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9 Pakistan Army Soldiers killed in North Waziristan IED blast.

No sir , we must negotiate with our angry brothers on the mountain ! :angry:


Pakistan Army can not win this war!


just look at the past 8 years? achieved what?

Only thousands of Soldiers have died!!! for nothing!!!
Rest in peace.....

Pakistani citizens should come on streets for protesting against these dastardly killing of their own soldiers rather than thinking of syria and palestine or kashmir

Pakistan Army can not win this war!


just look at the past 8 years? achieved what?

Why cant it win this war ? Let the civilians and the forces come to the same page and see the results then , we cant do jack if the common radicalized masses have a soft corner for the militants and the politicians insists on dialogue with these religious psychopaths . We gain nothing by diplomacy , we have already cleared a lot of areas without it .

Achieved a lot of things more than the coalition , open your eyes , mate .
RIP ... PTI & PML are also responsible for this loss of life ,the leadership is not willing to accept it as our war and blood sucking militants are killing Pakistanis every day non stop

This is not our war from any single dimension. If this is our war then why our public never eulogize these dead soldiers as heroes the way Aziz Bhatti shaheed and Karnal Sher Khan shaheed are eulogized. Why our brave ghairatmand tribesmen leave their homes and belongings and prefer to become IDP's instead of fighting the Taliban shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistan Army like they do against India? Whatever u might say 98% of Pakistanis don't consider this war as their own.

Pakistan Army can not defeat them, these brainwashed animals can not be defeated & this war will go on for years destroying Pakistan in the process. what Makes you think they are waiting for Politicians/parliament permission (they had a free hand for the last 15 years at least, what did they achieve?). Army is already doing operations in Fata, may be for Punjab & Punjabi Taliban are hardly a threat compare to the rest of T T P.

Pakistani establishment does not need anybody's permission!

Get real, Pakistan Army has already lost this War just look at the civilians & army causalities/economy the list goes on. The war is already lost now its better to move to a political solution & save Pakistan's Army Face (like its been done in the past).

Imagine if the current "assets" turn Against Pakistan army e.g AT!

T T P ideology is very similar to the majority of Pakistan Population & that's the other good reason these people can not be defeated.

Many other ways to Win this war & military solution is not one of them.

In your opinion 6th strongest nucleared powered army has lost against bunch of rag tag screwed up in the head militias ??
Why cant it win this war ? Let the civilians and the forces come to the same page and see the results then , we cant do jack if the common radicalized masses have a soft corner for the militants and the politicians insists on dialogue with these religious psychopaths . We gain nothing by diplomacy , we have already cleared a lot of areas without it .

Achieved a lot of things more than the coalition , open your eyes , mate .

PPP/ANP/MQM/whatever & Army was on the same page for the past 5 years (civilians & army) achieved what? If you call a few posts here and there in Fata a "victory" or achievements then God bless you.

" we cant do jack if the common radicalized masses have a soft corner for the militants "<<<! Thats it, Now we are talking.
Rest in peace.....

Pakistani citizens should come on streets for protesting against these dastardly killing of their own soldiers rather than thinking of syria and palestine or kashmir

Exactly this is my point. When a nation considers a war as its own it comes out on the roads in support of its army. It garlands its soldiers. It sings war songs to boost soldiers morale. It lines up on roads and streets to welcome and bid farewell to its soldiers. Absence of all these sentiments in Pakistan is testament to the fact that 98% of Pakistani nation consider this war as an American/NATO crusade rather than its own war.
PPP/ANP/MQM/whatever & Army was on the same page for the past 5 years (civilians & army) achieved what? If you call a few posts here and there in Fata a "victory" or achievements then God bless you.

" we cant do jack if the common radicalized masses have a soft corner for the militants "<<<! Thats it, Now we are talking.

What was happening to the militants then ? Cmon , mate , we restricted them to a certain region of North Waziristan , isn't it achievement enough ? What has the most advanced coalition in the world achieved in Afghanistan compared to us ? Just tell me that ? We cleared every single goddamn region and a few hit and run attacks is the only thing militants have left with now . Maybe , if you aren't following the progress of the seventh largest armada in the War in North West Pakistan and in such case , then I cant do anything . What percentage of the area of Pakistan do militants control ?

The problem is ideological and has deep roots and it takes time to uproot ideologies .
In your opinion 6th strongest nucleared powered army has lost against bunch of rag tag screwed up in the head militias ??

In my opinion 6th strongest nuclear powered army has lost against bunch of rag tag screwed up in the head militias, like the NATO did in afghan.

Now its even worse, before it was only limited to Fata & sh!t. Now they are in kpk, punjab, sindh, Army, navy, airforce, You name it. its an ideology. We can defeat it in the long run but not through military.
Exactly this is my point. When a nation considers a war as its own it comes out on the roads in support of its army. It garlands its soldiers. It sings war songs to boost soldiers morale. It lines up on roads and streets to welcome and bid far ewell to its soldiers. Absence of all these sentiments in Pakistan is testament to the fact that 98% of Pakistani nation consider this war as an American/NATO crusade rather than its own war.

It may not be your war, but soldiers getting butchered mercilessly are from Pakistan.....

what morale will army have, if its citizens are not supporting them in their sacrifices....
Absence of all these sentiments in Pakistan is testament to the fact that 98% of Pakistani nation consider this war as an American/NATO crusade rather than its own war.

There is something we know as ' silent majority ' which doesn't accept the barbaric and inhumane interpretation of Islam by these religious psychopaths and doesn't like this enforcement on the gun point . This isn't American crusade , because the Americans haven't lost 50,000+ of their countrymen , the state of Pakistan has . Wake up !
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