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Putting Indo-BD Relations in Perspective


May 24, 2011
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The truth is: the Hindu-Muslim question in SA was not settled either in 1947 or in 1971. The Hindu's war on the Muslim continues but in phases and dimensions that is beyond the concepts of warfare understood commonly.
What do you want to discuss @asad71? I mean if you want to fight with Hindus then you are welcome to do so? In your own country you have some Hindus and you can fight or hug with them based on your wish....
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@Roybot heard that you guys want to ban Quran in your country? Why is that ?
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সোমবার, 18 মার্চ 2013 20:13

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal :: The War in New Phase : Enemy’s war never
ends: only changes its strategies and frontiers. India’s war against
the subcontinents’ Muslims did not end in 1947 or 1971.

It still continues. And Bangladesh is the perpetual battleground. The
Muslims of Bangladesh are given no time to relax. They can only
survive such on-going onslaught if they can identify and defeat the
enemy strategies, and purge their foot-soldiers. A body cannot live a
long life with killer bugs inside. And Bangladesh has enough of them.
The political border between Bangladesh and India still exist -even
after the break-up of Pakistan in 1971. But Bangladesh Awami League
(BAL) and their ally have been very successful to remove the country’s
cultural boundary –especially between the BAL followers and the
Indians. And culture has a dominant and defining role on politics.
Hence, the vision of BAL leaders is seldom different from that of a
Bengali Hindu. Bangladesh’s international border has been made
irrelevant to belittle such mutual cultural and political bondage.
Recent 3 days’ official visit of Mr. Pranab Mukharjee –the Indian
President, to Dhaka amidst 3 days’ dawn to dusk wheel-jam strike was
primarily arranged to demonstrate India’s commitment to such bondage.
Mr. Mukharjee directly delivered the promise of India’s unrelenting
support to the troubled Prime Minister Mrs. Hasina Wajed.

Like an Indian Hindu, the BAL people too, attribute Bangladesh’s
independent entity on the world map as a legacy of Pakistan and its
Muslim heritage. This map itself reminds them the unwanted division of
1947. Such Pakistani legacy is hindering BAL and it ally to fully
fall into Indian lap. However the political map of 1947 is so much
deeply rooted in the Bengali Muslims’ psyche that India could not
change it in 1971 –even after a full military occupation. They
realised, they can undo such legacy only through deleting it from
Muslims’ mind-set-only possible through a complete de-Islamisation.
And that needs a full cultural conversion. Hence, they brought a
full-fledged cultural war in Bangladesh. They consider it a key
strategy, and the sure way of isolating its 150 million Bengali
Muslims from the whole Muslim Ummah; and thereby to bring their total
subjugation to Indian hegemony. Their worry, if Islam survives in
Bangladesh, not only the border will survive, rather will get
strengthened to build a citadel of Islam on her eastern flank. One on
her western flank is already giving her a lot of troubles; hence can
hardly afford another one on her eastern border. Therefore,
dismantling such a possibility in Bangladesh is India’s most important
priority. As a part of the same coalition, India’s crony government in
Bangladesh has already launched on her behalf an all-inclusive war
against the Islamists. Recent events in Bangladesh must be studied
with such holistic perspectives.

Pakistan's division in 1971 was not the endgame. Rather starting point
of the next phase of Nehru doctrine – the Indianisation of the
separated East Pakistan. India’s vision is clear. Pakistan has
disappeared from its eastern border. But Bangladesh didn’t, and still
survives. They believe, if Bangladesh with its 160 million populations
sustains as an independent Islamic state, it will work as India’s
security threat for ever. The country’s rapidly resurging Islamists
can take over at any point of time. That will pose against India not
only a strategic threat, rather a civilizational challenge. Threat to
mighty Roman and Persian empires did not come from mighty kingdoms,
rather came from the poor people of Arabia. Hence they argue, if USA
and the Western Europe could consider an emerging Islamic Afghanistan
-with less than 30 million people in another part of the glove, a
security threat, why Islamic Bangladesh on her border cannot be the
same for India? If USA and her European ally can massively bomb and
occupy Afghanistan, why can’t India do the same in Bangladesh? India
is selling this view to the anti-Islamic coalition of the west and
getting a full support -as evidenced by their support for India’s
extremely brutal occupation of Kashmir. India has deployed more than
600,000 forces to suppress the Kashmiri up-rise. India is speculating
the same scenario in Bangladesh. Hence, India is getting more
aggressive towards her anti-Indian Bangladeshi neighbours. Its Border
Security Force (BSF) has killed more than 400 Bangladeshis only in
last 4 years. They did not kill even a quarter of that on its Pakistan
border in last 60 years. Bangladesh’s weaker military power might have
contributed to make her people more vulnerable. Moreover, the crony
government of Hasina paid blind eye to that.

The Cultural War

India’s current war is not for physical occupation of Bangladesh;
rather occupation of the people’s conceptual and cultural territory.
India wants to mould Bengali Muslims’ mind and mentality prior to any
all invasive war. That is through cultural conversion. India is
working day and night on such scheme. It has deployed thousands of
foot-soldiers on Bangladeshi soil to launch a huge cultural war.
Thousands of them are working as music teachers, dance teachers, art
teachers and in many other forms in almost all over the country.
Highly paid Indian agents are working as university teachers,
newspaper editors, TV presenters, columnists, reporters in almost all
government and non-government TV channels and newspapers. Most of the
country’s media organisations are indeed the Indian occupied
territories. They are the real Trojan horses inside Bangladesh.
Recently they launched an aggressive media and internet warfare
against Islam and the Islamists. Their real picture came to the
forefront while the Shahbag drama unfolded against the Islamists. When
the huge number of the cultural war foot-soldiers demonstrated the
strength in Dhaka’s Shahbag roundabout, these Indian agents cum
professionals could not remain hidden in their holes. They came out
with their real colour as warrior activists –especially while playing
their role as reporters, news casters, talk-show presenters and
newspaper columnists. Their colleagues in the internet blogs became so
much emboldened by the government support that they did not hesitate
to cross the red line. They not only raised slogans for total
annihilation of Islamic parties and their leaders, but also started
huge abusive campaign against the Almighty Allah Subhana Wa Taala, His
great prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the prophet’s wives and
his great companions. To their surprise, this caused a huge Islamic
resurgence in the silent majority. Millions of people came to the
street. As a consequence, their bubbles quickly fizzled out. They
retreated back to their workplaces under the government’s security

The Bengali people are indeed divided into two nations since day one
of Muslim advent in this land. Hence, after the end of British rule,
both the Hindus and the Muslims are pursuing two incompatible
political visions. In 1947, Bengal’s Muslim leaders tried to create an
undivided greater Bengal -separated from greater India. But the Hindu
Bengali watered down such a nationalist project with a fear that it
would bring dominance of the majority Bengali Muslims. In 1947, in
Bengal’s parliament in Calcutta, the Hindu members opted for joining
greater Hindu India with a pan-Hindu vision. The Bengali Muslims had
two options: either to form independent East Bengal or to join
Pakistan. In those days, the East Bengal Muslims were known for its
non-existent military power and poor economy. If separated as an
independent state in 1947, its army would have been much weaker than
that of Nizam of Hyderabad. The Bengali Muslims’ presence in civil
administration and other areas was also very scanty. Hence the wise
Bengali Muslim leaders of 1947 could clearly anticipate Kashmir or
Hyderabad-like Indian invasion of an independent East Bengal, thereby
quick accession to India. That invasion and accession of East Bengal
too, like invasion and accession of Kashmir and Hyderabad could go
unnoticed by the world powers. India could have found hundreds of
reasons to justify that. Even to catch a thief, one needs to invest
huge energy, even endanger his life. Therefore, who would have come to
invest their lives and money to save Independent Bengal from such
Indian invasion? Did anyone come to save Hyderabad or Kashmir? In
those days, the zeal of pan-Islamism in Muslim youths in Bengal was
very high, hence inspired to work for Pakistan. This was indeed the
background that led the Bengali Muslims to join Pakistan. Indeed, in
the making of the greatest Muslim country in the world, the Bengali
Muslims’ contribution was the greatest. Even All India Muslim League
–the organisation which led Indian Muslims to make Pakistan was born
in Dhaka. In 1946 election on Pakistan issue, Muslim League got the
strongest support from Bengal –not from any other province of India.
But BAL’s thoughtless jingoists have little strategic depth in their
thought or intellectual calibre to understand such crucial survival
interests of Islam and the Muslims in Bengal. Hence they detest the
Bengali Muslims’ decision of 1947. With such a distance from Islamic
belief and non-commitment for the Muslim interests, these BAL’s
cultural and intellectual converts now sing the same song with the
Indian Hindus.

The Hindu Vision & the Lie

The Hindu Bengalis had a vision. They wanted a united Bengal only if
merged with India. That way, the Bengali Muslims were offered the
slavery of Hindu majority rule in undivided India. The British left in
1947. But since then, the slavery under the Hindu rule has proved to
be much worse than the slavery under the British. The brutality has
already been much revealing in systematic anti-Muslim genocide in
Kashmir, Gujarat, Assam, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Meerat, Aligarh,
Allahabad and many other Indian states and cities. So the
anticipation of Allama Iqbal and the Muslim League leaders about the
danger of Hindu rule against Muslims proved to be 100% true. So with
such anticipation, in 1947, the Hindu project of united Bengal under
Indian Hindu majority rule was out-rightly rejected by the Muslims.

