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Who is India's better friend than Bangaldesh


Nov 20, 2008
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Well I have been thinking of this issue for a while. Is Bangladesh a friend to India, if no then who else could have better attachment with India? There are plenty of countries India has business with in defence, economics and strategic. But when it comes to Bangladesh, Indians try see the whole relationship with emotional aspect.

I ranked top 5 countries who I consider India's best friends.

1) Bangladesh --- the only war India ever faught with a ally on their side that is Bangladesh. It enjoys trade surplus with this country also finds a lot of sympathetic people close to power house.
2) Russia -- Supplied India's 90% of defence need also a lot of technology is transfered and put India in Space elite club. Indias missile technology is just a carbon copy of Russia.
3) USA -- India started believing USA as one of their ally and try to talk like Israel (greatest/biggest democracy) to gain ground in Washington. USA still consider India as a foe but wants to use that as a stooge against great china.
4) Nepal --- Not sure whether its ally or a subservant state.
5) Israel --- Too shrewed to be a friend. Still good going in oiling washington. Two makes better than one.

Comments are welcome.

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More like Israel! then russia .
That would be so cute hahaha if we are India's best friend hahah
Bangladesh is and will always remain a very good friend of India.

The only thing that irks me is the use of the word 'ally' in iajdani's post. We are proud of our legacy as a founder of the 'Non-Alignment Movement' and we have always remained 'Non-Aligned' throughout our existence. We are proud of our independent foreign policy and complement our leaders for always resisting temptation or force to protect our ideology and interests. The world respects us for that and we have proudly managed to hold our ground in all adverse circumstances.

Coming back to the topic, I think India is the only big nation in the world that has friendly relations with so many other nations of the world with diverse ideologies and beliefs.

Be it USA & Russia, Iran, middle east etc. & Israel, Europe, Japan, Sri Lanka, Australia, Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, Turkey and the list goes on.

As for Pakistan. I think Pakistan could have been right up there, but....

Here is what our PM Dr. Manmohan Singh had to say recently.

"I still believe we have no ill-will towards Pakistan,’ Dr Singh said. Our only concern is Pakistan should cooperate with us, not allowing the territory of Pakistan to be used for acts of terror. We wish the government well."

Bangladesh is and will always remain a very good friend of India.

The only thing that irks me is the use of the word 'ally' in iajdani's post. We are proud of our legacy as a founder of the 'Non-Alignment Movement' and we have always remained 'Non-Aligned' throughout our existence. We are proud of our independent foreign policy and complement our leaders for always resisting temptation or force to protect our ideology and interests. The world respects us for that and we have proudly managed to hold our ground in all adverse circumstances.

Coming back to the topic, I think India is the only big nation in the world that has friendly relations with so many other nations of the world with diverse ideologies and beliefs.

Be it USA & Russia, Iran, middle east etc. & Israel, Europe, Japan, Sri Lanka, Australia, Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, Turkey and the list goes on.

The term "ally" was used in the right sense there, I think. As far as Bangladeshi liberation war was concerned, India was the first country to recognize Bangladesh.

It is true that neither Bangladesh or India has their later foreign policy dictated by the 1971 war, but during the period of war certainly India was an ally.

NAM was about not aligning with the left or right blocks (USA+NATO or Soviets+Eastern block) , that does not mean not having an ally in any war or any situation.

Oh, talking about friends, what about Bhutan and Sri Lanka ? One of the few countries in the world which have liberal/special travel policies for Indians, and countries which have extensive trade with us?
Personallly I would like to see Pakistan as #1 friend some day.

But I would have to Russia, largest defence equipment provider, defends India on world stage and many joint venture at table and in works. This would be my very reason.

I agree Gabbar, I'd like to see pakistan and BD as india's best of friends, simply because we are the people most similar to them yet look at the enmity we 'enjoy'.

