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Indian General Elections - 2014

Whom will you Vote for in 2014 General Elections??

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No PM can control his ministers if they try their hand at corruption, the kind of Damage YSR did to A.P is no less than what Yedi did, everyone let him do what he did, until he died and the Skeltons came tumbling out of the closet. No one is doodh ka dhulla sir.

I said it before, congress is corrupt, I accept. I just dont like how BJP handled Karnataka, and others. When congress was removing ministers from power (if I recall correctly, in Maharashtra), BJP was defending all accused party members everywhere. Not just this, in UP even accepted a throw away of BSP during election time. It wasnt just stepping on the axe, it was jumping on it. I can understand Karnataka, Yedi was too strong for them to handle, but how do you explain UP? Party with big difference. No other could replicate that!

The leaders in BJP are good, Arun Jaitely, Sushma Swaraj, LK Adavni and the others are the only ones who will form his core team and I believe they are equally good. Modi will be hard bent to show action, yes but he has been pitching for economical progress. I believe he at least has the experience and has proven many wrong about his worth, the NDA rule under ABV was a good govt. many leaders at the centre were these leaders itself.

Whereas, Rahul can also be seen as a person who has to show his worth if not what is the purpose of projecting him without any experience, what was his purpose of giving a speech on what LokPal should be and do nothing about it? The congress has some good leaders no doubt, why not put them forward?

The congress party has denied the good leaders the chance to run the country, only to make the faux Gandhi legacy remain relevant.. Pranab Mukherjee was pushed off the road with presidency, he was a brilliant politician, why make MMS the PM for a second term, cause he might make them irrelevant. Same with Chidambaram. I want to end this and Frankly, I do not see any leader from BJP except Modi to lead the country.

I don't know about current foreign and home minister, but can you find faults with MMS, Chidambaram, Pranab Mukherji, S M Krishna, A K Antony, Jairam Naresh, and many more? If only these men had not to deal with Mamata, Mulayam, Karunanidhi and all. Except for few matters of importance, I doubt Sonia/Rahul interfere with there work.

You want Modi to lead the country same way as Gujarat? You need to give him same power in centre as he has in his state. You cannot improve railway when your ally is crying over tiniest increase in fare. You cannot improve electric board if you cannot sell it at high price (as far as I know, Gujarat has second or third highest tariff). So much more. So many allies to cater.

As you said, Rahul has to prove his leadership. He could do it without taking any drastic steps, like he has been doing till now. Do all as his advisers told him to do. This option would not be available to Modi. Per chance some of his ministers don't listen to him, he would have to prove his image some other way.

Let us also talk about the draught in MH, it was an engineered draught, by drafting a policy which ran against the law of water allocation in a particular order and guess when this was done, from 2005 and who was the CM then, any guesses?

Adarsh scam, any idea who all were charge sheeted? Why there is no news of it? Coal blocks allegation by the centre? 2G Scam? Mate you cannot tell me the Yeddi story alone and brush every act of congress under the carpet..

Nitin Gadkari was also removed from the party presidency after his scam came to the fore...

My problem is not corruption. All are corrupt, there is no lesser evil. It is as I said above, how the parties handled the cases. BJP waited for the Lokayukt to take action, Congress did it on its own. In UP, the manner in which BJP accepted a tainted ex-minister was disgraceful.

Indra Gandhi, no one stopped her from Congress when she made the 84th amendment, if I remember correctly, it is as you said the democracy so do not tell me Congress can stop and BJP cannot..

Good or bad, Indira was special. Even Nixon was overwhelmed by her. No one from the current batch of politicians, from her grandson to the rusted, brittle 'Iron Man', would stand upto her toes. And she was congress itself. She didn't break the party line. But the way BJP leaders bend down to the rebels...

The infighting for the position of candidature of PM, I am expecting it to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Except if we still have a PM in waiting who would probably be willing to go to grave of Afzal Guru to get some more votes..
I said it before, congress is corrupt, I accept. I just dont like how BJP handled Karnataka, and others. When congress was removing ministers from power (if I recall correctly, in Maharashtra), BJP was defending all accused party members everywhere. Not just this, in UP even accepted a throw away of BSP during election time. It wasnt just stepping on the axe, it was jumping on it. I can understand Karnataka, Yedi was too strong for them to handle, but how do you explain UP? Party with big difference. No other could replicate that!