But still the Hindu protagonists of undivided India did not move a
single inch from their pre-1947 idea, rather they working day and
night on the same project. The whole paradigm of India’s current cold
war in Bangladesh –even in the remaining part of Pakistan, is based on
that pre-1947 Hindu concept. The Indian Hindu accepted the division of
Bengal and creation of Pakistan in 1947 for the time being; their next
move was to divide Pakistan and then engulf the weaker half –the East
Pakistan. This is India's much proclaimed Nehru doctrine. So far,
India has taken every calculated move to pursue that strategy. Since
1947, they were waiting for a right opportunity, and even Nehru
himself made a move to annex East Pakistan in his life time. But that
failed. The real opportunity came in 1971. India skilfully manipulated
Pakistan’s internal political crisis to manufacture a full-fledged war
to invade and occupy East Pakistan. But in 1972, India had to withdraw
its occupying troops under tremendous international pressure. Moreover
in 1972, the cultural and political situation of Bangladesh was not
ripe enough for India to go further for a full annexation. India
needed to do much home works to make the ground quite ripe for a full

Since the political map of Bangladesh draws its legitimacy from 1947’s
division of India, the Indian agents are doing concerted propaganda
against the sanity of such division. Even Dr. Zakir Naik –the famous
Muslim preacher of India argues openly in his speech that the division
of India in 1947 was wrong. It indeed owes to his tunnel vision and
gross inadequacy in his political understanding. With such personal
constraints, people cannot see a bigger picture. In his public speech,
he boasts India as the fast growing superpower and rejoices that India
will go far superior to the USA. As if, the Indian Muslims are going
to gain much from India’s super-power status. Like an average Hindu
Indian, here he turns to a nationalist chauvinist. Such speeches are
getting huge audience all over the subcontinent. This way he is doing
a great job as India’s cold war warrior against Bangladesh and
Pakistan. In fact, India’s such relentless cold war has made millions
of such converts not only in India, but also in Pakistan and

The Blessing of a Muslim State

But the truth is different. The creation of Pakistan in 1947 brought
enormous blessing –both material and spiritual, not only to Pakistan,
but also to the people of Bangladesh. India’s Muslim Population is
larger than that of Bangladesh. But the number of Muslim doctors,
engineers, scientists, academics, lawyers, army and police men,
religious scholars, industrialists and big businessman living in only
one city of Bangladesh like Dhaka is much larger than the total number
of such value-added people in India’s whole Muslim population. Indian
Muslims are almost invisible amidst the overwhelming Hindus in the
overseas, where as the overseas Bangladeshi are almost ten million.
The success of Pakistani Muslims is much higher, because the creation
of this largest Muslim country with a pan-Islamic vision worked with
much better image among the world’s Muslim population. The
middle-eastern rulers, developers and business establishments helped
Pakistan in many ways. After 1971’s debacle, they not only opened
gates for millions of Pakistani workers to their countries and built
hospitals and mosques in Pakistani cities, but also financed
Pakistan’s costly nuclear projects. Whereas Bangladesh had to carry
the status tag of India-midwifed vassal state for many years.

These are only few material gifts of an independent Muslim majority
state. More blessings come in other ways. The Muslims build states not
for mere raising homes and businesses, nor for growing cattle and
crops. They can do such things even in non-Muslim countries. In life
time, Muslims must play the most important role to fulfil the Divine
obligation as Allah’s viceroy on earth. That is to bring ultimate
supremacy of His law in His land, and contribute his own share to
raise an Islamic civilisation. If the land is grabbed by the enemies,
a Muslim must do something to end such occupation. The early Muslims
made most of their sacrifices not in raising homes or businesses,
rather to establish and defend such Islamic state. Indeed, this is the
greatest teaching of the prophet (peace be upon him). The Muslims of
other times and other lands have a duty to follow such an
indispensable prophetic tradition. Living in a non-Muslim state, a
Muslim does not enjoy any space to practise such tradition. This is
why migration to a non-Muslim state never got appreciation from a true
believer. It has been only justified for security reasons; like the
migration of early Muslims to Ethiopia. Hence, all Muslims are
faith-bound to establish Muslim majority states; then move on to
convert those into Islamic state. Indeed, in 1947, the creation of
Pakistan was deemed as an obligation to address such a basic Muslim
political as well as a spiritual need.

The Muslim majority Bangladesh and Pakistan are not still Islamic; but
the opportunities for such change are still profound. The Muslims in
these two countries can still dream about that. But such dream is
unthinkable in Hindu majority India -even in coming thousand years. At
best, the Indian Muslims can practise Islam as devout follower of
Tabligh jamaat. But Tabligh jamaat does not replicate Prophet’s
complete Islam. They cannot practise Islam as a full Muslim with all
the dimensions of prophetic teachings. For that, a Muslim needs to
enter into full sharia rule, into Islamic culture, into full Islamic
education, into Islamic administration, into jihad, into Muslim
brotherhood, so on and so forth. Hence, for such a full Islamic
practice, Muslims need an Islamic state. The prophet of Islam and his
great companions needed that. Hence today, how a Muslim can be full
Muslim without that?

The Indian Hindus may enough reasons to tell a lot of lies against
1947’s division of India. They blame it a British ploy in conjugation
with Muslim communalists! But how a Muslim can repeat the same lie?
Muslims can commit to such lie only with intense ignorance. This owes
to their ignorance of Islamic vision of a true believer. The enemies
have a motive. They want to take the Muslims out of the Divine
mission; hence they relentlessly tell lies against Islam and the
Muslim history. Bangladesh is the home of more than 150 Million
Muslims. So the enemies cannot be oblivious of such huge Muslim
populations. Indeed they have an agenda. So the country has turned not
only to homes of thousands of anti-Islamic NGOs, but also breeding
ground for thousands of anti-Islamic bloggers and cultural warriors.
They have gained so much strength under the current government that
they are now demanding the prohibition of all Islamic parties and
their activities. For the Islamists, the life was not so difficult
even in British rule. It was unthinkable even 60 years ago.



The Objectives

India’s political investment in Bangladesh has always been massive. In
2008 election, it went to a diabolic proportion. London’s weekly “the
Economist” gave a testimony to that. So far, India’s key strategy has
been to replicate its successfully executed Sikkim strategy: that
entails buying the political leaders as well as the players in the key
positions in the army, media, police and civil administration. In
2006, after the end of Khalida Zia’s BNP rule, India worked with other
anti-Islamic foreign stakeholders to install a pro-Indian
proxy-military government to manipulate the forthcoming election
results in 2008. Their plan worked very well and their stooges won a
landslide victory. After the election victory and quick installation
of a coalition government, the AL and its 14 party-alliance were
entrusted with the second phase of the work. This time, India and her
cronies in Bangladesh did not want to miss this hard-earned
opportunity in any way. After analysing the past 4 years’ BAL
administration, it is now clear that the government has worked with
two-pronged main objectives. These are: a). Rapid de-Islamisation of
the people –especially Muslim youths and the school-going children,
and B). Breaking down the backbones of the Islamic organisations and
their Islamist leaders.

The Strategies

To fulfil the stipulated objectives, BAL and its ally are working on
some planned strategies. These can be easily understood from the last
four years’ activities. These are as follows:

Strategy 1: Re-framing a secular education policy at all level and
re-writing all text books with a special emphasis on curtailing the
amount of Islamic knowledge and infusing sentiments against country’s
Islamic values and personalities. Raising acceptability and
compatibility with India’s Hindu worldviews has been other strategic
goal. The Hindu political, intellectual and literary figures like
Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore and others were placed in limelight as the
figure of highness to be followed by the students. Whereas Islam’s
great prophet like Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and other
prophets, the great companions of the prophet, the great Muslim
rulers, the thinkers and the reformers who contributed decisively to
Islamise Bengal’s landscape were given very little or no importance in
the education policy. For eyewash, they added some Islamic flavour by
incorporating some stories of folklore fakirs and sufi saints in the

Strategy 2: Reducing and restricting the learning of the Holy Qur’an,
the prophetic tradition and Islam’s history in both the state run
secular schools and in the religious madrasas. With such an objective
against Islam, the government reduced the emphasis of learning Arabic
language in religious madrasas: made it optional from its previous
compulsory status. Moreover, the amount of dis-information on
fundamentals of Islam that are passed on to the students through the
text books is also huge. Recently it came to the press that it is
written in year 9’s text book that meats of animals sacrificed in the
name of other deities are also halal.

Strategy 3: Projecting Shaikh Mujib as the greatest personality in
thousands of years’ Bengal history. “Bangla academy” and other
government bodies run by the tax-payers money were entrusted to
publish hundreds of books on Mujib and his family –both for adults and
for the youths. Millions of Taka was granted to public libraries to
purchase those books. TV, radio and other mass media were used to
publicise Mujib’s life and his speeches. Whereas, publishing books on
Qur’anic teachings, the prophet’s life, great Muslim personalities and
Islamic history were much restricted.

