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Analysis of 900 biographies of LeT operatives killed between 1989-1990

Yaara let me ask you something, this might seem tangential but...India has had hundreds of plans and yojnas for the betterment of the people- these plans and schemes have achieved maybe 20% of their desired affect. So ya not very efficient BUT at least we plan, we postulate and we work. Show me one equivalent of schemes like the Sarwa Shiksha Abhiyan in Pakistan. Forget implementation, they don't even take stock of the situation to begin with. Their sole focus is that of being a security state so let them be that. Let them try and create their crescent in the sub-continent- no matter how much they thrash around it is India which is the largest economy in the sub-continent, India which holds the most clout relatively, India which has broad band relations with all the nations of the world, India which has maintained its sovereignty. Let them take their path, they will always find us more than ready to defend our interest, BUT the best part is that we lose such an insignificant amount in that defense while they have to commit everything they have in their attempts. That...that is the true face of the disparity between the two nations. It is like the story of the monkey who saw the moon's reflection in the pond and tried to seize it...the true aspect of despair is not that the monkey keeps failing to grasp the reflection but rather that it doesn't even know that its lusting after a mere reflection while the moon itself is far above in the sky forever beyond its reach.

Of course, we can only watch while they tear themselves apart due to the hatred and fear. The fear that India's only goal is to tear them apart whereas that might be a goal but then a miniscule part of India's effort.

India has long realised that the first goal towards being a successful state is to make its people improve, I am also not saying that we are pure like milk and sweet like honey but that we try to make it so.
Of course, we can only watch while they tear themselves apart due to the hatred and fear. The fear that India's only goal is to tear them apart whereas that might be a goal but then a miniscule part of India's effort.

India has long realised that the first goal towards being a successful state is to make its people improve, I am also not saying that we are pure like milk and sweet like honey but that we try to make it so.

200 million lifted out of poverty, nearly 500 million still to go. Mind you 200 million being larger than Pakistan's whole population. All the while acquiring carriers and nuke subs right alongside such efforts. THAT is how a nation is supposed to function, We are FAR from perfect but we know how to mitigate our issues.
Actually I am satisfied with the situation, as they radicalize and degrade their own youth its their nation which loses out on its human capital. That's why Kashmir is the great Monkey Trap, it keeps them focused on one spot- they keep throwing themselves against it and keep mutilating themselves further in the process. They actually believe that a few casualties will make us lose our will, which is absurd as far as infantile notions go, well its their funeral even if it comes at the precious cost of Indian martyrs.

Jeeez! And I was under the impression that there was a 'freedom struggle' going on in Kashmir by the Kashmiris themselves (Kashmiri freedom fighters) with only moral, political and diplomatic support being provided by Pakistan!! :undecided: :omghaha:

Seriously, it's high time Pakistan realized the gravity of the situation before it is overwhelmed by these terrorist groups that it claims are its 'strategic assets'. Frankenstein has this dirty habit of eating its master sooner than later. And this one is going berserk. More serious is its linkages with the TTP, Al Qaeda, JeM and other assorted terrorist groups that are anti-Pakistan in varying degrees.

But then it seems Pakistan will do anything, even suicide, by helping these groups 'bleed India with a thousand cuts'. (Zia) For Pakistan, the writing is on the wall.

You are forgetting the unanammed graves these punjabi kids fill, theose graves are handy in propaganda too. I guess they consider that a kind of service, or a way of claiming 6 feet of land at a time?

The nature of the enemy is difficult to understand, even using their own kids as cannon fodder!!! And they say we ''dehumanise'' them, bhaiyya humamise first!

EzioAltaïr;4140177 said:
Freedom Struggle my arse. :lol:

As I said earlier millions of times MISSION KASHMIR IS FAILED after Punjab,NE and now Pakistan itself is on fire. :omghaha: :yahoo:
In 2006 Total fatalities 1116
In 2006 Total fatalities 6

"The question remains, where have the Kashmiri militants gone too? The easiest answer is that they turned against Pakistan and are now called, the “Punjabi Talibans” who are on a killing rampage all over Pakistan with the Pakistani version of Taliban, the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Today, Pakistan faces one of the deadliest decades in its history with about 50,000 Pakistani civilian and military men killed by al-Queda and its affiliates, the TTP, the Punjabi Talibans and sectarian outfits after 9/11 alone."
Or better yet download the full report, I had posted the link. Not much new information in broad terms but a lot of new data supporting what we already know.