Now now, When was Chavan thrown out on congress party's free will? Did you follow the news properly?

He was accused in the Aadhar scam and so was removed under a great pressure. BJP will defend thier own just like Congress does, consider the following:

1. Chidambaram and MMS were accused in 2G scam, did they step down on thier own or forced to by Congress? MMS might have to appear before the JPC if BJP has its way, so he is accused, what happened? Why no love lost?
2. Khursheed did not step down when accused for the scam his wife ran, why did he not step down? Forget stepping down why no inquiry was initiated? He was made the foreign minister, no?
3. Abhishek Manu Singhvi, the sex scandal he was involved in, what happened to him? He was not told to resign from his seat on moral grounds, why?
4. Serious allegations were leveled at Vadra for quid pro quo land he obtained being the countriy's son-in-law, why did Sonia Gandhi/Rahu Gandhi not step down, why not even an inquiry was inititated?
5. YSR was not forced to step down, many in congress knew what kind of things he was upto, why no action till someone went to the court that the skeletons started dancing out of the closet? He held 33 LS seats that is why?
6. See the case of Chavan above.
7. A Raja, not forced to step down till CBI was at his doorstep, you could say that he was part of the coalition and not of Congress but I guess you will not deny the fact that Congress could have done a lot there.
8. Mayawati, as long as the outside support was given she was safe. The day she rebelled, the health scam shows up and now the outside support is there so no news, how convenient!
9. Not sure about the TN case but the day they withdrew from the Govt. CBI raid at Stalin's home :azn:. Poor guy Karunanidhi had to cry on TV for the love for Congress and give outside support, very convenient Indeed!

Again, i will tell you the same thing its not just about the corruption, the whole political system is morally corrupted in India not just the BJP. Congress obviously is ahead of the game.

I will explain UP sitaution as being desperate, its not right but who is, dear?

I don't know about current foreign and home minister, but can you find faults with MMS, Chidambaram, Pranab Mukherji, S M Krishna, A K Antony, Jairam Naresh, and many more? If only these men had not to deal with Mamata, Mulayam, Karunanidhi and all. Except for few matters of importance, I doubt Sonia/Rahul interfere with there work.

The current Home minister is a joke, he actually did harm Indian cause by declaring that RSS is training terrorists in various camps. What do you have to say about that? I can find many faults of MMS, recent being 6 days of silence when our Jawan was beheaded by Pakistan. Should we go to the Nirbhay's Rape case?

Chidambaram, I feel is a worthy candidate to lead the country, why does the congress not project that person as the PM face instead of Rahul who does not have any credentials? What is the reason? "Gandhi Family"?

You want Modi to lead the country same way as Gujarat? You need to give him same power in centre as he has in his state. You cannot improve railway when your ally is crying over tiniest increase in fare. You cannot improve electric board if you cannot sell it at high price (as far as I know, Gujarat has second or third highest tariff). So much more. So many allies to cater.
Please call back when when you can see the future, your statements are based on assumptions that he will not be able to, opposite to my assumption but I say give him a chance and we will see, Congress had lots of chances to make things right.

As you said, Rahul has to prove his leadership. He could do it without taking any drastic steps, like he has been doing till now. Do all as his advisers told him to do. This option would not be available to Modi. Per chance some of his ministers don't listen to him, he would have to prove his image some other way.
How are you sure that the garbage he spew about Lokpal being a constitutional authority was a advise by the wise? Assumptions again :azn:

If the speech at CII was a advise by his core advisers, they are doing a very very bad job! I cannot trust them to advice him in the future.

My problem is not corruption. All are corrupt, there is no lesser evil. It is as I said above, how the parties handled the cases. BJP waited for the Lokayukt to take action, Congress did it on its own. In UP, the manner in which BJP accepted a tainted ex-minister was disgraceful.
Oh and you see Congress as the better party despite me giving you so many examples. You gave me two only, I nine!