Strategy 4: Keeping constant vigilance on religious sermons in
mosques, prohibiting and restricting Quranic tafsirs classes in
open-field mass gatherings by the scholars, and prohibiting
publication and circulation of books on jihad and sharia. The police
and the Rapid Action Battalions (RAB) were the key tools for
suppression of any Islamic propagation. They raided houses, offices
and bookshops to confiscate Islamic books –especially on jihad and
Islamic movement. The books written by Moulana Syed Maudoodi and Syed
Qutb are the special target. In Bangladesh, it is a common practice
that the people form committees to organise Quranic tafseer sessions
in open fields. These happen in almost every nook and corner of the
country around the year. In such gatherings, the eminent religious
scholars are invited to deliver long speeches on Islamic teaching.
Indeed, the Qur’anic knowledge and prophetic tradition survived among
people through such public speeches for ages; and thus Islam reached
to the doorsteps of the common people in Bengal. But Hasina’s regime
has turned its government machinery against such popular tradition.
She and her political ally rebuke it as a tool of spreading
fundamentalism. Moulana Dilawar Hussain Sayeedi is widely known as the
most famous religious speaker that Bangladesh has ever produced. His
speech inspired scores of non-Muslims to accept Islam. But such
extraordinary skill and Islamic knowledge of Moulana Sayeedi did not
impress the government. He was put him behind the bar for more than
two years. The government alleged him as murderer, arsonist, rapist
and above all anti-liberationist in the war of independence in 1971.
Recently the subservient judiciary of the government has passed a
verdict to hang him. After such pronouncement, the country has entered
into a virtual civil war like state. Already more than 100 people are
killed by the police; several thousands are wounded and tens of
thousands of people are imprisoned.

Strategy 5: Annihilation of Islamic parties by banning their
organisation, killing their leaders, imprisoning their workers,
closing their offices and confiscating financial resources. The BAL
government has already banned Hezbut Tahrir as a part of the strategy.
In Bangladesh, people are dying every day by terrorist attacks. BAL’s
student cadres openly carry firearms; they kill people in front of the
police. But the police do not touch them; let alone arresting them and
putting them behind the bar. Although there is no proof that Hezbut
Tahrir has taken part in any terrorist activities, the Government has
disbanded them. At Shahbag roundabout of Dhaka, the BAL cadres are
openly raising slogan to kill every razakar without any trail,
instigating people to destroy the Islamists’ banks and other financial
institutions. They have clogged the busy roads for more than a month.
In a civilized country, all these are punishable criminal crimes. But
in Bangladesh, they are getting government’s blessing. The government
not only asked the local schools to supply children to continuously
feed Shahbag’s gathering, but also deployed hundred police constables
to protect these hooligans day and night from public anger. The
government and non-government TV channels have been asked to show
day-long live casts to spread their venomous speech. One the other
hand, if Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) or Shibir (JI’s student force) or any
other Islamic party bring out any peaceful procession, police would
apply every possible means to dismantle them. In several occasions,
they even opened fire arms to kill the protesters. The Home Minister
has ordered the police to resist JI and Shibir where ever found - even
if found in peaceful rally or procession. Dhaka’s Metropolitan Police
Commissioner has been reported to ask his police to shoot JI and
Shibir worker instantly if found anywhere. In a civilised country, a
police constable is never given the authority to kill any man or woman
on the street. Even Bangladesh’s own law does not allow even a
district judge to hang a worst criminal; his judgement needs to be
ratified by the high court. But the current government has given such
power to political foot soldiers on the street. So the war like
situation had returned to Bangladesh’s street. So JI is not allowed
to hold any rally in any part of the country. Already police has
killed more than 100 people, and tens of thousands of JI and Shibir
workers are arrested. The government is not still happy with such
brutal suppression; they now want to ban JI.

Strategy 6: Using cultural activities like open air concerts, dance
show, drama show, film festivals, village theatres, TV shows to
deflect people away from Islamic belief and practices. To make this
cultural war a big success, India’s investment is huge. It has
extensively deployed its cultural foot-soldiers in every nook and
corner of the country. India’s film stars, singers, dancers are making
continuous visits to Bangladeshi cities. Thousands of people attend
those shows. Bangladesh is a country of foreign-funded NGOs. Thousands
of these NGOs are working exclusively to train boys and girls in
dancing and singing. Along with hundreds of Bangladeshi Hindu girls,
thousands of Muslim girls from secular families have joined this huge
army of cultural warriors against Islamic faith and practices. All
these are happening in the name of cultural activities.

The Imminent Danger

The enemy of Islam understand that the full conversion of Bengali
Muslims to non-Islam is difficult. But they also understand that it is
very easy make them cultural converts. It is no less harmful either.
Indeed, this way they are pulling the Muslims away from Islam’s
fundamental belief and practice, and making easy inroads into Muslims’
inner circles of politics and other activities. Since culture itself
is the expression of Muslim faith; and many Bengali Muslims are indeed
mere cultural Muslim with little Islamic knowledge and aqeeda, such
cultural conversion will be highly detrimental to Islam in Bangladesh.
Ultimately, that will lead to massive de-Islamisation. And such
de-Islamisation would adequately serve the enemy’s political and
strategic purpose.

In the past, the Muslims have experienced the calamities caused by
this de-Islamised brand of the Muslims. They worked as the most
obedient collaborators of the enemies. They fought with the British
colonial army to extend their rule in most of the Muslim lands. Like
any non-Muslim army, they did not hesitate to slaughter the fellow
Muslims. The same brand of people joined British army in World War-I
to snatch the Muslim Iraq and Palestine from Muslim Khelafa and placed
them in the alter of the British Empire. In 1971, the same
de-Islamised brand went to India to get training and arms to dismember
Pakistan and slaughter both Bengali and non-Bengali Muslims in
Bangladesh. Now they want to hang the remaining Islamists. India still
wants the same lot of collaborators with same anti-Islamic zeal. They
are working very hard to get them in enough number. The gathering in
Shahbag, indeed gave a vivid display of these products. This is the
core point of India’s current cold war in Bangladesh. If India
continues to win the war with current pace, she will not need any
conventional war to colonise this Muslim land. The time will come when
these Bangladesh converts, like Bengali Hindu, will ask for the
merger. India is cunningly waiting for such a moment. 17/03/13
@asad71 no need to overwhelm so much with this de islamizing rants. Muslim brotherhood and muslim unity dont exist at all. We need friends not by religion but for our interests. With logic you can explain everything by this conspiracy theories. But reality is very different.
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সোমবার, 18 মার্চ 2013 20:13

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal :: The War in New Phase : Enemy’s war never
ends: only changes its strategies and frontiers. India’s war against
the subcontinents’ Muslims did not end in 1947 or 1971.

It still continues. And Bangladesh is the perpetual battleground. The
Muslims of Bangladesh are given no time to relax. They can only
survive such on-going onslaught if they can identify and defeat the
enemy strategies, and purge their foot-soldiers. A body cannot live a
long life with killer bugs inside. And Bangladesh has enough of them.
The political border between Bangladesh and India still exist -even
after the break-up of Pakistan in 1971. But Bangladesh Awami League
(BAL) and their ally have been very successful to remove the country’s
cultural boundary –especially between the BAL followers and the
Indians. And culture has a dominant and defining role on politics.
Hence, the vision of BAL leaders is seldom different from that of a
Bengali Hindu. Bangladesh’s international border has been made
irrelevant to belittle such mutual cultural and political bondage.
Recent 3 days’ official visit of Mr. Pranab Mukharjee –the Indian
President, to Dhaka amidst 3 days’ dawn to dusk wheel-jam strike was
primarily arranged to demonstrate India’s commitment to such bondage.
Mr. Mukharjee directly delivered the promise of India’s unrelenting
support to the troubled Prime Minister Mrs. Hasina Wajed.

Like an Indian Hindu, the BAL people too, attribute Bangladesh’s
independent entity on the world map as a legacy of Pakistan and its
Muslim heritage. This map itself reminds them the unwanted division of
1947. Such Pakistani legacy is hindering BAL and it ally to fully
fall into Indian lap. However the political map of 1947 is so much
deeply rooted in the Bengali Muslims’ psyche that India could not
change it in 1971 –even after a full military occupation. They
realised, they can undo such legacy only through deleting it from
Muslims’ mind-set-only possible through a complete de-Islamisation.
And that needs a full cultural conversion. Hence, they brought a
full-fledged cultural war in Bangladesh. They consider it a key
strategy, and the sure way of isolating its 150 million Bengali
Muslims from the whole Muslim Ummah; and thereby to bring their total
subjugation to Indian hegemony. Their worry, if Islam survives in
Bangladesh, not only the border will survive, rather will get
strengthened to build a citadel of Islam on her eastern flank. One on
her western flank is already giving her a lot of troubles; hence can
hardly afford another one on her eastern border. Therefore,
dismantling such a possibility in Bangladesh is India’s most important
priority. As a part of the same coalition, India’s crony government in
Bangladesh has already launched on her behalf an all-inclusive war
against the Islamists. Recent events in Bangladesh must be studied
with such holistic perspectives.

