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Do you have any Certifications?

Yes you should either have huge experience like my manager or have few years of technical expertise and CISA or ISO 27001.

You can have the job first at associate level and certification later . I know/hired many people from MBA in Systems/IT programs who have later completed CISA ( after few years) simply to be better suited for Managers .
You can have the job first at associate level and certification later . I know/hired many people from MBA in Systems/IT programs who have later completed CISA ( after few years) simply to be better suited for Managers .
I am BCA+MBA(IT/Systems). What should I do? I want to further study(preference online MCA or MS) with job.
I am BCA+MBA(IT/Systems). What should I do? I want to further study(preference online MCA or MS) with job.

I am also a BCA , have a good research job in IT Security . You should look for small IT Audit companies there are many in mumbai , a hell lot . They will pay very less but will give you an IT audit jobs . Work there for an year and then move to a BIG 4 It Audit company at associate level .
Hi,Can you tell me the training process and institutes & info for this cert.

Yup . I am CLAD . Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer given by National Instruments. On account of Mastery of LabVIEW software.

But Y r u enquiring here?

Hi,Can you tell me the training process and institutes & info for this cert.
No,I dont have prior experience in Labview.I am working in embedded domain and i want to learn Labview

Well for LabView training, u have to undergo training at academies established by National Instruments in colleges across India. My coll in TN was the first to have that academy, though now 2 or 3 coll have it now. U can also undergo training directly at NI office in Bangalore, but it is simply so much costly there, that people always tend to train themselves in established academies.
U better quote me ur gmail id, or if u chose to remain anonymous, create an anonymous id n post it here. I will contact u in mail
SCJP 1.4, MCP Year 2005

Anyone SAP certified? I know Webmaster in SAP FICO.
Not certified but in our university we worked on SAP MM & SD Modules for training and did few case studies for 1 full semester.
SCJP 1.4, MCP Year 2005

Anyone SAP certified? I know Webmaster in SAP FICO.

I do have certification in Data Analysis & Visualization.
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