pakistan Council quiet, even my friend Gen Hamid Gul uncharacteristically silent. Quiet after the storm or passion spent?

An inconsequential TV channel in Cairo, purveying a fundamentalist version of the faith, had the offending film dubbed in Arabic before showing it, setting off the firestorm which touched the world of Islam from one end to the other. As inflammatory work goes this was pretty slick and effective. And of course no one bothered to ask who had lit the spark and whether there any hidden agenda was involved. Our anger was all and like chaff before the wind we were swept by it. A baffled observer would still wonder why no outrage against the later cartoons.

But for our holy fathers who took to the barricades with glee it was a useful battle inoculation. Their cadres were out in front fanning the flames. Mainstream parties may have the votes but there should be few doubts as to who has the muscle power: the new kids on the block who are leaving the old religious leaders behind.

People of my generation who have seen it all, first-hand witnesses of the Republic’s steady decline over the last 30 years, are in the happy position of knowing that nothing can be done. The more things change the worse they get. It lies not in our power to reverse the decline and what the morrow holds, the prospect after the elections, we do not know. So let spiritual sustenance flow, absolutely essential under the circumstances, and let the moral decay of song and dance be at hand....Uss ke baad aaye jo azab aaye.

Tailpiece: Colleague Aakar Patel from India: Begum Akhtar’s rendition of this immortal Faiz ghazal, Aaye kuch abr kuch sharaab aaye, is set to Raag Nand.

Tailpiece two: Can any project be more demented than the plan in Islamabad to extend Seventh Avenue to Murree Road? Garden Avenue was a beautiful, winding road and it already stands half-destroyed thanks to our mania for foolish road-widening. What remains, including the Lotus Pond around which so many lovers must have walked over the years, is sure to be destroyed by this venture. But who cares?

Email: winlust@yahoo.com

Returning to the kingdom of moral decay - Ayaz Amir

By the way Mr Mujahid Kamran is the same intellectually bankrupt VC who wrote the article that claimed Pakistan in Thar Coal has more oil than Saudi Arabia!
@ Niaz - I was born in '90; I didn't see the Zia era, the Bhutto era, the Ayub era...heck I was even too little during Benazir & Nawaz's two stints. '71 or '65 or even Kargil weren't my mess ! The hell have the people of your generation & the generation after that been upto to have stood & done nothing whilst Pakistan went from 'heaven' as you call it, to the 'hell' its becoming ? Where were my parents, my grandparents ? Where were their siblings & colleagues ? Where the heck were you guys ? How is it that those that won us Pakistan against insurmountable odds in '47 & continued with the dream through much of its infancy bowed out with such anonymity & whats worst the succeeding generation was so bereft with the required attributes or skill-set *something* to take the nation forward that we've been suffering from its compounded effects ever since !
@ Niaz - I was born in '90; I didn't see the Zia era, the Bhutto era, the Ayub era...heck I was even too little during Benazir & Nawaz's two stints. '71 or '65 or even Kargil weren't my mess ! The hell have the people of your generation & the generation after that been upto to have stood & done nothing whilst Pakistan went from 'heaven' as you call it, to the 'hell' its becoming ? Where were my parents, my grandparents ? Where were their siblings & colleagues ? Where the heck were you guys ? How is it that those that won us Pakistan against insurmountable odds in '47 & continued with the dream through much of its infancy bowed out with such anonymity & whats worst the succeeding generation was so bereft with the required attributes or skill-set *something* to take the nation forward that we've been suffering from its compounded effects ever since !

I think that is what you call bad planning... How much though was given to how Pakistan will come into being? And how much thought was given to separate from India? I guess it might answer some questions...
26 August has come and gone, no offensive so it's obvious the piece is bogus. The TTP would like the world to think that they have people working inside the GHQ but if that were the case then there are two things one needs to take note of:

1) Why has this information not been able to save the fall of all TTP bastions other than NWA which has yet to be engaged.
2) What good can they hope to achieve by knowing the names of regiments deployed in Operational Zones when a google search can easily yield the desired results.

Are they the same??

Poor linguistic skills in your case..........
I think that is what you call bad planning... How much though was given to how Pakistan will come into being? And how much thought was given to separate from India? I guess it might answer some questions...

Thats the very nature of revolutionary concepts ! You guys took a ready-made system of governance & political ideology seeing how nicely it fit to a mulit-religious, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic & multi-lingual country like India & adopted it with some slight modifications as per your dynamics across the spectrum ! We were trying to, as I understand, create a system of governance & a political ideology that tried to conform the best practices of Islam & Islamic Traditions to the modern world we found ourselves in. In short we set out to give an alternative paradigm to the world from the perspective of us Muslims & yet we ended up settling for mediocrity & confusion because the one person who could have guided a nation in such a colossal task died prematurely. Without him the movement fell apart & questions that needed to be answered were left unanswered or were answered in ways that, retrospectively, were much less than optimal. For example on the question whether Pakistan would have a complete separation of religion & politics, partial separation or that in a democracy even such limitations are artificial, remained unanswered.
@ Niaz - I was born in '90; I didn't see the Zia era, the Bhutto era, the Ayub era...heck I was even too little during Benazir & Nawaz's two stints. '71 or '65 or even Kargil weren't my mess ! The hell have the people of your generation & the generation after that been upto to have stood & done nothing whilst Pakistan went from 'heaven' as you call it, to the 'hell' its becoming ? Where were my parents, my grandparents ? Where were their siblings & colleagues ? Where the heck were you guys ? How is it that those that won us Pakistan against insurmountable odds in '47 & continued with the dream through much of its infancy bowed out with such anonymity & whats worst the succeeding generation was so bereft with the required attributes or skill-set *something* to take the nation forward that we've been suffering from its compounded effects ever since !

With people like you and others there is hope for your generation and next.
Thats the very nature of revolutionary concepts ! You guys took a ready-made system of governance & political ideology seeing how nicely it fit to a mulit-religious, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic & multi-lingual country like India & adopted it with some slight modifications as per your dynamics across the spectrum ! We were trying to, as I understand, create a system of governance & a political ideology that tried to conform the best practices of Islam & Islamic Traditions to the modern world we found ourselves in. In short we set out to give an alternative paradigm to the world from the perspective of us Muslims & yet we ended up settling for mediocrity & confusion because the one person who could have guided a nation in such a colossal task died prematurely. Without him the movement fell apart & questions that needed to be answered were left unanswered or were answered in ways that, retrospectively, were much less than optimal. For example on the question whether Pakistan would have a complete separation of religion & politics, partial separation or that in a democracy even such limitations are artificial, remained unanswered.

The revolution always has a defining ideology, Pakistan was formed but with the persistence of few and political motivation, like vote bank politics being played in India.

The ideology was missing not because he died prematurely but that his ideology was not shared among common people, who descended into chaos... Not knowing what to do..

Pakistan was divided before the ideology could grow roots, or maybe the ideology was not thought out well.. India knew for a country an untested system could create havoc...
Where are you guys when the extremist voices prevail on these forums. So far this is the most impressive group of thinkers I have read from Pakistan on PDF. I see FaujHistorian and Vcheng fighting it out, challenging the other extreme voices here...your country needs you to be the voice of Pakistan and not these others.

PDF is read worldwide and shows up on top of search engines... and the impression the many, that only read these forums, but don't post ( worldwide guests) is being tainted by the extreme voices here...you folks should actively speak up more, than just be occasionally heared from.

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