Pakistan's division in 1971 was not the endgame. Rather starting point
of the next phase of Nehru doctrine – the Indianisation of the
separated East Pakistan. India’s vision is clear. Pakistan has
disappeared from its eastern border. But Bangladesh didn’t, and still
survives. They believe, if Bangladesh with its 160 million populations
sustains as an independent Islamic state, it will work as India’s
security threat for ever. The country’s rapidly resurging Islamists
can take over at any point of time. That will pose against India not
only a strategic threat, rather a civilizational challenge. Threat to
mighty Roman and Persian empires did not come from mighty kingdoms,
rather came from the poor people of Arabia. Hence they argue, if USA
and the Western Europe could consider an emerging Islamic Afghanistan
-with less than 30 million people in another part of the glove, a
security threat, why Islamic Bangladesh on her border cannot be the
same for India? If USA and her European ally can massively bomb and
occupy Afghanistan, why can’t India do the same in Bangladesh? India
is selling this view to the anti-Islamic coalition of the west and
getting a full support -as evidenced by their support for India’s
extremely brutal occupation of Kashmir. India has deployed more than
600,000 forces to suppress the Kashmiri up-rise. India is speculating
the same scenario in Bangladesh. Hence, India is getting more
aggressive towards her anti-Indian Bangladeshi neighbours. Its Border
Security Force (BSF) has killed more than 400 Bangladeshis only in
last 4 years. They did not kill even a quarter of that on its Pakistan
border in last 60 years. Bangladesh’s weaker military power might have
contributed to make her people more vulnerable. Moreover, the crony
government of Hasina paid blind eye to that.

The Cultural War

India’s current war is not for physical occupation of Bangladesh;
rather occupation of the people’s conceptual and cultural territory.
India wants to mould Bengali Muslims’ mind and mentality prior to any
all invasive war. That is through cultural conversion. India is
working day and night on such scheme. It has deployed thousands of
foot-soldiers on Bangladeshi soil to launch a huge cultural war.
Thousands of them are working as music teachers, dance teachers, art
teachers and in many other forms in almost all over the country.
Highly paid Indian agents are working as university teachers,
newspaper editors, TV presenters, columnists, reporters in almost all
government and non-government TV channels and newspapers. Most of the
country’s media organisations are indeed the Indian occupied
territories. They are the real Trojan horses inside Bangladesh.
Recently they launched an aggressive media and internet warfare
against Islam and the Islamists. Their real picture came to the
forefront while the Shahbag drama unfolded against the Islamists. When
the huge number of the cultural war foot-soldiers demonstrated the
strength in Dhaka’s Shahbag roundabout, these Indian agents cum
professionals could not remain hidden in their holes. They came out
with their real colour as warrior activists –especially while playing
their role as reporters, news casters, talk-show presenters and
newspaper columnists. Their colleagues in the internet blogs became so
much emboldened by the government support that they did not hesitate
to cross the red line. They not only raised slogans for total
annihilation of Islamic parties and their leaders, but also started
huge abusive campaign against the Almighty Allah Subhana Wa Taala, His
great prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the prophet’s wives and
his great companions. To their surprise, this caused a huge Islamic
resurgence in the silent majority. Millions of people came to the
street. As a consequence, their bubbles quickly fizzled out. They
retreated back to their workplaces under the government’s security

The Bengali people are indeed divided into two nations since day one
of Muslim advent in this land. Hence, after the end of British rule,
both the Hindus and the Muslims are pursuing two incompatible
political visions. In 1947, Bengal’s Muslim leaders tried to create an
undivided greater Bengal -separated from greater India. But the Hindu
Bengali watered down such a nationalist project with a fear that it
would bring dominance of the majority Bengali Muslims. In 1947, in
Bengal’s parliament in Calcutta, the Hindu members opted for joining
greater Hindu India with a pan-Hindu vision. The Bengali Muslims had
two options: either to form independent East Bengal or to join
Pakistan. In those days, the East Bengal Muslims were known for its
non-existent military power and poor economy. If separated as an
independent state in 1947, its army would have been much weaker than
that of Nizam of Hyderabad. The Bengali Muslims’ presence in civil
administration and other areas was also very scanty. Hence the wise
Bengali Muslim leaders of 1947 could clearly anticipate Kashmir or
Hyderabad-like Indian invasion of an independent East Bengal, thereby
quick accession to India. That invasion and accession of East Bengal
too, like invasion and accession of Kashmir and Hyderabad could go
unnoticed by the world powers. India could have found hundreds of
reasons to justify that. Even to catch a thief, one needs to invest
huge energy, even endanger his life. Therefore, who would have come to
invest their lives and money to save Independent Bengal from such
Indian invasion? Did anyone come to save Hyderabad or Kashmir? In
those days, the zeal of pan-Islamism in Muslim youths in Bengal was
very high, hence inspired to work for Pakistan. This was indeed the
background that led the Bengali Muslims to join Pakistan. Indeed, in
the making of the greatest Muslim country in the world, the Bengali
Muslims’ contribution was the greatest. Even All India Muslim League
–the organisation which led Indian Muslims to make Pakistan was born
in Dhaka. In 1946 election on Pakistan issue, Muslim League got the
strongest support from Bengal –not from any other province of India.
But BAL’s thoughtless jingoists have little strategic depth in their
thought or intellectual calibre to understand such crucial survival
interests of Islam and the Muslims in Bengal. Hence they detest the
Bengali Muslims’ decision of 1947. With such a distance from Islamic
belief and non-commitment for the Muslim interests, these BAL’s
cultural and intellectual converts now sing the same song with the
Indian Hindus.

The Hindu Vision & the Lie

The Hindu Bengalis had a vision. They wanted a united Bengal only if
merged with India. That way, the Bengali Muslims were offered the
slavery of Hindu majority rule in undivided India. The British left in
1947. But since then, the slavery under the Hindu rule has proved to
be much worse than the slavery under the British. The brutality has
already been much revealing in systematic anti-Muslim genocide in
Kashmir, Gujarat, Assam, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Meerat, Aligarh,
Allahabad and many other Indian states and cities. So the
anticipation of Allama Iqbal and the Muslim League leaders about the
danger of Hindu rule against Muslims proved to be 100% true. So with
such anticipation, in 1947, the Hindu project of united Bengal under
Indian Hindu majority rule was out-rightly rejected by the Muslims.

But still the Hindu protagonists of undivided India did not move a
single inch from their pre-1947 idea, rather they working day and
night on the same project. The whole paradigm of India’s current cold
war in Bangladesh –even in the remaining part of Pakistan, is based on
that pre-1947 Hindu concept. The Indian Hindu accepted the division of
Bengal and creation of Pakistan in 1947 for the time being; their next
move was to divide Pakistan and then engulf the weaker half –the East
Pakistan. This is India's much proclaimed Nehru doctrine. So far,
India has taken every calculated move to pursue that strategy. Since
1947, they were waiting for a right opportunity, and even Nehru
himself made a move to annex East Pakistan in his life time. But that
failed. The real opportunity came in 1971. India skilfully manipulated
Pakistan’s internal political crisis to manufacture a full-fledged war
to invade and occupy East Pakistan. But in 1972, India had to withdraw
its occupying troops under tremendous international pressure. Moreover
in 1972, the cultural and political situation of Bangladesh was not
ripe enough for India to go further for a full annexation. India
needed to do much home works to make the ground quite ripe for a full

Since the political map of Bangladesh draws its legitimacy from 1947’s
division of India, the Indian agents are doing concerted propaganda
against the sanity of such division. Even Dr. Zakir Naik –the famous
Muslim preacher of India argues openly in his speech that the division
of India in 1947 was wrong. It indeed owes to his tunnel vision and
gross inadequacy in his political understanding. With such personal
constraints, people cannot see a bigger picture. In his public speech,
he boasts India as the fast growing superpower and rejoices that India
will go far superior to the USA. As if, the Indian Muslims are going
to gain much from India’s super-power status. Like an average Hindu
Indian, here he turns to a nationalist chauvinist. Such speeches are
getting huge audience all over the subcontinent. This way he is doing
a great job as India’s cold war warrior against Bangladesh and
Pakistan. In fact, India’s such relentless cold war has made millions
of such converts not only in India, but also in Pakistan and

The Blessing of a Muslim State

But the truth is different. The creation of Pakistan in 1947 brought
enormous blessing –both material and spiritual, not only to Pakistan,
but also to the people of Bangladesh. India’s Muslim Population is
larger than that of Bangladesh. But the number of Muslim doctors,
engineers, scientists, academics, lawyers, army and police men,
religious scholars, industrialists and big businessman living in only
one city of Bangladesh like Dhaka is much larger than the total number
of such value-added people in India’s whole Muslim population. Indian
Muslims are almost invisible amidst the overwhelming Hindus in the
overseas, where as the overseas Bangladeshi are almost ten million.
The success of Pakistani Muslims is much higher, because the creation
of this largest Muslim country with a pan-Islamic vision worked with
much better image among the world’s Muslim population. The
middle-eastern rulers, developers and business establishments helped
Pakistan in many ways. After 1971’s debacle, they not only opened
gates for millions of Pakistani workers to their countries and built
hospitals and mosques in Pakistani cities, but also financed
Pakistan’s costly nuclear projects. Whereas Bangladesh had to carry
the status tag of India-midwifed vassal state for many years.