I actually went through some profiles. Sample this:

"Mother was concerned about her son's interest in jihad. Asked uncle for help, who was a director at the Atomic Energy Commission. Uncle tried to persuade him away from his interest in jihad, but when he thought that he was unsuccessful, found him a job with the Pakistan Army. His parents then put him in a grocery business with his brother. Both this jobs appear to be temporary and bio states that he was not interested in jobs. Religiously inclined since a young age. Went to the masjid to learn Qur'an but ustad was not there and dropped out. Was admitted to Minhaj-ul-Qur'an, but also did not stay there for long. Then entered Markaz Taiyba for religious studies where he learned about jihad. Mentions Dukhtaran Islam."

All I can do is :facepalm:
Funny how only 1.6% of these "Freedom fighters" are Kashmiris:lol:

Does this 1.6% inculde people from Indian side of Kashmir or includes P0K too. Many Mirpuris are branded as Kashmiris and create lots of confusions.
The question remains, where have the Kashmiri militants gone too? The easiest answer is that they turned against Pakistan and are now called, the “Punjabi Talibans” who are on a killing rampage all over Pakistan with the Pakistani version of Taliban, the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Today, Pakistan faces one of the deadliest decades in its history with about 50,000 Pakistani civilian and military men killed by al-Queda and its affiliates, the TTP, the Punjabi Talibans and sectarian outfits after 9/11 alone.
Whatever happened to Zia's doctrine of 'bleeding India with a thousand cuts'? It's Pakistan that's bleeding with a million cuts instead! That strategy has backfired badly. 50,000 killed by the same army of terror goons trained and nurtured in Pakistan to fight their proxy war against India.

As the saying goes, what goes around comes around!
@Joe Shearer Sir, I do not understand how anyone could term us as weak for not having resorted to a similar mobilization of our youth through religious radicalization. I have never been able to comprehend how this can be viewed as anything else but self-mutilation, they may believe that their cause is just but how can one destroy so much of one's future in such a pursuit? I cannot say that I feel any sympathy, that would be disingenuous, but I feel that we are sitting around the pyre of a whole populace, a pyre that was prepared across decades and set alight some twenty years back.
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Whatever happened to Zia's doctrine of 'bleeding India with a thousand cuts'? It's Pakistan that's bleeding with a million cuts instead! That strategy has backfired badly. 50,000 killed by the same army of terror goons trained and nurtured in Pakistan to fight their proxy war against India.

As the saying goes, what goes around comes around!

I read a BBC article which was giving details of founders and fighters of diffrent militant groups in Kashmir and how they ended up fighting the Pakistan army and joining Taliban. Even the person who tried to assassinate Musharraf was once fighting against Indian troops in Kashmir.
I read a BBC article which was giving details of founders and fighters of diffrent militant groups in Kashmir and how they ended up fighting the Pakistan army and joining Taliban. Even the person who tried to assassinate Musharraf was once fighting against Indian troops in Kashmir.

Ilyas "Kashmiri" ring any bells. Hell the Pakistanis can't even agree to the fact the LeJ hails from Punjab or the the TTP has a significant Punjabi cadre. Good for them, let them be oblivious and let us be prepared.
Whatever happened to Zia's doctrine of 'bleeding India with a thousand cuts'? It's Pakistan that's bleeding with a million cuts instead! That strategy has backfired badly. 50,000 killed by the same army of terror goons trained and nurtured in Pakistan to fight their proxy war against India.

As the saying goes, what goes around comes around!

That bleeding is just done on the attacker... 50,000 dead in 10 years. Thats what bleeding means practically.

It's good that India didn't play into tactics of Pakistan of doing a war.India could have never inflicted 50,000 causalities and chaos like this.
What does it even matter what a suicidal ruling establishment says? It is too late for the Pakistan deep state now, they cannot step back and re-fashion their strategy. The country will keep going, with more and more endemic violence, and more and more spillovers onto our side of the boundary. It is critical that we keep steady under fire, take our casualties and not react foolishly. We have to make sure that a desperate military never decides, in its hallowed tradition, on some tactically worked out escapade, which has no strategic returns or prospects whatsoever. For that we need to keep our forces vigilant, at all times, to forestall 1948, 1965, 1999 and every other nutty act. There will be a solution, later if not sooner.

The solution to the situation lies in burn-out.
What does it even matter what a suicidal ruling establishment says? It is too late for the Pakistan deep state now, they cannot step back and re-fashion their strategy. The country will keep going, with more and more endemic violence, and more and more spillovers onto our side of the boundary. It is critical that we keep steady under fire, take our casualties and not react foolishly. We have to make sure that a desperate military never decides, in its hallowed tradition, on some tactically worked out escapade, which has no strategic returns or prospects whatsoever. For that we need to keep our forces vigilant, at all times, to forestall 1948, 1965, 1999 and every other nutty act. There will be a solution, later if not sooner.

The solution to the situation lies in burn-out.

Joe sir, what do you think about post-2014 senario in Kashmir, will the violence again escalate in the valley.

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