Good or bad, Indira was special. Even Nixon was overwhelmed by her. No one from the current batch of politicians, from her grandson to the rusted, brittle 'Iron Man', would stand upto her toes. And she was congress itself. She didn't break the party line. But the way BJP leaders bend down to the rebels...

You are ok with a Congress stong man/women but not ok for a BJP one? I see a bias! Modi might go against the Party lines if he comes to power but I think it will be for the good of the country, why is going against the party lines a taboo? Because Congress does not believe in it? This is a democracy, do what is best, no?

The infighting for the position of candidature of PM, I am expecting it to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Except if we still have a PM in waiting who would probably be willing to go to grave of Afzal Guru to get some more votes..
IF Modi is selected to be the PM face of BJP, believe me Congress will also have only Modi's face to show - albiet in a negative light. Congress has zilch to show for development and achievements.
Now now, When was Chavan thrown out on congress party's free will? Did you follow the news properly?

He was accused in the Aadhar scam and so was removed under a great pressure. BJP will defend thier own just like Congress does, consider the following:

You missed my point entirely. Congress chose to let them remain, and can remove them at will.
BJP just couldn't do anything. Every now and then some rebel would be there, and leaders would be unable to do anything. Congress did removed the ministers when they thought there is too much pressure or when they thought they need to. BJP had to wait for the anti-corruption machinery do its work. They did not had any choice. A completely helpless/spineless leadership. Unlike the party with difference, congress leadership can make any of its minister dance to its tune.

1. Chidambaram and MMS were accused in 2G scam, did they step down on thier own or forced to by Congress? MMS might have to appear before the JPC if BJP has its way, so he is accused, what happened? Why no love lost?
2. Khursheed did not step down when accused for the scam his wife ran, why did he not step down? Forget stepping down why no inquiry was initiated? He was made the foreign minister, no?
3. Abhishek Manu Singhvi, the sex scandal he was involved in, what happened to him? He was not told to resign from his seat on moral grounds, why?
4. Serious allegations were leveled at Vadra for quid pro quo land he obtained being the countriy's son-in-law, why did Sonia Gandhi/Rahu Gandhi not step down, why not even an inquiry was inititated?
5. YSR was not forced to step down, many in congress knew what kind of things he was upto, why no action till someone went to the court that the skeletons started dancing out of the closet? He held 33 LS seats that is why?
6. See the case of Chavan above.
7. A Raja, not forced to step down till CBI was at his doorstep, you could say that he was part of the coalition and not of Congress but I guess you will not deny the fact that Congress could have done a lot there.
8. Mayawati, as long as the outside support was given she was safe. The day she rebelled, the health scam shows up and now the outside support is there so no news, how convenient!
9. Not sure about the TN case but the day they withdrew from the Govt. CBI raid at Stalin's home :azn:. Poor guy Karunanidhi had to cry on TV for the love for Congress and give outside support, very convenient Indeed!

I would not comment on A Raja, or other allies, but BJP would fair worse here.
Again, i will tell you the same thing its not just about the corruption, the whole political system is morally corrupted in India not just the BJP. Congress obviously is ahead of the game.

I will explain UP sitaution as being desperate, its not right but who is, dear?

Congress is definitely ahead, but would you prefer a leadership that tolerates corruption not because it want to, but because it is too weak to do anything against regional leaders?

The current Home minister is a joke, he actually did harm Indian cause by declaring that RSS is training terrorists in various camps. What do you have to say about that? I can find many faults of MMS, recent being 6 days of silence when our Jawan was beheaded by Pakistan. Should we go to the Nirbhay's Rape case?

Chidambaram, I feel is a worthy candidate to lead the country, why does the congress not project that person as the PM face instead of Rahul who does not have any credentials? What is the reason? "Gandhi Family"?

Please call back when when you can see the future, your statements are based on assumptions that he will not be able to, opposite to my assumption but I say give him a chance and we will see, Congress had lots of chances to make things right.

