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Muslims are least likely to have premarial sex : Scientific Research

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That's why the West has one of the highest divorce rates in the world. Kids who grow up in these broken homes(where the step-dad doesn't want 'em at the Mom's place and the step-Mom doesn't like having them around their dad) have problems, for example, higher adolescent suicide rate statistics.

This is something countries like India which are pursuing blind westernization, should be aware of. When a society degrades to a very carnal/animalistic level and every ad and billboard you look, needs to have some nude woman to appeal to your depraved nature to sell, it's not a good sign. Harassment and rape incidents go up considerably.

All my roommates have grown up in these so called 'broken homes'. They have better sense of independence and confidence than me, who grew up in close knit Indian family. They have multiple partners, but they still respect the opposite sex, probably more than South Asians. Arbitrarily demonizing a culture without a finer study is plain stupid.

It is like saying Islam promotes terrorism. You as a follower should know it is kind at its core. But a cursory look at today's world would tell otherwise.
if anyone has to really verify as to how many %age of muslim MALES engage in premarital sex..... just visit UK , that will clear the delusion. Since most of the muslim girls do not engage in pre marital sex , muslim boys look for girls of other community. Here in india i hv seen some of them faking demselves as hindus for getting girls ( believe me there are many of them)..... so i wanna ask whether islam is applicable for females only????

You want to have sex with a prostitute? :eek:

Man, what else will you call marrying for a month, which ends up with paying off the lady with the divorce money??

I mean i know this can happen in normal marriages too where you figure out the partner is not the best fit and you end up getting divorce in a month. That is possible!! But when you knowingly and purposefully do that then how can it be halal..
if anyone has to really verify as to how many %age of muslim MALES engage in premarital sex..... just visit UK , that will clear the delusion. Since most of the muslim girls do not engage in pre marital sex , muslim boys look for girls of other community. Here in india i hv seen some of them faking demselves as hindus for getting girls ( believe me there are many of them)..... so i wanna ask whether islam is applicable for females only????

In Pakistan adultery is very high.

Only in Lahore more then 70,000 prostitutes are active at any given time.
Man, what else will you call marrying for a month, which ends up with paying off the lady with the divorce money??

What's a one night stand then?

BTW you can set the money dispute before marriage.

If she really loves you she will not damand your money.

ha ha bro tell this to someone who has not met a muslim girls..... !!!!

Clearly you don't have any idea.

Strictness for south asian women is our bogus culture.
Sorry, my way of thinking is my religion and I am not interested in learning about something that puts me in bounds/limitations!

So as per you, pre-marital encounters will make one animal but then you marry and make female partner a kid producing machines then tell me what's the difference between the ones doing it and animals..
As wife you give respect start family those limitations are to make humans humans not animals their is nothing such as un limited than why follow any rules made by your government they are just humans like you why follow any rule made by government
You have to bear her for atleast 1 month.

But you don't have to live with her. Touch her for one night then go anywhere you want to go and after one month giver her divorse.

You according to a new law Divorced Indian woman will get 50% share in husband's property.If we stick to your advice we will end up in streets.Even Muslim personal law might also be modified to include a similar clause.
so after jbond has done what he wants i assume you will be ok to marry the girl? if not why are you giving such suggestion

I am no one to give you any suggestion.

I don't make the laws i just follow them.
As wife you give respect start family those limitations are to make humans humans not animals their is nothing such as un limited than why follow any rules made by your government they are just humans like you why follow any rule made by government

so then y do we find the most raw characteristic of animals i.e violence the most in muslim countries ( even 10 year olds are on the killin spree)
You according to a new law Divorced Indian woman will get 50% share in husband's property.If we stick to your advice we will end up in streets.Even Muslim personal law might also be modified to include a similar clause.

This is indian law i can't help you in this.

If you follow islam it will also tell you why you are forbidden to do some things.
so then y do we find the most raw characteristic of animals i.e violence the most in muslim countries ( even 10 year olds are on the killin spree)

One would think that with lack of drinking, casual sex and other distractions muslims would find more time to work and build their economies. But no. I wonder what they do with that extra time.
I mean i know this can happen in normal marriages too where you figure out the partner is not the best fit and you end up getting divorce in a month. That is possible!! But when you knowingly and purposefully do that then how can it be halal..

Because islam do not stops you from pleasure.
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