I don't know about the govts, they are stupid (india, bd), but i have tremendous respect for people of bangladesh, i think most indians do. hence even when many bangladeshis here lump indians into one 'group' you seldom see any indians do that abt bdeshis. bangladeshi young population has tremendous potential, unless they let hatred consume them.

nobody in the world trusts russia, even tho they have been very useful, they are too much of a bully. The can indeed become our BEST friend if they become a true democracy. Most of the west can be india's friends too based on the same principle of democracy and secularism.
4) Nepal --- Not sure whether its ally or a subservant state.

Nepal has never been a subservient state. They have a standing Army (if you count the Maoists, two standing armies), have a long history of never having been ruled by outsiders (a history even better than Afghanistan) and a pretty strong sense of Identity.

Nepal and India have free travel privileges for citizens, have a shared culture of Hinduism/Communism. India (and Britain) also recruit Gurkhas into the Army.

That said the relations are probably at their worst, and won't get better until the treaties are re-negotiated. Nepal has been pushing for that, while India is not objecting. We'll know the results after the Indian elections and changes in Nepali parliament. Thankfully, Prachanda today clarified that he was not accusing India for Nepal's issues.
Well I have been thinking of this issue for a while. Is Bangladesh a friend to India, if no then who else could have better attachment with India? There are plenty of countries India has business with in defence, economics and strategic. But when it comes to Bangladesh, Indians try see the whole relationship with emotional aspect.

I ranked top 5 countries who I consider India's best friends.

1) Bangladesh --- the only war India ever faught with a ally on their side that is Bangladesh. It enjoys trade surplus with this country also finds a lot of sympathetic people close to power house.
2) Russia -- Supplied India's 90% of defence need also a lot of technology is transfered and put India in Space elite club. Indias missile technology is just a carbon copy of Russia.
3) USA -- India started believing USA as one of their ally and try to talk like Israel (greatest/biggest democracy) to gain ground in Washington. USA still consider India as a foe but wants to use that as a stooge against great china.
4) Nepal --- Not sure whether its ally or a subservant state.
5) Israel --- Too shrewed to be a friend. Still good going in oiling washington. Two makes better than one.

Comments are welcome.


What an Indo-mania...!!! :woot:

Well given the ground realities, I would say, none of the five should enjoy the friendship of India. If Bangladesh is India's friend, China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal will be enemies of Bangladesh and India. If Russia is India's friend, China and America will be enemies of Russia and India. If USA is India's friend, Russia and China will be enemies of the USA and India. If Nepal is India's friend, China and Pakistan will be enemies of Nepal and India. If Israel is India's friend, the entire Muslim world will be enemies of Israel and India.

It is good to see a friendship between India and Pakistan, but then Pakistan will lose all her ties with China. Will it be a pragmatic decision? Can India become a good substitute in the place of China? Will ever India help Pakistan financially and militarily? True friendship is like a mirror, if somehow it is broken, it will never be possible to restore the previous state of the mirror. Hope Pakistan has enough brain to understand this issue. Because in the future I see China as the next superpower.
Well I have been thinking of this issue for a while. Is Bangladesh a friend to India, if no then who else could have better attachment with India? There are plenty of countries India has business with in defence, economics and strategic. But when it comes to Bangladesh, Indians try see the whole relationship with emotional aspect.

I ranked top 5 countries who I consider India's best friends.

1) Bangladesh --- the only war India ever faught with a ally on their side that is Bangladesh. It enjoys trade surplus with this country also finds a lot of sympathetic people close to power house.
2) Russia -- Supplied India's 90% of defence need also a lot of technology is transfered and put India in Space elite club. Indias missile technology is just a carbon copy of Russia.
3) USA -- India started believing USA as one of their ally and try to talk like Israel (greatest/biggest democracy) to gain ground in Washington. USA still consider India as a foe but wants to use that as a stooge against great china.
4) Nepal --- Not sure whether its ally or a subservant state.
5) Israel --- Too shrewed to be a friend. Still good going in oiling washington. Two makes better than one.