These are only few material gifts of an independent Muslim majority
state. More blessings come in other ways. The Muslims build states not
for mere raising homes and businesses, nor for growing cattle and
crops. They can do such things even in non-Muslim countries. In life
time, Muslims must play the most important role to fulfil the Divine
obligation as Allah’s viceroy on earth. That is to bring ultimate
supremacy of His law in His land, and contribute his own share to
raise an Islamic civilisation. If the land is grabbed by the enemies,
a Muslim must do something to end such occupation. The early Muslims
made most of their sacrifices not in raising homes or businesses,
rather to establish and defend such Islamic state. Indeed, this is the
greatest teaching of the prophet (peace be upon him). The Muslims of
other times and other lands have a duty to follow such an
indispensable prophetic tradition. Living in a non-Muslim state, a
Muslim does not enjoy any space to practise such tradition. This is
why migration to a non-Muslim state never got appreciation from a true
believer. It has been only justified for security reasons; like the
migration of early Muslims to Ethiopia. Hence, all Muslims are
faith-bound to establish Muslim majority states; then move on to
convert those into Islamic state. Indeed, in 1947, the creation of
Pakistan was deemed as an obligation to address such a basic Muslim
political as well as a spiritual need.

The Muslim majority Bangladesh and Pakistan are not still Islamic; but
the opportunities for such change are still profound. The Muslims in
these two countries can still dream about that. But such dream is
unthinkable in Hindu majority India -even in coming thousand years. At
best, the Indian Muslims can practise Islam as devout follower of
Tabligh jamaat. But Tabligh jamaat does not replicate Prophet’s
complete Islam. They cannot practise Islam as a full Muslim with all
the dimensions of prophetic teachings. For that, a Muslim needs to
enter into full sharia rule, into Islamic culture, into full Islamic
education, into Islamic administration, into jihad, into Muslim
brotherhood, so on and so forth. Hence, for such a full Islamic
practice, Muslims need an Islamic state. The prophet of Islam and his
great companions needed that. Hence today, how a Muslim can be full
Muslim without that?

The Indian Hindus may enough reasons to tell a lot of lies against
1947’s division of India. They blame it a British ploy in conjugation
with Muslim communalists! But how a Muslim can repeat the same lie?
Muslims can commit to such lie only with intense ignorance. This owes
to their ignorance of Islamic vision of a true believer. The enemies
have a motive. They want to take the Muslims out of the Divine
mission; hence they relentlessly tell lies against Islam and the
Muslim history. Bangladesh is the home of more than 150 Million
Muslims. So the enemies cannot be oblivious of such huge Muslim
populations. Indeed they have an agenda. So the country has turned not
only to homes of thousands of anti-Islamic NGOs, but also breeding
ground for thousands of anti-Islamic bloggers and cultural warriors.
They have gained so much strength under the current government that
they are now demanding the prohibition of all Islamic parties and
their activities. For the Islamists, the life was not so difficult
even in British rule. It was unthinkable even 60 years ago.



The Objectives

India’s political investment in Bangladesh has always been massive. In
2008 election, it went to a diabolic proportion. London’s weekly “the
Economist” gave a testimony to that. So far, India’s key strategy has
been to replicate its successfully executed Sikkim strategy: that
entails buying the political leaders as well as the players in the key
positions in the army, media, police and civil administration. In
2006, after the end of Khalida Zia’s BNP rule, India worked with other
anti-Islamic foreign stakeholders to install a pro-Indian
proxy-military government to manipulate the forthcoming election
results in 2008. Their plan worked very well and their stooges won a
landslide victory. After the election victory and quick installation
of a coalition government, the AL and its 14 party-alliance were
entrusted with the second phase of the work. This time, India and her
cronies in Bangladesh did not want to miss this hard-earned
opportunity in any way. After analysing the past 4 years’ BAL
administration, it is now clear that the government has worked with
two-pronged main objectives. These are: a). Rapid de-Islamisation of
the people –especially Muslim youths and the school-going children,
and B). Breaking down the backbones of the Islamic organisations and
their Islamist leaders.

The Strategies

To fulfil the stipulated objectives, BAL and its ally are working on
some planned strategies. These can be easily understood from the last
four years’ activities. These are as follows:

Strategy 1: Re-framing a secular education policy at all level and
re-writing all text books with a special emphasis on curtailing the
amount of Islamic knowledge and infusing sentiments against country’s
Islamic values and personalities. Raising acceptability and
compatibility with India’s Hindu worldviews has been other strategic
goal. The Hindu political, intellectual and literary figures like
Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore and others were placed in limelight as the
figure of highness to be followed by the students. Whereas Islam’s
great prophet like Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and other
prophets, the great companions of the prophet, the great Muslim
rulers, the thinkers and the reformers who contributed decisively to
Islamise Bengal’s landscape were given very little or no importance in
the education policy. For eyewash, they added some Islamic flavour by
incorporating some stories of folklore fakirs and sufi saints in the

Strategy 2: Reducing and restricting the learning of the Holy Qur’an,
the prophetic tradition and Islam’s history in both the state run
secular schools and in the religious madrasas. With such an objective
against Islam, the government reduced the emphasis of learning Arabic
language in religious madrasas: made it optional from its previous
compulsory status. Moreover, the amount of dis-information on
fundamentals of Islam that are passed on to the students through the
text books is also huge. Recently it came to the press that it is
written in year 9’s text book that meats of animals sacrificed in the
name of other deities are also halal.

Strategy 3: Projecting Shaikh Mujib as the greatest personality in
thousands of years’ Bengal history. “Bangla academy” and other
government bodies run by the tax-payers money were entrusted to
publish hundreds of books on Mujib and his family –both for adults and
for the youths. Millions of Taka was granted to public libraries to
purchase those books. TV, radio and other mass media were used to
publicise Mujib’s life and his speeches. Whereas, publishing books on
Qur’anic teachings, the prophet’s life, great Muslim personalities and
Islamic history were much restricted.

Strategy 4: Keeping constant vigilance on religious sermons in
mosques, prohibiting and restricting Quranic tafsirs classes in
open-field mass gatherings by the scholars, and prohibiting
publication and circulation of books on jihad and sharia. The police
and the Rapid Action Battalions (RAB) were the key tools for
suppression of any Islamic propagation. They raided houses, offices
and bookshops to confiscate Islamic books –especially on jihad and
Islamic movement. The books written by Moulana Syed Maudoodi and Syed
Qutb are the special target. In Bangladesh, it is a common practice
that the people form committees to organise Quranic tafseer sessions
in open fields. These happen in almost every nook and corner of the
country around the year. In such gatherings, the eminent religious
scholars are invited to deliver long speeches on Islamic teaching.
Indeed, the Qur’anic knowledge and prophetic tradition survived among
people through such public speeches for ages; and thus Islam reached
to the doorsteps of the common people in Bengal. But Hasina’s regime
has turned its government machinery against such popular tradition.
She and her political ally rebuke it as a tool of spreading
fundamentalism. Moulana Dilawar Hussain Sayeedi is widely known as the
most famous religious speaker that Bangladesh has ever produced. His
speech inspired scores of non-Muslims to accept Islam. But such
extraordinary skill and Islamic knowledge of Moulana Sayeedi did not
impress the government. He was put him behind the bar for more than
two years. The government alleged him as murderer, arsonist, rapist
and above all anti-liberationist in the war of independence in 1971.
Recently the subservient judiciary of the government has passed a
verdict to hang him. After such pronouncement, the country has entered
into a virtual civil war like state. Already more than 100 people are
killed by the police; several thousands are wounded and tens of
thousands of people are imprisoned.

Strategy 5: Annihilation of Islamic parties by banning their
organisation, killing their leaders, imprisoning their workers,
closing their offices and confiscating financial resources. The BAL
government has already banned Hezbut Tahrir as a part of the strategy.
In Bangladesh, people are dying every day by terrorist attacks. BAL’s
student cadres openly carry firearms; they kill people in front of the
police. But the police do not touch them; let alone arresting them and
putting them behind the bar. Although there is no proof that Hezbut
Tahrir has taken part in any terrorist activities, the Government has
disbanded them. At Shahbag roundabout of Dhaka, the BAL cadres are
openly raising slogan to kill every razakar without any trail,
instigating people to destroy the Islamists’ banks and other financial
institutions. They have clogged the busy roads for more than a month.
In a civilized country, all these are punishable criminal crimes. But
in Bangladesh, they are getting government’s blessing. The government
not only asked the local schools to supply children to continuously
feed Shahbag’s gathering, but also deployed hundred police constables
to protect these hooligans day and night from public anger. The
government and non-government TV channels have been asked to show
day-long live casts to spread their venomous speech. One the other
hand, if Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) or Shibir (JI’s student force) or any
other Islamic party bring out any peaceful procession, police would
apply every possible means to dismantle them. In several occasions,
they even opened fire arms to kill the protesters. The Home Minister
has ordered the police to resist JI and Shibir where ever found - even
if found in peaceful rally or procession. Dhaka’s Metropolitan Police
Commissioner has been reported to ask his police to shoot JI and
Shibir worker instantly if found anywhere. In a civilised country, a
police constable is never given the authority to kill any man or woman
on the street. Even Bangladesh’s own law does not allow even a
district judge to hang a worst criminal; his judgement needs to be
ratified by the high court. But the current government has given such
power to political foot soldiers on the street. So the war like
situation had returned to Bangladesh’s street. So JI is not allowed
to hold any rally in any part of the country. Already police has
killed more than 100 people, and tens of thousands of JI and Shibir
workers are arrested. The government is not still happy with such
brutal suppression; they now want to ban JI.

