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9 Pakistan Army Soldiers killed in North Waziristan IED blast.

@Jungibaaz Is there any dedicated counter-insurgency force among Pakistan Army or any plan for that??
Eg- like Rashtriya Rifles are our dedicated Counter-insurgency force.

Yes, but unlike you folks' counter-insurgency teams which are relatively small and meant for isolated terrorist attacks.
We have a more universal approach as a whole as well as dedicated COIN all the way from Lashkars to FC regular forces.

Either way you're better off asking @Icarus.
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Yes, but unlike you folks' counter-insurgency teams which are relatively small and meant for isolated terrorist attacks.
We have a more universal approach as a whole as well as dedicated COIN all the way from Lashkars to FC regular forces.

Either way you're better off asking @Icarus.

You are very wrong there, I think you confused the Rashtria Rifles with the NSG. The NSG is a (relatively) small force for counter terrorism and hostage rescue, but the RR is a full fledged counter insurgency force, with 80,000 personnel. It has had phenomenal success in quelling the Kashmir insurgency, while ensuring that the army doesn't get mired in internal conflicts, and retains its warfighting abilities, rather than developing tactics and doctrines for CI and practicing for that.

Frankly I think Pakistan should also look into developing a dedicated CI force on the lines of India's RR, so that its army can remain battle ready to face external threats, and not be bogged down fighting its own people all the time. Counter insurgency requires very different skills from warfighting. As you said, @Icarus or somebody else may be able to shed more light on that.

About the title of the thread: According to news reports, it was a Frontier corps vehicle that was ambushed, not the PA. Shouldn't the title reflect that?
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..9 soldiers are a huge number...
pakistan army should take punishing actions against talban and it's sympathizers....
...but most of them are not in power centers...can they take action against them ??
Inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.

How long must we put up before this is over?
@PTI & PML.... Is it our war yet?

PML-N neither PTI trained them to fight against Russians/Indians. Our mighty security think tank should have thought about it before starting it.
Ansarul Mujahideen Group has claimed the attack and have warned of more such attacks. Part of TTP??
Sure. FATA is not Swat, so why not take the example of other areas in FATA, insurgency returns because of a porous border and a grand safe haven within North Waziristan.

I for one do not want the blood of our martyrs to go in vain, for politicians to start negotiating to appease some idiots among us.

That grand safe haven in north waziristan to haqqani network is provided by our own army and because of HQ network you cant initiate any military operation against TTP in north waziristan despite the fact that most of soldiers die here....
Rest In Heavens, great warriors...You guys have achieved martyrdom.

P.S Look at these media services of Pakistan, instead of using the word "martyred" they use killed.
This is not our war from any single dimension. If this is our war then why our public never eulogize these dead soldiers as heroes the way Aziz Bhatti shaheed and Karnal Sher Khan shaheed are eulogized. Why our brave ghairatmand tribesmen leave their homes and belongings and prefer to become IDP's instead of fighting the Taliban shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistan Army like they do against India? Whatever u might say 98% of Pakistanis don't consider this war as their own.

what the heck are you smoking?
fck the taliban and fck anybody who has anything bad to say about our army, 90 percent of pakistan is behind our army. the other 1o percent is full of people like you.
Rest In Heavens, great warriors...You guys have achieved martyrdom.
P.S Look at these media services of Pakistan, instead of using the word "martyred" they use killed.

These dead soldiers are not martyr, they are killed in an ambush, rather than achieving Martyrdom at battlefield. These poor souls didn't fire a single bullet. Killed is proper word.
@Topic: Pakistan can't win this terrorism. Pakistani problem is unique, unlike LTTE, these TTP belong to same ethenic group. Unlike Kashmir, this problem is not localize in Pakistan.

Pakistan will bleed for next many decades.. Due to terrorism, economy well never survive. Poor economy means less job. Less job means more unsatisfied youth. Which in turn can be used as raw material for Jihad..

Paksiatn is suffering fropm its own created monster..
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I hope Pakistan is able to come out of this.
Rest in peace poor soldiers - you died unaware, due to the monster that your political masters created.
To those who are alive - the ball is in your court. Not India, USA, Hindus, Israel...as long as there is hate, there will be blood. Even if side A hates you it does not mean you should hate him back too!
My statement here is an example.
These dead soldiers are not martyr, they are killed in an ambush, rather than achieving Martyrdom at battlefield. These poor souls didn't fire a single bullet. Killed is proper word.
@Topic: Pakistan can't win this terrorism. Pakistani problem is unique, unlike LTTE, these TTP belong to same ethenic group. Unlike Kashmir, this problem is not localize in Pakistan.

Pakistan will bleed for next many decades.. Due to terrorism, economy well never survive. Poor economy means less job. Less job means more unsatisfied youth. Which in turn can be used as raw material for Jihad..

Paksiatn is suffering fropm its own created monster..
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May the achieve Moksha ..... :frown:

N.Wazaristhan ?...is there an Operation going on there ?

No, and that's the problem. The army is reluctant to go in and get rid of them for many reasons, two of them being that it will displace millions, and it may backfire because the insurgents may retreat and spread to other parts of Pakistan. Right now, PA is doing containment.

There was rumors that PA is going to be conducting an operation in NW, but it isn't expect to happen before 2014.

Why Pakistani Army didn't know there will be roadside bomb planting? MRAP armor vehicles?

They did, but even MRAP vehicles aren't 100% mine proof, not to mention that Pakistani MRAPs have a...poor reputation currently.
Inna lilah wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.
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