Comments are welcome.


More than having BD as best friend what India needs more is to keep it cultivating as friend, but it doesnot look so at least for now. Having bangladesh as independent country has immense strategic implications for india. In simple words if it was east pakistan today then we would have had nuclear neighbour on both sides. However are Indians doing enough to cultivate and blossem the friendship. India needs to support trade and industry in BD, develop people to people relation, india has principally agreed to support BD in developing nuclear energy (I do not know how far it has materialised). Also the water despute should be resolved amicably. Yes, illegal migration has to be checked with strong footing but that needs more than just lip service.
I think with little adjustment the opinion of the country (BD) can be overhauled and now with a govt that has good terms with india and that has huge numbers in center this is certainly the best time. I wish after elections new govt in center in india would address this.

Regarding Nepal one has to understand things not just in diplometic terms but historical/ faith and religion perspective as well. Nepal was a hindu state before it embraced secularism (keep this fact in mind). I do not know if you know the history but king of nepal (considered as representative of god) was equally respected by napelese and indians. Lord Pashupatinath has same honour/status in India as Indians have for Kedarnath or Rameshwaram. So nepal is a very soft corner for Indian (you can say Hindus). This however doesnot undermine the fact that India was never comfortable with Maoist led government. Though India has immense leverage over Nepal, Bhutan and Srilanka it has never intended (at least overtly) to make them a part of its own territory.
I can very well understand the arguement that is being given in this forum time and again that India has hegmonic designs and I rubbish them as India gain nothing (but loose a lot) by it.
I agree Gabbar, I'd like to see pakistan and BD as india's best of friends, simply because we are the people most similar to them yet look at the enmity we 'enjoy'.

I don't know about the govts, they are stupid (india, bd), but i have tremendous respect for people of bangladesh, i think most indians do. hence even when many bangladeshis here lump indians into one 'group' you seldom see any indians do that abt bdeshis. bangladeshi young population has tremendous potential, unless they let hatred consume them.

nobody in the world trusts russia, even tho they have been very useful, they are too much of a bully. The can indeed become our BEST friend if they become a true democracy. Most of the west can be india's friends too based on the same principle of democracy and secularism.

The good thing about Russia is that in public, they are always fully supportive of India. Their support for India in UN has been very useful at times. In private, India and Russia bicker about price of armaments or ownership of projects, but there is a lot of shared interests between the countries.
Thanks for bringing Indochina up :-)
Indochina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What about Vietnam and Laos? Both have economies that are growing like India (or maybe better), have large populations, have experimented with socialism/communism and are now opening up?

The same can be applied to those South East Asian countries which you call in your own Bharatiya language Indo-Chinese also. Particularly Vietnam can never forget the Chinese help without which she could never win the war against America. Yes Vietnam had some ties with the Indianized communists. But not with India. And Vietnamese know that Chinese are their natural brothers. You can say Japan and South Korea, but the economic recession will turn everything upside down as you are already witnessing now.

China will never forget the backstabbing of India in the Sino-Indian border dispute of the 1961. Also there is some racist enmity between China and India, and hopefully it will never end.
Well I have been thinking of this issue for a while. Is Bangladesh a friend to India, if no then who else could have better attachment with India? There are plenty of countries India has business with in defence, economics and strategic. But when it comes to Bangladesh, Indians try see the whole relationship with emotional aspect.

I don't wish to spoil your thread pal but as a citizen of Bangladesh(though I have doubt) shouldn't you be asking question like this:

Who is proven and good friend of Bangladesh in the time of need?

Instead you decided to open a thread to ask Indian related question in BD section. You think about India and it's interest as if India really care about Bangladesh.

No wonder Bangladesh is disarrayed and floating in the sea without aim to reach any destination. :angry:
Mubarak for being an Indian lover.....................:D
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