Strategy 6: Using cultural activities like open air concerts, dance
show, drama show, film festivals, village theatres, TV shows to
deflect people away from Islamic belief and practices. To make this
cultural war a big success, India’s investment is huge. It has
extensively deployed its cultural foot-soldiers in every nook and
corner of the country. India’s film stars, singers, dancers are making
continuous visits to Bangladeshi cities. Thousands of people attend
those shows. Bangladesh is a country of foreign-funded NGOs. Thousands
of these NGOs are working exclusively to train boys and girls in
dancing and singing. Along with hundreds of Bangladeshi Hindu girls,
thousands of Muslim girls from secular families have joined this huge
army of cultural warriors against Islamic faith and practices. All
these are happening in the name of cultural activities.

The Imminent Danger

The enemy of Islam understand that the full conversion of Bengali
Muslims to non-Islam is difficult. But they also understand that it is
very easy make them cultural converts. It is no less harmful either.
Indeed, this way they are pulling the Muslims away from Islam’s
fundamental belief and practice, and making easy inroads into Muslims’
inner circles of politics and other activities. Since culture itself
is the expression of Muslim faith; and many Bengali Muslims are indeed
mere cultural Muslim with little Islamic knowledge and aqeeda, such
cultural conversion will be highly detrimental to Islam in Bangladesh.
Ultimately, that will lead to massive de-Islamisation. And such
de-Islamisation would adequately serve the enemy’s political and
strategic purpose.

In the past, the Muslims have experienced the calamities caused by
this de-Islamised brand of the Muslims. They worked as the most
obedient collaborators of the enemies. They fought with the British
colonial army to extend their rule in most of the Muslim lands. Like
any non-Muslim army, they did not hesitate to slaughter the fellow
Muslims. The same brand of people joined British army in World War-I
to snatch the Muslim Iraq and Palestine from Muslim Khelafa and placed
them in the alter of the British Empire. In 1971, the same
de-Islamised brand went to India to get training and arms to dismember
Pakistan and slaughter both Bengali and non-Bengali Muslims in
Bangladesh. Now they want to hang the remaining Islamists. India still
wants the same lot of collaborators with same anti-Islamic zeal. They
are working very hard to get them in enough number. The gathering in
Shahbag, indeed gave a vivid display of these products. This is the
core point of India’s current cold war in Bangladesh. If India
continues to win the war with current pace, she will not need any
conventional war to colonise this Muslim land. The time will come when
these Bangladesh converts, like Bengali Hindu, will ask for the
merger. India is cunningly waiting for such a moment. 17/03/13

Such a BS in this article...I can understand if this is for internal consumption of BD people...Dude...If we ask any person in India if they like any merger of BD and PAK with India, every one will say "No" ...Are we mad that to aspire for any land merger from any neighboring nations?...I am still surprised why this kind of thought always emerge from you people?
Well Bro I may have heard an old news. But recent news also gives us much pain.

In March 1985, two Hindus, Chandmal Chopra and Sital Singh, entered a Writ Petition at the Calcutta High Court alleging that the Koran violated Indian law because it "incites violence, disturbs public tranquility, promotes, on ground of religion, feelings of enmity, hatred and ill-will between different religious communities and insults other religions or religious beliefs and other communities of India."

but thats hardly a prelude to ban Quaran.and that was 1985 dude,its 2013...and those videos you've posted,one has just one pic(4 sec video of unidentified person),and in another one,some undated video,in which some unidentified hindu extremist(most probably)guy was accusing Quran as a book of Jehadis...is that all you've got??Russia once tried to ban Geeta.thats hardly an Christian war on Hindus...same goes for BD in where hundreds of Hindu temples are attacked.but thats hardly an war against Hindus.its the handwork of goons,thats how it gets interpreted.haters gonna hate,wherever they resides..one advice,grow up..

সোমবার, 18 মার্চ 2013 20:13

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal :: The War in New Phase : Enemy’s war never
ends: only changes its strategies and frontiers. India’s war against
the subcontinents’ Muslims did not end in 1947 or 1971.

It still continues. And Bangladesh is the perpetual battleground. The
Muslims of Bangladesh are given no time to relax. They can only
survive such on-going onslaught if they can identify and defeat the
enemy strategies, and purge their foot-soldiers. A body cannot live a
long life with killer bugs inside. And Bangladesh has enough of them.
The political border between Bangladesh and India still exist -even
after the break-up of Pakistan in 1971. But Bangladesh Awami League
(BAL) and their ally have been very successful to remove the country’s
cultural boundary –especially between the BAL followers and the
Indians. And culture has a dominant and defining role on politics.
Hence, the vision of BAL leaders is seldom different from that of a
Bengali Hindu. Bangladesh’s international border has been made
irrelevant to belittle such mutual cultural and political bondage.
Recent 3 days’ official visit of Mr. Pranab Mukharjee –the Indian
President, to Dhaka amidst 3 days’ dawn to dusk wheel-jam strike was
primarily arranged to demonstrate India’s commitment to such bondage.
Mr. Mukharjee directly delivered the promise of India’s unrelenting
support to the troubled Prime Minister Mrs. Hasina Wajed.

Like an Indian Hindu, the BAL people too, attribute Bangladesh’s
independent entity on the world map as a legacy of Pakistan and its
Muslim heritage. This map itself reminds them the unwanted division of
1947. Such Pakistani legacy is hindering BAL and it ally to fully
fall into Indian lap. However the political map of 1947 is so much
deeply rooted in the Bengali Muslims’ psyche that India could not
change it in 1971 –even after a full military occupation. They
realised, they can undo such legacy only through deleting it from
Muslims’ mind-set-only possible through a complete de-Islamisation.
And that needs a full cultural conversion. Hence, they brought a
full-fledged cultural war in Bangladesh. They consider it a key
strategy, and the sure way of isolating its 150 million Bengali
Muslims from the whole Muslim Ummah; and thereby to bring their total
subjugation to Indian hegemony. Their worry, if Islam survives in
Bangladesh, not only the border will survive, rather will get
strengthened to build a citadel of Islam on her eastern flank. One on
her western flank is already giving her a lot of troubles; hence can
hardly afford another one on her eastern border. Therefore,
dismantling such a possibility in Bangladesh is India’s most important
priority. As a part of the same coalition, India’s crony government in
Bangladesh has already launched on her behalf an all-inclusive war
against the Islamists. Recent events in Bangladesh must be studied
with such holistic perspectives.

Pakistan's division in 1971 was not the endgame. Rather starting point
of the next phase of Nehru doctrine – the Indianisation of the
separated East Pakistan. India’s vision is clear. Pakistan has
disappeared from its eastern border. But Bangladesh didn’t, and still
survives. They believe, if Bangladesh with its 160 million populations
sustains as an independent Islamic state, it will work as India’s
security threat for ever. The country’s rapidly resurging Islamists
can take over at any point of time. That will pose against India not
only a strategic threat, rather a civilizational challenge. Threat to
mighty Roman and Persian empires did not come from mighty kingdoms,
rather came from the poor people of Arabia. Hence they argue, if USA
and the Western Europe could consider an emerging Islamic Afghanistan
-with less than 30 million people in another part of the glove, a
security threat, why Islamic Bangladesh on her border cannot be the
same for India? If USA and her European ally can massively bomb and
occupy Afghanistan, why can’t India do the same in Bangladesh? India
is selling this view to the anti-Islamic coalition of the west and
getting a full support -as evidenced by their support for India’s
extremely brutal occupation of Kashmir. India has deployed more than
600,000 forces to suppress the Kashmiri up-rise. India is speculating
the same scenario in Bangladesh. Hence, India is getting more
aggressive towards her anti-Indian Bangladeshi neighbours. Its Border
Security Force (BSF) has killed more than 400 Bangladeshis only in
last 4 years. They did not kill even a quarter of that on its Pakistan
border in last 60 years. Bangladesh’s weaker military power might have
contributed to make her people more vulnerable. Moreover, the crony
government of Hasina paid blind eye to that.

The Cultural War

India’s current war is not for physical occupation of Bangladesh;
rather occupation of the people’s conceptual and cultural territory.
India wants to mould Bengali Muslims’ mind and mentality prior to any
all invasive war. That is through cultural conversion. India is
working day and night on such scheme. It has deployed thousands of
foot-soldiers on Bangladeshi soil to launch a huge cultural war.
Thousands of them are working as music teachers, dance teachers, art
teachers and in many other forms in almost all over the country.
Highly paid Indian agents are working as university teachers,
newspaper editors, TV presenters, columnists, reporters in almost all
government and non-government TV channels and newspapers. Most of the
country’s media organisations are indeed the Indian occupied
territories. They are the real Trojan horses inside Bangladesh.
Recently they launched an aggressive media and internet warfare
against Islam and the Islamists. Their real picture came to the
forefront while the Shahbag drama unfolded against the Islamists. When
the huge number of the cultural war foot-soldiers demonstrated the
strength in Dhaka’s Shahbag roundabout, these Indian agents cum
professionals could not remain hidden in their holes. They came out
with their real colour as warrior activists –especially while playing
their role as reporters, news casters, talk-show presenters and
newspaper columnists. Their colleagues in the internet blogs became so
much emboldened by the government support that they did not hesitate
to cross the red line. They not only raised slogans for total
annihilation of Islamic parties and their leaders, but also started
huge abusive campaign against the Almighty Allah Subhana Wa Taala, His
great prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the prophet’s wives and
his great companions. To their surprise, this caused a huge Islamic
resurgence in the silent majority. Millions of people came to the
street. As a consequence, their bubbles quickly fizzled out. They
retreated back to their workplaces under the government’s security