How are you sure that the garbage he spew about Lokpal being a constitutional authority was a advise by the wise? Assumptions again :azn:

If the speech at CII was a advise by his core advisers, they are doing a very very bad job! I cannot trust them to advice him in the future.

Oh and you see Congress as the better party despite me giving you so many examples. You gave me two only, I nine!

I dont like Congress, but I dislike the options more. For BJP, all I see is infighting for every position. And even their senior most, most respected leader to be helpless against them.

Whenever they had chance, they blundered. In midst of anti-corruption atmosphere, they had corruption cases against them. They were defending their own guilty members and attacking Congress at the same time. Be it nuclear agreement, or opening of economy. They always showed they are two faced, opposing only for the sake of opposing. Congress does that too, it has many faults in itself. But atleast it tries to hide them.

Talk about leadership, do you think the leadership of Congress, the Gandhis, are any worse than the successive presidents of BJP? May be Rahul's speech at CII was stupid, but it would not be worse than the blunders BJP president committed. I believe there are more than just the one in UP.

Let me make it clear again, I am not trying to defend Congress. It is not even possible. I just dont like the alternative. I fear, if the PM in waiting would become the Iron PM of the country.

You are ok with a Congress stong man/women but not ok for a BJP one? I see a bias! Modi might go against the Party lines if he comes to power but I think it will be for the good of the country, why is going against the party lines a taboo? Because Congress does not believe in it? This is a democracy, do what is best, no?

You misread me again. I never said that I am OK with a Congressi strong man/woman but not with BJP. It is quite the opposite, BJP just doesn't have one. It has bunch of strong regional leaders, and weak central ones which cant keep tabs on the regional one. If only BJP had a central strong figure, which could be projected as leader of all NDA, or PM candidate, like ABV or Advani of 2000. Right now it is just many cats with a piece of bread. The Congressi monkey must be delighted to see the scene, drooping over next govt! I honestly wish you luck with Modi becoming next PM. I probably would not be able to vote, but if I had, well my city is fort of BJP since ages and I had always in all elections voted for it. I just dont see him becoming one. And having real hard time if he does become one.

And why only praise Modi, why not Nitish? Gujarat already head a base. The people are business minded and rich, look at the rich Gujjus in Mumbai. What about Bihar, think of the abyss from which Nitish dragged it.Why is he any worse than Modi? This is obviously a better feat than that of Modi. Cause he isn't in media all the time? What about CG? I really appreciate the NDA, in some states, they have done wonders. But they would be hard pressed to even get the magic numbers. Just tell me how is Nitish any worse than Modi for PM.
You missed my point entirely. Congress chose to let them remain, and can remove them at will.
BJP just couldn't do anything. Every now and then some rebel would be there, and leaders would be unable to do anything. Congress did removed the ministers when they thought there is too much pressure or when they thought they need to. BJP had to wait for the anti-corruption machinery do its work. They did not had any choice. A completely helpless/spineless leadership. Unlike the party with difference, congress leadership can make any of its minister dance to its tune.
Give any one the power of CBI and then see the game what they can do, a party ruling the country for decades has strong roots, pretty obvious. Yedi was removed as the CM by the machinery but he was expelled from BJP. You have got it all wrong, he was forced to step down but he kept on holding owing to the MLA's who supported him. Are you some kind of propaganda machine for Congress? Spewing bullshit?
Mr. Yeddyurappa, who headed the BJP’s first government in the State, rebelled after the party leadership forced him to step down as Chief Minister following his indictment in the Karnataka Lokayukta report on illegal mining. His relationship with the party soured further after the central leadership took the stand that he would not be given any top post till he was cleared in the ongoing cases of alleged corruption.
Yeddyurappa quits BJP, Assembly - The Hindu

Dancing to his tune :lol: you need to see the Congress MLAs supporting Jagan mohan reddy in A.P, why do out think the CBI's iron grip on him? Someone rightly said, Congress Bureau of Investigation.

I would not comment on A Raja, or other allies, but BJP would fair worse here.
Is it an assumption again? Please substantiate that highlighted statement here.

