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Sri Lankan monk sets himself ablaze over cow slaughter

Cattle is fundamental for a agrarian economy.

why would you eat something,which helps you.

Btw,Hinduism asks all of its followers to be vegetarian,but not everyone can afford milk/pulses/fruits etc all the time,so eating meat is normal for many people.

And most important point ,milk of cow nourishes you just like milk of your biological mother hence, cow is considered at a par with mother.
Cattle is fundamental for a agrarian economy.

why would you eat something,which helps you.

Btw,Hinduism asks all of its followers to be vegetarian,but not everyone can afford milk/pulses/fruits etc all the time,so eating meat is normal for many people.

Cows help me? The only times cows help me is when I'm digesting them or when their milk is quenching my thirst.

Are Hindus allowed to drink milk and eat eggs?
This guy is just a troll! i reported him!

Muslims dont worship pigs! its forbidden to even eat pork! our god is everywhere!

Astaghfirullah. That statement takes you out of the fold of Al-Islam. Make Tawba and read Kalma Sharif again my respected brother.
Cows help me? The only times cows help me is when I'm digesting them or when their milk is quenching my thirst.

Are Hindus allowed to drink milk and eat eggs?

Yes they do. Milk and Eggs are common. Hindus eat Chicken Mutton as well. I eat beef as well. In fact like it. ;)
cow isn`t sacred in buddhism.This monk is just stupid...According to buddhism killing any animal is eually wrong...In Buddhism u don`t worship cows like Hindus or pigs like muslims ..It also doesn`t force you to believe in a non existing god !

Muslims do not worship pigs, pigs are forbidden to be eaten, and are thought to be unclean animals.

Muslims worship The God, the one and only, who has created everything and nothing has created Him, He is unique, and nothing is like him, or comparable to him.
I don't get it. Which Hindus eat beef and which don't? Is this some kind of a Hindu sectarian issue?

Please kindly elaborate?
Unlike Middle Eastern religions which mostly consists of strict rules and commands for its followers, Indian religions mostly issues guidelines not rules and leaves it up to its followers to choose whether they want to adhere to those guidelines strictly or moderately or completely ignore them for example most of our religious books asks us to have strict vegetarian diet but still majority of Hindus today are non-vegetarians

@SUPARCO; hope this helps
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Unlike Middle Eastern religions which mostly consists of strict rules and commands for its followers, Indian religions mostly issues guidelines not rules and leaves it up to its followers to choose whether they want to adhere to those guidelines strictly or moderately or completely ignore them for example most of our religious books asks us to have strict vegetarian diet but still majority of Hindus today are non-vegetarians

@SUPARCO; hope this helps

Then why do Hindus attack Muslims when they eat beef if vegetarianism for Hindus is not compulsory according to Hindu guidelines?

You do realise that Hindus actually kill people of other religion if they're caught eating meat?
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Astaghfirullah. That statement takes you out of the fold of Al-Islam. Make Tawba and read Kalma Sharif again my respected brother.
@SUPARCO :blink: all @A.Rafay said is OUR GOD IS EVERYWHERE...whats wrong with tht? Is you GOD only in Mekkah? Because ALLAH told us he is everywhere....

It is He who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. He knows what penetrates into the earth and what emerges from it and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein; and He is with you wherever you are. And Allah , of what you do, is Seeing.
Quran surah Al-Hadid Verse 4.
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