The Bengali people are indeed divided into two nations since day one
of Muslim advent in this land. Hence, after the end of British rule,
both the Hindus and the Muslims are pursuing two incompatible
political visions. In 1947, Bengal’s Muslim leaders tried to create an
undivided greater Bengal -separated from greater India. But the Hindu
Bengali watered down such a nationalist project with a fear that it
would bring dominance of the majority Bengali Muslims. In 1947, in
Bengal’s parliament in Calcutta, the Hindu members opted for joining
greater Hindu India with a pan-Hindu vision. The Bengali Muslims had
two options: either to form independent East Bengal or to join
Pakistan. In those days, the East Bengal Muslims were known for its
non-existent military power and poor economy. If separated as an
independent state in 1947, its army would have been much weaker than
that of Nizam of Hyderabad. The Bengali Muslims’ presence in civil
administration and other areas was also very scanty. Hence the wise
Bengali Muslim leaders of 1947 could clearly anticipate Kashmir or
Hyderabad-like Indian invasion of an independent East Bengal, thereby
quick accession to India. That invasion and accession of East Bengal
too, like invasion and accession of Kashmir and Hyderabad could go
unnoticed by the world powers. India could have found hundreds of
reasons to justify that. Even to catch a thief, one needs to invest
huge energy, even endanger his life. Therefore, who would have come to
invest their lives and money to save Independent Bengal from such
Indian invasion? Did anyone come to save Hyderabad or Kashmir? In
those days, the zeal of pan-Islamism in Muslim youths in Bengal was
very high, hence inspired to work for Pakistan. This was indeed the
background that led the Bengali Muslims to join Pakistan. Indeed, in
the making of the greatest Muslim country in the world, the Bengali
Muslims’ contribution was the greatest. Even All India Muslim League
–the organisation which led Indian Muslims to make Pakistan was born
in Dhaka. In 1946 election on Pakistan issue, Muslim League got the
strongest support from Bengal –not from any other province of India.
But BAL’s thoughtless jingoists have little strategic depth in their
thought or intellectual calibre to understand such crucial survival
interests of Islam and the Muslims in Bengal. Hence they detest the
Bengali Muslims’ decision of 1947. With such a distance from Islamic
belief and non-commitment for the Muslim interests, these BAL’s
cultural and intellectual converts now sing the same song with the
Indian Hindus.

The Hindu Vision & the Lie

The Hindu Bengalis had a vision. They wanted a united Bengal only if
merged with India. That way, the Bengali Muslims were offered the
slavery of Hindu majority rule in undivided India. The British left in
1947. But since then, the slavery under the Hindu rule has proved to
be much worse than the slavery under the British. The brutality has
already been much revealing in systematic anti-Muslim genocide in
Kashmir, Gujarat, Assam, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Meerat, Aligarh,
Allahabad and many other Indian states and cities. So the
anticipation of Allama Iqbal and the Muslim League leaders about the
danger of Hindu rule against Muslims proved to be 100% true. So with
such anticipation, in 1947, the Hindu project of united Bengal under
Indian Hindu majority rule was out-rightly rejected by the Muslims.

But still the Hindu protagonists of undivided India did not move a
single inch from their pre-1947 idea, rather they working day and
night on the same project. The whole paradigm of India’s current cold
war in Bangladesh –even in the remaining part of Pakistan, is based on
that pre-1947 Hindu concept. The Indian Hindu accepted the division of
Bengal and creation of Pakistan in 1947 for the time being; their next
move was to divide Pakistan and then engulf the weaker half –the East
Pakistan. This is India's much proclaimed Nehru doctrine. So far,
India has taken every calculated move to pursue that strategy. Since
1947, they were waiting for a right opportunity, and even Nehru
himself made a move to annex East Pakistan in his life time. But that
failed. The real opportunity came in 1971. India skilfully manipulated
Pakistan’s internal political crisis to manufacture a full-fledged war
to invade and occupy East Pakistan. But in 1972, India had to withdraw
its occupying troops under tremendous international pressure. Moreover
in 1972, the cultural and political situation of Bangladesh was not
ripe enough for India to go further for a full annexation. India
needed to do much home works to make the ground quite ripe for a full

Since the political map of Bangladesh draws its legitimacy from 1947’s
division of India, the Indian agents are doing concerted propaganda
against the sanity of such division. Even Dr. Zakir Naik –the famous
Muslim preacher of India argues openly in his speech that the division
of India in 1947 was wrong. It indeed owes to his tunnel vision and
gross inadequacy in his political understanding. With such personal
constraints, people cannot see a bigger picture. In his public speech,
he boasts India as the fast growing superpower and rejoices that India
will go far superior to the USA. As if, the Indian Muslims are going
to gain much from India’s super-power status. Like an average Hindu
Indian, here he turns to a nationalist chauvinist. Such speeches are
getting huge audience all over the subcontinent. This way he is doing
a great job as India’s cold war warrior against Bangladesh and
Pakistan. In fact, India’s such relentless cold war has made millions
of such converts not only in India, but also in Pakistan and

The Blessing of a Muslim State

But the truth is different. The creation of Pakistan in 1947 brought
enormous blessing –both material and spiritual, not only to Pakistan,
but also to the people of Bangladesh. India’s Muslim Population is
larger than that of Bangladesh. But the number of Muslim doctors,
engineers, scientists, academics, lawyers, army and police men,
religious scholars, industrialists and big businessman living in only
one city of Bangladesh like Dhaka is much larger than the total number
of such value-added people in India’s whole Muslim population. Indian
Muslims are almost invisible amidst the overwhelming Hindus in the
overseas, where as the overseas Bangladeshi are almost ten million.
The success of Pakistani Muslims is much higher, because the creation
of this largest Muslim country with a pan-Islamic vision worked with
much better image among the world’s Muslim population. The
middle-eastern rulers, developers and business establishments helped
Pakistan in many ways. After 1971’s debacle, they not only opened
gates for millions of Pakistani workers to their countries and built
hospitals and mosques in Pakistani cities, but also financed
Pakistan’s costly nuclear projects. Whereas Bangladesh had to carry
the status tag of India-midwifed vassal state for many years.

These are only few material gifts of an independent Muslim majority
state. More blessings come in other ways. The Muslims build states not
for mere raising homes and businesses, nor for growing cattle and
crops. They can do such things even in non-Muslim countries. In life
time, Muslims must play the most important role to fulfil the Divine
obligation as Allah’s viceroy on earth. That is to bring ultimate
supremacy of His law in His land, and contribute his own share to
raise an Islamic civilisation. If the land is grabbed by the enemies,
a Muslim must do something to end such occupation. The early Muslims
made most of their sacrifices not in raising homes or businesses,
rather to establish and defend such Islamic state. Indeed, this is the
greatest teaching of the prophet (peace be upon him). The Muslims of
other times and other lands have a duty to follow such an
indispensable prophetic tradition. Living in a non-Muslim state, a
Muslim does not enjoy any space to practise such tradition. This is
why migration to a non-Muslim state never got appreciation from a true
believer. It has been only justified for security reasons; like the
migration of early Muslims to Ethiopia. Hence, all Muslims are
faith-bound to establish Muslim majority states; then move on to
convert those into Islamic state. Indeed, in 1947, the creation of
Pakistan was deemed as an obligation to address such a basic Muslim
political as well as a spiritual need.

The Muslim majority Bangladesh and Pakistan are not still Islamic; but
the opportunities for such change are still profound. The Muslims in
these two countries can still dream about that. But such dream is
unthinkable in Hindu majority India -even in coming thousand years. At
best, the Indian Muslims can practise Islam as devout follower of
Tabligh jamaat. But Tabligh jamaat does not replicate Prophet’s
complete Islam. They cannot practise Islam as a full Muslim with all
the dimensions of prophetic teachings. For that, a Muslim needs to
enter into full sharia rule, into Islamic culture, into full Islamic
education, into Islamic administration, into jihad, into Muslim
brotherhood, so on and so forth. Hence, for such a full Islamic
practice, Muslims need an Islamic state. The prophet of Islam and his
great companions needed that. Hence today, how a Muslim can be full
Muslim without that?

The Indian Hindus may enough reasons to tell a lot of lies against
1947’s division of India. They blame it a British ploy in conjugation
with Muslim communalists! But how a Muslim can repeat the same lie?
Muslims can commit to such lie only with intense ignorance. This owes
to their ignorance of Islamic vision of a true believer. The enemies
have a motive. They want to take the Muslims out of the Divine
mission; hence they relentlessly tell lies against Islam and the
Muslim history. Bangladesh is the home of more than 150 Million
Muslims. So the enemies cannot be oblivious of such huge Muslim
populations. Indeed they have an agenda. So the country has turned not
only to homes of thousands of anti-Islamic NGOs, but also breeding
ground for thousands of anti-Islamic bloggers and cultural warriors.
They have gained so much strength under the current government that
they are now demanding the prohibition of all Islamic parties and
their activities. For the Islamists, the life was not so difficult
even in British rule. It was unthinkable even 60 years ago.