Congress is definitely ahead, but would you prefer a leadership that tolerates corruption not because it want to, but because it is too weak to do anything against regional leaders?

I do not see how BJP has tolerated corruption and Congress has not. You have lost me here! I gave you many examples of accusation of corruptions, no single answer on all of them. If that is not tolerating corruption, I do not know what is.

I dont like Congress, but I dislike the options more. For BJP, all I see is infighting for every position. And even their senior most, most respected leader to be helpless against them.
The famous statement as given by every Congressi I have met.. They are not commanded by a dictator you know, people have a free mind not the restricted horse's vision.

Whenever they had chance, they blundered. In midst of anti-corruption atmosphere, they had corruption cases against them. They were defending their own guilty members and attacking Congress at the same time. Be it nuclear agreement, or opening of economy. They always showed they are two faced, opposing only for the sake of opposing. Congress does that too, it has many faults in itself. But atleast it tries to hide them.
Yes, I agree they had a corruption case against Gadkari but what happened, he lost his party presidency, what happened to Sonia or Rahul? Let me ask you, are you happy to see a party hiding its dirty laundry successfully, at the cost of out nation? It seems you do, is it what you expect from us too? I don't subscribe to this, sorry!

Talk about leadership, do you think the leadership of Congress, the Gandhis, are any worse than the successive presidents of BJP? May be Rahul's speech at CII was stupid, but it would not be worse than the blunders BJP president committed. I believe there are more than just the one in UP.
Please, stick to the question I asked. Those advisers are so stupid to make him give a speech like that? I mean does your fav candidate has any brains?

Let me make it clear again, I am not trying to defend Congress. It is not even possible. I just dont like the alternative. I fear, if the PM in waiting would become the Iron PM of the country.
It looks like you are my friend.. I voted for congress in UPA 1 but then what happened, what did they do, looted the country. To teach them a lesson they need to be shunted for at least 10 years so that they come back to their sense.

Even now you are not asking why not Chidambaram, why may I ask you the umpteenth time? I really might vote for congress under him.

You misread me again. I never said that I am OK with a Congressi strong man/woman but not with BJP.
Well it seemed like you did when you said

Good or bad, Indira was special. Even Nixon was overwhelmed by her. No one from the current batch of politicians, from her grandson to the rusted, brittle 'Iron Man', would stand upto her toes. And she was congress itself. She didn't break the party line. But the way BJP leaders bend down to the rebels...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...eneral-elections-2014-a-61.html#ixzz2QGAKJeIP

Even so, your bias is clear for me to see.

It is quite the opposite, BJP just doesn't have one. It has bunch of strong regional leaders, and weak central ones which cant keep tabs on the regional one. If only BJP had a central strong figure, which could be projected as leader of all NDA, or PM candidate, like ABV or Advani of 2000. Right now it is just many cats with a piece of bread.

Modi winning the election three times with a majority should tell you whether he is strong or not. No one knew Indra could be that dynamic, its the circumstances which brought those traits to the fore. This statement of your goes beyond assumption, it borders at stupidity.

The Congressi monkey must be delighted to see the scene, drooping over next govt! I honestly wish you luck with Modi becoming next PM. I probably would not be able to vote, but if I had, well my city is fort of BJP since ages and I had always in all elections voted for it. I just dont see him becoming one. And having real hard time if he does become one.

Of course, you are free to do what ever you want.

And why only praise Modi, why not Nitish? Gujarat already head a base. The people are business minded and rich, look at the rich Gujjus in Mumbai. What about Bihar, think of the abyss from which Nitish dragged it.Why is he any worse than Modi? This is obviously a better feat than that of Modi. Cause he isn't in media all the time? What about CG? I really appreciate the NDA, in some states, they have done wonders. But they would be hard pressed to even get the magic numbers. Just tell me how is Nitish any worse than Modi for PM.

There have been praise for Nitish, but he is not as popular as Narendra Modi, period.