The Objectives

India’s political investment in Bangladesh has always been massive. In
2008 election, it went to a diabolic proportion. London’s weekly “the
Economist” gave a testimony to that. So far, India’s key strategy has
been to replicate its successfully executed Sikkim strategy: that
entails buying the political leaders as well as the players in the key
positions in the army, media, police and civil administration. In
2006, after the end of Khalida Zia’s BNP rule, India worked with other
anti-Islamic foreign stakeholders to install a pro-Indian
proxy-military government to manipulate the forthcoming election
results in 2008. Their plan worked very well and their stooges won a
landslide victory. After the election victory and quick installation
of a coalition government, the AL and its 14 party-alliance were
entrusted with the second phase of the work. This time, India and her
cronies in Bangladesh did not want to miss this hard-earned
opportunity in any way. After analysing the past 4 years’ BAL
administration, it is now clear that the government has worked with
two-pronged main objectives. These are: a). Rapid de-Islamisation of
the people –especially Muslim youths and the school-going children,
and B). Breaking down the backbones of the Islamic organisations and
their Islamist leaders.

The Strategies

To fulfil the stipulated objectives, BAL and its ally are working on
some planned strategies. These can be easily understood from the last
four years’ activities. These are as follows:

Strategy 1: Re-framing a secular education policy at all level and
re-writing all text books with a special emphasis on curtailing the
amount of Islamic knowledge and infusing sentiments against country’s
Islamic values and personalities. Raising acceptability and
compatibility with India’s Hindu worldviews has been other strategic
goal. The Hindu political, intellectual and literary figures like
Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore and others were placed in limelight as the
figure of highness to be followed by the students. Whereas Islam’s
great prophet like Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and other
prophets, the great companions of the prophet, the great Muslim
rulers, the thinkers and the reformers who contributed decisively to
Islamise Bengal’s landscape were given very little or no importance in
the education policy. For eyewash, they added some Islamic flavour by
incorporating some stories of folklore fakirs and sufi saints in the

Strategy 2: Reducing and restricting the learning of the Holy Qur’an,
the prophetic tradition and Islam’s history in both the state run
secular schools and in the religious madrasas. With such an objective
against Islam, the government reduced the emphasis of learning Arabic
language in religious madrasas: made it optional from its previous
compulsory status. Moreover, the amount of dis-information on
fundamentals of Islam that are passed on to the students through the
text books is also huge. Recently it came to the press that it is
written in year 9’s text book that meats of animals sacrificed in the
name of other deities are also halal.

Strategy 3: Projecting Shaikh Mujib as the greatest personality in
thousands of years’ Bengal history. “Bangla academy” and other
government bodies run by the tax-payers money were entrusted to
publish hundreds of books on Mujib and his family –both for adults and
for the youths. Millions of Taka was granted to public libraries to
purchase those books. TV, radio and other mass media were used to
publicise Mujib’s life and his speeches. Whereas, publishing books on
Qur’anic teachings, the prophet’s life, great Muslim personalities and
Islamic history were much restricted.

Strategy 4: Keeping constant vigilance on religious sermons in
mosques, prohibiting and restricting Quranic tafsirs classes in
open-field mass gatherings by the scholars, and prohibiting
publication and circulation of books on jihad and sharia. The police
and the Rapid Action Battalions (RAB) were the key tools for
suppression of any Islamic propagation. They raided houses, offices
and bookshops to confiscate Islamic books –especially on jihad and
Islamic movement. The books written by Moulana Syed Maudoodi and Syed
Qutb are the special target. In Bangladesh, it is a common practice
that the people form committees to organise Quranic tafseer sessions
in open fields. These happen in almost every nook and corner of the
country around the year. In such gatherings, the eminent religious
scholars are invited to deliver long speeches on Islamic teaching.
Indeed, the Qur’anic knowledge and prophetic tradition survived among
people through such public speeches for ages; and thus Islam reached
to the doorsteps of the common people in Bengal. But Hasina’s regime
has turned its government machinery against such popular tradition.
She and her political ally rebuke it as a tool of spreading
fundamentalism. Moulana Dilawar Hussain Sayeedi is widely known as the
most famous religious speaker that Bangladesh has ever produced. His
speech inspired scores of non-Muslims to accept Islam. But such
extraordinary skill and Islamic knowledge of Moulana Sayeedi did not
impress the government. He was put him behind the bar for more than
two years. The government alleged him as murderer, arsonist, rapist
and above all anti-liberationist in the war of independence in 1971.
Recently the subservient judiciary of the government has passed a
verdict to hang him. After such pronouncement, the country has entered
into a virtual civil war like state. Already more than 100 people are
killed by the police; several thousands are wounded and tens of
thousands of people are imprisoned.

Strategy 5: Annihilation of Islamic parties by banning their
organisation, killing their leaders, imprisoning their workers,
closing their offices and confiscating financial resources. The BAL
government has already banned Hezbut Tahrir as a part of the strategy.
In Bangladesh, people are dying every day by terrorist attacks. BAL’s
student cadres openly carry firearms; they kill people in front of the
police. But the police do not touch them; let alone arresting them and
putting them behind the bar. Although there is no proof that Hezbut
Tahrir has taken part in any terrorist activities, the Government has
disbanded them. At Shahbag roundabout of Dhaka, the BAL cadres are
openly raising slogan to kill every razakar without any trail,
instigating people to destroy the Islamists’ banks and other financial
institutions. They have clogged the busy roads for more than a month.
In a civilized country, all these are punishable criminal crimes. But
in Bangladesh, they are getting government’s blessing. The government
not only asked the local schools to supply children to continuously
feed Shahbag’s gathering, but also deployed hundred police constables
to protect these hooligans day and night from public anger. The
government and non-government TV channels have been asked to show
day-long live casts to spread their venomous speech. One the other
hand, if Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) or Shibir (JI’s student force) or any
other Islamic party bring out any peaceful procession, police would
apply every possible means to dismantle them. In several occasions,
they even opened fire arms to kill the protesters. The Home Minister
has ordered the police to resist JI and Shibir where ever found - even
if found in peaceful rally or procession. Dhaka’s Metropolitan Police
Commissioner has been reported to ask his police to shoot JI and
Shibir worker instantly if found anywhere. In a civilised country, a
police constable is never given the authority to kill any man or woman
on the street. Even Bangladesh’s own law does not allow even a
district judge to hang a worst criminal; his judgement needs to be
ratified by the high court. But the current government has given such
power to political foot soldiers on the street. So the war like
situation had returned to Bangladesh’s street. So JI is not allowed
to hold any rally in any part of the country. Already police has
killed more than 100 people, and tens of thousands of JI and Shibir
workers are arrested. The government is not still happy with such
brutal suppression; they now want to ban JI.

Strategy 6: Using cultural activities like open air concerts, dance
show, drama show, film festivals, village theatres, TV shows to
deflect people away from Islamic belief and practices. To make this
cultural war a big success, India’s investment is huge. It has
extensively deployed its cultural foot-soldiers in every nook and
corner of the country. India’s film stars, singers, dancers are making
continuous visits to Bangladeshi cities. Thousands of people attend
those shows. Bangladesh is a country of foreign-funded NGOs. Thousands
of these NGOs are working exclusively to train boys and girls in
dancing and singing. Along with hundreds of Bangladeshi Hindu girls,
thousands of Muslim girls from secular families have joined this huge
army of cultural warriors against Islamic faith and practices. All
these are happening in the name of cultural activities.

The Imminent Danger

The enemy of Islam understand that the full conversion of Bengali
Muslims to non-Islam is difficult. But they also understand that it is
very easy make them cultural converts. It is no less harmful either.
Indeed, this way they are pulling the Muslims away from Islam’s
fundamental belief and practice, and making easy inroads into Muslims’
inner circles of politics and other activities. Since culture itself
is the expression of Muslim faith; and many Bengali Muslims are indeed
mere cultural Muslim with little Islamic knowledge and aqeeda, such
cultural conversion will be highly detrimental to Islam in Bangladesh.
Ultimately, that will lead to massive de-Islamisation. And such
de-Islamisation would adequately serve the enemy’s political and
strategic purpose.

In the past, the Muslims have experienced the calamities caused by
this de-Islamised brand of the Muslims. They worked as the most
obedient collaborators of the enemies. They fought with the British
colonial army to extend their rule in most of the Muslim lands. Like
any non-Muslim army, they did not hesitate to slaughter the fellow
Muslims. The same brand of people joined British army in World War-I
to snatch the Muslim Iraq and Palestine from Muslim Khelafa and placed
them in the alter of the British Empire. In 1971, the same
de-Islamised brand went to India to get training and arms to dismember
Pakistan and slaughter both Bengali and non-Bengali Muslims in
Bangladesh. Now they want to hang the remaining Islamists. India still
wants the same lot of collaborators with same anti-Islamic zeal. They
are working very hard to get them in enough number. The gathering in
Shahbag, indeed gave a vivid display of these products. This is the
core point of India’s current cold war in Bangladesh. If India
continues to win the war with current pace, she will not need any
conventional war to colonise this Muslim land. The time will come when
these Bangladesh converts, like Bengali Hindu, will ask for the
merger. India is cunningly waiting for such a moment. 17/03/13

Ain't got much to say about this. But the author is found to be severely lacking in knowledge of history. Rome and Persia were threatened by Arabs? Laughably inaccurate..the western roman empire fell to the goths and huns and the eastern one fell to the Ottoman Turks..nothing to do with the sands of Arabia.

Other than that, the prospect of Bangladesh being a threat is equally laughable..it could only be a threat if the boast of one mard-e-momin being equal to 10 Indians was true. Alas!

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