Keeping a good economy running at the same momentum and improving it is more difficult that fixing a few things in a mess and giving it a direction. Also, if there is NDA at the center, the PM has to be from BJP because they will in any scenario contribute the most number of seats. That's how this game is played, if you did not know it already.
You missed my point entirely. Congress chose to let them remain, and can remove them at will.
BJP just couldn't do anything. Every now and then some rebel would be there, and leaders would be unable to do anything. Congress did removed the ministers when they thought there is too much pressure or when they thought they need to. BJP had to wait for the anti-corruption machinery do its work. They did not had any choice. A completely helpless/spineless leadership. Unlike the party with difference, congress leadership can make any of its minister dance to its tune.

Which is why NaMo needs to be the leader of BJP.....a leader with a SPINE backed by integrity and performance and a HUGE MASS BASE.

I would not comment on A Raja, or other allies, but BJP would fair worse here.

LOL....if you wont comment on Raja or allies why comment BJP would fair worse ....its only your prejudiced opinion. Why say it at all ?

Congress is definitely ahead, but would you prefer a leadership that tolerates corruption not because it want to, but because it is too weak to do anything against regional leaders?

Politics is the art of the possible, when its possible to take action everybody will take action, be it BJP or congress. Nothing makes things more possible than being in power :rolleyes:

I dont like Congress, but I dislike the options more. For BJP, all I see is infighting for every position. And even their senior most, most respected leader to be helpless against them.

There is NO example of infighting in BJP except for Karnataka which is now settled. On the other hand fighting between Chindu and Pranab Mukherjee is legendry :lol: ...not to mention infighting between Ajit Jogi and Union minister Dr Charan Das Mahant ...the list is endless:lol:

Whenever they had chance, they blundered. In midst of anti-corruption atmosphere, they had corruption cases against them. They were defending their own guilty members and attacking Congress at the same time. Be it nuclear agreement, or opening of economy. They always showed they are two faced, opposing only for the sake of opposing. Congress does that too, it has many faults in itself. But atleast it tries to hide them.

More allegation and red herring. .........this was the limit of stupidity. :sick:

Talk about leadership, do you think the leadership of Congress, the Gandhis, are any worse than the successive presidents of BJP? May be Rahul's speech at CII was stupid, but it would not be worse than the blunders BJP president committed. I believe there are more than just the one in UP.


There are records of Sonia Gandhi being in the payrolls of KGB ! These are not just allegations ....it is revealed by declassified KGB records which at now available at request.

Let me make it clear again, I am not trying to defend Congress. It is not even possible. I just dont like the alternative. I fear, if the PM in waiting would become the Iron PM of the country.

In spite of this disclaimer that is exactly what your are trying to do BECAUSE you dont like the alternative of MODI.

You misread me again. I never said that I am OK with a Congressi strong man/woman but not with BJP. It is quite the opposite, BJP just doesn't have one. It has bunch of strong regional leaders, and weak central ones which cant keep tabs on the regional one. If only BJP had a central strong figure, which could be projected as leader of all NDA, or PM candidate, like ABV or Advani of 2000. Right now it is just many cats with a piece of bread. The Congressi monkey must be delighted to see the scene, drooping over next govt! I honestly wish you luck with Modi becoming next PM. I probably would not be able to vote, but if I had, well my city is fort of BJP since ages and I had always in all elections voted for it. I just dont see him becoming one. And having real hard time if he does become one.

And why only praise Modi, why not Nitish? Gujarat already head a base. The people are business minded and rich, look at the rich Gujjus in Mumbai. What about Bihar, think of the abyss from which Nitish dragged it.Why is he any worse than Modi? This is obviously a better feat than that of Modi. Cause he isn't in media all the time? What about CG? I really appreciate the NDA, in some states, they have done wonders. But they would be hard pressed to even get the magic numbers. Just tell me how is Nitish any worse than Modi for PM.

Because Modi has integrity and does not play vote bank politics....Nitish has demonstrated no integrity by playing to the muslim gallery and stooping to vote bank politics.

I have given data earlier showing that Gujarat receives 1/2 the revenue it generates and Bihar receives twice (2 times) the revenue it generates, Yet Gujarat and Bihar grows at almost the same rate :angel:

MODI is part of BJP a National party, Nitish is a regional leader with no base in the rest of India.

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